Motor-lab sheeg - tutorial PDF

Title Motor-lab sheeg - tutorial
Author Akita Mitter
Course cogs
Institution Macquarie University
Pages 4
File Size 194.1 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 38
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I nt r oduct i ont oNeur osci ence1( COGS1000) ONLI NEMOTORLAB:TMSanddescendi ngmot or pat hways

Act i vi t ySheet PART1 ForPar t1oft hel abact i vi t y,youshoul dpr i mar i l yconsul tyourt ext book( Ch16) . 1.Defineαmot orneur ons,γmot orneur ons,muscl espi ndl es,andGol git endon or gans. 1.Mot orneur onsasuppl yskel et almuscl est hatcausemuscl econt r actt hatgener at e movement .Forexampl e,Suppl yst r i at edmuscl efli pgem. 2.Mot orneur onsy - I nner vat econt r act i onofi nt r af usal - Cont r ol muscl econt r act i onr esponset oext er nalf or cesonmuscl e 3.Muscl espi ndl es - Foundi ncapsul eofmusc l ef orex ampl e,i nt r af us al - Det ectchangei nl engt hofi t smus cl eandpr ovi dei nf ot oCNS 4.Gol gi t endon - I nhi bi tofmus cl eact i v at i on - Ext r af usal ac t i v at i on - Tens i ondi sc har ges - Act i v at i onat t ac hedandt henmus cl ei sst r et ched


5.Dr aw adi agr am oft heci r cui ti nvol vedi nt hemonosynapt i c( kneej er k)r eflex. Labelal lt her el evantpar t sandconnect i onsi nt her eflexci r cui t .( Besi desCh16, seep.11)

3.Dr awadi agr am oft heci r cui ti nvol vedi nt heflexi on–cr ossedext ensi onr eflex. Labelal lt her el evantpar t sandconnect i onsi nt her eflexci r cui t

PART2 2 Really difficult to draw online

Pl easewat cht hi svi deoont hei Lear npageunder“Week8Onl i neMot orLab: Monosynapt i cReflexExper i mentVi deo”.Af t erwat chi ngt hevi deo,pl easeper f or m t heexper i mentonapar ent ,si bl i ng,orhousemat e.Andt henhavet hem per f or mt he exper i mentonyou.Af t eryouhavecompl et edt heexper i ment ,pl easeanswert he f ol l owi ngquest i ont hatPaulSowmanasksatt heendoft hevi deo: Whydoyout hi nkt hemonosynapt i cr eflexr esponsei sexagger at edwhenyouar e cont r act i ngot hermuscl egr oupsi nt hear m ort hej aw?

- Di st r ac t spat i ent sf r om v ol unt ar i l ysuppr essi ngr efl ex - Decr easi ngamountofdescendi ngi nhi bi t i on - Cont r act i onofot herc ount erdescendi ngi nhi bi t i onf r om br ai nst em i nt he

PART3 ForPar t3oft hel abact i vi t y,pl easewat cht hef ol l owi ngvi deol ect ur ef r om Pr of NancyKanwi sheronTMS:ht t ps: / / nancysbr ai nt al ks. mi t . edu/ vi deo/ wat chnancysbr ai nget zappedt r anscr ani al magnet i cst i mul at i on.Af t erwat chi ngt hevi deo, pl easeanswert hef ol l owi ngquest i ons: 1.Br i eflyexpl ai nwhatTMSi sandhow i twor ks. - St i mul at esner vecel l s - Cent r al ner v ouss y st em - Magnet i cfiel dchanges 6.How canyout el lwhet hert heTMSpul sei si nduci ngasur f acener veeffectf r om a cor t i caleffect ?

- Thecor onaleffectshoul dbeont heopposi t esi deoft heTMS - Ther e’ sal sof acener vest hatgoont hesur f acei ft heygetzapped


7.Whi chanat omi caldi r ect i ondoest heexper i ment ermovet heTMScoi li nor dert o gof r om el i ci t i ngmuscl et wi t chesi nPr ofKanwi sher ’ shandt omuscl et wi t chesi n herl eg?Br i eflyexpl ai nwhyr eposi t i oni ngt heTMScoi li nt hi swaycausest hi st o happen. - Anat omi caldi r ect i on–sagi t t alcor onal - Becausei ti si ndi r ect i onoft hemot orcor t ex


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