HSCI 125 - Week #9 - uw21 - HSCI 125 PDF

Title HSCI 125 - Week #9 - uw21 - HSCI 125
Course Medical Terminology
Institution Drexel University
Pages 11
File Size 83.8 KB
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HSCI 125: Medical Terminology - Week 9 Chapter 13: Special Senses- The Eye and Ear Name: Date: Define the following medical terms: Anatomical terms: Eye               

Conjunctival – pertaining to the conjunctiva Corneal – pertaining to the cornea Extraocular – pertaining to being outside the eyeball Iridal – pertaining to the iris Lacrimal – pertaining to tears Macular – pertaining to the macula lutea Ocular – pertaining to the eye Intraocular – pertaining to within the eye Opthalmoc – pertaining to the eye Optic – pertaining to eye or vision Optical – pertaining to eye or vision Upilary – pertaining to the pupil Retinal – pertaining to the retina Scleral – pertaining to the sclera Uveal – pertaining to the choroid layer of the eye

Eye – Medical Specialist  Ophthalmologist – medical doctor who has specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of eye conditions and diseases  Ophthalmology – branch of medicine involving the diagnosis and treatment of conditions and diseases of the eye and surrounding structures  Optician – person trained in grinding and fitting corrective lenses  Optometrist- Doctor of Optometry

 Optometry – medical profession specializing in examining the eyes, testing visual acuity, and prescribing corrective lenses

Signs and Symptoms:

             

Blepharoptosis – drooping eyelid Cycloplegia – paralysis of the ciliary body Diplopia – condition of seeing double Emmetropia – state of normal vision Iridoplegia – paralysis of the iris Nyctalopia – difficulty seeing in dim night Ophthalmalgia – eye pain Ophthalmoplegia – paralysis of one or more of the extraocular eye muscles Ophthalmorrhagia – bleeding from the eye Papilledema – swelling of the optic disk Photophobia – strong sensitivity of bright light Presbyopia – vision loss due to old age Scleromalacia – softening of the sclera Xerophthalmia – dry eyes

EyeBall:  Achromatopsia – severe, congenital deficiency in color vision  Amblyopia – loss of vision not as a result of eye pathology  Astigmatism – condition in which light rays are focused unevenly on the retina  Cataract – damage to the lens causing it to become opaque or cloudy, resulting in diminished vision

 corneal abrasion – scraping injury to the cornea  glaucoma – increase in intraocular pressure, which if untreated, may result in atrophy of the optic nerve and blindness  hyperopia – a condition in which a person can see things in the distance but has trouble reading material at close range  iritis – inflammation of the iris  keratitis – inflammation of the cornea  legally blind – describes a person who has severely impaired vision  macular degeneration – deterioration of the muscular area of the retina of the eye  monochromatism – unable to perceive one color  myopia – a condition in which a person can things close up but distance vision is blurred  oculomycosis – fungus infection of the eye  retinal detachment – occurs when the retina becomes separated from the choroid layer  retinitis pigmentosa – progressive disease of the eye resulting in the retina becoming hard, pigmented, and atrophied  retinoblastoma – malignant eye tumor occurring in children  retinopathy – general term for disease affecting the retina  scleritis – inflammation of the sclera  uveitis – inflammation of the choroid layer Eye Muscles:  esotropia – inward turning of the eye  exotropia - outward turning of the eye  strabismus – eye muscle weakness commonly seen in children resulting the eyes looking in different directions at the same time Brain Related Vision Pathologies:

 hemianopia – loss of vision in half of the visual field  nystagmus – jerky – appearing involuntary eye movements, usually left and right Conjunctiva  conjunctivitis – inflammation of the conjunctive, known as pinkeye  pterygium – hypertrophied conjunctival tissue in the inner corner of the eye  Eyelids – each of the upper and lower folds of skin which cover the eyelid when closed  Blepharitis – inflammation of the eyelid  Hordeolum – a small purulent inflammatory infection of a sebaceous gland of the eyelid

Lacrimal Apparatus  Dacryoadenitis – inflammation of the lacrimal gland  Dacryocystitis – inflammation of the lacrimal sac Eye Examination Tests  color vision tests – use of polychromic charts to determine the ability of the patient to recognize a color  fluorescein angiography – process of injecting a dye to observe the movement of blood and detect lesions  fluorescein staining – application of dye eyedrops of a bright green florescent color used to look for ulcers  keratometer – an instrument used to measure the curvature of the cornea  keratometry – measurement of the curvature of the cornea using an instrument

 ophthalmoscope – instrument used to examine the inside of the eye through the pupil  ophthalmoscopy – examination of the interior the eyes using an instrument  optometer – instrument used to measure how well the eye is able to focus images clearly on the retina  refractive error test – vision test for a defect in the ability of the eye to accurately focus the image that is hitting it  slit lamp microscopy – examining the conjunctiva cornea, iris, and lens of the eye  Snellen chart – chart used for testing distance vision  Tonometry – measurement of the intraocular pressure of the eye using a tonometer to check for the condition of glaucoma  visual acuity – measurement of the sharpness of a patient’s vision Eye Surgical Procedures.           

Blepharectomy – surgical removal of all or part of the eyelid Blepharoplasty – surgical repair of the eyelid Conjunctivoplasty – surgical repair of the conjunctiva Cryoextraction – procedure in which cataract is lifted from the lens with an extremely cold probe Cryoretinopexy – surgical fixation of the retina by using extreme cold Enucleation – surgical removal of an eyeball Iridectomy – surgical removal of a small portion of the iris Iridosclerotomy – to cut into the iris and sclera Keratoplasty – surgical repair of the cornea laser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis – correction of myopias using laser surgery to remove corneal tissue laser photocoagulation – use of a laser beam to destroy very small precise areas of the retina

 phacoemulsification – use of high- frequency sound waves to emulsify a lens with a cataract  photorefractive keratectomy – use of a laser to reshape the cornea and correct errors of refraction  prosthetic lens implant – use of an artificial lens replace the lens removed during cataract surgery  radial keratotomy – spoke like incisions around the cornea that result in it becoming flatter  retinopexy – surgical fixation of the retina  scleral buckling – placing a band of silicone around the outside of the sclera that stabilized a detaching retina  sclerotomy – to cut into the sclera  strabotomy – incision into the eye muscles in order to correct strabismus

Eye: Define the combining forms. Suffixes and prefixes             

ambly/o – dull, dim aque/o – water blast/o – immature, embryonic blephar/o – eyelid chromat/o – color conjunctiv/o – conjunctiva corne/o – cornea cycl/o -ciliary muscle dacry/o – tear, tear duct dipl/o – double emmetr/o – correct, proper glauc/o – gray ir/o – iris

                    

irid/o -iris kerat/o – cornea lacrim/o – tears macul/o – macula lutea mi/o – lessening mydr/I – widening nyctal/o – night ocul/o – eye ophthalm/o – eye opt/o – eye,vision optic/o -eye, vision papill/o – optic disk phac/o – lens phot/o -light presby/o – old age pupill/o – pupil retin/o – retina scler/o – sclera stigmat/o – point uve/o – vascular vitre/o – glassy

Suffixes      

-ician – specialist -metrist – one who measures -opia – vision condition -opsia – vision condition -phobia – fear -tropia – turned condition


 eso- - inward  exo- - outward  myo- - to shut

EAR: Define the terms:          

acoustic – pertaining to hearing auditory – pertaining to hearing aural – pertaining to the ear auricular – pertaining to the ear binaural – pertaining to both ears cochlear – pertaining to the cochlea monaural – pertaining to one ear otic – pertaining to the ear tympanic – pertaining to the tympanic membrane vestibular – pertaining to the vestibule

Ear- Medical Specialties  audiology – medical specialty involved with measuring hearing function and identifying hearing loss  otorhinolaryngology – branch of medicine involving the diagnosis and treatment of conditions and diseases of the ear, nose, and throat Inner Ear  acoustic neuroma – benign tumor of the eighth cranial nerve sheath  labyrinthitis – may affect both the hearing and equilibrium portions of the inner ear

 Ménière’s disease – abnormal condition within the labyrinth of the inner ear that can lead to a progressive loss of hearing Middle Ear     

Myringitis – inflammation of the tympanic membrane otitis media. – middle ear infection otosclerosis – loss of mobility of the stapes bone salpingitis – inflammation of the auditory tube tympanitis – inflammation of the tympanic membrane

External Ear  Ceruminoma – excessive accumulation of earwax resulting in a hard wax plug  otitis externa – external ear infection  Otomycosis. – fungal infection of the ear Signs and Symptoms          

Macrotia – condition of having abnormally large ears Microtia – condition of having abnormally small ears Otalgia – ear pain Otopyorrhea – discharge of pus from the ear Otorrhagia – bleeding from the ear Presbycusis – normal loss of hearing that can accompany the aging process residual hearing – amount of hearing that is still present after damage has occurred to the auditory mechanism tinnitus – ringing in the ears tympanorrhexis – rupture to the tympanic membrane vertigo – dizziness caused by the sensation that the room is spinning

Hearing Loss

 anacusis – total absence of hearing  deafness – inability to hear or having some degree of hearing impairment Ear:Audiology Tests  audiogram – graphic record that illustrates the results of audiometry  audiometer – instrument to measure hearing  audiometry – test of hearing ability by determining the lowest and highest intensity and frequencies that a person can distinguished  decibel – measures the intensity or loudness of a sound  hertz – measurement of the frequency or pitch of sound  Rinne and Weber tuning-fork tests – tests that assess both nerve and bone conduction of sound Otology Tests  Otoscope – instrument to view inside the ear canal  Otoscopy – examination of the ear canal, eardrum, and outer ear  Tympanogram – graphic record that illustrates the results of tympanometry  Tympanometer – instrument used to measure the movement of the tympanic membrane  Tympanometry – measurement of the movement of the tympanic membrane Balance Tests  falling test – test used to observe balance and equilibrium

Ear: Define the combining forms, suffixes, and prefixes

Combining forms;              

acous/o – hearing audi/o – hearing audit/o – hearing aur/o – ear auricul/o - ear cerumin/o – cerumen cochle/o – cochlea labyrinth/o – labyrinth (inner ear) myring/o – tympanic membrane (eardrum) ot/o – ear salping/o – auditory tube (eustachian tube) staped/o – stapes tympan/o – eardrum vestibul/o – vestibule

Suffixes  -cusis – hearing  -otia ear – ear condition...

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