Modern Human size and Giants found toghether DNA Lab report DOCX

Title Modern Human size and Giants found toghether DNA Lab report
Author Roger Spurr
File Size 242.8 KB
File Type DOCX
Total Downloads 495
Total Views 852


Results Information 28044 James Dr. Customer ID: Roger Spurr Warren, MI Project #: P-234 48092 Sample Date Received: 6/20/15 Phone: 586-806-4243 Date of Testing/Analysis: 7/1/15 - 9/17/15 Fax: 313- 577-8616 Sample Type: 3 mud fossil samples Email: [email protected] Analysis Type: DNA Extraction, ...


Results Information 28044 James Dr. Customer ID: Roger Spurr Warren, MI Project #: P-234 48092 Sample Date Received: 6/20/15 Phone: 586-806-4243 Date of Testing/Analysis: 7/1/15 - 9/17/15 Fax: 313- 577-8616 Sample Type: 3 mud fossil samples Email: [email protected] Analysis Type: DNA Extraction, PCR, DNA Sequencing and Analysis Objective: The objectie oo this analysis is to peroorm ex tracton oo genomic an/oor mi tochon/rial NAo orom three mu/ oossil samples. Upon successoul NAo ex tracton orom the samples, subsequen t analysis will inclu/e the amplifcaton oo ex trac te/ NAo using the PCR technique targetng specifc NAo marker sequences an/ to ob tain NAo sequence orom the amplife/ PCR pro/uc ts. Mud fossil samples analyzed had the following designatonss 36 inch tp Lung Mud Tip Procedure: DNA Extractio Bac terial NAo was ex trac te/ orom each oo the three submite/ mu/ oossil samples using the Gene Clean oncien t NAo Ex trac t Ki t (MP BIO, Solon, OH) accor/ing to the manuoac turer's ins tructons. 50 microli ters (ul) oo pro teinase K soluton was a//e/ to each sample prior to incubaton a t 56°C an/ incubaton was carrie/ ou t oor 24 hours to ensure comple te lysis. o negatie con trol sample was also inclu/e/ in the NAo ex tracton proce/ure. The NAo ex tracton orom each sample was collec te/ orom the column in two eluton s teps such tha t the NAo ex tracton ob taine/ orom each sample consis te/ oo a "frs t" an/ "secon/" eluton. Following the NAo ex tracton proce/ure, the concen traton an/ optcal /ensi ty oo each NAo ex tracton was measure/ using the nano/rop spec tropho tome ter. NAo concen traton in nanograms (ng) per microli ter (ul) an/ optcal /ensi ty oo...

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