Medical Terminology Chapter 1-6 PDF

Title Medical Terminology Chapter 1-6
Author breanna rose
Course Ancient Roots of Medical Terminology
Institution McMaster University
Pages 13
File Size 657.6 KB
File Type PDF
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textbook notes for chapters 1-6, words...


MEDICAL TERMANOLOGY CHAPTER 1 x-a x-ac x-ac/ x-acus (masc)/ x-aca (fem)/ x-acum (neut) x-aca x-acus x-agra x-agra/ x-agral x-al / x-alis (masc, fem)/ xale (neut) x-ale x-algia x-algia/ x-algic x-an/ x-anus (masc)/ x-ana (fem)/ x-anum (neut) x-ana x-anus x-ar, x-ary / x-aris (masc, fem)/ xare (neut) x-are x-ary x-asthenia x-atrophy x-atrophy/ xatrophic x-ea x-ectasia/ xectatic x-ectome x-ectomy x-ectopia x-ectopia/ xectopic x-edema x-edema/ xedematous x-eus/ x-ea/ xeum

the x p.t. x pertaining to x

pertaining to x p.t. x gouty pain in x gouty pain in x/ (adj) p.t. gouty pain in x pertaining to x

p.t. x pain in(volving) x pain in(volving) x *hint if can or cannot happen*/ pertaining to pain in(volving) x pertaining to x

p.t. x p.t. x pertaining to x

p.t. x p.t. x the lack of strength of x the lack of growth/nourishment of x the lack of growth of x/ (adj) pertaining to the lack of growth of x p.t. x the distension of x/ (adj) p.t. the distension of x an instrument for cutting out x the cutting out of x the displacement of x the displacement of x/ (adj) p.t. the displacement of x the swelling of x the swelling of x /pertaining to the swelling of x pertaining to x

x-ectasia x-ia x-ia x-iasis x-iasis/ x-iastic x-iastic x-iatry x-ic / x-icus (masc) / x-ica (fem) /x-icum (neut) x-ica x-ics x-icum x-in x-ina x-ine/ x-inus (masc)/ x-ina (fem)/ x-inum (neut) x-ismus x-ist x-itic x-itis x-ize x-ocele x-ocentesis/ xocentetic x-ocentisis x-oclasis x-oclasis /xoclastic /x-oclast x-oclast x-odynia x-odysplasia x-odystrophy x-ogen x-ogen x-ogen x-ogenesis x-ogenesis/ xogenetic x-ogenetic x-ogenic x-ogenous

the distention of x an abnormal condition involving x an abnormal condition involving x the abnormal presence of x the abnormal presence of x /(adj) pertaining to the abnormal presence of x p.t. the abnormal presence of x the healing of x pertaining to x

p.t. x the science of x p.t. x a substance (which does the action) of x p.t. x pertaining to x

a spasm of x one who (does the action of) x/one who specializes in x pertaining to the inflammation of x the inflammation of x to (do the action of) x the protrusion of (something through) x *hint if can or cannot happen* the surgical puncturing of x the surgical puncturing of x the breaking of x the breaking of x/ (adj) pertaining to the breaking of x/ something which breaks x something which breaks x pain in(volving) x the defective formation of x the defective growth of x a substance which produces x a substance which produces x a substance which produces x the production of x the production of x/ pertaining to the production of x p.t. the production of x producing x produced by x

x-ogenous x-ogenous x-ogram x-ogram x-ograph x-ography x-ography/ xograph x-oid x-oid/ x-oideum/ x-oidea/ x-oideus x-oidea x-oideum x-oideus x-oiditic x-okinesis x-okinesis/ xokinetic x-olith x-olith x-olith x-ology x-ology/ x-ologic/ x-ological x-olysis x-olysis/ x-olytic x-omalacia x-omegalic x-omegaly x-ometer x-ometry/ xometer x-on x-onecrosis x-onecrosis x-opath x-opathy x-opathy/ xopathic/ x-opath x-openia x-openia/ xopenic x-opexy x-opectic

produced by x produced by x a record of x a record of x an instrument for recording x the recording of x the recording of x/ an instrument for recording x resembling x resembling x resembling x resembling x resembling x pertaining to the inflammation of something resembling x the movement of x the movement of x/ pertaining to the movement of x - a calculus involving x /- a calculus in x/ a calculus in(volving) x a calculus in(volving) x the study of x the study of x/ pertaining to the study of x/ pertaining to something pertaining to the study of x the disintegration of x (diagnostic)/ the separation of the adhesions of x (therapeutic) the disintegration of x [diagnostic], the separation of the adhesions of x [therapeutic] the softening of x pertaining to the enlargement of x the enlargement of x an instrument for measuring x the measurement of x/ an instrument for measuring x the x the death of x the death of x one with a disease of x a disease of x a disease of x/ (adj) pertaining to a disease of x/ one with a disease of x a deficiency of x a deficiency of x/ (adj) pertaining to a deficiency of x the adhesion of x (diagnostic)/ the fixation of x (therapeutic) pertaining to the fixation of x

x-ophage x-o-phagist x-ophagy x-oplasia x- odysplasia x-oplasty x-oplastic x-oplegia x-oplegic x-opoiesis x-opoietic x-optosis x-orrhagia x-orrhagia/ xorrhagic x-orrhaphy x-orrhea x-orrhea/ xorrheic x-orrhectic x-orrhexis x-oschisis x-oschisis/ xoschistic x-osclerosis x-osclerosis x-oscope x-oscopy x-osis x-osis/ x-otic x-ospasm x-ostasis x-ostasis/ x-ostat/ x-ostatic x-ostat x-ostenosis x-ostenosis/ xostenotic x-ostomy x-osum x-osus x-otherapy x-otherapy/ xotherapeutic x-otome

something which ingests x one who ingests/eats x the ingestion of x the formation of x the defective formation of x the surgical repairing of x p.t. the surgical repairing of x the paralysis of x pertaining to the paralysis of x the formation of x pertaining to the formation of x the downward displacement of x the rapid flowing of (something from) x the rapid flowing of (something from) x/ (adj) pertaining to the rapid flowing of (something from) x the suturing of x the flowing of (something from) x the flowing of (something from) x/ (adj) p.t. the flowing of (something from) x pertaining to the rupturing of x the rupturing of x the splitting of x the splitting of x/ (adj) pertaining to the splitting of x the hardening of x the hardening of x an instrument for examining x the examination of x an abnormal condition involving x an abnormal condition involving x/ (adj) pertaining to an abnormal condition involving x a spasm of x the stopping of x the stopping of x /something which stops x something which stops x the narrowing of x the narrowing of x/ (adj) pertaining to the narrowing of x the making of an opening in x p.t. x p.t. x the treatment by means of x treatment by means of x an instrument for cutting x

x-otomy x-otomy/ x-otome x-otroph/ xotropic x-otrophy x-otrophy/ xodystrophy x-otropic x-otropism x-otropism/ xotropismic x-ous x-ous/ x-osus (masc)/ x-osa (fem)/ x-osum (neut) x-um x-us

the cutting of x the cutting of x/ an instrument for cutting x preferentially affecting x the growth/nourishment of x the growth/nourishment of x/ the defective growth/nourishment of x preferentially affecting x the tendency to preferentially affect x the tendency to preferentially affect x [diagnostic or therapeutic] p.t. x encephaloplastotropic pertaining to x

the x haemomusculus the x

NOUN -e (example) -is (crisis) (not cranialis) -ism (humanism) -s (physics) -y (geography -ia -ist -in -osis -esis -es-is -es-ia microcephaly ischium craniosis hemorrhagia


TRANSLATIO N man, human

som(at)-o derm(at)-o epi-derm(at)-o cyt-o x-o-cyt-e arthr-o

body skin epidermis cell a cell of x joint

ADJECTIVE x-al x-ic x-ous x-ar-y x-ar x-an x-in-e x-ac x-oid nervosa canoidea microcephalica cranialis canoideum hemorrhagicus craniale

VERB In Medical Terminology there is only one frequently used verbending x-iz-e (sympathize) (finalize) TRANSLATION to (do the action of ) x to make (something) x

acr-o mel-o cephal-o trich-o blephar-o ophthalm-o ot-o rhin-o pros-op-o faci-o cervic-o trachel-o om-o brachi-o ancon-o cheir-o, chir-o dactyl-o onych-o thorac-o steth-o mast-o mamm-o thel-e omphal-o umbil(ic)-o glut(e)-o gon-o, gony-o pod-o ped-o

extremities limb head hair eyelid eye ear nose face Face neck neck shoulder arm elbow hand digit nail chest chest breast breast nipple navel navel buttock knee foot foot

CHAPTER 3 - BONES TRANSLATION COMBINING FORM oste-o x-ostosis bone the ossification of x oss(e)-o bone skelet-o skeleton crani-o cleid-o clav-i-cul-o, clav(ic)-i acr-om-i-o corac-o, corac-

skull collar bone collar bone acromion coracoid process

oid-o humer-o humerus cubit-o elbow uln-o ulna radi-o radius carp-o wrist phalang-o phalanges scapul-o shoulder blade rachi-o, rachi-, rhachi-o, rhachispin-o


spine myel-o spinal cord; bone marrow spondyl-o vertebra vertebr-o vertebra cost-o, cost-i rib stern-o sternum xiph-o, xiph-oido

xiphoid process

cox-o hip

pelv-i, pelv(i)-o pelvis ili-o ilium ischi-o ischium pub-o, pub-i pubis sacr-o sacrum coccyg-o acetab-ul-o femor-o patell-o tibi-o fibul-o tars-o calcane-o tal-o astragal-o

Coccyx acetabulum femur knee-cap tibia fibula tarsus calcaneus talus talus

CHAPTER 3 - CONNECTORS chondr-o cartilage cartilag(in)-o cartilage myo, myos-o muscle muscul-o muscle ten-o, tenon(t)-o tendon tend-o, tendin-o tendon desm-o ligament syn-desm-o, syn- ligament desm-os-o ligament-o ligament aponeur-o, aponeurosis aponeuros-o Achill-o Achilles’ tendon CHAPTER 4 – NERVOUS SYSTEM encephal-o (cephal-o) cerebr-o (cerebral) cereb-ell-o (cerebral) membrane-o mening-o

(“skin”) (meningitis)

brain cerebrum; brain

en-cephal-on cerebr-um cereb-ell-um

cerebellum membrane meninges

embrane-a meninx

ependym-o (“put on over”)





nerv-i gangli(on)-o

(nervous) (“knot”)

nerve ganglion


nerv-us gangli-on


(neuron) nerve cell

(neur-o)gli-o radicul-o







sympath(et)-o, sym-path-ic-o vag-o

sympathetic nerves

(vagabond) vagus nerve

CHAPTER 4 – THE EYE ophthalm-o (=2.12) eye opt(ic)-o

(optical) eye

ocul-o (binocular) cor-e, cor(e)-o



(“girl”) pupil


(“little girl”) pupil



(horn) cornea



corne-a cornea



scler-a sclera



retin-a retina



uve-a uvea


(iridescent) iris



(bicycle) ciliary body

cili-o, cili-ar-o

(cilia) ciliary body

chor-oid-o, chorio




choroid con-junct-iv-a conjunctiva

canth-o (canton)







(lacrimose) tear


(lacrimose) tear

dacry-o-cyst-o (cyst) tympan-o

tear sac

(timpani) middle ear



tympan-um malle-us

hammer incud-o

incus anvil


(stand, foot)

sta-pes stirrup


myrinx tympanic membrane

CHAPTER 5 – CVS (hemorrhage) hem(at)-o (haem-) x-(h)em-ia

sangu-in-o, sangu-i

Blood, the abnormal presence of blood in x (sanguine) blood


(globe) hemoglobin

plasm(at)-o, plasm-a





clot thromb-o-cyt-o


(“clot cell”) platelet



otokineticocyte pulse


(cardiac) heart

aort-o, aort-ic-o

(“hanger”) aorta


(“door-leaf ”)

aort-a valv(-ul)-a

valve ventr-i-cul-o

(“little belly”)

ventr-i-cul-us ventricle



peri-cardi-um pericardium


(heart muscle)

my-o-cardi-um myocardium

angi-o (angei-)

(angiogram) vessel

vas-o, vas-cul-o


vas vessel


(“air-pipe”) artery



(phlebitis) vein



ven-a vein


(“hair”) capillary

varic-o (varicose)


cirs-o varix

CHAPTER 5 – LYMPHATIC SYSTEM (limpid) lymph-o, lymphato


lympha lymph

(angi-o) lymph-angi-o


lymph vessel


lymph node

(splenetic) splen-o

spleen lien




CHAPTER 5 – GLANDS (endo)crin-o

secretion (endocrine)


hormone (“urger”)


gland (adenoid)


gland (“little acorn”)


pineal gland (pinecone)


pituitary gland (physiology)


parotid gland (ot-o)


thyroid gland (“shield-like”)


parathyroid gland


thymus (thyme [?])


adrenal gland (renal)


adrenal gland


islets of Langerhans (insular)


gonad (genesis)...

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