Metamorphosis PDF

Title Metamorphosis
Course The Literary Experience
Institution Villanova University
Pages 6
File Size 64.7 KB
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Notes about Metamorphosis reading...


Frank Kafka (1882-1924) • Had troubles with his father

• The Germans didn't like him because he was Jewish • He died before the Nazi regime came into full power, but his sisters died in the concentration camps • His style is very dark Background • Change of Gregor Samsa

Notes • Opening line is the change

• He at first thinks why not just go back to sleep and forget this "nonsense"

• Implies he doesn't really believe that much has changed ‣ His work consumed him , that he didn't realize this metamorphosis probably has been taking palace all along • He's constantly traveling • There's no real intimate relationships • He has to get up at 4 AM to catch the 5 o'clock train

• Only 5/6 more years left to go ‣ He hates his boss, and before he leaves he wants to tell him off • The boss is always talking like he's so high and mighty as he talks down to his employees • In the house that Gregor lives in there's his gentle mother, the violent (not really) father, and concerned sister (Greta)

• He can't communicate with his family and he habitually locks the doors

concerned that he'll, be late

• Gregor locks the door • Gregor tries to rationalize what happens to him

‣ He can't help but smile at this thought • "What a fate to be condemned to a firm where the smallest omission at once gave rise to the greatest suspicion"

• He reads the newspaper, checks the railroads times, and woodworking

‣ His life is so sad that he has to put a picture from a magazine because he has no • Focused on Gregor using his form

stick of the chief clerk

• When son was rising, father is decrepit • When son begins to fail, father immerses Part 2 • "A book must be the axe for the frozen area within out lives." -Franz Kafka

• Now focuses on his loss of his role in the family • Gregor is more bug-like in form

• It's Grete's ideal to move the furniture because she realizes Gregor likes to roam about

• The father is changed since he's become a bank manager

‣ He now poses as a threat to Gregor, and he feels like that his father only the severest measures were fit to control him • Gregor winds up separates again from his family

• In biblical terms, it can refer to the garden of eden

‣ He doesn't have purpose or use any more

‣ There is less care for him

focused on his job • At the beginning, when Gregor is alone in his room, he notices that outside the room, he doesn't hear what he used to

he'd like • Gregor bought nothing was left of his father's business

‣ They've been using him • They're parasites living off of Gregor

• Grete is 17, and all she's known for doing was a little housekeeping, sleeping late, and dressing pretty

‣ She likes being in charge ‣ She thinks she's important and begins to show it ‣ She provides Gregor with food, and is the one who inks its on taking the furniture out • Gregor feels terrible about not being able to provide for the family any more Part 3 • The family (mostly the father) begins to feel somewhat guilty

• Grete says that if that bug were Gregor, he would have removed himself evasive he doesn't want them to suffer • Family's Metamorphosis

‣ The sister plays the violin, dresses nice, and helps a bit around the house

• To better her position, she's learning French and shorthand ‣ The mother starts sewing


• They send a note to their employers that they're going to take the day off

favorite member of the family

‣ When hearing this, he turns around to go back to his room, but Grete takes this as another attack • He was really just going back to be alone • Once they see his dead body, they feel a bot remorseful again

• Gregor starts to reflect back on his life

‣ Nothing is appealing to him anymore

‣ He never explored this before he was a bug • His memories are of the chief, the chief clerk, etc

chambermaid at a hotel , and a cashier (both sneaky incidents ) ‣ Instead of helping, they were unapproachable and he's glad they (the memories) disappeared ‣ There weren't many good times ‣ He's never lived and this is a reminder • He tries to make contact with his sister when he hears her play the violin

person ‣ That's what makes him human ‣ Was his metamorphosis necessary to make him realize who he truly is • Instead go staying at that level, he reverts back to the the idea of keeping Grete as prisoner in his room

‣ He'll keep her there and spit at intruders

‣ The parents realized that Grete has grown into a pretty woman and it's time to find a good husband for her • Grete stretched her young body, indicating a new bright future for herself...

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