MKT395 Syllabus Fall 19 PDF

Title MKT395 Syllabus Fall 19
Course Interactive/Internet Marketing
Institution DePaul University
Pages 4
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Syllabus for the course...


MKT 395 - Digital Marketing DePaul University FALL 19 Instructor Information Instructor: Professor Jackie Kuehl, Managing Director, Digital Marketing Office: DPC Marketing Department 7521 Office Hours: Drop by: Tu/Th Noon to 1:30 or by appointment I teach almost all day on Tu/Th but am often in the office on Wednesday or Friday. Cell: 630.674.5611 Email : [email protected] NOTE: If you have an urgent message please send a text or call. Otherwise if the message isn’t time-sensitive, use email. Welcome to Digital Marketing! The Internet is a dynamic marketplace. This class will give you the theoretical understanding of the Internet marketplace necessary to adapt to its many changes, while also equipping you with the skills you’ll need to perform vital daily functions. By the end of the course, you will be able to walk into any company with an online presence and improve their use of the Internet. I want you to think of this course conducted in a “risk-free learning environment.” Always feel free to express your opinions, thoughts and observations about the subject of marketing and about business in general. You should feel comfortable in challenging me, the text, ideas expressed by your classmates as they relate to marketing and business. You must however do so in a manner that is sensitive to and respects the beliefs, values and dignity of your classmates and as well as your teacher. True learning requires work and communication on the part of both the students and the faculty member. I do not give you assignments just for the sake of giving you assignments; I assign or ask you to do work and projects that are designed to give you an opportunity to learn. If you miss class it is not my responsibility to fill you in. Please secure notes from a classmate. I do not take homework late. Everything is due at the beginning of class. Additionally, I’m pretty chill but have no tolerance for excuses after the fact. If you are having issues please let me know in advance!! I will hold you responsible to ASK or QUESTION something that isn’t clear either with an assignment or a topic in class. I prefer questions before the fact and have little patience for excuses after. Texts & Materials This course uses a digital textbook that can be accessed at This course will also be using an online advertising simulation called the Mimic Simulation, which will be accessed from the same website. Learning Outcomes Content Marketing – Understand drivers to the internet. How content drives engagement. Persona Development – Creating persona’s and the importance .How to create an online campaign and drive traffic. The Mimic Pro simulation will be used for this purpose. Web Design – Understand multiple web design frameworks for improving conversion rates on a website of any kind. Apply these design frameworks to identify areas for website improvement and to design a well-designed website from scratch. Web Analytics – Determine the appropriate KPIs for any type of website. Make appropriate recommendations to an eCommerce website based on the conversion funnel. Understand the

pitfalls surrounding attribution analysis and make recommendations to identify highest ROI digital marketing channels. Search Engine Optimization – Understand how search engines work. Use this knowledge to make recommendations to a website on how it can improve its organic search rankings – in other words, perform search engine optimization on a website. Search Engine Marketing – Understand the mechanics of paid search ranking. Create a search engine marketing campaign and evaluate its effectiveness. Recommend changes that will improve the campaign’s conversion rates. Online Advertising – Understand the various methods of online display advertising. Create an online display ad campaign and measures its ROAS (return on ad spend). Email Marketing – Understand and implement best practices in marketing to a database of current and potential customers via email. Social Media – Utilize knowledge of social media tactics to design an effective social media campaign. Grading Policy Participation Assignments Mimic Simulation Quizzes Final Project Presentation

15% 10 % 30% 30% 15%

Quizzes Every reading assignment from the textbook has an accompanying quiz. Instead of a midterm and final, you will be required to take the Quiz at the end of each chapter. Keeping on these quizzes weekly will help your time management and your understanding of class discussions. Final Project You will complete a group project in which you create a campaign and apply the various principals. The campaign includes: (1) Website design. Create a website or re-design an existing website using WordPress or another web design software. (2) Search engine optimization. Complete an SEO audit on an existing website. Perform both on-site and off-site optimization on the website. Measure the website's progress on organic rankings. (3) Email marketing. Design and implement an email campaign. If the company has no email list, apply list capture techniques to build the email list and begin sending out emails to this list. Measure the improvement in business goals that occur as a result. (4) Social media. Create a social media campaign plan for your company and implement that plan. The campaign should span at least two social media platforms and you should run the campaign for at least two weeks. You will present your project to the class. You will also turn in a written report on your project on that day. Mimic Simulation

We are lucky to use Mimic simulation tool to simulate a live work environment. These will start midway through the quarter. It’s a great way to truly understand data, analytics, and making decisions with digital tactics. Participation: Participation in class is essential. Active participation in class will allow you to better engage with your classmates, myself, and the topics we’re discussing any given week. I encourage curiosity and creativity from class participants and look forward to a productive class every week. If you miss class it is not my responsibility to fill you in. Please secure notes from a classmate. I don't take late homework. Do not email missing homework to me please. Your participation in class will be graded on the following scale: 0-69 point

Frequently absent from class (more than two periods) Frequent early departures and/or late arrivals Does not actively participate in class discussion

70- 84

Attends class mostly on time / regularly Minimal participation in class discussion and activity

85 - 100

Attends class on time regularly and is never absent Strong participation in class discussion and activity Frequently engages in discussion

Please note: Students will be allowed 1 prequalified absence to be used only in an emergency. Any absence beyond that will impact your final grade in the course. Two (2) late arrivals / early departures will be considered an absence. All students will be responsible for the material covered during an absence (in class and out of class) and are still required to meet all required deadlines despite the absence....

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