Module c reflection + creative (metamorphosis) PDF

Title Module c reflection + creative (metamorphosis)
Course English Literature
Institution Macquarie University
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Name: ____________________________________

Assessment Task: Stage 6 Year: 12 Department: ENGLISH Course: English Advanced Assessm ent Task No. 2

Due Date: Thursday 20th of March, 2019

Weighting 30%


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Outcomes being Assessed EA12-1 independently responds to, composes and evaluates a range of complex texts for understanding, interpretation, critical analysis, imaginative expression and pleasure EA12-2 uses, evaluates and justifies processes, skills and knowledge required to

effectively respond to and compose texts in different modes, media and technologies EA12-3 critically analyses and uses language forms, features and structures of texts justifying appropriateness for specific purposes, audiences and contexts and evaluates their effects on

Metamorphosis reflection (700 words) After reading the novella, Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka, I discern why its creativity is admired centuries later. The enigma surrounding whether Kafka was communicating figuratively or literally, juxtaposed my feelings of exhilaration and discomposure. Additionally, his artistry successfully articulated his feelings towards his upbringing and isolation through the ingress of literature. Among many aspects, I conclude Kafka wrote figuratively to embellish a preposterous life. Instantly, Metamorphosis exposed me to an irrational and chaotic milieu. This induced my decision to believe Metamorphosis’ concept is immensely unrealistic to be justifiable. The assertive language exemplified through, “he would have to make a final decision very soon”, suggests the obstruction of natural occurrence placed no affect upon Gregor’s routine. Gregor’s ignorance towards his physical state influenced me to believe it was a hyperbolic symbolism of drastic changes in life. Through Kafka’s writing, I presume he figuratively showcased absurd human encounters with substantial changes, considering there is no explanation regarding the cause of his change. Additionally, the tranquil responses from the Samsa family contributed to the idealistic ideas of a true mutation as it is written dispassionately mundane. Thus, Kafka’s writing skills enabled me to fathom that eccentrically, the notion of a vermin is an extended metaphor to represent changes throughout life. However, Kafka’s eloquent writing challenged my presumption of its legitimacy. Metamorphosis encompasses a surreal humour filled with idioms, heightening my turmoil. The accumulation of extreme visual imagery through, “Gregor's back was also more elastic than he had thought”, accelerated my acceptance of accuracy. Kafka’s innumerable use of an impersonal tone towards Gregor dehumanises him, substantiating the possibility of a hybrid malformation. Additionally, Kafka ensures the meekness of the vermin remains a mystery as he stated, “the insect itself is not to be drawn. It is not even to be seen from a distance". Although academics have agreed Gregor transformed into an insect, the exact entomology remains unknown. The disconcerting imagery raised the question that perhaps, I have not seen what Kafka has. Kafka effectively indoctrinated me by instilling concepts that exceed human limitations which influenced me to believe Metamorphosis is factual. Hence, the power of Kafka’s writing causes the meaning of Metamorphosis to incessantly remain equivocal. Kafka utilises literature to reveal numerous flaws within humans. Undoubtfully, Kafka intends to showcase human horrors, by adroitly exhibiting Gregor as a caricature of himself, considering the arrangement of vowels in Samsa, are the same in Kafka. The dramatic irony

instilled in, “it occurred to him how simple everything would be if somebody came to help him”, foreshadows the ignorant response of the Samsa family concerning Gregor’s radical shift. I believe Metamorphosis is a product of Kafka’s conservative upbringing in a totalitarian country. Kafka’s estranged relationship with his father is the impetus behind Metamorphosis, in which he intentionally characterises Gregor’s father as a dominant. Kafka’s father’s dominating personality transcends through the novella, to express Kafka’s distress towards his father. Through this, Gregor’s anomalous state epitomises Kafka’s belittlement due to his abusive and narcissistic father. Kafka purposely appropriated the pain inflicted by a patriarch through Metamorphosis, to showcase the emotional tyranny he endured. Thus, Kafka intended to amplify his excruciating upbringing through this novella. Kafka intentionally expresses his feelings of isolation through Metamorphosis. Gregor’s transformation is an extension of the psychological void Kafka felt with humanity and his family. The dramatic irony instilled in “ so please open up this door”, manifests Kafka’s inexplicable feelings of inferiority. From my perspective, Kafka utilised his narrative authority to symbolise alienation in the form of literature. Astutely, Kafka selects an insect to symbolise his feelings as typically, animals are free from society. This reflects Kafka’s subconscious desire to escape the pressure of his dominating environment. The essence of ‘Kafkaesque’ is profoundly present in Metamorphosis, through the horror of loneliness and oppression of the protagonist. I consider Metamorphosis a religious allegory, comparing Gregor’s death to that of Jesus Christ. This amplifies my understanding of the isolation Kafka endured as I perceive that regardless of Kafka’s goodness, it did not gratify his father. Throughout the novella, there is no indication that the protagonist deserves his fate, suggesting Kafka does not fathom the reason for his father’s arrogant persona towards him. Hence, the theme of isolation intentionally reflects Kafka’s emotions. Conclusively, I commend Franz Kafka for creating the utmost ambiguous piece of literature, Metamorphosis. The analogy of figurative and literal aspects of the novella remain equivocal, strengthening the power of Kafka’s delivery. I believe Kafka used his skill as a coping mechanism, to intentionally communicate the hardship of his upbringing and his feelings of isolation. Overall, Metamorphosis influenced me think laterally and evoked extreme sensation as I reimagined a world that counterposed the norms.

Creative (500 words) Restricted Freedom Azeil desired liberation from the agony and abandonment he convulsed, and this transpired. Quotidianly, he peered upon his colossal concave, only to see nothing more than a lump of deformity. His rheumy eyes unwillingly inclined to the revulsion of the asymmetrical defect within his limbs. He laid on his emaciated back, feeling the excruciating rigidity of his bed while contemplating, “why was I chosen to endure this suffering alone”. His left leg compressed against the footboard, whilst his right leg merely reached. As the rain pelted the roof, Azeil overheard his father compare him to an abomination. The habitual deafening silence allows his thoughts to consume him, convincing him he is unworthy. He can’t escape his lonesome. His parents could no longer tolerate the presence of a failure. Their interaction with Azeil was ceased. Although there were never words spoken, their lack of sympathy was communicated. The collection of his disability support pension was the only circumstance that caused a countenance. He felt as though his distinct qualities segregated him from society. The expression of dissimilar faces amongst the public were almost as if they saw Satan. He was associated with impurity. Degraded to a villain. He was an outcast, a pure introvert that was ostracised. The constant estrangement caused him to realise that rather than being a blessing, he was a curse. He is not alone however, he is lonely. The warmness of being around others made him cold. So, he sleeps in the day to avoid feelings of hopelessness. As the sun rose, he stared at the monotonous ticking of his clock, analysing the second hand, which appeared to linger an additional minute at every momentary second. As his consciousness ebbed, his mind eased into the chaos of a dreamless sleep. The clock struck eleven and the darkness of the night became his comfort. Azeil was motionless whilst the thought of his loneliness and disfigurement distresses him. Out of the shadows, appeared an ominous and majestic owl on his timbered windowpane. The cobalt eyes of the owl were as fierce as his desire for renewal. He felt a sudden urge to possess the captivating eyes of the owl. The anthropomorphic features heightened his hunger to transfigure into it. Azeil wondered if he embodied the eyes of the owl, will those around him see him in a superior light? Perhaps, in the slightest chance, he will now be able to communicate with others. He seeks validation. He seeks to finally be valued. The eyes speak louder than the tongue. The eyes will confess his secrets of inferiority and belittlement. Maybe then, everyone will have pity on him. As ever, Azeil glimpsed upon his reflection, only to notice an exceptional enhancement of his mundane eyes. He was paralysed with infatuation. His eyes could not open any wider.

Without hesitation, he allowed the eyes to control him. The susurrus of the wings abruptly diverted his attention to the windowpane. Yet again, the owl emerged. He found in nothing a profound similarity with himself. His mind is now somewhere his body does not want to be. The iridescent wings were emblematic of the freedom he craved. He wanted to escape his remoteness as easy as the owl can. Be able to depart from his solitude. His imperfections. Escape his dystopian existence and enter a utopian milieu. He hoped to wake with the freedom of wings. If only he could be as free.

Creative reflection (300 words) In my opinion, I successfully reflected my understanding of the Module C requirements, through my creative writing task. Essentially, Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka was a “model and stimulus” for “Restricted Freedom”. Through deconstructing, analysing and imitating Metamorphosis, the ideas of isolation and transformation were a muse for my imagination. Evidently, the protagonist of “Restricted Freedom”, Azeil, mirrors Gregor’s persona. Both texts encompassed an idealistic feature that challenges social norms, including the transformation of human to hybrid. Similarly, both characters endure feelings of inferiority due to the infliction of seclusion by those surrounding them. This is reflected through the paradox within my text, “Although there were never words spoken, their lack of sympathy was communicated”. Additionally, Module C imposed me to “use language creatively”, which I believe I ensured. The rubric influenced my craft of writing to be centralised by lateral thinking. Fundamental ideas within my text defied human limitations which enabled me to depict the wonders of the natural world. I expressed my imagination through the aesthetics of language by encompassing bizarre ideas. As revealed through, “the anthropomorphic features heightened his hunger to transfigure into it”, I communicated my vision that could either amplify emotions of exhilaration and/or discomposure. I utilised creative language to present my perspective of isolation and transformation. My text encompasses the “Death of the Author” theory by Roland Bathers, as I want interpretations to remain equivocal. I abided by Module C as it “strengthened [my] knowledge, skills and confidence”. Considering the module is designed to increase confidence, this task successfully enhanced my writing skills and accentuated my comfort of writing. Through engaging with imaginative texts, I imitated stylistic forms through “Restricted Freedom”, to explore diverse ideas. The oxymoron of “the warmness of being around others made him cold” within my text, allowed me to confidently use my writing as an adaptive strategy. By making Azeil a product of myself, feelings I have endured transcended throughout my text. Thus, through the aforementioned reasons, I believe I successfully fulfilled the requirements of Module C.

Marking criteria Mark

 

Skillfully analyses the excerpt of the Module C text and shows how its meaning is crafted to influence the responder. Skillfully reflects on the perceived intentions of the composer and how these intentions are delivered.

Demonstrates a well composed opening to a creative writing text that encompasses the

• Composes a thoughtful reflection asserting how the creative writing task has fulfilled

9-10 A

ideas or issues of a Module C text the requirements of the Module C rubric

Effectively analyses the excerpt of the Module C text and shows how its meaning is crafted to influence the responder. Effectively reflects on the perceived intentions of the composer and how these intentions

Demonstrates an effective opening to a creative writing text that encompasses the ideas

or issues of a Module C text Composes an effective reflection asserting how the creative writing task has fulfilled the requirements of the Module C rubric

are delivered.

7-8 B

 

Soundly analyses the excerpt of the Module C text and shows how its meaning is crafted to influence the responder. Soundly reflects on the perceived intentions of the composer and how these intentions are delivered.

Demonstrates a sound opening to a creative writing text that encompasses the ideas or

issues of a Module C text Composes a sound reflection asserting how the creative writing task has fulfilled the requirements of the Module C rubric

5-6 C...

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