Module 1 2 OF Empowerment ghjfghfj fghjfghdgh fghfgh PDF

Title Module 1 2 OF Empowerment ghjfghfj fghjfghdgh fghfgh
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Empowerment 11/12 Technologies QUARTER 1 MODULE


Information and Communications Technology (Part 1)

EXPECTATIONS At the end of the learning period, the students shall have: • improved their understanding regarding the current state of ICT; • constructed a comprehensive description (both similarities and differences) of their chosen topic from the lesson through Venn diagram; and • justified what they realized/valued regarding the current state and improvements in ICT.


(or ICT) is an umbrella term which covers any communication devices, applications, and systems that people use to interact and connect with others. Old form of media like radio and television are considered as ICT. Various services and applications, software or hardware, as well as digital forms of communication such as tools available on the Internet like blogs and e -mail, and computer software such as Microsoft PowerPoint and Word considered as ICT.

For example: Cardinal Sin used the radio broadcast of Radyo Veritas to encourage Filipinos to fight against former President Ferdinand Marcos in the year 1986. 2. In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web and founded World Wide Web Consortium in 1994. 3. Today, the latest mobile devices use 4G and 5G Networking (LTE), which is currently the fastest mobile network.


The Current State of ICT Technologies When the World Wide Web (Internet) was invented by Tim Berners-Lee, most of the web pages were static web (also known as flat page or stationary page) or the content is “as is”. In this state, the user Tim Berners-Lee Image credit: cannot manipulate or edit the content of the page, as well as, the content is same for all the users. In addition, static web can be referred to as Web 1.0.

Web 1.0 were added by dynamic web pages, and eventually evolved into Web 2.0. This term was popularized by Tim O’Reilly and Dale Dougherly at the O’Reilly Media Web 2.0 Conference in the year 2004. However, Darcy DiNucci coined this term on January 1999. Darcy Dinucci Image credit: In this state, most of the websites contain dynamic content or has interactive characteristics. Currently, digital natives, such as the Millenials and Gen Z, enjoy these websites and applications because they can create, collaborate, modify and exchange content with the other users.

But, how can we know if the website or application is an example of Web 2.0? These are the six features:

Image credit: Google Images

1. Folksonomy – It is a term from the blended words “folks” and “taxonomy”. This feature allows user to categorize and classify/arrange information (ex.: hashtag like #NewNormal). 2. Rich User Experience – This feature deals with how a site uses user information for a personalized content (ex.: blog/vlog, social media accounts, et cetera). 3. User Participation – This means that those who view the website can also put their own information (ex.: the comment section and/or the reaction button of Facebook). 4. Long Tail Services – These services offer services on demand as opposed to a one-time purchase (ex.: the Netflix user must pay the monthly subscription fee to enjoy binge-watching). 5. Software as a Service – It contains how users would subscribe to a software as opposed to purchasing them (Ex.: thesis group members can collaborate online through Google Docs, and can create online survey with Google Forms wherein members can edit and monitor their progress simultaneously). Mass Participation - This feature deals with diverse information sharing through universal web access (ex.: regardless your nationality, gender, et cetera, you can share information online, but make sure, it is not fake). One of the examples of Web 2.0 is the social networking site Facebook.

Through their personal account, user can share their personal information, and thoughts. They can connect with their friends from distant locations and keep in touch with them. In addition, business-minded user can start their online-selling business. Though Facebook has a lot of privilege, it also comes with a great responsibility. As a Facebook user, you should protect yourself from identity theft or other cybercrimes through changing your privacy setting. Set your profile from “Public” to “Only Me” option. Though netizens experiencing the advancement of Web 2.0, there are still people who like to improve what we have. Tim BernersLee of World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) encourages web developers to include Semantic Web in their web pages, which is one of the components of Web 3.0. Web 3.0 was coined by John Markoff of the New York Times in 2006. It supposed to be the third generation of Internet-based services, which aims to produce machine that can understands the user’s preferences. This machine can server better by “learning” from the previous choices of the user.

However, it is not been fully realized due to several problems. Compatibility – Our currently used web browsers, and HTML files cannot support the idea of Web 3.0. If this compatibility won’t be achieved, other things like security will be compromised also.


Security – To serve better the user, saving user’s preference is the main idea of Web 3.0. However, is it achievable with the current state of the ICT? 2.

Vastness – Information comes from billions of web pages is the main feature of the Internet, and it must be organized to specifically deliver what the user’s need.


Vagueness – Web 3.0 machine must cater all languages as this third generation of web aims to serve diverse users. 4.

Logic – Since it uses logic, it might not understand sarcasm nor other messages that might involving interference or prediction.


Based on the lesson, the ICT is still under some development, however it greatly impacts our daily life, and became an important part of the Philippine economy that our country was dubbed as the “ICT Hub of Asia.”

Technology keeps rising and improving every time. The use of technology connects us to the people around the globe and gives us current information on the trends in information and communication. As what you have written in the activity above, it shows that social media is mostly used by people and one of the current trends in information and communication technology. Trends in ICT 1.


Convergence – it refers to fusing of technological advancement to work on a similar task. Example. Using smartphone as camera in taking pictures instead of DSLR camera. Social Media – an application and website where user can communicate, create and share content, and participate in online communities.

Photo Credit:

Type of Social Media A. Social Network – A website where people with the same come together to share information. Examples: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook

Image taken from


Social News – A website where user can post stories and are ranked based on the popularity through voting. Examples: Digg, Reddit, Propeller, Slashdot, Fark

Image taken from


Bookmarking Sites – A website that allows you to share and store internet bookmarks, articles, posts, blogs, images and others. Examples: Pinterest, StumbleUpon, Dribble

Image taken from D.

Media Sharing – A website that allows you to share and store multimedia files such as video, photos and music. Examples: Instagram, YouTube, Flickr

Image taken from


Microblogging – a website that allows you to broadcast short message. Examples: Twitter, Tumblr, Meetme

Image taken from F.

Blogs and Forums – a discussion website that allows user to ask questions and comments on a journal posted by an individual or group. Examples: Wordpress, Blogger

Image taken from 3.


Mobile Technologies – a technology used in cellular and other devices such netbook, laptop, tablet, smartphones and etc. Assistive Media - A platform that assist people with disability. It will guide the individual like a blind person by using an audio recording. 8

ACTIVITIES WORD SEARCH: Can you find the ICTs listed below? Kindly, encircle it. I.


Fax Machine

















10. Laptop

WRAP -UP Directions: Fill-in the blanks with the correct missing terms. 1._________________or ICT is an umbrella term that covers any devices or applications, as well as, digital forms that can locate, save, send, and edit information. Through Tim Berners -Lee innovation, people started with Web 2. , and eventually, evolved into Web 3. __________________ , however, industry keeps on growing and thinking about Web 3.0 to serve people better. It is a great advancement; however, it comes with a few problems like security, 4._______________, vastness, logic, and compatibility. _


Currently, digital native and immigrant enjoy the features of Web 2.0 namely, folksonomy, rich user experience, user participation, 5. _________________ services, software as a service, and mass participation. These features can be seen with the social media applications and sites. ICT contributes a great part in our daily life. In the Ph ilippines, it is an integral part of economy, and dubbed the country as the “ICT Hub of Asia.”

POSTTEST Directions: Encircle the letter that corresponds to the correct answer. 1. ICT

deals with the use of different communication technologies that locates, saves, send, and edit information. This acronym stands for? A. Information and Communications Technology B. Inform and Communicate Technology C. Information and Computing Technologies D.Informing and Computing Technologies 2. At the age of 49, Lola Maria created her Facebook account, and learned to use Messenger as a medium for communication. Her grandchild taught her how to use these two social networking sites. As a digital person, her grandchild is considered as . A. Digital Immigrant C. Both A and B B. Digital Native D. None among the options 3. Through Tim Berners-Lee proposal, this system was developed which enables the user to access hypertext documents and other files over the Internet. A. World Wide Web C. Web 2.0 B. Web 1.0 D. Web 3.0 4. There are three versions of web: Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0. Which one is not a key feature of Web 2.0? A. Mass Participation C. Vagueness B. Software as a Service D. Long Tail 5. One of the key features of Web 2.0 refers to diverse of information sharing through universal web access. A. Mass Participation C. Vagueness B. Software as a Service D. Long Tail References Yuvienco, Joel. Empowerment Technologies (Student Reader). 1 st ed. Pasig City: Department of Education, 2016. Innovative Training Works, Inc. Empowerment Technologies. 1st ed. Manila: Rex Bookstore (2016).

COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY Part 2 At the end of the learning period, the students shall have: • improved their understanding of ICT regarding its current state; • constructed a comprehensive description (both similarities and differences) of their chosen topic from the lesson through Venn diagram; and • justified what they realized/valued regarding the current state and improvements in ICT. LESSON Aside from Ash’s Pokémon creatures, the world of ICT keeps on growing and evolving, thus the industry keeps on producing innovations that caters the needs of the digital natives and digital immigrants. When we say “trends”, we are not only talking about the fashion styles and clothes; but also, we follow trends in ICT. These are the 4 trends in ICT: Social Media – These are the websites, application, or online channel that allows the netizens (Internet citizen/web users) to create, co -create, discuss, modify, and exchange usergenerated content such as images, documents, et cetera with the other netizens. People usually misuses the term “social media” by referring it to a specific application or website, however, this is an umbrella term. It means that social media has six (6) types:


1.1. Social Networks – This type enables the user to connect with the other user that has same interest, background, and/or information. It has rich user experience as the user can personalized their profile accounts, connect with the other users regardless the distance, and react and leave comments on other user’s posts (Ex.: Facebook and Google +). 1.2. Bookmarking Site – This site allows the user to store and manage links to various websites and resources. Most of these sites allow you to create a tag that allows you and others to easily search or share them (Ex.: StumbleUpon and Pinterest).

Image credit:

1.3 Social Media News – Simply known as social news. It is far different from the traditional news platform. This site promotes sharing between the news provider and the user, becomes a central hub for new stories from various other third party sources to deliver instant news, and users can interact with the news stories by voting, liking, commenting, sharing, et cetera(Ex.: Reddit and Image credit: Digg). 1.4. Media Sharing – Do you like to share your selfies, or to show your self - made film? Media sharing applications enable user to upload and share media content like image, video, and music to like, comment, and share by the other users (Ex.: TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram). 1.5. Microblogging – Can you say your feelings with just 280 characters? This type of social media focuses on short updates from the user (Ex.: Twitter and Plurk). Image credit:

1.6. Blogs and Forums – Unlike the vlog (video log), blog (web log) user posts their own write ups or narratives such as review, diary, or journal on their customized website. Through this blogpost, users can share links to other websites with the other users, and the others Image credit: can leave comment or reaction. On the other hand, forum is a part of certain website wherein users can hold an online discussion about a certain topic (Ex.: Blogger, WordPress, and Tumblr).

2. Convergent

Technologies – In the past, people can access the applications and websites through the personal computer. Due to technological advancement, industry produces devices and gadgets that achieves similar task or goal with the personal computer. (Ex.: When I was a college student, I need to rent a computer at the computer shop to finish my type-written reports and research assignments, but now, I can access, download, and edit my students’ research through my smartphone.)

Image credit: Google Images

Mobile Technologies – Similar with the fashion styles, mobile technologies, such as smartphones and tablets, change and improve not just yearly, but every time. It becomes popular because of its capability to do tasks that were originally found in personal computers. Mobile devices use 4G Networking (LTE) and come along with different operating systems: 3.

3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. 3.6. 3.7.

iOs – for Apple devices Android – an open source operating system developed by Google Blackberry OS – for Blackberry devices Windows Phone OS – a closed source and proprietary operating system developed by Microsoft Symbian – for Nokia devices WebOS – for smart TVs Windows Mobile – developed by Microsoft for smartphones and pocket PCs

4. Assistive

Media – Have you watch the movie “Unfriended: Dark Web”? The main character used an assistive media called “Papaya” to communicate with his deaf and mute girlfriend. This trend refers to a group of software and hardware devices to help people with disabilities. Image from the movie “Unfriended: Dark Web”

Online Systems, Functions, and Platforms Due to technological advancement, online versions of information systems were developed. These online systems are “the process of and tools for storing, managing, using, and gathering of data and communications in an organization.” On the other hand, platforms are any hardware or software to host an application. These platforms come with the different functions. One example is the collaborative platforms. It is a category of business software that adds broad social networking capabilities to work processes. Another example is the web search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. Once these platforms were programmed, it functions and become a tool.

ACTIVITIES (PERFORMANCE) LOGO GAME: Name the 10 social media logos you see in the picture below. Hint: Most of the answers are mentioned in the lesson. I.


VENN DIAGRAM: From the lesson above, show the similarities and difference of the two things you learn. Write the differences inside the circle, while the similarities on the lines below the diagram.



__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ ___________________________

POSTTEST (WRITTEN WORKS ) I. Directions: Encircle the letter that corresponds to the correct answer. 1. Innovation is a common thing in the ICT industry. The media is a non -profit service designed to help the people who have visual and reading impairments. C. Blogging A. Assistive B. Folksonomy D. Social 2. Developed by Google, Android is an open source operating system that is being used by several mobile phone companies. Which device uses iOs? C. smart TVs A. Nokia devices B. Blackberry devices D. Apple devices 3. Social Media is a website, application, or online channel that enables web users to create, co -create, discuss, modify, and exchange user generated content. Which one of the options is NOT an example of social media? C. Both A and B A. Social Networks D. None among the option B. Media Sharing 4. Currently, this is the fastest mobile network. A. 2G C. 4G D. 5G B. 3G 5. TikTok is a social media application that can be classified as: C. Microblogging A. Bookmarking site D. Blogs and forums B. Media sharing

II. Directions: Based on the lesson, write 5 terms describing each trend of ICT. TRENDS of ICT SOCIAL MEDIA

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Empowerment 11/12 Technologies QUARTER 1 MODULE


Online Safety, Security, Ethics, and Etiquette: Internet Threats Part 1

EXPECTATIONS At the end of the learning period, the students shall have: 1. differentiate the malwares and cybercrimes in the Internet; 2. name the types of malware using the image; 3. illustrate an editorial sketch of your chosen cybercrime that happened during this pandemic; and 4. plan their own set of rules to avoid these Internet threats.

LESSON Have you encountered the blue screen of death after your accessed or downloaded a free product from a website? If yes, do not worry. You are not the only one who suffer this damage on their ICTs. Some of us, even me, experience this one. Through this lesson, you will learn how to protect yourself and the other users in the digital world. The threats in the Internet is real. After all, it become a public place especially billions of people have an ...

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