Movie Analysis PDF

Title Movie Analysis
Course Small Group Communication
Institution Grand Canyon University
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Abigail Carpenter Com-222 Professor Zaf 3-14-2020

Movie Analysis

The full pilot of Lost is quite the intriguing one that takes you through a rollercoaster. The pilot starts with a scene of dozens of passengers waking up from a terrible plane crash on what appears to be an uninhibited tropical island. During this first scene there is lots of chaos and worry as many are injured and parts of the plane are still falling, and people are scared and confused. There is one man, Jack, who seems to be the main character who is a doctor and is working to keep those who are injured alive and well. The next agenda in the show is to locate the cockpit of plane as the only part of the plane that landed on the beach was the middle and Kate, another lead character, saw where the cockpit landed. The thought process here is that if they can find the cockpit then there may be a transmitter that they can radio for help from. A group consisting of Kate, Jack and a smaller character, Charlie, head out to find the cockpit. When they locate it they find the pilot still alive, although in poor condition. The transmitter is also found but before they can get it to work a mysterious sound that we were introduced to before as a woosh through the jungle appears again, but this time yanks the pilot from the plane and kills him, just after the pilot informs the group that if people are looking for them they are looking in the wrong place. The second episode finishes the pilot and depicts the group heading back to the beach with the broken transmitter. During this walk we are enlightened that Charlie only went with the group to try and find the drugs that he had hid in the plane bathroom. The big group has a man in it that can fix the transmitter but he and another man scuffle, but eventually end up going up the mountain to get signal along with others from the group. During this walk up it is discussed that there was a felon on the plane and most believe that it was the man that

Abigail Carpenter Com-222 Professor Zaf 3-14-2020

was in the scuffle, although it is revealed to the audience that this was Kate who then uses the gun that the scuffling man had to shoot a polar bear that someone was on a tropical island, and that is where the pilot ends. Leadership plays a large role throughout the pilot of Lost. A man leader of the show is Jack, the doctor that tends to be the focus of the show. Jack is an emergent leader as no one appoints him or takes a vote on who should be leader (Kelly, 2014). However, he does have some positional power as he is a doctor and the beginning of the situation has lots of people injured and in panic (Engleberg & Wynn, 2017).. Jack’s power seems to be almost autocratic as he assigns people with tasks without asking or voting or taking opinions into account Engleberg & Wynn, 2017). Although it is implied that he is doing this to keep hysteria down and to give people something to do. His motivation to those he is in leadership over is also prevalent. He tells Kate over and over that she is capable of stitching him and that it will be just like the drapes that she sewed at home. He also tells another character who is afraid of blood that he needs him while trying to help an injured man (Ridgeway, 1982). Another example of power that is shown in the two episodes is in family dynamics as there are two survivors who are father and son, and the father has positional power over his boy. Sayid also is an example of power as he is the one who is able to fix the transmitter, so he is put in charge of holding it and knowing when to try and use it as they hike up the mountain. Just like Jack, Sayid’s knowledge is what gives him power (Northouse, 2016). As the group settles in as much as they can there are those who stay to themselves and others who stay close at the beach. There is a lack of group identity as most are scattered throughout the beach, but all are brought together by the want to go home and the terror of the

Abigail Carpenter Com-222 Professor Zaf 3-14-2020

mysterious noise that goes through the jungle. The decisions in the show are limited in that they are all based on survival, so they are implied and not discussed among the group, such as going to find the rest of the plane, eating, making a fire. However, there are goals that the group as, the main one being survival. Another goal that emerges is to find the radio and also to keep people alive and to make a fire big enough for rescuers to be able to see the smoke. These group goals allow the group to have a sense of identity and to keep people moving with purpose which limits hysteria and terror (Moss, 2011) (Engleberg & Wynn, 2017).

Along with goals and working together also comes conflict, of which there is plenty in the pilot of Lost. An example of personal conflict would be with one of the female passengers from the plane, Shannon, who doesn’t want to eat because she does not like the man offering her food. Another blatant example of conflict is between Sayid and Sawyer who fight throughout the second episode. There first fight is because Sawyer assumes that because Sayid appears middle eastern that he must be the reason that the plane crashed, and from there they continue to fight as Sayid tries the radio transmitter on their hike up the mountain. Both of these conflicts do not better the group as they hinder the road to survival and rescue. Fighting is a destructive way of handling the conflict between Sayid and Sawyer who not only argue but also literally fist fight (Engleberg & Wynn, 2017). One hidden agenda that is apparent in the series is with Charlie. Charlie accompanies Jack and Kate when they go to find the transmitter. He says his reasoning is to have something to do and to keep him busy. However, his behavior while in the cockpit is sketchy as he finds himself in the bathroom. He explains to Kate that he was in there throwing up due to seeing the dead passengers. However, it is revealed to the audience that he was really going with them to try

Abigail Carpenter Com-222 Professor Zaf 3-14-2020

and find drugs that he had left in the bathroom of the plane before the crash. This hidden agenda and sidebar do not negatively impact the group nor their goal to get the transmitter.


Abigail Carpenter Com-222 Professor Zaf 3-14-2020

Moss, S. (2011). The Social Identity Theory of Leadership. Retrieved from Kelly, J. E. (2014, September 7). Home. Retrieved from Engleberg, I., & Wynn, D. (2017). Working in groups: Communication principles and strategies (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. ISBN-13: 9780134415529 Northouse, P. G. (2016). Leadership: Theory and practice (7th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications Ridgeway, C. (1982). Status in Groups: The Importance of Motivation. American Sociological Review, 47(1), 76-88. Retrieved March 16, 2020, from

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