Assignment-Week-7 - HSCI 125 PDF

Title Assignment-Week-7 - HSCI 125
Course Medical Terminology
Institution Drexel University
Pages 7
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HSCI 125: Medical Terminology Week 7

Name : Date: Chapter 10: Reproductive System Define the following word roots/combining forms, suffixes and prefixes. Female Reproductive Combining Forms 1) amni/o – amnion 2) cervic/o – neck, cervix 3) chori/o – chorion 4) colp/o – vagina 5) culd/o – cul-de-sac 6) dilat/o – to widen 7) embry/o – embryo 8) episi/o - vulva 9) estr/o – female 10) fet/o – fetus 11) gynec/o – woman, female 12) hymen/o – hymen 13) hyster/o – uterus 14) lact/o – milk 15) mamm/o – breast 16) mast/o – breast 17) men/o – menses,menstruation 18) metr/o – uterus 19) nat/o – birth 20) o/o – egg 21) oophor/o – ovary 22) ov/o, ov/I – ovum 23) ovari/o – ovary 24) perine/o – perineum 25) radic/o – root 26) salping/o – uterine tube 27) tox/o – poison 28) uter/o – uterus 29) vagin/o – vagina 30) vulv/o – vulva Female Reproductive Suffixes 31) -arche – beginning 32) -cyesis – state of pregnancy 33) -genesis – produced 34) -gravida – pregnancy 35) -oid – resembling 36) -para – to bear (offspring) 37) -partum – childbirth

38) -salpinx – uterine tube 39) -tocia – labor, childbirth Female Reproductive Prefixes 40) -anti – against 41) -contra – against 42) -primi – first Male Reproductive Combining Forms 1) andr/o – male 2) balan/o – glans penis 3) crypt/o – hidden 4) epididym/o – epididymis 5) orch/o – testes 6) orchi/o – testes 7) orchid/o – testes 8) pen/o – penis 9) prostat/o – prostate 10) spermat/o – sperm 11) testicul/o – testes 12) vas/o – vas deferens 13) vesicul/o – seminal vesicle Male Reproductive Suffixes 14) -cide – to kill 15) -plasia – formation of cells 16) -spermia – condition of sperm Define the medical terms. Female Reproductive Medical Specialties 1) gynecology 2)




Signs and Symptoms 4) amenorrhea 5) amniorrhea 6) dysmenorrhea 7) dystocia 8) hematosalpinx 9) leukorrhea 10) mastalgia 11) menorrhagia 12) metrorrhagia

Branch of medicine specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions of the female reproductive system Branch of medicine specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions involving newborns Branch of medicine specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of women during pregnancy and childbirth Having no menstrual flow Flow or amniotic fluid when amnion ruptures Abnormal or painful menstrual flow Difficult labor and childbirth Presence of blood in uterine tube Whitish or yellowish vaginal discharge Breast pain Abnormally heavy menstrual flow during normal menstruation time Uterine bleeding between menstrual periods

13) metrorrhea 14) oligomenorrhea

Discharge from the uterus Light menstrual flow

Ovary 15) oophoritis 16) ovarian carcinoma 17) ovarian cyst

Inflammation of an ovary Malignant tumor of the ovaries Cysts developing in the ovaries

Uterine Tubes 18) pyosalpinx 19) salpingitis

Presence of pus in a uterine tube Inflammation of a uterine tube

Uterus 20) cervical cancer 21) endocervicitis 22) endometrial cancer 23) endometritis 24) fibroid tumor 25) hysterorrhexis 26) menometrorrhagia 27) premenstrual syndrome 28) prolapsed uterus

Malignant tumor of the cervix Inflammation occurring within the cervix Malignant tumor of the lining of the uterus Inflammation of the lining of the uterus Benign fibrous tumor in the uterus Rupture of the uterus Excessive bleeding during menstrual period or between menstrual periods Symptoms appear just prior to menstrual period Fallen uterus, may cause cervix to protrude through vaginal opening

Vagina 29) candidiasis 30) cystocele 31) rectocele 32) toxic shock syndrome 33) vaginitis

Yeast infection of mucous membrane lining of vagina Bladder presses backwards on vaginal wall Rectum presses forward on vaginal wall Staphylococcus infection occurring in menstruating women Inflammation of the vagina

Pelvic Cavity 34) endometriosis 35) pelvic inflammatory disease 36) perimetritis

Occurs when endometrial tissue flows backwards from uterus through fallopian tubes and into pelvic cavity Bacterial infection that has spread through female reproductive tract and out into the pelvic cavity Inflammation of pelvic cavity

Breast 37) breast cancer 38) fibrocystic breast disease 39) lactorrhea 40) mastitis

Malignant tumor of the breast tissue Appearance of fibrous tumors in breast tissue Discharge of milk from breast other than normal lactation Inflammation of a breast

Pregnancy 41) abruptio placentae 42) eclampsia 43) hemolytic disease of the newborn 44) infertility

Placenta tears away from uterine wall prior to delivery of baby Convulsions and coma occurring in woman in late stages of pregnancy Occurs when mother is Rh- and baby is Rh+ Unable to produce children

45) placenta previa 46) preeclampsia 47) prolapsed umbilical cord 48) 49) 50) 51)

pseudocyesis salpingocyesis spontaneous abortion stillbirth

Male Reproductive Medical Specialties 52) urology

Placenta forms low in the uterus overlying the opening to the cervix Metabolic disease of pregnancy, may result in true eclampsia If umbilical cord emerges from birth canal before baby does, it will become pinched between baby’s head Body acts as if there is a pregnancy, but there is no pregnancy Pregnancy that occurs in the uterine tube instead of in the uterus (miscarriage) unplanned loss of pregnancy early in gestation Death of a fetus of viable age

Branch of medicine involved in diagnosis and treatment of diseases and disorders of the urinary system and male reproductive system

Signs and Symptoms 53) aspermia 54) balanorrhea 55) oligospermia 56) spermatolysis

Condition of having no sperm Discharge from the glans penis Condition of having too few sperm Term referring to anything that destroys sperm

Testes 57) anarchism 58) cryptorchidism 59) hydrocele 60) orchitis 61) sterility 62) testicular carcinoma 63) testicular torsion 64) varicocele

The absence of testes Failure of testes to descend into scrotum before birth Accumulation of fluid around testes or along spermatic cord Inflammation of one or both testes Inability to father children due to a problem with spermatogenesis Malignant tumor of testes Twisting of spermatic cord Varicose veins of spermatic cord

Epididymis 65) epididymitis

Inflammation of the epididymis

Prostate Gland 66) benign prostatic hyperplasia 67) prostate cancer 68) prostatitis

Noncancerous enlargement of prostate gland Malignant tumor of prostate gland Inflammation of the prostate gland

Penis 69) balanitis 70) epispadias 71) erectile dysfunction 72) hypospadias 73) phimosis 74) priapism Female Reproductive Clinical Laboratory Tests

Inflammation of the glans penis Congenital opening of urethra on dorsal surface of the penis Inability to engage in sexual intercourse due to inability to maintain an erection Cognition opening of urethra on underside of penis Narrowing of prepuce Persistent and painful erection caused by pathology

75) Pap (Papanicolaou) smear 76) pregnancy test Diagnostic Imaging 77) hysterosalpingography 78) mammogram 79) mammography 80) pelvic ultrasonography Endoscopic Procedures 81) colposcope 82) colposcopy 83) culdoscopy 84) laparoscope 85) laparoscopy Obstetrical Diagnostic Procedures 86) amniocentesis 87) Apgar score 88) chorionic villus sampling 89) fetal monitoring Additional Diagnostic Procedures 90) cervical biopsy 91) endometrial biopsy 92) pelvic examination Male Reproductive Clinical Laboratory Tests 93) prostate-specific antigen 94) semen analysis

Scraping of cervical cells to examine for early signs of cervical cancer Chemical test to determine first few weeks of pregnancy x-ray of uterus and fallopian tubes after injecting dye in through cervix x-ray record of the breast x-ray of breast for detection of breast cancer Use of ultrasound waves to produce image of pelvic organs or a fetus within the uterus Instruments used to visually examine vagina Process of visually examining the vagina Examination of pelvic cavity behind the uterus using a culdoscopy introduced through an incision in the vaginal wall Instrument to examine inside abdominal cavity Process of visually examining the pelvic cavity and organs

Removal of amniotic fluid using a needle Evaluates newborn’s adjustment to outside environment Removal of a small piece of chorion for genetic analysis Electronic equipment on mother’s abdomen or fetus’ scalp to check heart rate during labor and delivery Removing a piece of cervical tissue to examine for cancer Removing a sample of endometrial tissue to examine for cancer Physical exam of vagina and adjacent organs

Blood test to screen for prostate cancer Part of fertility workup, analyzed for number, swimming strength, and shape

Additional Diagnostic Procedures 95) digital rectal exam

Manual examination for enlarged prostate

Female Reproductive Medical Procedures 96) barrier contraception 97) hormonal contraception 98) intrauterine device

Prevents sperm from meeting ovum, condom, diaphragms Using hormones to block ovulation, no ovum Device inserted into uterus to prevent pregnancy from establishing

Surgical Procedures 99) amniotomy 100) cervicectomy 101) cesarean section 102) conization

Cutting into the amnion Surgical removal of cervix Surgical delivery of baby through abdominal incision Removal of a core of cervical tissue

103) dilation and curettage 104) elective abortion 105) episiorrhaphy 106) episiotomy 107) hymenectomy 108) hysterectomy 109) hysteropexy 110) laparotomy 111) lumpectomy 112) 113) 114) 115)

mammoplasty mastectomy oophorectomy radical mastectomy

116) salpingectomy 117) simple mastectomy 118) therapeutic abortion 119) total abdominal hysterectomy–bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy 120) tubal ligation 121) vaginal hysterectomy Male Reproductive Surgical Procedures 122) balanoplasty 123) castration 124) circumcision 125) epididymectomy 126) orchidectomy 127) orchidopexy 128) orchiectomy 129) orchiotomy 130) orchioplasty 131) prostatectomy 132) sterilization 133) transurethral resection of the prostate 134) vasectomy 135) vasovasostomy

Dilation of cervix and scraping away of endometrial lining Legal termination of a pregnancy for non-medical reasons Suture the vulva Incision of perineum to widen birth canal during delivery Surgical removal of the hymen Surgical removal of the uterus Surgical fixation of the uterus Cutting into the abdominal cavity Removal of breast lump and tissue immediately surrounding it Surgical repair of the breast Surgical removal of an breast Surgical removal of an ovary Removal of breast tissue plus chest muscles and axillary lymph nodes Surgical removal of uterine tube Removal of breast tissue Termination of a pregnancy for the health of a mother Removal of the entire uterus, cervix, both fallopian tubes, and both ovaries through an abdominal incision Surgical tying off of fallopian tubes to prevent conception Removal of the uterus through vagina rather than an abdominal incision

Surgical repair of glans penis Removal of testes Removal of prepuce Surgical removal of epididymis Surgical removal of a testis Surgical fixation to pin undescended testes in scrotum Surgical removal of a testis Cutting into a testis Surgical repair of the testis Surgical removal of prostate gland Process of rendering a male or female unable to conceive children Removal of prostate tissue by inserting device through urethra removal of a segment of vas deferens to prevent sperm from ejaculating Removal of a segment of vas deferens to reverse a vasectomy...

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