Module 2.1 Readings IN Philippine History PDF

Title Module 2.1 Readings IN Philippine History
Author Geraldine Rose Ruiz
Course Philippine History
Institution Palawan State University
Pages 12
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Content and Contextual Analysis of Selected Primary Sources in Philippine History Lesson 1: The First Voyage Around the World by Magellan: A Content and Contextual Analysis Prepared by: Geraldine Rose M. Ruiz GE-RIPH: Readings in Philippine HistoryMODULE 2: CONTENT AND CONTEXTUAL ANALYSIS OF SELECTE...



Overview This module, are going to look at a number of primary sources from different historical periods and evaluate these documents content in terms of historical value, and examine the context of their production. The primary sources that we are going to examine are Antonio Pigafetta's First Voyage Around the World, Customs of the Tagalog, Emilio Jacinto's "Kartilya ng Katipunan," the 1898 Declaration of Philippine Independence, Political Cartoon's Alfred McCoy's Philippine Cartoons: Political Caricature of the American Era (1900-1941), and Corazon Aquino's speech before the U.S. Congress. These primary sources range from chronicles, official documents, speeches, and cartoons to visual arts. Needless to say, different types of sources necessitate different kinds of analysis and contain different levels of importance. We are going to explore that in this chapter.

Learning Outcomes At the end of this module, students are able to:  Explain the context, content, and perspective of different kinds of primary sources;  Appreciate history in a wider perspective through critical thinking  Correlate every historical detail to the other through analysis  Understand the context of these historical events in the daily life especially to the students  Examine the relationship of these events to the current events in our country

Content and Contextual Analysis of Selected Primary Sources in Philippine History Lesson 1: The First Voyage Around the World by Magellan: A Content and Contextual Analysis GE-RIPH: Readings in Philippine History

Prepared by: Geraldine Rose M. Ruiz


Lesson 1: The First Voyage Around the World by Magellan: A Content and Contextual Analysis Let’s Begin! Ferdinand Magellan (1480-1521) was born in Sabrosa, Portugal. At the age of 12 Ferdinand Magellan and his brother Diogo travelled to Lisbon to serve as pages at Queen Leonora’s court. Magellan name in Portuguese is Fernāo de Magalhaēs, while in Spanish Fernando de Magallanes Magellan was exposed to stories of the great Portuguese and Spanish rivalry for sea exploration and dominance over the spice trade in the East Indies, especially the Spice Islands or Moluccas (in modern Indonesia). Magellan developed an interest in maritime discovery in those early years. Clove was the most valuable spice in Europe during Magellan’s day. It was used to flavour food, but Europeans also believed that its essence could improve visions, its powder could relieve fevers and mixed with milk it could enhance intercourse. In 1505, Magellan and his brother were assigned to a Portuguese fleet headed for India. In 1512, Magellan participated in several expeditions in India and Africa and he was wounded in several battles. And in 1513, Magellan joined the enormous 500 ships, 15,000 soldiers force sent by King Manuel to Morocco to challenge the Moroccan Governor who refused to pay its yearly tribute to the Portuguese empire. During 15th Century, spices are the epicenter of the world economy, much like oil as today. Highly valued for flavouring and preserving food as well, as masking the taste of meat gone bad, spices like: Cinnamon, Clove, Nutmeg and Black Pepper. Spices could not be cultivated in cold and arid Europe. So that they search those king of spices all over the world. Portugal and Spain led the competition for early control over this critical community. Europeans had reached the Spice Islands by sailing east, but none had yet to sail west from Europe to reach the other side of the globe. Magellan was determined to be the first to do so. So, Magellan approached King Manuel of Portugal to seek his Content and Contextual Analysis of Selected Primary Sources in Philippine History

Lesson 1: The First Voyage Around the World by Magellan: A Content and Contextual Analysis GE-RIPH: Readings in Philippine History

Prepared by: Geraldine Rose M. Ruiz


support for a west voyage to the Spice Islands. The King refused his petition repeatedly. In 1517, a frustrated Magellan renounced his Portuguese nationality and relocated to Spain to seek royal support for his venture. In October 1517, Magellan arrived in Seville, he had no connections and spoke little Spanish. And at the same year he met another transplanted Portuguese named Diogo Barbosa. When Magellan met the daughter of Diogo, Beatriz Barbosa she became the wife of Magellan and Beatriz got pregnant and their son was Rodrigo. The well-connected Barbosa family introduced Magellan to officers responsible for Spain’s maritime exploration and soon Magellan secured an appointment to meet the King of Spain. King Charles I was the grandson of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella. He was 18 years old at the time. He was the one who granted support to Magellan. Strait of Magellan In August 10, 1519, Magellan bade farewell to his wife and young son to continue his dream to sailed the whole world. In the voyage of Magellan he used 5 ships named: 1. Trinidad, 2. San Antonio, 3. Conception, 4. Victoria, 5.Santiago. But only Victoria Ship the one would returned home 3 years after the voyage, carrying 17 crew out of 270 original crew. Magellan’s fleet continue sailing from Sanlūcar de Barrameda, Spain and crossed the Atlantic Ocean in September 1519. 1. Atlantic Ocean – known as Ocean Sea. The fleet reached South America a little more than one month later. The fleet stopped at Port San Juan on Easter Day of 1520. On that day, Santiago Ship was sent by Magellan to explore the route but the terrible storm happen and the crew-members was rescued and because of what happen that time they left the ship at Port San Juan. And in October 21, 1520, Magellan finally entered the strait and that strait bare his name called “The Magellan Strait” or “Strait of Magellan”. San Antonio Ship decided to return bad to Spain because many of the crew-members had mistrust to Ferdinand Magellan. At this point, only three of the original five ships remained in Magellan’s fleet. In November 1520, the fleet continue across the strait until they reach Pacific Ocean (Mar Pacifico). Magellan’s fleet were the first known Europeans to see the great ocean. (Pacific Ocean – was known as the great ocean.) March 6, 1521 the fleet reached the Pacific Island of Guam, where they finally replenished their food stores. After 10 days of reaching the pacific islands, they saw the Island of Zamal (Samar). And in March 16, 1521 they reached the Island of Samar.

Content and Contextual Analysis of Selected Primary Sources in Philippine History

Lesson 1: The First Voyage Around the World by Magellan: A Content and Contextual Analysis GE-RIPH: Readings in Philippine History

Prepared by: Geraldine Rose M. Ruiz


March 18, 1521, 9 men came to them and showed joy and eagerness in seeing them. The native brought some products like: 1. Fish, 2. Palm (Uraca), 3. Figs (Igos), 4. Rice (Umai), Because of the overwhelming welcome of the Filipinos, Pigafetta characterized the people of Samar as “very familiar and friendly”. In Humunu Island (Homonhon Island) they were found the first sign of gold in the Island. The Europeans entertained these men and gave them gifts such as: (1) bar of gold and (2) a chest of ginger, but Magellan declined. Magellan sent interpreter to the king and asked for money for the needs of his ships and expressed that he came into the islands as a friend and not as an enemy. The king responded by giving Magellan the needed provisions of food. Magellan exchanged gifts such as robes in Turkish fashion, red cap, knives and mirrors. Also Magellan shared with the king his charts and maps and shared how they found the islands. Raia Calambu, King of Zuluan and Calagan. (Butuan and Caragua) and in the book of Pigafetta, he described this king as the most handsome of all the men that he saw in this place.Raia Calambu has a brother name Raia Saigu and he is the owner of the house made of gold. Later on, in March 31, 1521 the first mass in the Philippines was happen, it was Easter Sunday where Magellan ordered the chaplain to preside a mass in the shore of Humunu Island (Limasawa Island). The king of the island heard about this plan and sent two dead pigs and attended the mass with the other king. Pigafetta reported that both kings participated in the mass. He wrote: “When the offertory of the mass came, the two kings went to kiss the cross like us, but they offered nothing and at the elevation of our Lord they were kneeling like us and adored our Lord with joined hands.” So, as we can see Filipinos are all hospitable in any aspect and they are called as “Maka-Diyos”. (Cross, nails and crown – were the signed of Magellan’s emperor.) Magellan explained that the cross would be beneficial for their people because once other Spaniards saw this cross, then they would know that they had been in the Island and would not cause them troubles and any person who might be captivated by them would be released. The cross would be the famed Magellan’s Cross still preserved at present day. In April 7, 1521, Magellan reached the port of (Zzubu) Cebu. It was the largest and richest island among in some islands in the Philippines at the time. The king of Cebu, demanded that they pay tribute as it was customary, but Magellan refused. Magellan said that he was a captain of a king himself and thus would not pay tribute to the other kings. By the next day, Magellan’s men and the king of Cebu, together with other principal men of Cebu, met in open space. There, the king offered a bit of his blood and demanded that Magellan do the same. It was called “Blood Compact”. The following day, Magellan Content and Contextual Analysis of Selected Primary Sources in Philippine History

Lesson 1: The First Voyage Around the World by Magellan: A Content and Contextual Analysis GE-RIPH: Readings in Philippine History

Prepared by: Geraldine Rose M. Ruiz


spoke before the people of Cebu about peace and God. Pigafetta wrote that their men were overjoyed seeing that the people wished to become Christian through their free will and not because they were forced or intimidated. April 14, 1521, the people gathered with the king and other principal men of the islands. Magellan spoke to the king and encouraged him to be a good Christian by burning all of the idols and worship the cross instead. The king of Cebu was then baptized as a Christian. In April 22, 1521, Pigafetta counted that all of the island’s inhabitant were already baptized. The queen came to the mass and Magellan gave her an image of the Infant Jesus made by Pigafetta. Some natives believed that they need their idols to heal a sick man. Magellan insisted that they should instead put their faith in Jesus Christ. They went to the sick man and baptized him. After the baptismal, Pigafetta recorded that the man was able to speak again. He called this a miracle. In April 26, 1521, a principal men from the island of Matan (Mactan) went to see Magellan and asked him for a boat full of men so that he would able to fight the chief. Zula was the principal men and Silapulapu (LapuLapu) was the chieftain of the island of Mactan. They numbered 49 in total and the islanders of Mactan were estimated to number 1,500. The battle began. After Magellan died on the hand of LapuLapu, Duarte Barbosa became the new elected captain of their circumnavigation and Henry was the interpreter and a slave of Magellan betrayed them and the king of Cebu that they intended to leave as quickly as possible. They left Cebu and continued their journey around the world. After the death of Magellan, the island of Palawan was once observed by Antonio Pigafetta. He was observed the different inhabitants found in Palawan such as: their government system, language, weapons, habits and sports, culture and the nature. Pigafetta called Palawan as “Land of the Promise”, because Palawan Island was save them for starvation.




Lomabardo/Francisco Antonio Pigafetta) was a Vecezian citizen (Italian). He studied Astronomy, Geography and Cartography. He Pigafetta served in the ship as Knight of Rhodes and accompanied the Papal Nuncio, a Monsignor Cheregato of Spain. He was known as a Famous Italian traveller born in Vicenza around 1490 and died in the same city in 1534. He is a chronicler of Ferdinand Magellan during

Content and Contextual Analysis of Selected Primary Sources in Philippine History

Lesson 1: The First Voyage Around the World by Magellan: A Content and Contextual Analysis GE-RIPH: Readings in Philippine History

Prepared by: Geraldine Rose M. Ruiz


his voyage. And the one who accompanied Ferdinand Magellan in his fateful circumnavigation of the world. Pigafetta’s travelogue is one of the most important primary sources in the study of the precolonial Philippines. His account was also a major referent to the events leading to Magellan’s arrival in the Philippines, his encounter with local leaders and his death in the hands of Lapu-lapu’s forces in the Battle of Mactan.

The First Voyage around the World by Magellan was published after Pigafetta returned to Italy.

The original documents of Magellan’s Voyage were lost but it was writing in four (4) manuscript (one in Italian and three in French. One of the French manuscripts found in Yale University. Manuscript are complete and handsomely produced detailed with maps and sketches. It is the primary source of the preSpanish lifestyle in those group of islands.

Content and Contextual Analysis of Selected Primary Sources in Philippine History

Lesson 1: The First Voyage Around the World by Magellan: A Content and Contextual Analysis GE-RIPH: Readings in Philippine History

Prepared by: Geraldine Rose M. Ruiz


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