MKT 3411 Syllabus F2021 (11) PDF

Title MKT 3411 Syllabus F2021 (11)
Course Consumer Analysis and Behavior
Institution Louisiana State University
Pages 6
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MKT 3411 – Consumer Behavior and Analysis Louisiana State University, Fall 2021 Professor: Office: Email: Phone: Class Hours: Class Location: Optional Text: Prerequisite:

Dr. Andrew Kuo 2115 Business Education Complex [email protected] 225-578-7687 T TH 10:30 AM – 11:50 AM 1350 BEC Solomon, Consumer Behavior, Tenth Edition. MKT 3401

Course Overview: Exchange relationships consist of both buyers and sellers. As marketers and consumers, we are active participants in both roles. From the seller’s perspective, a detailed understanding of the consumer is the starting point for the development of a successful marketing strategy. Thus, the emphasis of the class will be to investigate how marketing theory and analytic methods can provide a foundation for evaluating alternative courses of action in decisions involving pricing, promotion, advertising, market segmentation, and other strategic considerations. From the buyer’s perspective, understanding how companies use this information may help us as consumers to achieve more favorable exchange outcomes. Thus, we will also consider issues of public policy and issues of consumer protection. Course Objectives: The primary objective of this course is to provide an introduction to the topic of consumer behavior and to provide an awareness of the issues, theory and analytic tools used by businesses in marketing goods and services to consumers. The course uses a mix of lectures, assignments and projects intended to meet the following goals:  Provide the underlying theory and concepts of consumer behavior  Apply theories, models and analytical tools used in addressing marketing problems  Develop your marketing vocabulary  Improve public speaking and business writing skills

Classroom Behavior: Students are expected to arrive to class on time and stay the full class period. Students are not allowed to read newspapers, sleep, do other class work, or otherwise disrupt the class. Students who do not adhere to LSU policies outlined in the Student Code of Conduct will be asked to leave the classroom and will be reported to the Dean of Students. The Student Code of Conduct can be found at: Laptop and Cellphone Policy: Laptops are permitted in class but must be used responsibly. If the use of a laptop becomes distracting to other students, laptop privileges may be revoked. Cellphones should be put away for the duration of the class and only used in emergency situations. Course Materials: Please check Moodle regularly for course materials, announcements, grades, and other information. The textbook is optional and can be found online used (e.g., at Amazon) for less than $10. Students with Special Needs Policy: Students using the Office of Disabilities Services (ODS) must provide ODS documentation and sufficient notification so that I can properly accommodate your needs. In addition, students with emergency medical information and/or students needing special arrangements in case of emergency building evacuation should provide them confidentially with me as soon as possible. Testing Philosophy: Tests are designed to measure the student’s breadth and depth of knowledge. New tests are constructed each semester by randomly selecting questions from a large test bank. The questions in the test bank were created by me, and they are designed to cover a wide range of concepts. Grade Composition:    

Exam One Exam Two Final Exam Group Activities (7 X 20 points each) Total possible points

100 points 100 points 100 points 140 points 440 points


Letter grades will be assigned as follows: A+ A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF

98% - 100% 94% - 97% 90% - 93% 88% - 89% 84% - 87% 80% - 83% 78% - 79% 74% - 77% 70% - 73% 68% - 69% 64% - 67% 60% - 63% 0% - 59%

Tests: There are three (3) scheduled tests, each consisting of 50 multiple choice questions that cover material from lectures and assigned readings. You may substitute your final exam grade for your lowest test grade. There will no make-up tests unless verifiable documentation is provided in the case of (1) a family emergency, (2) illness, or (3) official school business. In such cases, make-up exams must be taken prior to the student’s planned absence. When this is not possible (e.g., family emergency), it is the student’s responsibility to schedule a make-up exam, which must be done within one week of the student’s return. The final exam is cumulative in nature, and students will be asked to demonstrate comprehensive mastery of all course materials. Final Exam: Wed, Dec. 8, 3:00pm - 5:00pm In Class Group Activities: Throughout the semester, there will be seven (7) group activities that will be completed in class. These activities have been designed to reinforce class material and provide hands-on experience with research and analysis techniques. Each group member will initially receive the same grade, but final group assignment grades may be modified by peer evaluations. Students who are absent for the in-class portion of the activity will receive a zero for the entire assignment. There will no make-up projects unless verifiable documentation is provided in the case of (1) a family emergency, (2) illness, or (3) official school business. In such cases, projects should be completed individually prior to the student’s planned absence. When this is not possible (e.g., family emergency), it is the student’s responsibility to schedule a make-up project, which must be done within one week of the students return.


Attendance & Participation: The LSU attendance policy as outlined in PS22 ( will be followed: Class attendance is the responsibility of the student. The student is expected to attend all classes. A student who finds it necessary to miss class assumes responsibility for making up examinations, obtaining lecture notes, and otherwise compensating for was missed. The course instructor will determine the validity of a student's reason(s) for absences and will assist those students who have valid reasons. However, given the unprecedented nature of the pandemic, the following is an addendum to the attendance policy: 1. If you are not feeling well, do not come to class. This is not an optional policy or suggestion. It is a requirement. 2. If you should be in isolation or quarantine, do not come to class. Please follow the quarantine guidelines as set forth by the LSU covid mitigation protocols ( Vaccine Statement LSU strongly encourages all students, faculty and staff to get vaccinated for COVID-19. Visit to learn how to get vaccinated on campus. Vaccination helps keep our campus community safe, helps protect those among us who are most vulnerable to COVID-19, and is our path back to more normal operations and the full college experience that our students deserve. Masking Policy LSU has a mask mandate in place for the 2021 fall semester. While the mask mandate is active, you are required to properly wear a face mask that covers your mouth and nose. If you are unable to wear a mask due to a health condition, please contact the Office of Disability Services at Exceptions to the mask mandate will not be made without a documented accommodation request from ODS. If you choose not to comply with the mask mandate, you will be asked to leave class in the interest of protecting the health and safety of those in the classroom.

Because I can’t predict what will happen this semester, changes to the schedule and syllabus are likely. We’re in this together. Please be patient.








24-Aug 26-Aug 31-Aug 2-Sep 7-Sep 9-Sep 14-Sep 16-Sep 21-Sep 23-Sep 28-Sep 30-Sep 5-Oct 7-Oct 12-Oct 14-Oct 19-Oct 21-Oct 26-Oct 28-Oct 2-Nov 4-Nov 9-Nov 11-Nov 16-Nov 18-Nov 23-Nov 25-Nov 30-Nov 2-Dec

Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday

Course Intro Overview of CB Perception


Module 1 Project Learning & Memory


Module 2 Project Motivation


Module 3 Project Exam 1 Personality


Covers Modules 1 - 3

Module 4 Project Attitudes Fall Break Fall Break Module 5 Project Persuasion


Module 6 Project Group Dynamics


Module 7 Project Exam 2 Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Final Review Final Review

5 No Class Meeting No Class Meeting

Covers Modules 4 - 7 No Class Meeting No Class Meeting

Final Exam: Wed, Dec. 8, 3:00pm - 5:00pm


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