Module 2 - notes PDF

Title Module 2 - notes
Course Medical Terminology
Institution University of Saskatchewan
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Module 2 – Terminations 2.1 – Introduction to Terminations -


We learn the terminations first because in MT when usually start at the end to comprehend what the word means. To correctly defined the word we start off with the termination and move backwards towards the beginning. Terminations tell us the main idea behind the word, where as the other simply supply us with additional information. o “rhino-plasty”  -plasty  Surgical repairing of x o This is the main idea of the word, that something is being surgically repaired.  Rhino –  The nose o More information o “Trache-otomy”  -otomy  The cutting of x  Trache The trachea o Windpipe Terminations give us the terms core idea, while the rest of the word simply supplying us with additional information. It has as the first thing we should be looking for when we analyze the medical term with what part of speech it is. o Noun  Names a person, place, or thing, therefore,  Medical conditions, procedures, etc. o Adjective  Describes a noun  Pizza – which names a thing, we use the adjective to describe what KIND of pizza it was  Like delicious or burnt or large o giving us MORE INFORMATION o In MT we might have a noun that describes a condition, and then an adjective which tells us that it is a condition which pertains to the heart or condition which produces mucus. o Verb  Action word  To do, to act, to make, etc


Verb o X-ize o Where we have a term in the form of “x-ize”, the X serves as a stand in for the rest of the word before the termination  It means “to do or make X”  To (do the action of) x or to make (something) x o The brackets here indicate that the definition xize sometimes needs to be slightly expanded depending on the nature of x.


Adjective o The following terms always indicate an adjective.  X-al  X-ic  X-ous  X-ary  X-ar  X-an  X-in-e  X-ac  X-oid o Make sure to look out for these terminations because they are clear indicators that the term is an adjective, and misidentifying adjectives and nouns and vice versa is one of the most common mistakes that students make.  One of the most straight word parts of medical terminology o For example, a dermatic condition  Here the noun is “condition” and it is modified by the adjective “dermatic”. (dermat = skin)  X is being replaced with DERMAT o Our definition is: A CONDITION PERTAINING TO THE SKIN o Condition o -ic = pertaining to o Dermat = skin o Except for x-oid all of these adjectives are typically translated as “pertaining to X.” or (p.t. x)  X-OID NEVER MEANS “pertaining to”  -oid means resembling x.  For example, a dermatoid growth  Noun is “growth” and it is modified by the adjective “dermatoid” (dermat=skin) o Our definition is: A GROWTH RESEMBLING SKIN.

 -

A growth that looks like skin but is not skin.

Noun o Most of the terminations which we will learn in this course indicate nouns. o In the vocabulary lists in our textbook, each of these terminations followed by a formula translation, and it is important that we learn each of them precisely. o For example, x-ia and x-osis both mean,  An abnormal condition involving x. o X-itis mean  The inflammation of x o X-otomy  The cutting of x o It is crucially important that we learn this formula translations exactly as they are laid out in our textbook, right down to whether each one begins with “the” or “an”.  This is because “the” is much more specific and narrow down than “an” which is far more broad and refers to one of many abnormal conditions involving x.  “The” is a definite article and “an”, “a” is indefinite.  The word “an” is describing the result of a medical process.  Talking about ONE time. o Like cutting X one time rather than the general process of cutting X.  The word “THE” is describing either a medical process or a medical procedure.  For example, x-itis meaning the process of X becoming inflamed.  X-otomy meaning the process of cutting X.

2.2 When X Does Not Name a Physical Object X=heart -

x-it-is = the inflammation of the heart x-it-ic = ? x-os-is = an abnormal condition involving the heart x-ot-ic = ? x-o-genesis = the production of the heart x-o-genetic =


X-it-ic = X-ic = X-T (termination) o X-it-ic = X-T-ic = (X-ITIS) – IC  Pertaining to the inflammation of X

o X-ot-ic = X-T-ic = (X-OSIS) – IC  Pertaining to an abnormal condition involving X o X-o-genet-ic = (X-O-GENESIS)-IC  Pertaining to the production of X -

X-ITIS (a whole word) = X-IT-(a combining form) = the inflammation of X X-OSIS (a whole word) = X-OT-(a combining form) = an abnormal condition of X X-O-GENESIS (a whole word) = X-O-GENET-(a combining form) = the production of X

Three Consequences need to be pointed out - First, the new combining forms (IT,OT,O-GENET) are not combining forms in the same way that pain ordinary X is. o These forms do not as a rule denote physical objects, and usually in face name medical conditions, or procedures  Abstract ideas, whose names cannot normally be pluralized or show any variation in translation. - Second, the new combining form represents a slight change of form from the previously learned termination. o For example, notice the word X-IT-IC is made by simply dropping the noun-ending “IS” and replacing it with an adjectival ending, “OS” in X-OSIS, changes to “OT” and “ES” in X-O-GENESIS becomes “ET”. o Be aware that this is not merely a matter of nouns versus adjective.  The new combining forms we have been dealing with are also used whenever two or more terminations show up in the same word.  X-O-GENET-OT-IC o Pertaining to o an abnormal condition involving o the production of X.  X-OT-O-GENET-IC o Pertaining to o the production of o an abnormal condition involving X.  X-IT-O-GENET-OT-IC o Pertaining to o an abnormal condition involving o the production of o the inflammation of X.

2.3 – X-IST: One Who Does the Thing




Driver, where X equals the combining form DRIV- (as in the word driving), which names the verb drive. Runner, where X equals the combining form RUNN- (as in the word running), which names the verb run. Teacher, where X equals the combining form TEACH- (as in the word teacher or teaching), which names the verb teach. X names a verb and gives an ending of -er = one who does the X thing. o Or one who does the action implied by X. X-ist means one who “does the X thing” and one who “does the action implied by X”. o Textbook definition: one who (does the action of) X. o Economist  One who does the economy thing o Biologist  One who does the biology thing It never names a verb o The teacher teaches o The economist does not economs o The biologist does not biology

X-O-LOGY - Study of X STUDI-ER - One who studies X-O-LOGIST - One who studies X - BI = life o Biology is the study of life o Biologist is one who studies life

Quiz -

Define the following terms o X-o-centet-ist  One who surgically punctures x o X-o-scop-ist  One who examines x o X-o-graph-ist  One who records x o X-o-metr-ist  One who measures x

2.4 – X-IST Again: One Who Tooths Plan A - X-ist o Names a verbal idea o One who (does the action of) X. o X-O-METR-IST  One who measures X. Plan -

B Dentist? Astronomer? Economist? o One who specializes in X  One who specializes in teeth  One who specializes in star-law  One who specializes in household-law

Quiz If x = old people, then x-ist = - one who specializes in old people If x = blood, then x-ist = - one who specializes in blood If x = children, then x-ist = - one who specializes in children If x = blood, then x-o-log-ist = - one who studies blood

2.5 - More About Terminations with Two Translations X-IZE - to (do the action of) X o X-OSTOM-Y  The making of an opening in X o X-OSTOM-IZE  To make an opening in X o X-OTOM-Y  The cutting of X o X-OTOM-IZE  To cut X X-IN


A substance (which does the action) of X o No verbal ideas  X=blood  A substance of blood  X=tooth  A substance of tooth o Verbal Ideas  X-O-LYS-IN  A substance which (does the action of)  Correct way = a substance which disintegrates X  X-O-LYS-IS  The disintegration of X

X-O-PEX-IS  The fixation of X  X-O-PECT-IN  A substance which fixates X X-ALGIA/ X-ODYN-IA - Plan A o If X is capable of feeling pain o Pain in X  Fingers  Tongues  ears - Plan B o If X is not capable or you do not know. o Pain involving X  Viruses  Milk  bullets 

2.6 – Double Terminations in -IA and -OSIS -IA and -OSIS - Which means an abnormal condition involving x

- X-ALG-IA o ALG = pain - X-O-STEN-OSIS o STEN = narrow - X-[non-physical object]-IA/-OSIS o If something which does not name a physical object comes after the X but before these terminations does not translate into “an abnormal condition involving”

- CYT = cell o CYT-IA An abnormal condition involving – a cell/ the cell/ cells/ the cells o CYT-OSIS  An abnormal condition involving a cell o CYT-O-NECR-OSIS  Incorrect = An abnormal condition involving the death of a cell/ the cell/ cells/ the cells  Correct = the death of cells of X o X-O-STEN-OT-IC  Incorrect = Pertaining to an abnormal condition involving the narrowing of X.  Correct = pertaining to the narrowing of X. 

2.7 – Putting It All Together x-ology - Cardi/ology o The study of the heart - Bi/ology o The study of life x-itis

- Dermat/itis o The inflammation of the skin - Dermat/it/ic o Pertaining to o the inflammation of o the skin x-it-?

- Is still -itis X-o-kinesis - -is = the movement of X - -kinet/ic = pertaining to the movement of x - -kinet/ology = the study of the movement of x x-osis

- -is = an abnormal condition involving x

- -ot/ic = pertaining to an abnormal condition involving x - -ot/ology = study of an abnormal condition involving x How would you translate x-o-stenosis? - The narrowing of x. x-o-pathy - A disease of X - Cardi/o = heart o Cardi/o/pathy  A disease of the heart o Cardi/o/path  One with a disease of the heart o Cardi/o/path/ic  Pertaining to a disease of the heart  Because in reality it is more likely for someone to talk about a disease than a person with a disease. x-o-genesis - The production of x x-o-genetic - Pertaining to the production of x x-o-genic - Producing x x-o-genous - Produced by x X-o-poiesis / X-o-plasia - The formation of x. o Steth/o = chest  Steth/o/poiesis  The formation of the chest  Steth/o/poiet/ic  Pertaining to the formation of the chest If it is -algia or -odynia you do not need “an abnormal condition involving”. Plan A - Steth/algia o Pain IN the chest - Om/algia o Pain IN the shoulder

Plan B - Hemat/algia o Pain INVOLVING blood x-o-rrhea - The flowing of x o Hermat/o/rrhea  The flowing of blood. x-o-rrhagia - The rapid flowing of x o Hermat/o/rrhagia  The rapid flowing of blood. What if we wanted hematorrhea as an adjective? - Hermat/o/rrhe/IC o Pertaining to the flowing of blood. Steth/o/rrhea - The flowing of SOMETHING FROM the chest Steth/o/rrhagia - The rapid flowing of SOMETHING FROM the chest o Plan A is the flowing of X o Plan B is the flowing of (something from) x.  If it cannot physically flow than go with B. x-ist

- Plan A = One who (does the action of) x - Plan B = one who specializes in X o Cardi/o/scop/ist  One who examines the heart. o Dent/ist  One who specializes in teeth  Incorrect = one who teeth… lol x-ics

- The science of x o Kinet/ics  The science of movement o Phys/ics  the science of nature/growth x-icist

- one who specializes in the science of x. - PLAN B ONLY

x-o-trophy - The GROWTH/NOURISHMENT of x. -dys = the defective growth -a = the lack of growth Cyt/atrpoh/ic - Pertaining to the lack of growth of cells. x-o-plastic and the nature of x - Hemat/o/plast/ic o PLAN B o Pertaining the formation of blood

Notes from Text – Part A: Combining Forms

- Primary Suffixes o Child-hood o Child-ish Primary suffixes, which cannot stand alone as words and which usually cannot be divided into smaller meaningful parts, indicate whether a word is a noun (“child hood ”), an adjective (“child ish ”), or a verb. Derived Suffixes o Child-ish-ness o Child-like Inflectional Endings o Child-‘s o Child-ren o Child-ren-‘s 


In Medical Terminology there is only one frequently used verb-ending. - Termination o X-iz-e  Example  (sympathy-ize) o Translation  To (do the action of) x  Finalize  To make (something) x

o Virtually all other word terminations indicate that a word is a noun. - Some bear predictable meaning. o X-ia

Module 2 – Quizzes Quiz X-IST : One who does the x thing - Define the following term: x-o-centet-ist o One who - surgically punctures – x - Define the following term: x-o-graph-ist o One who – records – x Quiz X-IST : One who tooths - If x = old people, then x-ist = o One who – specialize in – old people - If x = blood, then x-ist = o One who – specializes in -blood - If x = blood, then x-o-log-ist = o One who studies - blood 1.1a : Match terminations and definitions 1 - X-al o Pertaining to x - X-itis o The inflammation of x - X -oschisis o The splitting of x - X -otrophy o The growth of x 1.1b : Match terminations and definitions 2

- X-asthenia o The lack of strength of x

- X-oid o Resembling x - X-o-plasia o The formation of x - X-agra o The surgical puncturing of - X-o-tropism o The tendency to preferentially affect x 1.3a : Pick the correct definition - Cionorrhaphy o Correct : The suturing of the uvula o Incorrect : Pertaining to the suturing of uvula 

Ending is a noun

- Splenemia o Correct : the abnormal presence of blood in the spleen o Incorrect : pertaining to the abnormal presence of blood in the spleen  Ending is a noun

- Nasotropic o Correct : preferentially affecting the nose o Incorrect : the tendency to preferentially affect the nose 

Ending of trophic is an adjective

- Cardiodynic o Correct : pertaining to pain in the heart o Incorrect : pain in the heart 

Ending of odynic is an adjective.

1.3b : Pick the incorrect definition - All of the following phrases except one are correct translations of


various medical words of the shape X-T, where X as usual denotes an organ or part, a tissue or substance, or a condition or procedure, and T is one of the terminations in Chapter 1. Pick the incorrect one in the following group:

o a rapid flowing of tears correct because it should be “the rapid following of tears” NOT “ a rapid…” the swelling of the foot the healing of the feet a calculus involving the eye pertaining to the neck and face 

o o o o

- All of the following phrases except one are correct translations of


various medical words of the shape X-T, where X as usual denotes an organ or part, a tissue or substance, or a condition or procedure, and T is one of the terminations in Chapter 1. Pick the incorrect one in the following group: o the gouty pain of the heart  correct because it should be "gouty pain in the heart" not "the gouty pain of the heart" o the stopping of something involving the nose o the lack of strength of the arms o the protrusion of a lymph node o an abnormal condition involving the lungs

1.4a : Analogies - Complete the following analogy: o If dactyledema is the swelling of the digits, then the displacement of a digit is:  Dactylectopia

- Complete the following analogy: o If arthrectopia is the displacement of the joints, then the lack of growth of a joint is:  Arthratrophy

1.5a : Analogies - The combining form for the artery is “arteri-o” o Provide a medical term for: the suturing of the arteries 


- The combining form for alcohol is “alcohol-o” o Provide a medical term for: the disintegration of alcohol 


1.5b : Define the Term - Define the following term: x-ology o The study of x - Define the following term: x-algic o Pertaining to pain in x - Define the following term: x-omegalic o Pertaining to the enlargement of x - Define the following term: x-omegaly o The enlargement of x 1.5c : Synonym - In some/many cases, there are two (or more) ways to say the same thing, and these words are known as "synonyms." For example, omphalosis, umbilosis, and umbilicosis all mean "an abnormal condition involving the navel." o Provide a synonym for x-oplasia  X-opoiesis  Or  X-o-poiesis

- In some/many cases, there are two (or more) ways to say the same thing, and these words are known as "synonyms." For example, omphalosis, umbilosis, and umbilicosis all mean "an abnormal condition involving the navel." o Provide a synonym for x-ospasm  X-ismus

- In some/many cases, there are two (or more) ways to say the same thing, and these words are known as "synonyms." For example, omphalosis, umbilosis, and umbilicosis all mean "an abnormal condition involving the navel." o Provide a synonym for x-algia  X-odynia

1.6a – Select : Noun or Adjective

- Based on form alone, determine if the following term is a noun or an adjective. Please keep in mind that the word may be either English or Latin. o craniosis  noun

- Based on form alone, determine if the following term is a noun or an adjective. Please keep in mind that the word may be either English or Latin. o microcephalic  adjective Review Quiz : Module 2

- Complete the following analogy: o If arthrectopia is the displacement of the joints, then the lack of growth of a joint is:  Arthratrophy

- Define the following term: x-ology o The study of x - For the following term, choose the appropriate definition depending on whether the term is an adjective or a noun o Tendinitis  The inflammation of the tendon  Correct because the ending is itis which is a noun.  Pertaining to the inflammation of the tendon -

All of the following phrases except one are correct translations of various medical words of the shape X-T, where X as usual denotes an organ or part, a tissue or substance, or a condition or procedure, and T is one of the terminations in Chapter 1.  Pick the incorrect one in the following group: ú the gouty pain of the heart  correct, because it should be "gouty pain in the heart" not "the gouty pain of the heart" ú the stopping of something involving the nose ú the lack of strength of the arms ú the protrusion of a lymph node ú an abnormal condition involving the lungs


the combining form for calcium is “calci-“.  Provide a medical term for: the movement of calcium

ú -


Based on form alone, determine if the following term is a noun or an adjective. Please keep in mind that the word may be either English or latin.  Craniotic ú Adjective

- In some/many cases, there are two (or more) ways to say the same thing, and these words are known as "synonyms." For example, omphalosis, umbilosis, and umbilicosis all mean "an abnormal condition involving the navel." o Provide a synonym for x-odynia  X-algia...

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