MMW14 Review and Exam Notes PDF

Title MMW14 Review and Exam Notes
Author Amina Shahid
Course Revolution, Industry, and Empire
Institution University of California San Diego
Pages 9
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Professor Hertz; All discussion section notes with final and midterm exam notes + key concepts for tests...




MIDTERM NOTES A. 2 essay questions out of 10 (2 points each) 1. Compare landed empire (ottoman) to overseas (spanish, british) 2. Compare major Euro empires (Spanish and british) 3. Use les mis characters to illustrate classes and political groups during revolution 4. Compare american, french, Haitian rev B. 6 IDs out of 15 (2 points each) 1. Equiano will not show up (maybe in essay) FRENCH REVOLUTION REVIEW A. In 1789, National Assembly swore to Tennis Court Oath promising new constitution and limitations on king’s power 1. Third Estate formed new National Assembly to make laws for French ppl 2. Sans culottes - “w/out breeches” - their long pants show they are of lower class 3. Btwn 1789-91, Nat’l Assembly: a) Abolished feudalism b) Reduced power of church c) King deprived of religious authority B. Execution of King Louis XVI (1793) - The Republic 1. By this time, US is already republic 2. Max Robespierre a) Revolution “ate his children” b) Too much chaos C. Napoleon (1799) establishes the Consulate 1. Brings French military into revolution 2. Establishes consulate bc too much chaos D. How Revolution Ended by 1815 1. Napoleon tried to export ideals and laws of revolution abroad 2. Overreaches in invasion of Russia 3. Coalition emerges in central Europe and the French are defeated in 1815 4. Haitian Rev - we see limits of revolutionary universalism a) liberty , Equality, fraternity was not for black slaves in Haiti E. Conclusions 1. French rev was NOT national resistance to foreign power 2. In US and France, rev aimed for constitutional govt 3. Both revs ended w republics rather than absolute monarchies a) But in France, Napoleon assumed role of king and monarchy was returned after he was deposed

4. The Terror turned many agianst Rev 5. War against Europe caused hatred of French and their ideals III.


HAITI A. Haitian revolution starts in 1791? B. People support ugly white middle class revolutionaries but not black slaves revolting against owners C. HAitian Slavery 1. Conditions were worst in the world 2. Death rate was 50% a) Overwork in sugar, coffee, rice, and indigo plantations b) Torture of slaves who resisted was common c) malaria , yellow fever d) Most had memories of freedom in Africa 3. Maroons (runaways) who lived in the mountains D. Freed slaves and mulattoes sometimes owned slaves 1. Necessary to become wealthy? 2. L’Ouverture might have owned slaves E. Jean-Baptiste Belley 1. Born slave in Senegal a) Bought freedom in St Domingue 2. 1793 - elected to French National Convention a) Spoke in debate when Convention abolished slavery 3. Died in 1805 in French prison a) For participating in French Rev F. Population in St Domingue 1. 40,000 white colonials - admins of French rule, plantation owners, lower class 2. 28k gens de couleur - freed blacks and mulattoes 3. 500k slaves - most african born but some mulattoes G. Code of Noir (1685) - rarely enforced 1. Sugar coffee and cotton = ⅓ of france’s econ H. Kidnapping of free people of color in US COURSE OF THE HAITIAN REVOLUTION A. Code Noir gave free ppl of color same legal status of whites 1. Colonial adim began to take away these rights in 1760s 2. POC saw rev in France as chance to re-assert equal status w whites 3. White slave owners wanted what American revolutionaries had and maintain slave holding B. Vincent Oge

1. Wealthy free man of color from Paris 2. Demanded right to vote a) Colonial gov’t refused 3. Led insurgency w 300 freed blacks a) Beheaded 4. But he was not fighting for slaves, only freed black rights DISCUSSION I.


MIDTERM A. Essay Question #1 - split into three body paragraphs 1. INTRO 2. what were the major stages of the French Revolution? a) Formation of middle class closing in on nobility b) Popular peasant revolts - radicalization: sans culottes, Jacobins, the Mountain - b/c middle class is not helping the poor c) Directory d) Napoleon e) Back to monarchy 3. Compare the sociopolitical aims with Britain's colonies. a) Colonies want representation from their overseas governorship, less taxes, free trade (economically based) 4. What equals the success for each? a) France - no absolute monarchy, Napoleon did a lot for the poor, liberal ideals b) America - 1st phase = want their concessions (1) 2nd phase = independence 5. CONCLUSION B. Essay Question #2 1. INTRO 2. Radical and pervasive change: a) Industrial Revolution is a big deal because it’s the beginning of the move towards modernity and urban civ (1) Production of commodities faster and cheaper (2) Moving from farms to slums in the city b) French Rev is the very definition of readical change (1) Gov’t is monarchy (pol) (2) Poor relief (soc) (3) Middle class concessions (soc) 3. “Agents” of the Revolution

a) Britain is the leader in Industrial Rev (1) Ruin Indian textile industry by monopolizing and making it cheaper - Domination of Textile Industry (2) Innovation (3) Triangle Trade b) US = colonists and Brits c) French = peasants, 3rd estate 4. Is it helpful or confusing to have all these definitions of revolution? a) Opinion 5. CONCL C. Essay Question #3: 1. INTRO: Which is consequence of racism? a) Colonialism 2. Explain the specific actions of Columbus and Cortes on racism or genocide a) Religious element that these dark skins need to be saved Religious Conversion b) Treat them like children c) Argument of are they human or chattel (1) The money they made kept them from actually understanding how bad slavery was D. Is there a danger of overusing the words racism/genocide? 1. Devalues the words? 2. Anachronistic 3. False interpretations E. Do you believe the abolitionists should have used these words? 1. Enlightenment + Bible MMW 14 DISCUSSION 2/12/2019 I. Knowing Skin in Early Modern Europe - Koslofsky A. Intro 1. Anecdote 2. Historiography 3. Question - how has the perception of skin color changed until racism was equated to slavery? 4. Thesis - Understand human body and skin through 3 systems of thinking a) Sacred Knowledge b) Humoralism c) Anatomy

B. Body I - sacred knowledge: a reinterpretation 1. Orthodox Christian belief 2. Initial interpretation of Book of idk 3. Change over time 4. Justification of slavery until it’s abolished C. Body II - humoralism 1. What’s inside becomes what’s on the outside D. Body III - anatomy 1. Skin is porous and its own body part E. Counter 1. Racism is a result of Atlantic slavery F. Conclusion 1. All kinds of fields 2. Still needs research 3. What needs to be studied? G. Notes: 1. Always circles back to original point 2. Asks questions, gives weak points in argument, then refutes them MMW 14 DISCUSSION I.


Rough Draft A. Group E for rough draft workshop B. Submit draft to workshop partners by 2/26 1. On TritonEd 2. Print copy of each draft (3 total) C. For Rough draft comments 1. Focus on thesis (3 reasons and if they’re solid throughout the essay) 2. Search for clarity 3. Logic 4. Counterargument a) Takes on overall topic 5. Conclusion doesn’t add new information 6. At the end a) 3 strengths b) 3 areas for improvements MMW 14 DISCUSSION 2/26/2019 I.

Racism: a short history

A. When does proto-racism start? 1. 1500s - end of medieval to early modern period B. Why the west? 1. Slavery in America is more evil than that in Sout Africa 2. Once slavery becomes integral in the United States, it takes on its most evil form C. Prejudices of Greeks and Romans 1. They enslaved everyone D. Anti-judaism v antisemitism 1. 1 is hating the religion 2. 2 is hating bc they are what they were born as E. Distinction between racism and religious intolerance F. Racism = difference + power 1. Culture of power 2. Both skin and blood G. Limpieza de sangre - purity of blood 1. Spanish people justify mixing with Native Americans bc they were lost tribe of Jews who left and got to Americas before Jesus so it’s not their fault (bc Spanish hate Jews) so it’s okay to mix w them bc they are pure H. Volksgeister 1. Shared culture, shared identity 2. Purity of culture → spirit of the people I. Compare the three races 1. African a) Taken, traded, slaves, freed, still not equal, crazy racism 2. Indian a) Europeans colonize, attempt conversion, land stolen, dehumanization 3. Jew a) Sad, WWII J. Germany + Jews vs US + Africans 1. 19th century is when things go bad a) Slaves free (whites cannot see them as equal) + consolidation of Germany b) Economics: slavery = main source of income for all these rich whites; Jews ran banks and stuff in Germany (bc Christians could not lend money with interest)

c) Jews manage to escape depression in this time bc of the jobs they’re doing → Christians blame Jews for not being affluent themselves d) Slavery ends → freed slaves need jobs + plantations start to lose money → blame blacks K. Effect of the rise of scientific thinking 1. Polygenesis a) Many beginnings (each race has its own origin) b) Monogenesis - one beginning that branches out w whities always on top 2. Best type of human is white + looks determine intelligence (whites are smarter) a) Romanticism - looking at greek sculptures 3. Enviro factor a) If you bring an African to white society they will soon turn white MMW14 DISCUSSION 3/12/2019 I. Final Review A. Essay Practice #1: Race. George Fredrickson defines racism, and how he incorporates the history of antisemitism into his account of color-based prejudice. Which historical developments are best understood as a consequence of European racism? Is there a danger of overuse of “Race” + “geoncide”. Eval Fredrickson’s evidence for his overall view that racism was consequence of colonialism not cause. Connect to readings this quarter? 1. Intro a) descriptions 2. Body 1 a) Intermixing b) colorist 3. Body 2 a) Anti-semetic b) Jews economically prosper bc of jobs christians don’t want to do → mean whities 4. Body 3 a) Abolitionists = racism? b) Taking care of slaves bc they are “children” → think they’re doing God’s work 5. Concl. a) Dangers of overuse

B. Essay Practice #2: “How Europe Underdeveloped Africa” by Walter Rodney. Argues international trade was nothing but extension of overseas European interests. Europe had monopoly of knowledge about international exchange system as a whole since Westerm Europe was the only one that saw the system as a whole. Do you agree or disagree w Rodney? Provide salient details on Portugal and Spain... 1. Intro a) Do you agree or disagree why Europe was able to get ahead? 2. Body 1 a) Portugal and Spain 3. Body 2 a) England 4. Body 3 a) Fate of the empires (1) Spain + Portugal spend frivolously (2) England creates banking system etc. 5. Conclusion a) How exploration paved way for colonialism (1) Best way to claim your spot on another land is to leave someone there C. Essay Practice #3: In 1866, Italy became a united nation, and 5 yrs later, in 1871, Germany was also united by 3 wars led by Otto von Bismarck. How did Napoleonic wars of 19th cent stimulate nationalism in both regions? Considering advantages that France and England enjoyed as nation states, was there justification at the time in opposing Italian or German nationalism? Compare the process of unification in each country. Which social classes were most in favor of nationalism in each region, and which social classes benefited most from unification? Does unification of Germany 1. Intro a) Effect of Napoleonic Wars. b) How it stimulates nationalism in Italy + Germany 2. Body 1 a) France and England (1) Advantages as nation states (a) Stable gov’t, economics (b) Monetary backing for imperialistic efforts 3. Body 2 a) Italy - Process of unification, who supported/benefited (1) Response to Napoleonic wars (don’t like him)

(2) Benefit - established, political ppl (upper middle class) 4. Body 3 a) Germany - process of unification, who supported/benefited (1) Bureaucratic unification 5. Conclusion a) German unification and “new imperialism”/”scramble for Africa” (1) Go out and grow your empire like others to show they are powerful...

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