Module 3 UNIT3 Exercises PDF

Title Module 3 UNIT3 Exercises
Course Literatures of the World
Institution University of Southern Mindanao
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Literature of the World - module 3 3...


Module 3 : Unit 3 Exercise 1: Reading Comprehension Test. Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. Write your answer before the number. b 1. The narrator suggests that Mathilde’s problem is that she — a. b. c. d. b

2. Mathilde envies the social class and wealth of others because — a. b. c. d.


needs a job to give her self-worth was born into the wrong social class does not know how to spend her vast wealth does not really love her husband

she was born wealthy but wants to be even wealthier she feels that she deserves a more beautiful life her husband is very demanding her friends encourage her to be a social climber

3. Mathilde borrows a necklace from Mme. Forestier because — a. b. c. d.


4. Why don’t the Loisels tell Mme. Forestier that the necklace has been lost? a. b. c. d.


she does not have fine jewelry all of her jewels are in storage she does not want to wear real diamonds and risk losing them Mme. Forestier offers one, and Mathilde feels bad about refusing her kindness

They fear Mme. Forestier will mock them. They do not care what anyone thinks of them. The minister advises M. Loisel not to tell the truth. They are ashamed to admit their carelessness.

5. In order to get the money to replace the necklace, the Loisels — a. b. c. d.


borrow all of it steal it borrow some, reduce their standard of living, and work hard work hard but do not reduce their standard of living


6. Mathilde seems happiest when she — a. b. c. d.


7. Mme. Forestier responds to Mathilde’s final revelation with — a. b. c. d.


A woman who wants to make a good impression goes to a dance. An expensive necklace is lost and needs to be replaced. A woman buys an expensive dress and borrows a diamond necklace. In pursuit of recognition, a woman is driven to financial ruin.

10. If you were summarizing “The Necklace,” you would mention a(n) a. b. c. d.


the Loisels will soon become wealthy the Loisels have learned an important lesson about thrift the Loisels have suffered needlessly Mme. Forestier will help the Loisels

9. Which of the following statements best summarizes “The Necklace”? a. b. c. d.


cruel mockery a scream of terror compassion and generosity amazement

8. At the end of the story, it is plain that — a. b. c. d.


attends the big party replaces the necklace gets the party invitation finally pays off her debt

rifle Oriental tapestry necklace made of fake diamonds expensive fur coat

Exercise 2: Vocabulary test. Choose the letter of the best meaning for the underlined word as it is used in context from the story. Write your answer in the space before the number. c

1. In the context of "The Necklace," what is a saloon? a. a hair-do b. a place to get one's hair cut c. a room d. a house

a 2. “At the end of ten years everything was paid off, everything, the usurer's charges and the accumulation of superimposed interest.” What is a usurer? a. one who lends money with interest b. a small room c. a useful quality d. one who sells necklaces b 3.“Suddenly she discovered, in a black satin case, a superb diamond necklace; her heart began to beat covetousIy.” The word covetously most nearly means : a. unenvious b. grasping c. moderate d. victorious b 4. As it is used at the beginning of paragraph 1, the word blundered most nearly means: a. tripped b. erred c. mistook d. careened b 5. As it is used in paragraph two, the word mean in the phrase, "from its mean walls" most nearly means: a. menial b. snide c. normal d. stingy d 6. As it is used near the end of paragraph three, the word gallantries most nearly means: a. courageousness b. etiquette c. chatter d. flattery


a 7. As it is used at the beginning of the dialogue sequence, the word exultant most nearly means: a. triumphant b. exalted c. chipper d. hilarious a 8. As it is used in this phrase, "Everyone wants one; it's very select, and very few go to the clerks." The word select most nearly means: a. preferable b. eclectic c. unique d. appropriate b 9. “She dressed plainly because she could not dress well, but she was unhappy as if she had really fallen from a higher station; since with women there is neither caste nor rank, for beauty, grace and charm take the place of family and birth.” The word caste most nearly means: a. valor b. status c. circumstance d. rich a 10.“The day of the ball drew near and Madame Loisel seemed sad, uneasy, anxious. Her frock was ready, however.” The word frock most nearly means: a. dress b. group of animal c. self d. large aquatic amphibian


Exercise 3: Cause-and Effect Relationship. The story can be analyzed in terms of causes and effects. Directions: Make a cause-and-effect chain to track the relationship between events especially of the conflict and complications. The first row is an example. You can use another sheet of paper if you wish to add more boxes. Madame Loisel dreams of going to fashionable events.

Her husband manages to get a ticket to the Minister’s Reception.

Mme. Loisel is upset that she has nothing good enough to wear.

1. Her husband gives up his own desire to give her money to buy a nice dress.

2. Mme. Loisel is still unhappy because she doesn’t own any jewelry that could make her stand out.

3. She gets to borrow a diamond necklace from her rich friend and becomes giddy about the event.

4. Mme. Loisel appears so lovely at the event, and she enjoyed every bit of the party until midnight when they decided to go home.

5. She feels ashamed of the garments her husband put on her, so she rushes on their way, only knowing that she lost her borrowed necklace.

6. Without knowing that the necklace is fake, the Loisels suffered from borrowing money, reducing the way they live, and working hard to replace it.


Exercise 4. Answer the following questions. 1. Why was Mathilde unhappy with her life at the beginning of "The Necklace" by Guy de Maupassant? Mathilde was unhappy from the beginning of the story because she is not pleased with her social status. She wishes to be known, loved, and be married to a man of wealth, but she doesn’t have any means of it because she was only born in a low-middle class level family. Mathilde began to think lowly of herself when she was wedded to a man beneath her and suffered endlessly with the poorness of her living, which is far from the delicacy and luxury she eagerly desires. 2. What is the conflict of the story? Explain what type of conflict it is. The conflict of the story is about Mathilde being tormented by her inner struggles. This type of conflict is a man versus self, in which the main character of the story is trying to decide between good and evil or overcome self-doubts. In the story, Mathilde thirsts for wealth, fame, and recognition. She struggles with wanting to fit in with high-class people because she feels ashamed of not having the means to boost her confidence. The Loisels also have the conflict of doing the right thing or not in telling that they have lost the diamond necklace of Madame Forestier. 3. How did the couple try to resolve the conflict? Discuss whether they chose the right course of action when they found the necklace was missing? The couple resolved the conflict by choosing not to tell the truth that they lost the necklace, and they work hard to buy another piece of it. For me, the way they resolve the conflict is not that bad because they still choose to be noble and replace the necklace they lost instead of telling false alibis to Madame Foriester. But the thing is, they could have just admitted the truth that they lost it due to their carelessness and that they will replace it in time. With this course of action, the Loisels could have found out that the necklace is an imitation, and they would not suffer too much in replacing it. 4. Describe how their society influence the events that unfold in the story? Their society has an undeniable influence over the event in the story. In public, people always regard someone’s social status in attending such a party, and it matters how you appear to them for them to recognize you. This scheme is the reason why Mathilde wanted to look her best at the party because she wants to be acknowledged by the people. In this manner, their society affects their living and thinking.


Exercise 5. Writing a Narrative Paragraph This type of paragraph tells a story. There is a sequence of action or there's a clear beginning, middle, and end to the paragraph. Write one narrative paragraph. Relate the story in your own experience, narrate a story similar to Mathilde’s. Cite how you resolved your problem and what you have learned from the experience. The paragraph should not exceed five sentences.

My Regret over a Mistake I will never forget that day when I sincerely regret my action and dishonesty. One sunny afternoon in 2008, as I was enjoying watching television, my mother orders my brother and me to segregate the fishes she bought according to their sizes. As we nearly finished it, my brother left for a while, and because I want to end it already, I hastily did it and accidentally combined the two separated sizes. My mother finds out what happened and ask us if who did it, I was so scared to admit my fault, so I kept quiet until she punished my brother and me. That time, I felt sorry for my brother because I drag him to my recklessness, and my guilt crept on me more when my mother told us that she wouldn’t be mad if only someone admitted their fault.


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