Modern World History Notes PDF

Title Modern World History Notes
Course Survey of Modern History I
Institution Touro College
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Modern World History Primary sources: sources written in the time period, art from that time, receipts of sale Secondary sources: sources written based on primary sources Tertiary sources: textbooks Talked about the importance of skepticism when it comes to biases in sources. 2 tests Textbook: Many Europes – Choice and chance in western civilization Modern: Industry, Industrial, Science, Technology, Communication, Freedom/Liberty, Democracy (vs. Monarchy) “social contract” between people and government – people are the source of power, Representative Government – electing representatives to govern on my behalf/purpose is to serve the people and protect their rights, Religious Toleration – freedom of religion Religion used to be the central focus of society. Source of knowledge used to be religion. Differences in communication and technology. Status at birth determined life. Advent of middle class spurred change. Modern notion of equality. Belief in education – power to give a person power. Progress – change for the better. Life and society aren’t static. When do these concepts collectively become part of change? 18th century Enlightenment, a western phenomenon. An intellectual movement, a literary movement. Need for more voices, value for the individual, individual rights. Religious toleration, notions of freedom. Home base – France. France felt need for change, government was old monarchy which was overspending without decent tax system, so many privileges for clergy and nobility and society felt left out, no one had a voice. Inspired by the Scientific Revolution. There are rational rules that govern society. The Enlightenment built upon new reliance on science and rational laws. Isaac Newton had developed rational laws that govern science, the enlightenment said that rational laws should govern social sciences, need reason and rationality. They criticized what already existed – “Philosophes” who criticized society (French system - All universities, society ran by the church – very strict, didn’t make sense. French society organized into legal categories of people who have different privileges. No rational criteria. Justice system nonexistent, no trial system.). But

philosophes are an international movement, they are all in contact with each other (Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson). These are quintessential enlightenment thinkers. John Locke’s writings – philosopher who wrote about individual rights, man’s rights to life, liberty, pursuit and right to property. Also wrote about government created by man is to protect man’s rights, must be limited. People have a right to rule themselves, they vote for who should represent them. Locke is the spokesman for “social contract” theory of government. The “ruled” put the “rulers” in power and can take them out. Social contract theory allows possibility of revolution, people can overthrow the government if rights aren’t being protected. Locke (1690-1700) is also a psychology philosopher, talks about how man is not inherently anything – good or evil. Man is shaped by his environment, nature vs. nurture, he believes in nurture. Early experiences shape a person’s behavior “man is a tabula rasa”, blank slate. Men are endowed with reason, not “original sin”, they have individual rights and the environment will shape them. Enlightenment – let’s make a rational economy, society, justice system and improve men. We will see progress in men’s character. This is the fundamental belief of enlightenment, bring society out of the light and make us better people. Another philosophe of the enlightenment period – Montesquieu. Writes about separation of powers in government. Studies politics and argues in favor of distributing power, not all power can be concentrated in hands of single monarch. Not do away with monarch, but checks and balances, distributed power. Separate branches that act separately, dependently and independently to limit each other’s powers. Another philosophe of the enlightenment period – Adam Smith, Scotsman. Famous for free market economy, “laissez faire” hands off economics. Let the economy work on its own. Stop government intervention in the government. Older system of mercantilism is where government is in charge, rules, regulation, price setting. If you let the economy run according to the natural laws of economics (ex. Let prices be dependent on supply and demand) the economy, prosperity will grow. American Revolution (1770s) and then the French Revolution (1789-1799). Americans reject absolute monarchy of king of England and write the Dec. of Ind. in universal terms, mankind’s liberty against tyranny. The power of the Dec. of Ind. is that it inspires the world. The French revolt and it’s a huge shock – undoing centuries of tradition, monarchy, oppression, tyranny. The monarchy, church, organization of society are completely overthrown. French Revolution considered more revolutionary than American revolution. The French Enlightenment was the dominant Enlightenment. This crumbles Europe. Assignment definitions - Dates (1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 15, 19); Read chapters 15 and 17 French society has three legal categories – three Estates. First Estate, etc. Started in Middle Ages. First Estate – clergy. Second Estate – Nobility. Third Estate – Serfs. Peasants who worked

the land. Over time, serfdom will be abolished but they’re still peasants. Peasants are not city workers, merchants. Middle class becomes peasants – not poor  bourgeoisie, city dwellers. They live in the cities and work, can be wealthy. But they’re still in the third estate in terms of privileges. When it comes to legalities they’re not the same as the first and second. First and second are exempt from taxes, service (serve in the military or in public service – forced labor service). If a wealthy merchant decides not to pay taxes they can bribe their way out. Very corrupt system full of loopholes and bribes. System that divides society by privileges and lack of privileges. Estates General is very weak and doesn’t do much to stop the king, not exercising powers against the king. The king is the one who calls them into session or not. If the king doesn’t call them into session they don’t exist. The kings rule alone. By the late 1780s, the Estates General has not been called into session since 1614. Politically, it’s useless. In the 18th century, the Enlightenment calls it into question – it has nothing to do with wealth or justice. The law doesn’t apply equally to everyone. (Date 3) Abbe Sieyes – Abbe is his title, his name is Emmanuel. He is a priest, an abbot, latin root of father. He will be open-minded, open to Enlightenment ideas, inspired by American Revolution. Plays an important role in critiquing the entire ordered privilege system. Wrote “What is The Third Estate” (handout). He defines a nation based on work, the serfs are useful, productive. What is the function of the other two estates? They’re taking a free ride on the third estate, they’re parasites. Calling on the first and second estates to give up their privileges. Also says that them calling their privileges “liberties” is wrong. They’re privileges. True liberty is the absence of privilege, it is equality. Saying be part of the third, join the nation. 2/6 Sparked by serious financial crisis for the government of France. Treasuries are empty because of years overspending, wars and luxurious living. No rational taxation system. People who could afford taxes don’t pay it. No rational collection of taxes and lenders stop lending the king money. King Louis XVI (16th) makes an effort to rationalize the tax code. Nearly a revolt by the nobility and we come to crisis point where king is desperate for money and calls for Assembly of Notables. Key issue gathered to discuss: Gathers nobility to ask them to accept upon themselves taxes. He has handpicked members who are enlightened and will be receptive to this. Expects them to say yes. They say no – no taxation without representation. Only if they are represented in government. King decides to call to order the Estates-General. King is petrified they will revolt and calls to order the Estates-General – a legislative body of the three estates that hasn’t met in 150 years. Each estate is sending delegates and third estate starts to advocate for change in the way the Estates-General works. How it was: each Estate met separately with an equal number of delegates and voted for a block. Complaining that it wasn’t fair – the third estate is 97% of the population, they should have more delegates and more votes. Equal representatives to the other two estates and one vote per man. They also wanted the estates to meet together to present their side of the case. Chief court rules no

changes. This is when Abbe Sieyes writes his pamphlet where he argues that the third estate is the nation, drop your privileges and join us. He was a member of the clergy but he recognized it wasn’t a fair system. Assembly of Notables  Estates General (no changes are made)  Abbe Sieyes  Tennis Court Oath Third State declare National Assembly and write constitution, rights of the people and limit gvmt.  storming of the bastille,  committee for public safety  Robespierre  napoleon boanaparte *Not responsible for dates* First few weeks of Estates-general nothing is happening. Then a few liberal priests (Abbe Sieyes and his friends) walk out of their chamber and join the third estate. This emboldens the third estate to declare themselves the National Assembly. Third estate finds door locked to their section in Versaille at the Estates-General and go to nearby tennis court and take the Tennis Court Oath. Take an oath not to disband until they write a formal constitution for the government. A constitution guarantees the people’s rights and limits the powers of government. This is the third estate taking control. Delegates of the third estate – educated class who were interested in politics (lawyers, journalists, etc.). Working, educated middle class. This is the only group that the rest of the population feels connected to. They were sent to represent everyone else. Word got out that the king is resisting, trying to shut down National Assembly and nobility isn’t cooperating and people begin rebelling, violence upsurge in Paris. People are motivated by hatred of Marie Antoinette (queen – let them eat cake they have no bread), high prices, etc. Storming of the Bastille - Bastille was old fortress prison on edge of the city, towering structure that housed very few inmates, like 7. Hysteria builds on each other. Kill the mayor and send clear message to the king, the beast has been awoken, we will not be quieted. This day became known as their day of independence. Emigres – leave the country, nobility all over Europe and related to each other – marry each other. Meanwhile, National Assembly is trying to make legal changes. In August, the noblemen renounce privileges and titles. Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen – Issued by the French National Constituent Assembly to define the rights of man as an individual and as part of a nation during the French Rev. Consulted Thomas Jefferson and put together their own version of the Declaration of Independence, outlining rights of man. All men are equal under the law. The notion that now the government is by the citizens, for the citizens bothers people. Women in Paris go on a march from Paris to Versailles with pitchforks, butcher’s knives. They overwhelmed the guards

and insisted they bring the king back to Paris to face the music. We want the baker, the baker’s wife and the boy – they’re taking the king, queen and prince. Force them into a carriage and accompany them back to Paris. King and queens are in physical danger. Meanwhile, if the king has left Versailles, the entire National Assembly moves to Paris also. National Assembly puts together constitution – want checks and balances, division of power, fair taxation. Making political and economical changes. Interested in property rights, laissez faire. But the population do not own property and this will be controversial. What about the Jews? Jews get rights in France. Officially granted citizenship rights. Essentially civil constitution is subsuming power of the church under the state. Many Frenchman don’t want this – devout Catholics who don’t want to tamper with the power of the church. These were people who were so far on board. Pope is outraged. Pope makes an order – no loyal clergyman in France is allowed to take the oath. So there are clergyman who do take the oath and those who don’t. Most devout are in the countryside. King Louis XVI caught leaving the country and put him under house arrest. Rumor that neighboring countries are set to attack. Monarchies from afar are panicking about these ideas of tampering with traditional government. All gather to attack France. Begins with immediate neighbors and everyone begins attacking the French. Disaster for the French – can’t fight back because they don’t have officers to command the armies. The officers were the nobility who have fled the country. In the beginning it’s disastrous. Meanwhile, new election for new government. Pressures are mounting. Pressure also coming from poor in the cities who have no property rights and therefore can’t vote. Government’s response: become more radicalized. “National Convention” comes from the National Assembly, name of new government. Committee for Public Safety assembles – 12 men now in charge of France. They call massive draft to fight “levee-en masse”. This calls on population to wage “total war”. Boys are recruited, women are rationing and knitting. Every person in France is rallied for the war efforts. How do you get “total war”? Propaganda. Beginnings of the notion of political nationalism – loyalty to France is different from loyalty to the king. With these efforts, the armies begin performing and start to get invaders out. How do they deal with internal issues? Kill everyone who disagrees – the “Reign of Terror”. Death squads, executioners, secret police who identify enemies, completely indiscriminate. Leader is Robespierre justifies terror as a political tool in writing. The people want a democratic government and we must therefore force the people to comply – use of terror for the public good. Execute king and queen. “Cult of Reason” – religion of logic and reason, chuck Christianity. Hierarchy is being abolished in the language, everyone is called citizen. Changed street names, building names from Louis and Marie. Babies are not named Louis and Marie. This is the period when the French adopt the metric system, where ten is a rational number. They change the calendar. Year 1 is 1792. 7 day week is biblical and make a ten day week, ten month year. Rename days and months. Thousands are killed – beheaded with the guillotine. Weird mixture of rationality and crazed insanity.

After a year and a half of this, things change and the French armies are winning battles and taking new territory. People go to Robespierre to say it’s enough and he puts them to death. Uprising against Robespierre – “The Thermadorian Reaction”. The name of the month was Thermadore – heat (July). Crazy faze subsides. Next several years, five co-directors run France but they’re not very popular so they rely on army to protect, support them and enforce law and order. This is where Napoleon Buonaparte comes in. Napoleon was a product of the revolution – he became a somebody because of the new ideas and values of the revolution. But he’s talented in military skill, he’s a genius in the military. He comes to the attention of the directory and they invite him to help them rule. Napoleon is also a megalomaniac and decides to overthrow the government (the directory) and he becomes the leader. By 1801 he declares himself the emperor of France. Assignment: Read chapter on Napoleon and know the background. Napoleonic code of law – all men equal before the law This undoes tradition of status based on birth. Napoleon very interested in merit-based society. Created Legion of Honor – honor society granting awards, honorific titles to people who prove themselves worthy to the state/gov. based on achievements in the arts, business, science Big believer in education – first monarch in Europe to introduce secondary school system, statesponsored schools Napoleon makes peace treaty with the pope – brings France under Catholic banner but grants religious toleration (including Jews). Key features of rule that continue in the role of enlightenment and revolution. There are elections but very circumscribed, people elected are only handpicked by Napoleon. Napoleon is the dictator who doesn’t have to listen to legislature. This is a dictatorship, not constitutional monarchy. Very contradictory. Napoleon is determined to rule of Europe – quest to conquer the rest of Europe. Amazing how much he accomplishes in short amount of time. Within ten years of coming into power, he conquers a portion of Europe and the areas he doesn’t rule directly, he makes treaties with local rulers that they must follow his ruling. Patriotic loyalty to the state of France adopted by multiple peoples while Napoleon is ruling the rest of Europe. Then there are uprisings around Europe who want to get rid of French rule and Napoleon has to suppress the revolutions. Also bothers him that there are big territories that he can’t control. Napoleon marches troops into Russia – previously had peace treaty with Czar and now destroying it. They go towards Moscow and turns into defeat of Napoleon. Russians burn everything behind them, leave no crops/livestock for incoming army to use. No resources for Napoleon’s army and supply lines extend out of safe territory. Russian gov. didn’t care about Russian people, were indifferent

when it came to destroying everyone’s resources. Winter is brutal, no one can survive and Napoleon’s armies collapse. He took 500,000 men and only 100,000 returned. The rest died or deserted the army. This is the beginning of the defeat of Napoleon. All European nations who weren’t taken over by Napoleon made an alliance to defeat Napoleon and he’s on the run. They capture him, put him in jail on an island. These nations met to discuss what to do with him. Final defeat of Napoleon at Battle of Waterloo 1815. Napoleon  contradictory, dictatorship  conquer Europe  fail Russia  Battle of Waterloo demise  Congress of Vienna (Metternich) create Concert of Europe, balance of states so reassign territory to control France, conservatives who want to go back to nobility etc. Congress of Vienna – meets to discuss the fate of Europe. Key players at Vienna: The “host” Prince Klemens von Metternich of Austria – von means from, from noble house of Metternich. He’s not the actual emperor of Austria, he’s the second-in-command, the prime minister. He’s the dominant politician for next 30 years in Europe, guides European politics. Austria, England, Russia, Prussia making the big decisions. Metternich’s real goal is to create a balance of power between the states. No one state can dominate Europe. Notion of national cooperation, they will help each other, a “Concert of Europe”. Redraw the map – France loses territory and shrinks back to size it was before revolution went crazy, didn’t dismantle France, let it continue and eventually France joins as one of the (now) five key players at Vienna a. Protect against future French aggression – by ensuring secure territories around France b. Kingdom of Netherlands puts together various territories – Belgium lower, closer to France and united with Holland in North and king of Holland has control over both  containing French aggression c. Kingdom of Piedmont – northern Italy, given control over island Sardenia which had been in French control to secure the sections under France  securing territory around French borders to make sure the French don’t have designs on their neighbors d. Problem: people whose territories are being moved around weren’t consulted  setup for revolution based on nationalism, notion of national identity is in the air. This won’t be dealt with at Congress of Vienna – not interested in territorial rights, just interested in territorial gain. e. England – is in beginnings of Industrial Revolution and doesn’t want territory, just wants to forge a...

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