HSCI 125 Medical Terminology Week 1 PDF

Title HSCI 125 Medical Terminology Week 1
Author Jenny Lin
Course Medical Terminology
Institution Drexel University
Pages 6
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HSCI 125: Medical Terminology Week 1 Chapter 1: Introduction to Medical Terminology Define and give examples of the four parts of medical terms. 1) word root- the foundation of medical terms, Ex.) cardi 2) prefix- added to the front of a medical term, Ex.) chem-, immun-, path3) suffix- attached to the end of a medical term, Ex.) -gram, -otomy, -ory 4) combining vowel- combine several word parts and make it easier to pronounce longer medical terms, Ex.) vowel o, gaster-o-enterisits Define the following word roots/combining forms. 1) bi/o- life 2) carcin/o- cancer 3) chem/o- chemical 4) cis/o- to cut 5) path/o- disease Define and give examples of the following prefixes. 1) a- without, away from Ex.) anemia 2) an- de- without Ex.) anoxia, dehydrate 3) anti- against Ex.) antiviral 4) dys- painful, difficult, abnormal Ex.) dyspepsia 5) eu- normal, good Ex.) euphoria 6) hetero- different Ex.) heterogeneous 7) homo- same Ex.) homologous 8) macro- large Ex.) macromolecule 9) micro- small Ex.) micrometer 10) neo- new Ex.) neonatal

11) per- through Ex.) percutaneous 12) peri- around Ex.) pericardial 13) post- after Ex.) postpartum 14) pre- before, in front of Ex.) prenatal 15) pseudo- false Ex.) pseudocyesis 16) retro- backward, behind Ex.) retrograde 17) sub- below, under Ex.) subcutaneous 18) trans- through, across Ex.) transverse 19) ultra- beyond, excess Ex.) ultrasound 20) hemi- half Ex.) hemiplegia 21) mono- one Ex.) monopodia 22) nulli- none Ex.) nulligravida 23) pan- all Ex.) pansinusitis 24) poly- many Ex.) polyuria 25) semi- partial, half Ex.) semiconscious Define and give examples of the following suffixes. 1) -algia pain Ex.) gastralgia 2) -genic producing, produced by Ex.) carcinogenic 3) -iasis abnormal condition Ex.) lithiasis 4) -ism state of Ex.) hypothyroidism 5) -itis inflammation Ex.) dermtitis 6) -logist one who studies Ex.) biologist 7) -logy study of Ex.) cardiology 8) -lytic destruction Ex.) hydrolytic 9) -megaly enlargement, large Ex.) cardiomegaly

10) -opsy view of Ex.) biopsy 11) -osis abnormal condition Ex.) cyanosis 12) -pathy disease Ex.) myopathy 13) -plasm formation, development Ex.) cytoplasm 14) -rrhage excessive, abnormal flow Ex.) hemorrhage 15) -rrhexis rupture Ex.) hysterorrhexis 16) -sclerosis hardening Ex.) arteriosclerosis 17) -stenosis narrowing Ex.) angiostenosis 18) -trophy nourishment, development Ex.) hypertrophy 19) -ectomy surgical removal Ex.) vasectomy 20) -ostomy surgically create an opening Ex.) colostomy 21) -otomy cutting into Ex.) colostomy 22) -plasty surgical repair Ex.) dermatoplasty 23) -gram record or picture Ex.) mammogram 24) -graphy process of recording Ex.) electrocardiography 25) -scopy process of visually examining Ex.) gastroscopy

Chapter 2: Body Organization Define and give examples of the following root words/combining forms. 1) adip/o- fat Ex.) adipose tissue 2) anter/o- front Ex.) anterior plane 3) brachi/o- arm Ex.) antebrachial 4) caud/o- tail Ex.) caudal 5) cephal/o- head Ex.) cephalic region 6) cervic/o- neck Ex.) cervical region

7) crani/o- skull Ex.) cranial cavity 8) crur/o- leg Ex.) crural nerve 9) cyt/o- cell Ex.) cytoplasm 10) dist/o- away from Ex.) distal 11) dors/o- back of body Ex.) dorsal 12) glute/o- buttock Ex.) gluteal muscles 13) hist/o- tissue Ex.) histology 14) infer/o- below Ex.) inferior 15) later/o- side Ex.) contralateral 16) medi/o- middle Ex.) mediastinum 17) orth/o- straight, upright Ex.) orthopnea 18) ped/o- foot Ex.) pediatric 19) pelv/o- pelvis Ex.) pelvic muscle 20) poster/o- back Ex.) posterior neck muscles 21) proxim/o- near to Ex.) proximal tubule 22) spin/o- spine Ex.) spinal cord 23) super/o- above Ex.) superior thyroid artery 24) thorac/o- chest Ex.) thoracic artery 25) ventr/o- vertebra Ex.) ventral cavity Breakdown word parts and define Body Regions. Region

Word Parts


abdominal region

abdomin/o = abdomen -al =pertaining to

Abdomen; on anterior side of trunk

brachial region

brachi/o= arm -al= pertaining to

Upper extremities (UE) or arms

cephalic region

cephal/o= head -ic = pertaining to


cervical region

cervic/o= neck -al = pertaining to

Neck; connects head to trunk

crural region

crur/o= leg -al= pertaining to

Lower extremities (LE) or legs


dors/o= back of body

Back; posterior side of trunk

gluteal region

glute/o= buttocl -al = pertaining to

Buttock; on posterior side of trunk

pelvic region

pelv/o= pelvis -ic = pertaining to

Pelvis; anterior side of trunk

pubic region

pub/o= genital -ic= pertaining to

Region containing external genitals; on anterior side of trunk

thoracic region

thorac/o= chest -ic = pertaining to

Chest; anterior side of trunk; also called throax


vertebral region

Contains all body regions other than head, neck, and extremities; also called torso vertebr/o= vertebra -al= pertaining to

Overlies spinal column or vertebrae; on posterior side of trunk

Breakdown word parts and define Body Positions. Term

Word Parts


superior or cephalic

super/o= above ior= pertaining to cephal/o= head ic= pertaining to

More toward the head, or above another structure

inferior or caudal

infer/o= below ior= pertaining to caud/o= tail al= pertaining to

More toward the feet or tail, or below another structure

anterior or ventral

anter/o= below ior= pertaining to caud/o= tail al= pertaining to

More toward the front or belly-side of the body

posterior or dorsal

poster/o= back ior= pertaining to dors/o= back al= pertaining to

More toward the back or spinal cord side of the body


medi/o= middle al= pertaining to

Towards the midline of the body


later/o= side al= pertaining to

Refers to the side


proxim/o= near to al= pertaining to

Tip or summit of an organ


dist/o= away from al= pertaining to

Bottom or lower part of an organ


proxim/o= near to al= pertaining to

Located nearer to the point of attachment to the body


dist/o= away from al= pertaining to

Located farther away from the point of attachment to the body


More towards the surface of the body


Further away from the surface of the body


The body lying horizontally and facing upward


The body lying horizontally and facing downward...

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