World History quiz 3 Notes PDF

Title World History quiz 3 Notes
Course World History: Theory and Practice
Institution University of Massachusetts Lowell
Pages 3
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World History quiz 3 Notes...


World History quiz 3 Notes  What caused Great Britain and France to declare war on Germany in 1939? o the invasion of Poland 

What is the best definition of a "blitzkrieg"? o rapid invasion by air and land

How were Soviet troops different from French and Polish troops? o Soviet troops refused to retreat or surrender.

Why did Hitler most likely assume he could annex Austria and Czechoslovakia? o He believed that Great Britain and France would choose not to respond to his actions.

Which country was a member of the Axis powers? o Japan

Which aggressive action did Germany take in the 1930s? o annexing Austria and Czechoslovakia

Hitler was confident about invading Russia because he had recently captured o France.

What was Benito Mussolini's attitude toward personal liberties? o The state should decide which personal liberties were needed.

How were the governments of Japan and Italy similar in the 1930s? Check all that apply. o Both used extreme nationalism to win support. o Both began programs of aggressive expansion.

When did military rulers take control in Japan? o during the Great Depression

How does a totalitarian government differ from most authoritarian governments? o It is more extreme and rigid.

Why did Japanese soldiers kill so many civilians in Nanking, China? o Commanders encouraged their soldiers to be as brutal as possible.

How did Benito Mussolini attempt to increase Italy's power? o by seizing control of new land

Who was Francisco Franco?

o the fascist dictator of Spain 

How did the secret police in a totalitarian government most likely get their name? o The police investigated and punished people with no warning.

How was the rebellion in Spain different from that in Italy? o The new Spanish ruler seized power without popular support from citizens.

What actions characterize authoritarian governments? Check all that apply. o Leaders often seize power by illegitimate means. o A single leader or a very powerful group rules. o Leaders refuse to tolerate dissenting views.

Who fought on the side of the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War? o international volunteers

When Benito Mussolini came into power, he promised to? o solve Italy's economic problems.

What is the most likely reason that Italy and Germany supported the Nationalists in the Spanish Civil War? o Italy and Germany wanted to promote the spread of fascism.

What happened when Spain's government could not overcome social and economic problems during the Great Depression? o The army led a rebellion against the government.

Why were idealistic supporters of the Nazi party willing to endorse Hitler's annexation of Austria? o They wanted a quick return to the former power and glory of Germany.

Read this quotation from Winston Churchill. "You were given the choice between war and dishonor. You chose dishonor and you will have war." What does Churchill mean by his use of the word "dishonor"? o Reproach

The Third Reich based its power primarily on o fear.

Six months after the Munich Conference, Hitler annexed o Czechoslovakia.

What issue caused German citizens to be willing to accept new leadership?

o the lack of job availability 

What was one aspect of Racial Purity laws? o Marriages between Germans and Jews were prohibited.

Hitler most likely forced Jews to wear a yellow star so that Jews could o be identified and arrested more easily.

Based upon an understanding of Nazi Germany and Hitler's tactics, what is most likely to happen under totalitarian rule? o People lose their civil rights.

What was the original purpose of the SS? o to intimidate the German population

When Hitler assumed control of the Nazi party, he immediately o began enforcing his personal nationalistic and racist views.

Appeasement was a popular policy because European leaders o wanted to avoid another war.

Hitler can be described as a fanatical despot because he o worshiped force and despised persuasion....

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