Syllabus 196 Fall 2019 (Last Updated 8-27-19) PDF

Title Syllabus 196 Fall 2019 (Last Updated 8-27-19)
Author Kirito Yagami
Course Nutrition-Consumer Education
Institution City Colleges of Chicago
Pages 7
File Size 222.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 15
Total Views 125


Download Syllabus 196 Fall 2019 (Last Updated 8-27-19) PDF


NUTRITION HN 196 Fall 2019 Instructor:

Carol Braunschweig, PhD, RDN Professor and Associate Head Department of Kinesiology and Nutrition

Office: e-mail:

Room 525, AHSB, 1919 W Taylor St [email protected]

Office hours:

By appointment only; please arrange via e-mail

Teaching Assistant: Carlene Aldrich, [email protected] Office hours for TA: Class times: Class location:

By appointment only; please arrange via e-mail Tuesday and Thursday, 3:30-4:45pm Room 137 Academic and Residential Complex

Course objective: To provide a foundation in: 1) the principles of human nutrition; 2) the role of nutrition in maintaining health and preventing disease; and 3) the concepts and information needed to maintain good nutrition for health and to make good dietary choices. Outcomes: Graduates will have the knowledge of nutrient metabolism; pathophysiology related to nutrition care; fluid and electrolyte requirements; local, state and national food security policy; promotion of pleasurable eating; food and nutrition laws, regulations and policies; and influence of age, growth and normal development on nutrition requirements. Required textbook and materials: Nutrition -An Applied Approach, fifth edition (J Thompson, M Manore) 2017, Benjamin Cummings/Pearson Education Publishing. You must also have access to Mastering Nutrition for your online assignments. You have two options: 1) Purchase a custom package which includes access to Mastering Nutrition along with the 5 th edition of the loose-leaf text. Available at the UIC Bookstore. 2) Purchase a custom package which includes access to Mastering Nutrition along with the 5 th edition of the eText. Available via the HN 196 Blackboard course under the Mastering Nutrition link. To access Mastering Nutrition:  Go to HN 196 Blackboard site.  Click on Mastering Nutrition. You will then be prompted to create a user id and purchase access directly.  You have two options: 1

o 1. Purchase a custom package which includes access to Mastering Nutrition along with the 5th edition of the loose-leaf text. Available for $140 at the UIC Bookstore. ISBN:9780134784359 OR o 2. Purchase a custom package which includes access to Mastering Nutrition along with the 5th edition of the. Available for $87.95 via the HN 196 Blackboard course under the Mastering Nutrition link.   

You cannot purchase this package from any other vendor. This price is designed for UIC students. If you do so, you will not be able to access the HN 196 course materials. No course ID is needed. If you are having difficulties accessing Mastering Nutrition, please do a browser check using the following link:

E-mail protocol and Lecture Behavior: Respect and decorum is important in this class as it should be anywhere. This rule extends to e-mails. In addressing your e-mail, please do not use the professor’s first name or start the message with a “hey”. Please turn off all cell phones. If you are using your laptops – do not multitask by engaging in video games, e-mail or other work. You should not read the paper or go to sleep during lecture. This is a big class in an auditorium, chatter can get magnified due to the acoustics so please keep quiet as much as possible. Tardiness is not acceptable, nor is leaving early unless it is absolutely necessary. If you anticipate that you will be leaving early, please sit close to an exit door so as not to disturb the class. Blackboard: It is the intent of the instructor that the slides which are shown at each lecture will be posted on Blackboard prior to that lecture. Should you miss some of the information in any of the slides during the lecture, visit Blackboard and click on the appropriate lecture to view the slides. You may also wish to print out the slides prior to the lecture to assist you in note taking. Lecture capture is available for this course. The lectures will be found on Blackboard under “documents”. All grades will be posted on Blackboard immediately after the exams and homework assignments are completed. Exams. There will be 5 exams given in this class. Each exam will be worth 50 points. The total possible points that can be earned for the semester from your exam scores is 250 points (5 exams x 50 points/exam = 250 possible points). During exams, under no circumstance are you permitted to leave the room and return to finish the exam, unless you have the express permission of the instructor or TA obtained at that time. We expect students to adhere to all the standards of academic integrity. All exams will be given electronically via blackboard during scheduled class time according to the syllabus.


Homework Assignments There are 14 homework assignments that must be completed via the Mastering Nutrition link for this course. Each homework assignment is worth 10 points, Thus there are 140 possible points that can be earned from the homework assignments (10 points/assignment x 14 assignments = 140 points). You are encouraged you to use your text book and your lecture notes on these assignments. A major goal for the assignments are to get you interacting with the text and lecture notes at least a weekly. The homework assignments must be completed on Mastering Nutrition and submitted by 11:59 PM on their assigned due dates. Up until 11:59 PM on the day prior to the HW due date if there is a problem with your internet or some technical difficulty completing the homework, you may let the TA, L (email [email protected]) know and she will facilitate its submission. If you choose to wait until the last possible

day to complete the homework, you do so at your own risk. To avoid missing HW deadlines due to unanticipated life events submit them 24 hours prior to their scheduled due dates. After 11:59 PM on the HW due date, the homework

assignments will not be reopened for any reason and you will lose those points. Grading Final grade for the course will be based on the sum of points earned in the following components: (1) 5 exams (2)14 Homework assignments Points Summary of total points counted 5 exams, 50 pts each 250 14 Homework assignments 10 points each 150

Semester total


The total possible semester points is 390 The final grades WILL NOT be curved. Final course letter grades will be assigned according to the following scale: A = 351-390 points (90-100%) B = 312-350 points (80-89%) C = 273-311 points (70-79%) D = 234-272 points (60-79%) F = less than 234 points


Mid-term Grades: The university requires instructors to submit mid-term grades for all 100-level courses. Academic Integrity: If a student is suspected of academic misconduct, the information regarding the incident will be passed onto the Office of the Vice President of Student Affairs, in alliance with the recommendations of the Student Disciplinary Policy. The Student Disciplinary Policy is the University's process to handle allegations of misconduct by UIC Students. The Student Disciplinary Policy addresses both academic misconduct (such as plagiarism, cheating, or grade tampering) and behavioral misconduct (such as theft, assault, under-age drinking, and drug-use.) The main purpose of the Student Disciplinary Policy is to insure that students receive due process which means that every student should have a fair opportunity to express their side of the story before any decisions are made about their disciplinary case. The Student Disciplinary Policy was designed to be educational in nature. Disabilities: Concerning disabled students, the University of Illinois at Chicago is committed to maintaining a barrier-free environment so that individuals with disabilities can fully access programs, courses, services, and activities at UIC. Students with disabilities who require accommodations for full access and participation in UIC Programs must be registered with the Disability Resource Center (DRC). Please contact DRC at (312) 413-2183 (voice) or (312) 413- 0123 (TDD). Please let the instructor know approximately one week before each exam if you would like to take the exam in the DRC, if you have been approved to do so. Religious Holidays: The UIC Senate Policy on religious holidays (detailed below) will be followed in this class: “Every effort will be made to avoid scheduling examinations or requiring that student projects be turned in or completed on religious holidays. Students who wish to observe their religious holidays shall notify the faculty member by the tenth day of the semester of the date when they will be absent unless the religious holiday is observed on or before the tenth day of the semester. In such cases, the students shall notify the faculty member at least five days in advance of the date when he/she will be absent. The faculty member shall make every reasonable effort to honor the request, not penalize the student for missing the class, and if an examination or project is due during the absence, give the student an exam or assignment equivalent to the one completed by those students in attendance. If the student feels aggrieved, he/she may request remedy through the campus grievance procedure."

CLASS SCHEDULE All classes will meet Tuesday and Thursday’s at 3:30-4:45 pm in Room 137 Academic and Residential Complex Date


Aug 27, Aug 29, Sept 3, Sept 5, Sept 10,

Nutrition: linking food and health Ch 1 continue/Designing a healthful diet NO CLASS Deisgning a healthful diet The human body: Are we really what we eat?

Text and HW Assignment Chapter 1 Ch1/Ch 2 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 4

Wednesday Sept 11 11:59 PM Chapters 1, 2 and 3 HW Are Due Sept 12

EXAM 1 (Chapters 1, 2 and 3)

Sept 17, 19 Carbohydrates

Chapter 4

Sunday Sept 22 11:59 PM Chapter 4 HW due Sept 24, 26, Fats

Chapter 5

Sunday Sept 29 11:59 PM Chapter 5 HW due Oct 1


Chapter ,6

Wed Oct 2, 11:59 PM Chapters 6 HW due Oct 3

EXAM 2 (Chapters 4, 5,6)

Oct 8,10

Fluid and Electrolyte balance

Chapter 7

Sunday Oct 13, 11:59 PM Chapter 7 HW assignment due Oct 15, 17, Nutrients essential to key body functions

Chapter 8

Sunday Oct 20 11:59 PM Chapter 8 HW assignment due Oct 22, Food Safety and Technology

Chapter 12

Wed Oct 23, 11:59 PM Chapter 12 HW assignment Due Oct 24 Exam 3 (Chapters 7, 8, 12) Oct 29 , 31, Nutrients essential to healthy tissue

Chapter 9

Sunday November 3, 11:50 PM Chapter 9 HW assignment due Nov 5,7 Achieving/maintaining healthy weight

Chapter 10

Sunday November 10 Chapter 10 HW assignment due Nov 12 Physical Activity Wednesday Nov 13th 11:59 PM Chapter 11 HW assignment due Nov 14

Chapter 11

Exam 4 (Chapters 9, 10, 11)

Nov 19, 21 Lifecycle 1 Sunday November 24 Chapter 14 HW assignment due

Chapter 14

Nov 26

Chapter 14

Lifecycle 1


Nov 28,


Dec 3

Lifecycle 2

Chapter 15

Wed Dec 4th 11:59 PM Chapter 15 HW assignment due Dec 5,

Exam 5 (Chapters 14, 15)

SOME USEFUL WEB SITES American Anorexia Bulimia Association UIUC nutrition advice American Institute for Cancer Research American Heart Association National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders American Cancer Society Charity Navigator Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Food and Agriculture Organization Food and Drug Administration FDA search USDA Food and Nutrition Service US government health finder My Pyramid My Pyramid explained National Library of Medicine PubMed search engine USDA Dietary Guidelines Nutrients in foods and beverages Nutrition Analysis Tool at the Champaign/Urbana campus NIH Nutrition and weight management National Institutes of Health Access to all online government information on nutrition UN World Food Programme World Health Organization World Bank Phone apps: Fitness iYoga [] iOS iPhone FREE 8 Minutes Abs Workout [] iOS iPhone FREE iMapMyRun [] iOS iPhone, FREE (with Ads) 5 Stars Rating StrongLifts [] iOS iPhone, FREE Official iPhone/iPod Tracker for StrongLifts 5x5 - the simplest and most powerful workout to gain lean muscle and real-world strength... without putting on fat, without drugs or supplements, and training only three times a week. Nike Training Club (Updated) [] iOS iPhone, FREE Yoga [] iOS iPad, FREE Gym Training (Full Version Updated) [] iOS iPhone, FREE ***As Recommended by FHM Magazine (Dec 2011)*** 6

Nutritional Analysis Programs: MyPlate Calorie counter FitDay LiveStrong Meal Snap: "Meal Snap lets you take pictures of the meals you eat, and then magically tells you what food was in your meal. Oh yeah, we tell you how many calories you ate too. Food tracking has never been easier." *not very accurate, but great for people who can’t eye guess portions, or are just beginning to count calories) Fooducate, can scan barcodes at the grocery store, and compare and contrast the nutrients in it with other foods, along with a grading of how good it is for you (by highlighting pros and cons of the food) as rated by other users. Creates automatic meals for you depending on how many meals you want per day, and what ingredients you have. You can choose what percentage of macros you want overall, carbo loading diets, along with options based on athleticism (post workout meals, etc). Smart Pantry [] iOS iPhone, FREE (Reg. $2.99) Healthy Food Finder [] iOS iPhone FREE (Reg. $1.99) Calorie Counter & Diet Tracker [] iOS iPhone, Always FREE Healthy Grocery Recommendations [] iOS iPhone, FREE 4.5 Stars Rating Meal Planning [] iOS iPhone, FREE Must-Have Recipes from Better Homes and Gardens [] iOS iPhone FREE Fast Food Calories [] iOS iPhone FREE Lose It! [] iOS iPhone Medical iTriage [] iOS iPhone, Always FREE WebMD iPhone [] iOS iPhone, FREE WebMD iPad [] iOS iPad, FREE Heart Fitness [] iOS iPhone,


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