Module 1 Understanding Humanities and Art Appreciation PDF

Title Module 1 Understanding Humanities and Art Appreciation
Author Jeremy Meneses
Course Art Appreciaton
Institution University of La Salette
Pages 16
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Module1Humanities and Art AppreciationUnderstanding Humanities and Art AppreciationIntroductionArt is an expression made visible by any form. The presentation contained an attempt to translate the unnamed and the unknown. Intrinsic to our existence as humans is our quest to create meaning, and Art a...


Module 1

Humanities and Art Appreciation

Understanding Humanities and Art Appreciation Introduction Art is an expression made visible by any form. The presentation contained an attempt to translate the unnamed and the unknown. Intrinsic to our existence as humans is our quest to create meaning, and Art allows that process to take place. This module is focused on humanities and art appreciation. Appreciating any form of art helps us value even more the uniqueness of God’s greatest masterpiece-humans. In this module, you will explore topics on humanities and art appreciation, basic assumption, nature, functions, and philosophy of arts, and the difference of subject and content form artworks. Intended learning outcomes: At the end of this module, you are expected to: • • • •

recognize the meaning of Humanities, Art, and art appreciation; explain the assumptions and nature of arts; describe the functions of art; and compare and contrast the subject and content of art. Preliminary activity

Look around your surroundings. Do you see any presence of arts? If so, give at least three (3) insights why do you consider it as an art? Relevance of Art Appreciation • • •

Art has played a significant role throughout our history. It will continue to be part of our future and the future of our loved ones for many generations to come. Art is not meant to be looked at only for what it is. Art Appreciation develops an open mind and understanding that there is more than just one solution. It also helps to develop an appreciation for each other and celebrate each individuality.

Importance of Studying Art Appreciation and Philosophy • •

Having appreciation for art also helps us to develop an appreciation for each other and how we are all unique in our own way. Develop Literacy and Communications Skills. 1

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Make sense of our world. Philosophy – from Greek, by way of Latin, philosophia, “love of wisdom”

Meaning of Humanities and Art Appreciation •

Humanities o Latin word humanus, meaning refined or cultured human. o stories, the ideas, and the words that help us make sense of our lives and our world (White, 1997). Art Appreciation o referred to the knowledge of the general and everlasting qualities that classify all great art. o Referred to the pursuit of knowledge and understanding of the universal and timeless qualities characterizing works of art. o The ability to interpret and understand human-made arts and enjoy them through actual work experience with art tools and materials o Possession of the works of art for one’s admiration and satisfaction. o The knowledge and understanding of the general and everlasting qualities that classify all great arts o The introduction and exploration of visual and performing art forms. o Analysis of the form of artwork to the general audience to enhance their enjoyment and satisfaction of the works of art.

Art History •

Study of objects of art in their historical development and stylistic contexts; that is genre, design, format, and style.

Creativity and Imagination • • • •

Creativity is doing something meaningful with your imagination Imagination allows us to think of things that are not real or around us at any given time It’s quite possible to be imaginative without being creative (Naiman, 2016). If you have ideas, but don’t act on them, you are imaginative but not creative. We are all born with imagination but creativity is learned.

Hereunder are some of the definitions of Art given by various authors and writers: • • • • •

Art is derived from the Latin word “ars,” meaning ability or skill - J.V. Estolas Art is taken from the Italian word “artis” which means craftsmanship, skill, mastery of form, and ideas between material and technique- A.Tan Art is a product of man’s need to express himself.- F.Zulueta Art is that which brings life in harmony with the world. - Plato Art is the life that helps us to realize the truth. - Pablo Picasso


• • • • • • • •

Art is an attitude of spirit, a state of mind that demands for its satisfaction and fulfilling, a shaping matter to new and more significant form. - John Dewey Art is not what you see but what you make others see. - Georgia ‘Keeffe Art is the desire of man to express himself, to record the action of his personality in the world he lives in. - Amy Lowell Art is never finished, only abandoned. - Leonardo Da Vinci Art is not a handicraft. It is the transmission of feeling the artist has experienced. - Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy Art realizes the external form of a real idea and is traced back to that natural love of imitation, which characterizes humans. - Aristotle Art is the conscious creation of something beautiful or meaningful using skill and imagination - Lisa Morder Art is concerned itself with the communication of specific ideas and feelings utilizing sensuous medium, color, sound, bronze, marble, words, and film - C. Sanchez

Nevertheless, a glimpse of the above definitions brings us four (4) standard essentials of arts: 1. Art is human made, not God made 2. Art is creative, not imitative 3. Art benefits and benefits man- when he uses Art in practical life through artistic principles, taste, and skill 4. Art is expressed through a particular medium or material by which the artist communicated himself to his fellows Importance of Art • • • • •

Art highlights and heightens the importance of certain events to keep them memorable and pleasurable Art enables us to get a glimpse of the thoughts, feelings, ad beliefs of the people in their time and faces in the environment that influenced them. a consequence of our encounter with arts Art may influence us to change our ways and behavior as a result of the aesthetic experience we derived from the arts Arts are valuable sources of inspiration and delightful aesthetic experience through the artist's works of Art.

According to Swara Swami (May 31, 2016), here is the list why Art is essential: • • • • •

Arts improve your creativity skills Arts give you joy and satisfaction. Arts relieve stress. Arts allow you to showcase your talent. Arts give you the confidence in performance 3

• • •

Arts help you do well academically Arts help you learn visually Arts help you to express your emotions Activity

1. If you were an artist, what kind of artist will you be? What art will you explore? 2. How can you utilize the arts to express yourself, your community and your relation to

others and with the environment? 3. Select a topic below and give your insights: a. Why is art ageless and timeless? b. Why is art not nature? c. Why does art involve experience? Quiz Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer _______ 1. A. B. C. D. _______ 2. A. B. C. D. _______ 3. A. B. C. D. _______ 4. A. B. C. D. _______ 5. A.

Humanities is derived from what Latin Word? Hominae Humanus Homos None of the above Art is not meant to be looked at only for what it is. It is meant to: Stimulate thought Stimulate reaction Stimulate mental awareness All the above History is also a part of our: Thoughts Mental guide Lives Character Creativity requires that we have a: Knowledge of the idea Motivation and freedom to explore Energy to see the process All the above As a term, art history is: Distinguished from art criticism 4






B. Encompasses several methods of studying the visual arts C. Limited to relatively rich societies with sophisticated tehnologies D. None of the above 6. Which of the following statement is true of culture: A. Nature is culture. B. Archeologist are scientists. C. Culture is power that create something. D. Art is part of culture. 7. With imagination, our focus can be on: A. Things that are impossible B. Things that might be possible C. Things that are present D. Things that are probable 8. As fields of study, the humanities emphasize analysis and A. Exchange of ideas B. Limitations of humans C. Possession of wealth D. None of the above 9. Which of the following is true? A. Imagination is thinking of something B. Art is discipline C. Philosophy develops intellectual abilities D. All of the above 10. Philosophy means A. Love of material thing B. Love of wisdom C. Goals D. All the above


Basic Assumptions, Functions and Nature of Arts Introduction As humans our quest is to create meaning and art allows that process to take place. Making meaning involves understanding our surroundings and marking our experiences. Art is an expression, an expression of feeling, belief, and character. Basic Assumptions of Arts The assumption is a thing that is accepted as accurate as sure to happen, without proof. It is something that you receive as precise without question or evidence. Many assumptions have been written about arts, and some of these are: •

Art involves experience. To experience something, you have to make use of your five senses. Hence, there can never be an appreciation of Art without having experienced it. Fulfillment and consummation of an act conclude the experience. Art is not in nature. Man and nature make the art of God. However, the character can be enhanced by man. They improve the beauty and artistry of nature; they can be classified as art. Art is cultural. Art is the work of humans, and anything that has been created by a human is part of the culture. Art becomes cultural when it depicts people's way of life, religious practices, mores, and traditions, etc. Art is a form of creation. Art is created with imagination and skill, beautiful, or that expresses important ideas or feelings. As it is said, the human is the creator of Art. No art can be created without humans, which uses imagination and creativity to produce Art.

Nature of arts •

Art is a diverse range of human activities. In creating visual, auditory, or performing artworks, expressing the authors imaginative or technical skill, intended to be appreciated for their beauty or emotional power. Art represents reality. The use of signs that stand in for and take the place of something else. Symbols are arranged to form semantic constructions and express relations. So, there is a sense in which Art represents the mind’s eye or what the imagination perceives. Art is an expression.


The expression is contained in the form is an attempt to translate then unnamed and the unknown. Intrinsic to our existence as humans are our quest to create meaning, and Art allows that process to take place. Art serves as a means of communication of emotions. The purpose of works of art may be to communicate political, spiritual, or spiritual or philosophical ideas, to create a sense of beauty, to explore the nature of perception, for pleasure, or to generate strong emotions. Art is an act of expressing feelings, thoughts, and observations of human conditions. Art matters. The arts matter because they allow us to express ourselves and illustrate the world around us in a different light, helping us understand people and society and give hope while living in this world. Art matters because it represents human experiences. Art is universal. Art can be found in every corner of the world. Art is everywhere, and it is embedded into the way of life of people. Art is creation. It combines existing material elements into new forms, which become the realization of a preconceived idea.

Functions of Art • Personal Function An artist may create out for a need for self-expression, or gratification. Art may serve the personal functions of control. Art is used to bring order to a disorganized and disorderly world. Art can also be therapeutic for both the artist and the viewer. Religious art usually expresses collective ideas about human life in relation to the devine. • Social Function Individuals and their society are dynamically related. Art communicates. The intention of sharing responses to and opinions about life with others. Art enriches, informs, and questions the world. Art can have powerful transformative and restorative effects withing society as well. Arts perform a social function when: 1. Influences Social Behavior (Political Function) – it seeks or tends to influence the collective behavior of people. E.g. Bayanihan, Propaganda, etc.


2. Display and Celebration – to be seen or used primarily in public situation like fiestas, parade, etc. One function of sculpture and painting is the commemoration of important personages in society. Physical Function 1. Form and function. The function of an object is generally essential in the basic form that it takes. A chair is so designed as to allow the seated body to rest comfortably on it. 2. Architecture. The design of the building is determined primarily by its operations function. The architect must take the physical, psychological, and spiritual needs of the family into account when he designs a house. 3. Community Planning. A community is a group of individuals and families living in a particular locality because of common interest and needs. Community planning involves the efficient organization of buildings, roads, and spaces so that they meet the physical and aesthetic needs of the community. a. Residential districts. Special areas are assigned for residential pruposes. b. Industrial and commercial areas. A commercial area can be a cluster of small neighborhood stores, a shopping complex in the suburbs, or a central downtown district. c. Civic centers. Symbolic of community dignity and pride. d. Parks, plazas, and malls. The need for a balance between man-made structures and natural areas is answered in the design of plazas and malls. e. Streets and roads. Streets are large or small according to their function. 4. Function and beauty. Many things remain the same in shape through the years because of their functional requirements do not allow for greater variations in their form. Activity

Instructions: React on the various assumptions about art. Expound your position in not more than 150 words. 1. Art is good because it is universal. 2. Why does art demand involvement? 3. Who is considered an artist? What does it mean to be an artist? Quiz Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer _______ 1. Community planning includes the following except: A. Civic Center 8






B. C. D. 2. A. B. C. D. 3. A. B. C. D. 4. A. B. C. D. 5. A. B. C. D. 6.

A. B. C. D. _______ 7. A. B. C. D. _______ 8. A.

Parks, plazas and malls Street and roads Valued Places Which of the following is true? Art is an expression. Art matters. Art is a creation. All the above. Art is universal because. It is true to all society. It is continuous. It varies from one society to another. It has a tendency to grow and expand. Arts perform a social function when: It varies from one society to another. It is developed by humans. Display and celebration. It is pass on to other people. An artist may create out of a need for self-expression, or gratification: Physical function Social function Personal function All of the above Many things remain the same in shape throughout the years because their functional requirements do not allow for greater variations in their form: Function and beauty Architecture Form and function All of the above Which of the following is a nature of art? Art is expression. Art matters. Art serves as a means of communication of emotions. All the above. Which of the following is true: Art may serve the personal function of control


B. Art has been used to attempt to exert magical control over time, or the seasons or even the acquisition of food. C. Art is used to bring order to a disorganized and disorderly world. D. All the above. _______ 9. Art is subjective because A. It cannot be measured by its significance or the level of skill with which it is created. B. Art is a work of humans and anything that has been created by humans is part of culture. C. In order to experience something, you have to make use of your five senses. Hence. There can never be appreciation of art without having experienced it. D. Art is not nature. _______ 10. One function of sculpture and painting is: A. Special areas are assigned for residential purposes. B. Commemoration of important personages in society C. Social description expresses or describes social or collective aspects. D. None of the above.


The Visual Arts

Introduction The Visual Arts are art forms that create works that are primarily visual in nature, such as ceramics, drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, design, crafts, photography, video, film making and architecture. These definitions should not be taken too strictly as many artistic disciplines involve aspects of the visual arts as well as arts of other types. Also included withing the visual arts are the applied arts such as industrial design, graphic design, interior design and decorative art. Visual arts include the following: 1. Fine Arts a. Fine arts refers to an art form practiced mainly for its aesthetic value and its beauty rather that its functional value. 2. Contemporary Arts a. Visual arts include a number of modern art forms, such as: assemblage, collage, mixedmedia, conceptual art, installation, happenings and performance art, along with filmbased disciplines such as photography, video art and animation. 3. Decorative Arts a. The general category of visual arts encompasses a number of decorative art disciplines and crafts, including ceramics and studio pottery, mosaic art, mobiles, tapestry, glass art, and others. 4. Others a. Graphic design, fashion design, and interior design. b. Tattoo art, face painting, and body painting.

Philosophical Perspective of Arts 1) Art as mimesis (Plato). o Mimesis id derived from the Greek work “mimos” meaning to imitate. o Plato believed that all artistic creation is mimesis. It exists in the “world of ideas” and is created by God. The tangible things that human-made are just shadows created by man’s mind. All artists are imitations of nature. o Aristotle speaks of tragedy as an “imitation of an action” that falls from a higher to a lower estate. Thus, when an artist is a skillfully select and present material, that artist is purposely seeking to imitate or copy the action of life. 2) Art as Representation (Aristotle). o Are represents something. When an artist uses signs and symbols to take something else, it uses Art to represent such signs and symbols. o It is through representation that people organize the world and reality through the act of naming its elements. Signs and symbols are arranged to form semantic constructions and express relations with the other things. 11

3) Art for Art’s sake (Kant). o Immanuel Kant's main interest was not in Art per se, but beauty is sublime. Kant being an enlightenment writer though that beauty or sublimity were not properties of objects but how we respond to items. o Kant pointed out that beauty is not the form of the beautiful but about the taste. o Kant’s concern is not on the subjective aesthetic response but the function of an individual or personal taste. 4) Art as an Escape o According to Allen Weinstein, without mental escape, we build up a lot of anxiety within ourselves. Artists has to get rid of this anxiety and pressure because if we keep these worries and concerns within our mind, they will come out in the form of anger and even hatred. 5) Art as Functional o The artist's intent in creating a functional piece of Art is to bring creativity, beauty, and usefulness into people’s everyday lives. The Subject of Art • •

In any art from-painting, music, sculpture, architecture, or dance-the...

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