Movie Review-The Core - Grade: 1.25 PDF

Title Movie Review-The Core - Grade: 1.25
Author Micaela Kaye Monterey
Course Science, Technology And Society
Institution Adamson University
Pages 2
File Size 79.1 KB
File Type PDF
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Micaela Kaye M. Monterey BSIT 2-1 The Impossible could be Possible at the ‘THE CORE’ Movie Review What a great movie will recognize how valuable our Earth’s layer in order for us to live? After spending almost two and half hour watching the movie ‘The Core’, it seems a lot of curiosity comes out to my mind. This movie was directed by Jon Arniel that tackles about the magnetic field surrounding the Earth causing disastrous event around the world due to the earth’s r otating molten core that is slowly moving. Without its movement, the electromagnetic field around the earth will disappear that will expose the surface to unfiltered solar radiation. The film focuses on a team whose mission is to drill to the center of the Earth and set off a series of nuclear explosions in order to restart the rotation of the Earth's core. This movie opens up when many people were dropping dead in New York, birds attacking tourists in London, an American shuttle crew missing their landing spot, and strange sky phenomena entertaining millions. All of these clues lead Dr. Josh Keyes (Aaron Eckhart), a scruffy geophysics professor who believes that the core of the Earth has stopped rotating. After his research is confirmed by the world's leading scientist, Dr. Conrad Zimsky played by Stanley Tucci, Dr. Keyes finds himself spearheading a plan to take an amazing machine down to the center of the Earth and get the core rotating again. While preparing for the project, he meets Rebecca Childs (Hilary Swank), who desperately wants to prove herself as a pilot. The ship’s diverse crew includes also Sergei Leveque, an old friend and colleague specializing in weaponry of Josh Keyes. They are joined by a brilliant, if pompous self-promoter named Dr. Conrad Zimsky, as well as the ship’s designer, Dr. Brazleton, who happens to be an unheralded genius Zimsky took advantage of years earlier. At the controls are NASA astronauts Col. Robert Iverson and Maj. Rebecca Childs. Back on the surface, a nerdy computer hacker known as Rat controls the flow of information and works miracles from his keyboard He works with Stickley (Alfre Woodard), who heads mission control at the headquarters of this NASA-in-reverse. Braz' ship becomes a snake-like vessel named Virgil. It is made up of several compartments and will be launched over the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean, the deepest such area on Earth. If any compartment of the ship is damaged, the operating system will eject that compartment to avoid risk to the rest of the ship. After successful descent, they run into a snag when they breach a gigantic geodelike structure. The ship falls through the open space, crash-landing and damaging the laser drilling device. Keyes and Zimsky find out that they are in fact inside a cobalt cocoon full of amethyst. During the repairs, Iverson is killed by falling crystal shards leaving Beck to pilot the ship to the Earth's core. As they dive further, a large diamond breaches the hull of the last compartment where Leveque is preparing the nuclear devices for activation; he sacrifices himself to make sure that Keyes has the launch codes as the compartment, no longer able to withstand the pressure, is ejected and crushed. When they finally breach the molten core, the team performs a series of calculations and find that their original plan would fail to restart the core due to unexpected physical property differences concerning density of the fluid. The team calculates that they can still restart the core by decoupling each compartment of Virgil at precise positions, timing the nuclear devices in each to go off to obtain the best force they can impart to the core. However, in order to separate the individual compartments, one member will have to enter the open area at the front of Virgil, which is exposed directly to the heat of the molten core and likely will not survive. Brazzelton offers to do so and sacrifices himself to the cause, successfully throwing the switch. As they set the charges, Zimsky becomes trap in a detached compartment. Keyes uses Virgil's nuclear power source to provide the additional energy for the final detonation. While it leaves the main compartment powerless and Keyes and Childs trapped, the other explosions do successfully restart the core's rotation. Keyes recalls that the unobtainium shell can convert the heat and pressure to energy, and the two wire the shell directly to their

systems in time to power their systems to ride the pressure wave out of the core and up towards the surface through tectonic plates, eventually breaching into the floor of the ocean near Hawaii. All the cast of ''The Core'' deserve an applause on every scenes, just for being able to speak most of the lines without succumbing to the chortles. I really love the character of Josh as a geophysicist professor. He is very smart, witty and Aaron played his part very well as a professor who is also known to be a person who is always right. He acted with confidence and his character was fitted to him. Hillary Swank plays as Beck was also a good addition to this movie. Her scenes were all spectacular especially on how she act calm as the pilot in every incidents she has experienced. All of the cast has a great contribution to make this movie more meaningful. I really love them all. This movie is actually entertaining. It has some decent destruction scenes and a lots of action. I love the part when Josh keeps on thinking every possible strategies and process in order for them to survive. This specific scene is when they are in the outer core and they have no current, he find ways to revive the current as he recalls that the unobtainium shell can convert the heat and pressure to energy,. I appreciate how the construction of the story especially when most of the people in the ship needs to sacrifice themselves in order to complete their mission. However, though it is very entertaining, it makes me hated it because as what I have understand on the movie, almost of the things in the movie are all impossible. Literally, people cannot travel in the center of the earth. Furthermore, after piercing a giant geode floating around in the mantle, the terranauts actually get out in their super space suits, defying the fact that they would be crumpled into the size of a pea most likely or vaporize under the intense heat. Also, noticeable gravity is created by large massed. The further you get inside a planet, the more mass there is behind and around you. Thus, as you get closer to the center of the Earth, gravity would actually weaken, in this movie, the ship speeds up for a reason. I notice also that this movie has a lot of scene errors especially when Zimsky spelled DESTINI, he taught it many times as capital D,E,S,T,I,N,Y. It is very confusing to the viewers. Another scene that is very confusing at all is when they are stuck in the geode and realize the lava is going to reach them, it is clearly shown in the movie that lava is melting the crystals and as we all know the ship can easily handle the temperature of the lava. So there is no reason to risk anyone’s life to continue their mission. In that instance, I would give it 7 out of 10 as my rating because there are many unnecessary actions that are incorporate in the movie. The Core is relatively connected to the importance of the Earth’s structure to human kind because it shows what apparently would happen if the core of the Earth stopped spinning, thus causing the electromagnetic field around the Earth to decay. This in turn would cause ultraviolet rays from the sun to strike the planet without any interference, which in a few months' time would burn the planet to a crisp. In extra credits of this movie, I really learned many lessons. In some instance, you will realize how valuable the human life is. Every scenes has its own way of how to get the attention of the viewers. Personally, I learned that many people use their unique skills and knowledge to help them accomplish its goal. As we go through, every crewmember who dies does a selfless act of bravery. I learned also that we as people should always be prepared before we do anything. Mistakes is part of anything that’s why we should learn from our mistakes that is clearly shown in the movie. Every one’s life is very important that’s why when a child named Micaela Kaye Monterey also known as Mikay glanced the world for the first time on January 11, 2001, she was blessed to notice how our planet is rich to all the mysterious events happening on our society. She was passionate to learn more different unbelievable things with the use of her knowledge as she go through to study at Polytechnic University of the Philippines. She wants to be a doctor someday and travel to New York....

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