Mod 9 Webquest Neural-NT-Drugs 20-21 PDF

Title Mod 9 Webquest Neural-NT-Drugs 20-21
Author leftie lore
Course Sexuality and Public Health
Institution Harvard University
Pages 6
File Size 836.3 KB
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not helpful information, trulyjust trying to download a file for my midterm...


Gwyneth Harrison Name _____________________ 4 AP Psychology _____ 10/13/2020 Date _______________________

Part I: WebQuest -- The Neural System

Go to “Make a Mad, Mad, Mad Neuron” (will need adobe flash to work) 1. Make a Mad, Mad Neuron. Label each part on the neuron below and give a brief description of each part’s function.

cell body

axon long extention from the neron's cell body, carries outgoing nerve impulses toward other neurons

the largest part of the neuron, also called soma. contains the nucleus and cytoplasm.

nucleus contains its genetic information

dendrites extentions of the neron's cell body that recieve incoming nerve impulses from other neurons

myelin sheath an insulating membrane that surrounds the axon

axon terminals end of the axon where nerve impulses are transmitted to the dendrites of other neurons

BrainU: The Synapse In this section we will focus on the synapse. As you will recall, the synapse is the space between the axon terminal of on neuron and the dendrites of another. It is important to remember that the two neurons aren’t touching; they are just really close to each other.

Go to the following web site and answer the questions below: If above link doesn't work, try this- hp?modGUI=232&compGUI=1827&itemGUI=3159

**Will need adobe flash for the above links to work**

terminal axon 1. Neurotransmission occurs between the ______ __________ of one neuron and the dendrite ___________ of another.

2. At the synapse, information is transmitted from one neuron to another via what kind of messengers? chemical messengers electronic 3. An action potential is an ____________ signal.

4. Why are chemical messengers, or neurotransmitters, needed to get information across the synapse? the neurotransmitters are needed because they are the only ones who can cross the fluid-filled syanptic cleft

5. What are ions? the chraged particles that change the electrical properties of the membrane

6. Why are ions important for neurotransmission? ions are important for neurotransmission because it would be impossible for neurons to generate action potential like ions can

7. What are the 4 most common ions? potassium, sodium, calcium, and chloride

8. How do ions get across the neuron membrane? Through the ion channels

neurotransmitter 9. An ion channel will only open when a specific _________________ binds to its receptor site _____________ ________.

10. If enough ions flow into the post synaptic neuron, the neuron’s threshold will be reached potential action and the neuron will fire an ___________ ______________.

11. What are vesicles? vesicles store neurotransmitters, are produced in the cell body and are carried through the axon's cytoplasm to the terminal

12. What effect does an action potential have on a vesicle? action potential causes them to migrate and bind to the membrane, then release its neurotransmitter contents

13. What happens to the neurotransmitter once it has done its job? it is transported to re-enter the cell and be recycled for use again

14. What do mitochondria do? produces energy that drives the production of the neurotransmitter, the creation of vesicles, and the transport process within the axon

15. List the 5 steps that take place in transmitting information across a synapse (these are in the “Summary” section of the movie). a.

an action potential arrives at the axon terminal

b. triggers the release of neurotransmitter from a vesicle c. neurotransmitter binds to receptor sites on ion channels d.

ions cross the membrane through open channels, which produces a synaptic potential in the postsynaptic neuron


neurotransmitter is removed from the cleft

The Synapse In this section we are going to focus on how nerve impulses travel from neuron to neuron. NOTES: 1. Use the PAUSE button as you go through the video if you want to slow things down. 2. Yes, I know that some of this information is a repeat of what you did in the last section. 16. Signals are sent from one neuron to another by jumping across a tiny space or synapse ______________.

17. Label the following parts of the synapse and describe what it is /what it does: Presynaptic Neuron, Vesicles, Calcium Channels, Synaptic Cleft, Receptor Molecule and Postsynaptic Neuron

presynaptic neuron

calcium channel


receptor molecules

calcium channel synaptic cleft postsynaptic neuron

18. The list below is what happens when a neuron fires and sends a signal along to another neuron. Fill in the missing blanks in each statement. (Remember to use the Pause button!) axon action potential a. When an ______ __________ begins in a neuron, it travels down the _______. calcium channels axon terminal, _________ b. When the action potential reaches the ______ ____________ open and calcium ions rush into the neuron. neurotransmitters vesicles c. When calcium binds to the ___________, the vesicles carry _______________ toward the presynaptic membrane. synaptic_________. cleft d. The neurotransmitter is released into the _______ receptors e. Neurotransmitter diffuses across the synaptic cleft and binds to ____________ on the postsynaptic neuron ______________ _____________. f. The post synaptic neuron receptors are activated. In this case, these receptors allow sodium ions in, causing an __________ _________ potential to start in the postsynaptic action membrane. synaptic cleft. g. Neurotransmitters are __________ released back into the _________

Part II: Neurotransmitters/Drugs: Use the two links to assist in the next webquest. Review the Neuroscience for Kids link first, then use it to assist in your Mouse of Your Choice activity. You will access it through the Mouse Party link; you will need access to Adobe Flash.

Neuroscience for Kids

Mouse Party

Mouse of Your Choice: Pick a mouse. Use the 2 websites above to answer the following questions. 1.What mouse did you choose?


2. Is the drug a stimulant of depressant?

is it a stimulant

3. How does it affect the nervous system?

Dopamine transporters are rsponsible for removing dopamine from the synaptic cleft. It is highly addictive because it makes the user feel intense pleasure and exhileraition

4. Describe the chemical reactions that take place in the brain when using the drug. Because meth mimics sopamine, it is taken into the cell by dopamine transporters. Once inside the cell, meth enters the dopamine vesicles forcing the dopamine out. Dopamine is then pumped out of the cell and into the synapse, working in reverse. The excess dopamine binds repeatedly the receptors and overstimulates the cell....

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