Movie Review- THE DAY After Tomorrow PDF

Title Movie Review- THE DAY After Tomorrow
Author Micaela Kaye Monterey
Course Science, Technology And Society
Institution Adamson University
Pages 3
File Size 89 KB
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Micaela Kaye M. Monterey

People’s & Earth’s Ecosystem

BSIT 2-1

Mr. Jerry Ortega Film Study Worksheet – For a Work of Fiction

Read the questions before you watch the film so that you will know what to look for while you watch. At breaks during the showing or at the film's end, you will have an opportunity to make short notes in the spaces provided. If you make notes while the film is playing, make sure that your note taking doesn't interfere with carefully watching the film. You do not need to make any notes on the worksheet but after the film is over you will be required to fully respond to the questions. Complete the assignment by answering each question in paragraph form. Answers need to be complete and comprehensive, demonstrating that you paid attention to the film and thought about what was shown on the screen. You may use more than one paragraph if necessary. Be sure that the topic sentence of your first paragraph uses key words from the question. All responses should be in complete sentences using proper spelling, grammar and punctuation.

1. Identify the movie by stating its title, the year it was released, the name of the director, where the story is set, and the time period in which the story takes place. Notes: The movie entitled ‘The Day After Tomorrow’ is a 2004 American climate science fiction disaster film directed , co-produced and co-written by Rolland Emmerich. It was filmed in Montreal and Toronto with some footage shot in New York City and Chiyodo, Tokyo. The film duration of this movie ran from November 7, 2002 until October 18, 2003. It was premiered in Mexico City on May 17, 2004 and was released in the United States on May 28, 2004.

2. Who is the protagonist and what is he or she like? Notes: In the film, the protagonist of the story is Jack Hall, a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adsministration (NOAA) Paleoclimatologist portrayed by Dennis Quaid. He was determined, brave and intelligent person. Hall is one of the brightest minds in his field even though no one believes to his theories . He loves his son and will do anything in his power to save him.

3. Who or what is the antagonist and what is he, she, or it like? Notes: The antagonist in the story is Raymond Becker , a Vice President of the United States who only cares for the economy.

4. What is the conflict that is driving the protagonist to act? Notes In this disaster film, the main conflict is the Man Vs Nature. The weather is so messed up that it starts conflicting each other, causing worse weather conditions. Global warming lead to an Ice Age due to the Ocean currents in Atlantic Ocean grind to a halt. Nature cruelly disrupts humankind. As what I have watched in the movie, Jack predicts that the bad weather could come soon. Most people ignore his threats. The next day, a superstorm is triggered by the oceanic shutdown. This covers much of the northern hemisphere in a few giant cyclones. It causes the flooding of Manhattan, huge hailstones in Tokyo, tornados in LA, and several days of severe snow storm covering the entire northern continents. And another main conflict is when Sam, Jack’s son trapped in New York.

5. Is there another less important conflict, often referred to as a subplot, which helps drive the story? If so, describe that conflict and who is involved in it.


Notes: I think one of the subplot in this movie is considered as Man Vs Man. It is when Jack Hall explain his theories about the weather problems that cause a lot of disturbance to the Northern Continents but the Vice president neglects his proposed theories and ignored him.

6. Describe three actions that the protagonist takes in order to try to resolve the conflict. Notes: In order for the protagonist to resolve the problem, Jack Hall tried three actions that would help him to lessen the disturbance of the bad weather conditions. First, when he attended to the UN conference in New Delhi, he discussed his research showing that climate change could cause an ice age, but US Vice President Raymond Becker dismisses his concerns. Second, Jack suggested to President Blake that he should order the people in the southern hemisphere to evacuate into Mexico. And the last one, when Jack’s son, Sam was trapped in New York public library, he advice him to stay inside and stay warm in order for them to survive and he promise to Sam that he will rescue them.

7. What is the climax or moment of highest tension? Notes: The climax in the story is when New York goes into a deep freeze as the superstorm reaches the city. As this happens, the boys rush to escape being flash frozen by the freezing air and keep the room warm by burning books.

8. How is the conflict resolved? Notes: President Blake rescued the people in Southern Hemisphere before going to New York to rescue his son. Jack travels to New York with his colleagues amidst the chaos of the impending iced age.

9. What aspects of the protagonist’s character lead to the resolution of the conflict? Support your conclusion. Notes: As what I have observed, the aspects of the protagonist character is being brave and intelligent. It leads to resolved the conflict in the movie because despite of the superstorm and impending ice age, he still able to keep himself survive and prove to the people that his theories are right. In the movie, he showcase his intelligence and being smart person by analyzing different weather conditions and proposing his theories as well thinking possible solutions and suggesting the President to rescued the people to survive.

10. What lessons from this film can viewers apply to their own lives? Name three and, for each, describe the lesson. If you can recall some dialogue that relates to any of the lessons, describe what was said. For each lesson, describe how the personality traits of the characters and the events of the story teach the lesson. There may be fewer than three lessons in the movie but try to find three. Lesson No. 1: “If we don't change something, our children will pay the price.” This lesson was included to Jack Hall statement in UN conference as he discussed his research about the global warming. It is clearly emphasized on the movie how the Vice President regrets his decision to dismiss the concern of Jack to the environment. Lesson No. 2: “No matter how big or small the nation is, we cannot ignore the fact that climate change is here.” We must seriously question our reliance on fossil fuels, which is the cause of global warming and climate change, and move quickly to develop viable, environmentally friendly renewable energy sources. We must also be more efficient with our energy use. As what we have observe in the movie, The governments neglects the concerns of Jack hall many times and even though US is a powerful country, it is not exception for a natural disaster when and where to occur.


Lesson No. 3: “Be aware and prepared at all times”. We can say that natural disaster cannot predict correctly at all times. There are some instances that machines used in analyzing the environment does not give proper information. That’s why we should be prepared ourselves every day. In the movie, Jack Hall predicts that Ice Age will occur in the Northern Hemisphere in the next decade but unexpectedly it turns out to occur a days later after he discuss his research in UN conference. Through this event, scientist become afraid and it leads this problem a big issue that teaches them a lesson.

11. Identify the role of the different spheres of the Earth and it’s important as it portrayed in the movie. Notes: There are four spheres in the earth. The role of the geosphere in the movie is to provide natural resources used by the people to survive. Hydrosphere is the most important substance that is needed for life. Ocean currents (hydrosphere) affect air temperature (atmosphere). For example is when ocean currents in Atlantic Ocean grind to a halt.

12. What do you think is the main role of humanity in taking care of the environment? How can we share it with other organisms? Notes: Our role within nature should be one of subsistence rather than commercialization. This kind of humanity is the most important things needed by our nature. We have exploited the world for too long and the consequences of doing so are everywhere. We often forget how much humans depends on nature. That’s why as an individual we should take action in taking our environment as soon as possible for the benefits of the next generation. Our concerns being humans are based in our simple actions. As what we have done for almost a decade, little things that may pollute the environment contributes a lot to destroy it in just a minute that’s why simple things or actions in creating a healthy environment would also a great help if we make it as our daily habit. This will not only benefits humans but also the organisms that is living in our planet.


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