Module 7Study Guide4dbaandreview.rtf PDF

Title Module 7Study Guide4dbaandreview.rtf
Author Anonymous User
Course Oral History
Institution Florida State University
Pages 8
File Size 84.3 KB
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lololololdadadawdas. also they did add a nice document...


What Should I Know For Module 7? 7.00: The World at War and the Fires Between- Introduction After completing the Module 7 Pre-Test, please open the Pre-test and look over the questions you missed. It is a great idea to write down all of the questions you missed so that you’re sure to add this information to your notes.

7.01: Allies and Enemies - World War I (video on pg 2 of 6) -What are the main causes of WWI? Be sure to include an example to represent each cause. M-





-What does mobilization mean?

-What was the Schlieffen Plan?

-How did WWI go from a war between two nations to a World War?

*By the time war broke out in 1914, the Triple Alliance had become the Central Powers and the Triple Entente was renamed the Allied Powers. Over the course of the war, more nations joined and some even switched sides. Central Powers Allied Powers Germany France Austria-Hungary Russia (1892-1917) Ottoman Empire Britain Italy (1882-1915) Italy (1915-1918)

Bulgaria (1915-1918)

United States (1917-1918)

7.02: Modern Warfare and Its Legacy -What is “total war?” -What were some of the new weapons that were introduced during WWI?

-What were the conditions like for the soldiers fighting in the trenches of WWI?

-How were the Western and Eastern Fronts Different? -The Western Front:

-The Eastern Front:

-What happened to Russia as a result of WWI? How did WWI cause a change in Russia's government?

-Why did the US finally join the war in 1917?

-What were the immediate effects of WWI? -Treaty of Versailles:

League of Nations:

Aspects of Modern Culture:

7.03: Between the Fires -What were the delayed or long-term effects of WWI?

-How did the economic depression impact the following areas? Europe:

United States (1918-1929):

United States (1929-1939):

-Each of these dictators took advantage of poor economic and social conditions in their countries in order to gain power. How did each one work to fix his nation's economy? Benito Mussolini: Adolf Hitler:

Vladimir Lenin: Joseph Stalin:

-How Francisco Franco come to power in Spain?

-How Did Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin make sure their governments stayed in power?

7.04: The Spark and Fire -How did the effects of WWI set the stage for WWII?

-What happened at the Munich Conference?

-How did the US support the Allied forces during the first two years of WWII?

-Why did the US enter WWII?

-Describe the political and military strategies Germany used during WWII: Blitzkrieg: Non-Aggression Pact:

-Describe the following major events that occurred during WWII: Invasion of Poland: Operation Barbarossa and Battle of Stalingrad:

Pearl Harbor: Battle of Midway:

Battle of El Alamein:

D-Day (Normandy) Invasion: Yalta Conference:

7.05: Dropping the Atomic Bomb -What was the Potsdam Declaration?

-What was the Manhattan Project?

-What were some of the effects of the atomic bomb blasts?

-What are nuclear non-proliferation treaties?

-Why did President Truman decide to drop the atomic bombs on Japan instead of invading Japan?

-What are some other uses of atomic technology aside from atomic or nuclear weapons?

-What were some arguments against using the atomic bombs?

-How did the use of atomic bombs by the United States on Japan impact the Soviet Union?

7.06: Genocide -What is anti-Semitism? -What was the Holocaust? -Why did the Holocaust begin?

-What were some of the events that occurred during the Holocaust? -Nuremberg Laws:

-Concentration camps:

-Kristallnacht: -Final Solution:

-How did the Holocaust finally end?

-Briefly describe the genocide in each of the following areas: Ukraine/Holodomor:



Darfur Region of Sudan:

7.07: Impact of World War II -What was the Marshall Plan? How did it help Western Europe's economy? (

-Why was NATO formed?

-How were places like Germany and Korea divided after WWII

-What was the Iron Curtain?

-How did WWII help lead to the Cold War?

-What two organizations were created because of WWII? (Not the EU, that wasn't created until 1999)

-Why did the Soviet Union create the Warsaw Pact?

-Why was the United Nations (UN) created?...

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