Midterm Examination for NSG 552 Advanced Pharmacology PDF

Title Midterm Examination for NSG 552 Advanced Pharmacology
Author Benjamim Morris
Course Advanced Pathophysiology
Institution Colorado State University-Pueblo
Pages 9
File Size 78.6 KB
File Type PDF
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Midterm 552 :Diabetes Insipidus is a result of


Antidiuretic hormone hyposecretion


? What is Graves disease a result of

.2 .1

Autoantibodies binding to thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)-receptor sites


The cause of neurogenic diabetes insidious (DI) is related to an organic lesion of the Posterior pituitary

.1 .4

A person has acne, easy bruising, thin extremities and truncal obesity. These clinical ? manifestations are indicative of which endocrine disorder Cushing Disease


? Which laboratory test is consistently low in a patient with diabetes insipid .1

Urine Specific Gravity

? Pathologic changes associated with Graves disease include High levels of circulating thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulins ? The most common cause of hypoparathyroidism is Parathyroid gland damage

.6 .1



? The most common cause of hypothyroidism is Hashimoto’s disease




A client with diabetic keto acidosis (DKA) has the following laboratory values: arterial pH 7.20: Serum glucose 500 mg/dL: urine glucose and ketones positive; serum K 2.0 mEq/L: serum Na 130 mEq/L. The client reports they have been sick with the “Flu” for 1 week. ? What relationship do these values have the insulin deficiency Decreased glucose use causes fatty acid use, ketogenesis, metabolic acidosis, and



osmotic diuresis The symptoms of ___ results form (dilutional) hyponatremia, hypervolemia, and weight


.gain SIADH


Diagnosing a thyroid carcinoma is best performed with Fine-need aspiration biopsy



? Which clinical manifestations are associated with fibromyalgia Sensitivity at tender points and profound fatigue



? A person with 47, xxl karyotype has the genetic disorder resulting in which syndrome Klinefelter



? Which virus is associated with Burkitt lymphoma in African children Epstein-Barr Virus



? Which statement best describes the cellular function of metabolic absorption Cells can take in and use nutrients



Which cell component is capable of cellular auto-digestion when it is released during cell


?injury Lysosomes


In addition to osmosis, what force is involved in the movement of water between the plasma


? and interstitial fluid spaces Hydrostatic pressure


? Which action is a purpose of the inflammatory process To prevent infection of the injured tissue



A reduction in an individual’s number of natural kill (NK) cells appears to correlate with an


? increased risk for development of Depression


The acute inflammatory response is characterized by fever that is produced by the


? hypothalamus being affected by .1

Endogenous pyrogens

? Which statement is a description of the characteristics of apoptosis Programmed cell death of scattered, single cells ? Insulin is used to treat hyperkalemia because it

.1 .22

Transports potassium from the blood to the cell along with glucose ? Parkinson disease is a degenerative disorder of the Basal ganglia





? In latex allergies, which immunoglobulin (Ig) is associated with an immediate reaction IgE



? The presence of clue cells on wet mount is considered pathognomonic for .1

Bacterial Vaginosis

( Complications of AIDS include?(Select all that apply Cytomegalovirus Retinitis Kaposi Sarcoma





Herpes Simplex Infection


An RH-negative woman gave birth to an Rh-positive baby. When discussion Rho(D)


? immunoglobulin with her, what information should the healthcare professional provide . It provides necessary antibodies in case the mother doesn’t breastfeed


y/o male presents to the ER c/o scrotal pain x 3-4 days. Associated: urethral discharge 21


x2 weeks. He expresses regret for not using a condom during his last sexual encounter, a one-night stand while in Vegas on a “boys trip” 2 weeks ago. PE remarkable for +diffuse scrotal swelling, erythema, & tenderness. + Urethral discharge (mucopurulent). + Prehn sign (relief of pain with scrotal elevation). Cremasteric reflex present (normal finding). Urinalysis is negative. Urine STD screening ordered (returns + or Gonorrhea several days later). Colon ?___ Doppler ultrasound shows normal perfusion. Clinical manifestations point to .1


Two unrelated people share about 99.9% of the same DNA sequences. There are less then


. __ differences between him, which translates into a differences of 3 million nucleotides 0.1%


? What is the most common cause of Down’s syndrome Maternal nondisjunction



? Amniocentesis is recommended for pregnant with what history Have a family history of genetic disorders



? What is an individual’s genetic makeup called




? What is the second most commonly recognized genetic cause of intellectual disability Fragile X syndrome


What syndrome, characterized by an absent homologous X chromosome with only a single X chromosome, exhibits features that include a short statues, widely spaced nipples, and ?webbed neck Turner



? Type 2 diabetes myelitis is best described as a



Resistance to insulin by inulin sensitive tissues

.1 .36

A couple who both carry the sickle cell trait desire to have children. What does the Nurse Practitioner tell them is the chance that each pregnancy will result in a child who has sickle ?(cell disease (SCD 25%

.1 .37

27y/o soldier presents to the ER with left testicular pain & swelling x3 hours. These symptoms appeared shortly after taking a blow to the scrotum while doing combative training. PE remarkable for + tender high-riding testis, + thickened spermatic cord, and +

absent cremasteric reflex. Urinalysis is negative. Color Doppler ultrasound remarkable for + decreased blood flow caused by spermatic cord knot. Clinical manifestations point to ___, a . surgical emergency Torsion of the testis

.1 .38

Considering the effects of nutritional deficiencies on the immune system, severe deficits in ? calories and protein lead to deficiencies in the formation of which immune cells T cells


? Hypoglycemia, followed by rebound hyperglycemia is observed in those with The Somogyi effect



Phagocytosis involves neutrophils activity attacking, engulfing, and destroying which


?microorganisms Bacteria


? What is the most abundant plasma protein Albumin



Symptoms are systemic during this stage of syphillis and include skin rashes on the palms


and plantar surfaces as well as cauliflower-like sessions (Condylomata Lata) on the perineum ?vulva, and groin of women .1



What name is given to a large network of neurons with the brainstem that is essential for ? maintaining wakefulness Reticular activating system


? Polyuria occurs with diabetes melitus because of the Elevation in serum glucose



? What are tumor cell markers


? Hormones, enzymes, antigens, and antibodies that are produced by cancer cells ? What are childhood cancers most often diagnosed At peak times of physical growth



? Research has shown a ling between cancer and which sexually transmitted disease HPV



? Which statement is true regarding pain & cancer


. Pain is generally associated with late-stage cancer


? What is the most commonly diagnosed non-skin cancer in men in the United States Prostate




? What are characteristics of benign tumors Benign tumors invade local tissues



The common feature of all forms of leukemia is an uncontrolled proliferation of malignant leukocytes, causing an overcrowding of bone marrow and decreased production and function ? of normal hematopoietic cells




It is important to do a testicular screening during a physical on male patients. An enlarged,


? painless testicle in an adolescent or adult may indicate when of the following .1

A tumor

? What is the vascular effect of histamine released from mast cells Vasodilation



What is the cause of nutrient malabsorption and failure to thrive in children with Cystic


?Fibrosis Pancreatic Insufficiency


The risk of ___ cancer increases significantly after 30 to 35 years of inflammatory bowel


. disease, particularly in untreated disease Colon


. Tertiary Syphilis is rare due to the widespread availability of antibiotics False



? In hypoxic injury, sodium enters the cell and causes swelling because ATP is insufficient to maintain the pump the keeps sodium out of the cell

.57 .1

? The BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations increase the risk of which cancer in women Ovarian



A patient with several risk factors is concerned about developing type 2 diabetes. The health care professional advises the patient to lose weight, explaining that obesity is an important ? risk factor for type 2 diabetes melitus because it causes what Increased resistance to insulin in the cells


? Which type of cancer is said to aggregate among families





? The region responsible for the motor aspects of speech is located in



Broca area in the frontal lobe


When considering white blood cell differentials, acute inflammatory reactions are related to ? elevations of which leukocyte Neutrophils

.1 .63

A 64 y/o female presents to clinic c/o “sore on my ear that won’t heal.” PT reports that the lesion bless easily. She requests to have her blood checked “to make sure my immune system is good & I don’t need to take Coumadin like my husband”. PT expresses desire to move back to Phoenix, “the sun keeps you health, my honey’s health went downhill as soon as we left, you just can’t take away the sun after you’ve been basking in it’s glory for 60 something years”. PMH: Actinic Keratosis. PE is remarkable for an erythematous papule with scale on ? her LT ear. You refer her to Dermatology for biopsy because you are concerned for Squamous cell carcinoma


Schizophrenia has a strong genetic predisposition, and environmental factors (e.g., viral


infection, nutritional deficiencies, prenatal birth complications, urban upbringing) may interfere with genetically programmed neural development to alter brain structure and .function True


? Goodpasture is an example of which of the following Antiglomerular basement membrane disease



A decrease in receptor binding for which neurotransmitter is found in individuals with ?depression





The CDC-recommended outpatient regimen for PID includes Metronidazole 500mg BID x . 14 days because ___ is present in up to 66% of women diagnosed with PID .1

Bacterial Vaginosis


Gardasil vaccinated women still need cervical cancer screening with Papanicolau(PAP) test . at regular intervals True


A sore, or chancre, is an eroded, painless, firm and indurated (hard) ulcer up to 2 cm in


? diameter that appears during which stage of syphilis Primary


? The signs of thyrotoxic crisis include



Hypertherma and tachycardia

? What is the most common reportable STI in the United States




? In infectious mononucleosis (IM), what does the Monospot test detect (Immunoglobulin M (IgM


.1 .73

At the time of diagnosis for infectious mononucleosis, the patient usually has the classic ? triad of symptoms which includes all of the following EXCEPT Cough


?( What is the most common cause of death related to infectious mononucleosis (IM Splenic Rupture


? Aldosterone directly increases the reabsorption of Sodium




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