Movie review of \"The Message\" - The Islamic Tradition PDF

Title Movie review of \"The Message\" - The Islamic Tradition
Course The Islamic Tradition
Institution Athabasca University
Pages 4
File Size 56 KB
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movie review of "The Message"...


“The Message” is a masterpiece; it chronicles the life of Muhammad (p.b.u.h) from receiving Quran through a series of life events. It shows the early history of Islam and some important events of the Islamic history, battle of Uhud and Badr. Although Muhammad (p.b.u.h) is not depicted directly, visually or vocally, lion portions of the topics or story is narrated by some fundamental figures of Muhammad’s life. The movie starts with Muhammad receiving Quran from God by Angel Gabriel and it ends up with Muhammad’s death. In the meantime, it shows how the followers of Prophet Muhammad have to face difficulties in their lives. In addition, this movie shows how the Holy Quran revealed important verses about malpractices people are engaging in such as bury live daughters,slavery, worshiping 300 Gods in Ka’abah etc. Islam is not established in one day, it shows how Prophet Muhammad the messenger of God, starts spreading the message of Islam with a few men and eventually getting more and more people. In pre-Islamic period people used to believe in polygamy. When the prophet received the Quran and the Quran instructed to worship only one God, it was really hard for the prophet to preach oneness of God as most of the people were worshipping more than 300 Gods. But the prophet was successful in conveying his message as a result his greatest enemies become Muslim like, Abu Sufyan and his wife. This movie shows the good relationship between the Muslim with other religions, shelter taken by some Muslims in Abyssinia could be an example. When the torturing reached on highest peak Muslim people ran away in Abyssinia and they were treated well there. Islam is a religion of peace and the director of this movie Moustapha Akkad proves in his movie; when Muslim people’s life was in danger at Mecca, they migrated to Medina. They built mosque, freely exercised their religion there without under any pressure. After winning one of the wars Muhammad peacefully resolves the situation by doing an agreement with the opponent party that they can go to Mecca and exercise their religion freely.

Even Muslims perform the pilgrimage in Mecca with Muhammad in the following year when he died. On the farewell pilgrimage Muhammad gave direction for mankind .The director of this movie is successful in portraying those moments amazingly. It seems the director made a Hollywood biopic on Muhammad because he himself is a Muslim and it is his responsibility to show the world what actually Islam is and eradicates all the misconceptions created by media about Islam. Most of the time western media shows Islam as a religion of terrorism, which is completely vogue. In this movie Akkad shows that how great was Muhammad towards the Muslims as well as non-Muslims. Incidents shown in this movie are true and confirmed by Al – Azhar University in Cairo and the high Islamic congress of the Shiat in Lebanon. Some of those incidents are also mentioned on the holy Quran. Descriptions of those battles and vice versa are also mentioned in the textbook called “Islam faith and history” by Mahmoud M. Ayoub. All the actors are so good and real, the scenes are so live. The environment, housing, costumes everything is good while watching the movie it felt like they are still in the pre-Islamic period. This film describes some remarkable moments of Prophet Muhammad’s life and history of Islam. It’s really hard to show his epic life history within a short time frame (3 hours). It is really praiseworthy that the director made a biopic on Prophet Muhammad without depicting him directly (visually and vocally). As per Islamic law it is forbidden not to show any major religious figures, so nor Prophet neither his direct family members are shown. Anthony Quinn’s acting as Muhammad’s uncle Hamza is mesmerizing. The face of Zayd(Muhammad’s adopted son), Bilal (Muhammad’s one of the closest companion) are shown. As the movie makers are not allowed to show Muhammad’s face it gives the movie a unique angle and awkwardness. The first time it was confusing for that why people are reacting like that in the movie, and then it come to the realization that Muhammad is present there. Light music is playing in his presence and

movement of the camera is indicating that Muhammad is present there. This is a perfect choice not to show Muhammad himself. Every religion has its own law, so respecting that and not showing the Prophet or his family is perfect. Another interesting thing is Muhammad’s statement is restated by his companion again, so it is clear enough what actually Muhammad’s statement is. The music playing in this film is so good and soothing to hear. It gives an insight about many old instruments to the viewers and how people’s life was. Muhammad born in a rich family called Quraysh, when he started to preach Islam, most of the powerful men some are his relatives from his tribe are rebelling against and try to stop him from preaching. They showed greed of giving Muhammad everything such as money, power, and authority. But Muhammad refuses everything with the grace and he stays with the truth. Everything comes up in this movie. It is really very powerful in conveying the message that Islam is the religion of peace. In today’s world some extremists’ people who claims themselves as Muslim and killing people in the name of Islam. This film portrays the real Islam which is peaceful, not like that which media represents. The director’s hard working is shown up in every scene. Everyone should watch this movie, to know about the real Islam. Many books written about Islam and the director is successful in making those written words live in front of the viewer’s eyes. Showing the bifurcated sword of Ali (Muhammad’s cousin) in the battlefield is also a brilliant idea from the director as the Ali himself cannot depict. All the battle scenes are so true; their uses of different arms give the film a different dimension. In early days of Islam how the haters of Islam give trials and tribulations to the Islam followers, how they deal with poverty, emotional torture, their own family refused them as they are following Islam, all the incidents come up in this movie. The person who believes in Islam is called Muslim. As the torturing on the Muslim people is increasing, they migrate to Medina from Mecca as Muhammad instructed them to do so. In this movie, Muslim’s

life in Medina is shown, how they built the first mosque, how Bilal gives the Adaan and so on. Muhammad patiently handles every hurdle. His life is glorious, most of his characteristics are not shown in this movie, and this movie could be more interesting if some of his virtues could have been showed. One thing seems missing that the direct verses from the Quran so that the viewers could have learned about the verses of Quran. Many course readings requires to know the stories shown in this movie, visualizing this movie helps an individual to remind important events in Islamic history. The farewell sermon of Muhammad in this movie is so real that it makes a viewer emotional. It has a strong effect on the viewer. “The Message” is really an emotional movie for the Muslims. It is a well-written movie. The plot is really interesting and captivating. The trueness of this movie is judged by Al Azhar University and the religious scholars. So there is no doubt that all what are shown in this movie is absolutely true. Not a single moment is dull or monotonous in this movie. One will definetly enjoy every single moment. Cinematography and characterization are superb. The people who think Islam is a religion of terror; they should watch this movie and will get the answer from here. This movie also shows the kinship between Muslim and Christian (Abyssinia’s incident). The director Moustapha Akkad takes the courage to make a movie on the Muhammad without even depicting him. It’s a great challenge and the director pass with the flying colors. Without any doubt, this film is one of the historical epic movies, which will remain fresh in one’s memory. Whoever will watch this movie “The Message” will not disappoint a little bit. It shows the important moments in Islam and Muhammad’s life. It fills one’s quest to know about the Islam and the best human being of the history....

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