MMT2 Task 1 for Western Governors University PDF

Title MMT2 Task 1 for Western Governors University
Course IT Strategic Solutions
Institution Western Governors University
Pages 9
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Task 1 for MMT2, follow rubric and dont overthink the paper....


1 MMT2 Task 1 The Chief Technology officer has requested a study of the current IT infrastructure at A energy company. This study will provide an analysis resulting from SWOT(Strength, weakness opportunities, threats) analysis is it follows. A1: Strengths - IT Staff is has wisdom and experiences - A Energy has resources with years of experience that make them valuable and a great asset to the company. The staff completed the current IT infrastructure with skills and are resources the company needs. -The company site interconnectivity between the two sites allows users to collaborate This allows the user like they were in the same building. The remote sites are all connected to the company headquarters that allows them to have connection to company internet. They can use this connectivity to support their product designs and new additions of the new company site with the current IT infrastructure. -Servers and infrastructure are upgraded - The current infrastructure was set up with increasing server storage to help with storage demands from the business and they are redundancies in place to ensure business continuity in the case of an infrastructure critical failure. Each site has the same network set up, and they can support things if they network fails. A2: -

Right now, its only one single network service for both sides


Very complex infrastructure that is not scalable, this makes things tough to upgrade or duplicate.


Network can change to help the increase of locations and future upgrades in tech.


Moving all services to the cloud so that it becomes more scalable, reliant, and updated to attract


new customers.

2 MMT2 Task 1 -

Microsoft Teams can be deployed for collaboration if moved to the Office 365 cloud.


Utilize and deploy a customer relation management database to improve customer service experiences and managing many customers.

A4: -

Natural disasters can harm ISP.


Infrastructure failure can result in impact on productivity, sales, and brand.


Valuable workers may move to other competitors and organization may lose Intellectual property and possible company knowledge.

B1: The A Energy company has ways it can leverage the strength of the infrastructure to improve its products and services. One strength is the organization uses the experiences and knowledge of the IT infrastructure team who has a background in different technology areas. They have members who innovative ways to improve processes and help the business save much money. I suggest the organization change policies to allow members of the IT infrastructure team to collaborate with the business units over products so that they can brainstorm ideas to improve the service or product. With new processes, brings innovation for improvement and new services. This was communicated from the executive director. The second strength A Energy company can improve their service with is the robust network setup. This will allow people to work from home. During the Covid-19 pandemic this can be crucial to have or any other natural disasters that stops people traveling to work. This will be beneficial to employees because it will give them time back on their work-life balance. This can be offer as an additional benefit for working at the company, this will attract youthful hardworking talent who usually enjoys flexibility of working remote. B1a:

3 MMT2 Task 1 One of the opportunities is to bring new and improved services to the customers by combining IT members Parker Fisch and Charli Vargi to design and build up a new customer website. This website will be catering towards customer services and tech support of the clients. The website is a one stop shop for all things related to support for the products and services the company sells. The website will come with a ticketing system for company support department and option to text to chat technical support. The website will also have knowledge base articles that have steps for troubleshooting issues without a technical rep. This new customer service system will improve customer service and give the company an edge in the market over competitors. The second opportunity for A Energy company IT infrastructure and team is creating a customer relation management database to improve customer management and service. Right now, there is no customer relation management database to manage customer activity. With the current IT infrastructure servers and database, Sidney Jeffrey, a data analyst, will build this service for reports and forms to help sales and improve customer service department relations and marketing. CRM is important to have for any organizations with external customers and be on the same level as other organizations. B2: There are multiple weaknesses and threats can harm A Energy company. One is the current IT infrastructure is very complex with its servers internally. This system is not scalable and is very difficult and costly to upgrade or duplicate to many more sites. The other weakness is there is only one network for both sites. If natural disasters strike the company network, the whole network will go down and this could impact productivity. Both weaknesses can hurt the company sales if it were to happen. The threat of A Energy company is its infrastructure because if that fails then it will cause major disaster. If the organization has major infrastructure damage such as physical or data damage, it will affect the organization recovery time from disasters. The current infrastructure is complex and tough to rebuild and will take much longer time to recover. This recovery period will affect sales and customers due to

4 MMT2 Task 1 downtime. The second threat is the ISP being potentially damage by a natural disaster. This will impact internet access everywhere for the organization if the internet service provider goes down. When the internet service provider is down, the organization will get impacted with sales and productivity. Lastly, A Energy company may lose people they need to other competitors along with intellectual property and company knowledge of assets. Most of A Energy employees been with the company for a long period of time and have much information around the company. B3: There are many weaknesses that can impact the IT infrastructure of A Energy Company but the one that has the biggest impact is on complex servers that are hosted internally. When you have systems that are vary complex it can make it difficult to rebuild and scale across the organization. This will require more money to duplicate to each site and the need for knowledge able people to upgrade it. C1: There are many methods for potential new technologies. I took to the internet to do a search on different vendors and types of technology out there. The internet allows you to see many different options to innovative a strategy. The Garner service also helps with getting the providers that you can leverage and get an analysis of vendors that with innovative services. This is an opportunity to grab as many top lists as possible of providers. The next step is to meet with each top list of vendors and present our high-level summary needs of our organization. The final step is to put together a request for proposal questionnaire to get more information from each vendor. With the questionnaire we can get more personal experiences and human interaction. We would setup the RFP with a quote of our services for the needs of A Energy Company. We then will setup a review of all vendors with our stakeholders to elect with vendors they like the most. We will select the vendor that the stakeholders voted the most on. Afterwards, we meet with the team for the final selection of the vendor before we let the vendor know if we want them. C1a:

5 MMT2 Task 1 The two options that can help with the weakness of A Energy company is Infrastructure as a service and platform as service. These both can address the weakness of the IT infrastructure of A Energy Company. “Infrastructure-as-a-Service, commonly referred to as simply “IaaS,” is a form of cloud computing that delivers fundamental compute, network, and storage resources to consumers on-demand, over the internet, and on a pay-as-you-go basis.” (Education, I. C. ,2021) “IaaS contains the basic building blocks for cloud IT. It typically provides access to networking features, computers (virtual or on dedicated hardware), and data storage space. IaaS gives you the highest level of flexibility and management control over your IT resources.” (AWS, 2021) This is ideal to the current setup of the A Energy Company and the IT team will feel these fits based on their knowledge. The next option is for the team is to utilize Platform as a service for the IT infrastructure. “PaaS goes a step further and abstracts away the management of the operating system, middleware, and runtime. Serverless computing abstracts away management of everything but the application code itself, and SaaS provides the entire end-user application as-a-Service, abstracting away the entire rest of the stack.” (Education, I. C. ,2021) This will allow the IT Infrastructure team to focus on setting up the application and ensuring it works as expected. This will eliminate the need for the team to spend countless hours of getting the infrastructure setup to run the apps. PaaS can be better to use instead of IaaS but PaaS cost more to the business. PaaS has a possibility to not fit all the needs of every application in the company IT infrastructure. C2: There are many ways to stay informed about current technologies. One way is to attend IT conferences either physical or virtually where vendors are usually at showcasing technologies. At these conferences you can learn new things and build a relationship with vendors and grab contact information to stay in touch. Another way is to read online documents or view online videos that talk about emerging technologies that I care about. Lastly, you can stay informed with vendors about their technologies roadmaps so that you know when things are being released for their products and services.

6 MMT2 Task 1 C2a: A Energy can look into Robotic Process Automation. A Energy Company can use robotics automation to create faster delivery times, automate processes, and be more efficient with there services. When you have fewer staff, automation helps get more stuff done with few workers and stop delays. This will help the company gain an edge over competition by creating products faster. Robotic automation also can get rid of a lot of manual work done on the internal level. This will ensure resources and processes are better utilized. The next technology is using Internet of things. This will help enable devices to be connected to Wi-Fi. When you have devices connected to the internet, you can work remotely to manage the devices. This also will stop much of the disconnection in the installed location. This will save time in maintaining and configuring them and be a great selling point for customers. D: Infrastructure as a service is still the best solution for the weakness at A Energy Company. With IaaS, it will give the team the best flexibility and scalability without making it very complex for the employees. The team has a maturity level that can handle IaaS, they will be able to control and manage all the settings and server configurations with it. D1: Infrastructure as a service has it benefits for the company over the current setup. IaaS will save you in monitoring, time for setup, data network, and cost. The cost saving of moving to a new system like IaaS over the current IT infrastructure is feasible and tangible. Secondly, Scalability is needed for the current setup and IaaS gives you that. It also gives you flexibility in your current setup. The team will be able to build faster, update better, change configuration on the fly all while saving money and time. “Cost reduction can be done in multiple ways. First, by provisioning workloads on an as-needed basis,

7 MMT2 Task 1 eliminating the need to purchase or lease hardware, or automatically provisioning them to eliminate manual intervention and labor costs.” (Network Solutions, 2021). A benefit is that IaaS to will prove be much reliable for the business in the market. The company will be able to setup servers more efficiently in less time, this gives time for IT team to support new services for external clients. IaaS also protects you against natural or disaster recovery and business continuity and requirements. This model in setup processes and controls easily than the current setup without having to spend all your time during disasters for the server. “IaaS provides a consolidated disaster recovery infrastructure, reducing costs and increasing manageability. “(Network Solutions, 2021).

8 MMT2 Task 1

9 MMT2 Task 1

Education, I. C. (2021, May 5). IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service). IBM Cloud Education. AWS, A. (n.d.). What is cloud computing? What is cloud computing? %2C%20owning%2C%20and,Amazon%20Web%20Services%20(AWS). Network Solutions. (2021). 5 Key Benefits of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).

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