Assignment-Week-4 - HSCI 125 PDF

Title Assignment-Week-4 - HSCI 125
Course Medical Terminology
Institution Drexel University
Pages 7
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WEEK #4 HSCI 125: Medical Terminology Fall Quarter - 2020 Name: Date: Chapter 3: Integumentary System

Define the following word roots/combining forms, suffixes and prefixes. 1. albin/o White 2. cauter/o To burn 3. cry/o Cold 4. cutane/o Skin 5. derm/o Skin 6. dermat/o Skin 7. diaphor/o Profuse sweating 8. electr/o Electricity 9. erythr/o Red 10. hidr/o Sweat 11. ichthy/o Scaly,dry 12. kerat/o Hard,horny 13. leuk/o White 14. lip/o Fat 15. melan/o Black 16. myc/o Fungus 17. necr/o Death 18. onych/o Nail 19. pedicul/o Lice 20. phot/o Light 21. py/o Pus 22. rhytid/o Wrinkle 23. sarco/o flesh 24. scler/o Hard 25. seb/o Oil 26. system/o System 27. trich/o Hair 28. ungu/o Nail 29. vesic/o Bladder 30. xer/o dry Suffixes 31. -derma

Skin condition

Prefixes 32. allo33. xeno-

Other Foreign

Identify and define selected the integumentary system pathology terms. Medical Specialties 1) dermatology branch of medicine involving diagnosis and treatment of conditions and diseases of the integumentary system Signs and Symptoms 1) anhidrosis 2) depigmentation 3) diaphoresis 4) ecchymosis 5) erythema 6) erythroderma 7) hyperemia 8) hyperhidrosis 9) ichthyoderma 10) leukoderma 11) lipoma 12) macule 13) onychomalacia 14) papule 15) pruritus 16) purpura 17) pustule 18) pyoderma 19) scleroderma 20) seborrhea 21) xeroderma

Conditions of producing no sweat Loss of normal skin color Profuse sweating Blood collecting under skin following blunt trauma; a bruise Red flushing of skin Having reddened or flushed skin Redness of skin due to increase blood flow Excessive sweating Scaly and dry skin White skin from lack skin pigment Fatty mas Flat, discolored spit on skin Softening of the nails Small, solid raised spot smaller than .5 cm Severe itching Skin hemorrhage due to fragile blood vessels Raised spot on skin containing pus Having pus on or within the skin Hardened skin Oily discharge Abnormally dry skin

Skin 22) albinism 23) cellulitis 24) cicatrix 25) dermatitis 26) dermatosis 27) ichthyosis 28) keratosis 29) pediculosis 30) tinea capitis 31) tinea pedis 32) vitiligo

Genetic condition; unable to make melanin; white hair and skin, and red eyes Diffuse acute inflection of connective tissue of skin Normal scar Inflammation of the skin Presence of a skin condition Skin becomes dry, scaly and keratinized Condition of excessive growth and thickening of epidermis layer Lice infection Fungal inflection on scalp, ringworm Fungal inflection of foot, athlete’s foot Disappearance of pigment from skin in patches; causes milk-white lesions

Hair 33) alopecia 34) trichomycosis

Absence or loss of hair; baldness Fungal infection of hair

Nails 35) onychia Infected nail bed 36) onychomycosis Fungal infection of nail 37) onychophagia Nail biting 38) paronychia Infection of skin fold around nail Identify and define the integumentary system therapeutic procedures. Skin Grafting 1) allograft 2) autograft 3) dermatome 4) dermatoplasty 5) xenograft

Skin graft from one person to another; also called homograft Skin graft from a person’s own body Instrument for cutting skin or for producing thin transplants of skin Skin grafting Skin graft from an animal of another species

Surgical Procedures 6) cauterization 7) cryosurgery 8) electrocautery 9) onychectomy 10) rhytidectomy

Destruction of tissue by using chemicals, electricity, heat, or freezing Use of extreme cold to freeze and destroy tissue Using an electrical current to destroy tissue Surgical removal of a nail Surgical removal of excess skin to eliminate wrinkles; face lift

Chapter 6: Blood and the Lymphatic and Immune System Define the following word roots/combining forms, suffixes and prefixes. Blood Combining Forms 1) agglutin/o Clumping 2) bas/o Base 3) chrom/o Color 4) coagul/o Clotting 5) eosin/o Rose red 6) erythr/o red 7) fibrin/o Fibers 8) fus/o Pouring 9) granul/o Granules 10) hem/o Blood 11) hemat/o Blood 12) morph/o Shape 13) neutr/o Neutral 14) phag/o Eat, swallow 15) sanguin/o Blood 16) septic/o Inflection Suffixes 17) -apheresis 18) -crit 19) -cytic 20) -cytosis 21) -emia 22) -globin 23) -penia 24) -phil 25) -philia 26) -philic 27) -plastic 28) -plastin 29) -poiesis 30) -rrhagic 31) -stasis

Removal Separation of Pertaining to cells More than normal number of cells Blood condition Protein Abnormal decrease Attraction for Condition of being attracted to Pertaining to being attracted to Pertaining to formation Formation Formation Pertaining to abnormal flow Standing still

Lymphatic/Immune Systems Combining Forms 32) adenoid/o 33) axill/o 34) immun/o 35) inguin/o

Adenoids Acilla Protection Groin

36) 37) 38) 39) 40) 41) 42)

lymph/o lymphaden/o lymphangi/o nucle/o splen/o thym/o tonsill/o

Suffixes 43) -edema 44) -globulin 45) -phage 46) -toxic

Lymph Lymph node lymph vessel Nucleus Spleen Thymus Tonsils

Swelling Protein To eat Pertaining to poison

Identify and define the blood and lymphatic and immune system pathology terms. Blood: Medical Specialties 1) hematology Signs and Symptoms 2) dyscrasia 3) hematoma 4) hemorrhage 5) hemophilia 6) hyperlipidemia 7) pancytopenia 8) septicemia Erythrocytes 9) anemia

The branch of medicine specializing in treatment of disease and conditions of blood General term for disease affecting blood Collection of blood under skin as result of blood escaping into tissue from damaged blood vessels Rapid flow of blood Genetic disorder; blood fails to clot due to lack of one clotting factor Excessive level of lipids in the blood stream; risk factor for atherosclerosis Having too few of all blood cells Having bacteria or their toxins in bloodstream

14) thalassemia

Group of conditions characterized by a reduction in number of RBCs or the amount of hemoglobin Conditions of having too many RBCs Condition of having too few RBCs Results from destruction of RBCs Condition of having too many RBCs; blood is too thick and flows sluggishly Genetic disorder where unable to produce functioning hemoglobin

Leukocytes 15) leukemia 16) leukocytosis 17) leukopenia

Cancer of white blood cell-forming portion of red bone marrow Condition of having too many WBCs Condition of having too few WBCs

Platelets 18) thrombocytosis 19) thrombopenia

Condition of having too many platelets Condition of having too few proteins

10) erythrocytosis 11) erythropenia 12) hemolytic anemia 13) polycythemia vera

Lymphatic and Immune System Signs and Symptoms 1) lymphedema 2) splenomegaly 3) adenoiditis 4) elephantiasis 5) lymphadenitis 6) lymphadenopathy 7) lymphangioma 8) lymphoma 9) thymoma 10) tonsillitis 11) sarcoidosis

Excessive tissue fluid due to blocked lymphatic flow An enlarged spleen Inflammation of the adenoids Inflammation and obstruction of lymph vessels, results in enlarged tissues due to edema Inflammation of lymph nodes General term for lymph node disease Tumor in a lymphatic vessels Tumor in lymphatic tissue Tumor of the thymus gland Inflammation of the tonsils Autoimmune disease; forms fibrous lesions in multiple organs of the body

Identify and define the blood and lymphatic and immune system diagnostic procedures. 1) hematocrit Measures volume of RBCs 2) hemoglobin Measures amount of hemoglobin present 3) phlebotomy Incision into vein in order to withdraw blood for testing 4) lymphangiogram x-ray record of lymphatic vessels 5) lymphangiography x-ray taken of lymphatic vessels after injection of dye 6) autologous transfusion Collection and storage of patient’s own blood prior to actual need 7) plasmapheresis Removal of whole blood, separation of plasma from formed elements 8) adenoidectomy Surgical removal of adenoids 9) lymphadenectomy Surgical removal of a lymph node 10) splenectomy Surgical removal of spleen 11) thymectomy Surgical removal of thymus gland 12) tonsillectomy Surgical removal of tonsils...

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