Medical terminology 17 PDF

Title Medical terminology 17
Author Corinne Hendrock
Course Medical Terminology
Institution Ohio State University
Pages 4
File Size 44 KB
File Type PDF
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Crystal Dunlevy...


"accommodation","normal adjustment of the eye to focus on objects from far to near (ciliary body rounds the lens, pupil constricts); near to far (ciliary body flattens and pupil dilates)" "anterior chamber","area behind the cornea and in front of the lens and iris, contains aqueous humor" "aqueous humor","fluid produced by the ciliary body and found in the anterior chamber" "biconvex","consisting of two surfaces that are rounded, elevated, and curved evenly. Lens of the eye is ______" "choroid","middle, vascular layer of the eye, between the retina and sclera" "ciliary body","structure on each side of the lens that connects the choroid and iris. It contains ciliary muscles, which control the shape of the lens and it secretes aqueous humor" "cone","photoreceptor cell in the retina that transforms light energy into a nerve impulse. Responsible for color and central vision" "conjunctiva","delicate membrane lining the eyelids and covering the eyeball" "cornea","fibrous transparent layer of clear tissue that extends over the anterior portion of the eyeball" "fovea centralis","tiny pit or depression in the retina that is the region of clearest vision" "fundus","posterior, inner part of the eye; visualized with an ophthalmoscope" "iris","pigmented layer that opens and closes to allow more or less light into eye. Central opening is the pupil" "lens","transparent, biconvex body behind the pupil of the eye. Refracts light rays to bring them into focus on the retina" "macula","yellowish region on the retina lateral to and slightly below the optic disc; contains the fovea centralis, which is the area of clearest vision" "optic chiasm","point at which optic nerve fibers cross in the brain" "optic disc","region at the back of the eye where the optic nerve meets the retina. it is the blind spot of the eye because it contains only nerve fibers, no rods or cones and is insensitive to light" "optic nerve","cranial nerve carrying impulses from the retina to the brain" "pupil","central opening of the eye, surrounded by the iris, through which light rays pass. it appears dark." "refraction","bending of light rays by the cornea, lens, and fluids of the eye to bring the rays into focus on the retina" "retina","light-sensitive nerve cell layer of the eye containing photoreceptor cells (rods and cones)" "rod","photoreceptor cell of the retina essential for vision in low light and for peripheral vision" "sclera","tough, white outer coat of the eyeball" "thalamus","relay center of brain. Optic nerve fibers pass through here on their way to the cerebral cortex" "vitreous humor","soft, jelly-like material behind the lens in the vitreous chamber; helps maintain the shape of the eyeball" "aque/o","water" "blephar/o","eyelid"

"conjunctiv/o","conjunctiva" "cor/o","pupil" "corne/o","cornea" "cycl/o","ciliary body or muscle of eye" "dacry/o","tears, tear duct" "ir/o, irid/o","iris" "kerat/o","cornea" "lacrim/o","tears" "ocul/o","eye" "ophthalm/o","eye" "opt/o, optic/o","eye, vision" "palpebr/o","eyelid" "papill/o","optic disc, nipple-like" "phac/o, phak/o","lens of the eye" "pupill/o","pupil" "retin/o","retina" "scler/o","sclera" "uve/o","uvea; vascular layer of eye" "vitre/o","glassy" "ambly/o","dull, dim" "dipl/o","double" "glau/o","gray" "mi/o","smaller, less" "mydr/o","widen, enlarge" "nyct/o","night" "phot/o","light" "presby/o","old age" "scot/o","darkness" "xer/o","dry" "-opia","vision" "-opsia","vision" "-tropia","turn" "astigmatism","defective curvature of the cornea or lens of the eye" "hyperopia","farsightedness" "myopia","nearsightedness" "presbyopia","impairment of vision as a result of old age" "cataract","clouding of lens, causing decreased vision" "chalazion","small, hard, cystic mass on eyelid" "diabetic retinopathy","retinal effects of diabetes mellitus include microaneurysms, hemorraghes, dilation of retinal veins and neovascularization" "glaucoma","increased intraocular pressure results in damage to retina and optic nerve with loss of vision" "hordeolum (sty)","localized, purulent, inflammatory staphylococcal infection of a sebaceous oil-producing gland in eyelid" "macular degeneration","progressive damage to the macula of the retina" "nystagmus","repetitive rhythmic movements of one of both eyes" "retinal detachment","two layers of retina separate from each other" "strabismus","abnormal deviation of the eye (lazy eye)" "fluorescein angiography","intravenous injection of a dye followed by serial photographs of the retina through dilated pupils"

"ophthalmoscopy","visual examination of the interior of the eye" "slit lamp microscopy","examination of anterior ocular structures under microscopic magnification" "visual acuity test","clarity of vision assessed" "visual field test","measurement of entire scope of vision (peripheral and central)" "enucleation","removal of entire eyeball" "keratoplasty","surgical repair of cornea" "laser photocoagulation","intense, precisely focused light beam (argon) creates an inflammatory reaction that seals retinal tears and leaky retinal blood vessels" "LASIK","use of excimer laser to correct errors of refraction" "phacoemulsification","ultrasonic vibrations break up lens; pieces are then aspirated through the ultrasonic probe" "scleral buckle","suture of a silicone band to the sclera over a detached portion of the retina" "IOL","intraocular lens" "OD","right eye" "OS ","left eye" "OU","both eyes" "auditory canal","channel that leads from the pinna to the eardrum" "auditory meatus","auditory canal" "auditory nerve fibers","carry impulses from the inner ear to the brain - compose the vestibulocochlear nerve (8)" "auditory tube","channel between the middle ear and nasopharynx" "auricle (pinna)","flap of ear; protruding part of the external ear " "cerumen","waxy substance secreted by the external ear; earwax" "cochlea","snail shell-shaped spirally wound tube in the inner ear; contains hearing-sensitive receptor cells" "endolymph","fluid within the labryinth of the inner ear" "eustachian tube","auditory tube" "incus","second ossicle of the inner ear (anvil)" "labyrinth","maze-like series of cannals of the inner ear. Includes cochlea, vestibule and semicircular canals" "malleus","first ossicle of the middle ear (hammer)" "organ of Corti","sensitive auditory receptor area found in the cochlea of the inner ear" "ossicle","small bone of the ear; includes malleus, incus and stapes" "oval window","membrane between the middle ear and the inner ear" "perilymph","fluid contained in the labyrinth of the inner ear" "pinna","auricle; flap of the ear" "semicircular canals","passages in the inner ear associated with maintaining equilibrium" "stapes","third ossicle of the middle ear (stirrup)" "tympanic membrane","membrane between the outer and middle ear (eardrum)" "vestibule","central cavity of the labyrinth, connecting the semicircular canals and the cochlea. Contains the saccule and utricle for equilibrium" "acous/o","hearing" "audi/o","hearing; sense of hearing" "audit/o","hearing"

"aur/o, auricul/o","ear" "cochle/o","cochlea" "mastoid/o","mastoid process" "myring/o","eardrum, tympanic membrane" "ossicul/o","ossicle" "ot/o","ear" "salping/o","eustachian tube, auditory tube" "staped/o","stapes" "tympan/o","tympanic membrane" "vestibul/o","vestibule" "-acusis, -cusis","hearing" "-meter","instrument to measure" "-otia","ear condition" "acoustic neuroma","benign tumor arising from the acoustic vestibulocochlear nerve in the brain" "cholesteatoma","collection of skin cells and cholesterol in a sac within the middle ear" "deafness","loss of the ability to hear" "Meniere disease","disorder of the labyrinth of the inner ear; elevated endolymph pressure within the cochlea and semicircular canals" "otitis media","inflammation of the middle ear (ear infection)" "otosclerosis","hardening of the boy tissue of the middle ear" "tinnitus","sensation of noises (ringing, buzzing, whistling, booming) in ear" "vertigo","sensation of irregular or whirling motion either of oneself or of external objects" "audiometry","testing the sense of hearing" "cochlear implant procedure","surgical insertion of a device that allows sensorineural hearing - impaired persons to understand speech" "ear thermometry","measurement of the temperature of the tympanic membrane by detection of infrared radiation from the eardrum" "otoscopy","visual examination of the ear canal with an otoscope" "tuning fork test","test of ear conduction using a vibration source (tuning fork)" "AD","right ear" "AS","left ear" "ENT","ear nose and throat" "AU","both ears"...

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