Mouthguard tech biz Hit IQ launches IPO PDF

Title Mouthguard tech biz Hit IQ launches IPO
Author Ronak Nand
Course Real Estate Finance
Institution University of Sydney
Pages 7
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Mouthguard tech biz HitIQ launches IPO


Street Talk

Street Talk

Mouthguard tech biz HitIQ launches IPO Sarah Sarah SarahThompson Thompson, Thompson Anthony AnthonyMacdonald Macdonaldand Tim TimBoyd Boyd Thompson Anthony Macdonald Tim Boyd Apr 23, 2021 – 12.02pm

It’s game day for mouthguard technology business HitIQ.




Mouthguard tech biz HitIQ launches IPO

HitIQ sells “smart mouthguards” with sensors that collect data from a players mouth to feed back to training and medical staff.

Morethan thanhalf halfaaayear yearsince sincefronting frontinginvestors investorsfor foraaapre-IPO pre-IPOfundraising fundraisinground round, round the More More than half year since fronting investors for pre-IPO fundraising round sports technology outfit is back for its initial public offering. The company had Shaw and Partners in its corner for the float, which would see it raise up to $10 million in fresh equity at 20¢ a share, according to its prospectus lodged with the corporate regulator. A raising of that size implied a $31.3 million fully diluted market capitalisation. Money raised in the IPO would go towards research and development, sales and marketing, and for working capital, the prospectus said.


The company sells “smart mouthguards” with sensors that collect data from a players mouth to feed back to training and medical staff, to help them rehabilitate players after concussion related injuries.




Mouthguard tech biz HitIQ launches IPO

agreement would cover both the AFL and AFLW from 2022. The company generated $145,470 revenue in the 12 months to December 31, and posted a $1.3 million after tax loss, according to the prospectus. HitIQ was targeting a listing on the ASX in early June.

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Sarah SarahThompson Thompson has co-edited Street Talk since 2009, specialising in private equity, Sarah Thompson investment banking, M&A and equity capital markets stories. Prior to that, she spent 10 years in London as a markets and M&A reporter at Bloomberg and Dow Jones. Email Sarah at [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] AnthonyMacdonald Macdonald co-edits Street Talk, specialising in private equity, investment banking, Anthony Anthony Macdonald M&A and equity capital markets. He has 10 years' experience as a business journalist and worked at PwC, auditing and advising financial services companies. Connect with Anthony on Twitter Twitter Twitter. Twitter Email Anthony at [email protected] [email protected] TimBoyd Boyd is a journalist based in Sydney who writes for the Street Talk column. Connect with Tim Tim on Twitter Twitter. Twitter Email Tim at [email protected] [email protected] Twitter [email protected]



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Mouthguard tech biz HitIQ launches IPO

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Mouthguard tech biz HitIQ launches IPO








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