Med Term CH 16 - Chapter 16!! - MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY PDF

Title Med Term CH 16 - Chapter 16!! - MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY
Course Medical Terminology
Institution The University of Tampa
Pages 4
File Size 152.2 KB
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Chapter 16!!...


Chapter 16: Ophthalmology - The eyeball: a special sense organ, responsible for vision - Light rays travel through the cornea, pupil, iris, and lens - Land of the retina: produces an image and message is carried to brain via optic nerve - Accessory organs: conjunctiva, eyelids, and lacrimal glands - Diagnosis and treatment of diseases and conditions of the eye and vision - Ophthalmologists are medical doctors: perform vision exams, prescribe corrective lenses, diagnose and treat eye conditions, and perform eye surgery - Doctor of optometry specializes in: accessing vision, prescribing corrective lenses, treating glaucoma corneal damage and visual skill problems, and screening for other eye diseases -




aque/o: water, blephar/o: eyelid, choroid/o: choroid layer, conjunctiv/o: conjunctiva, core/o: pupil, corne/o: cornea, cycl/o: ciliary body, dacry/o: tears, ir/o: iris, irid/o: iris, kerat/o: cornea, lacrim/o: tears, ocul/o: eye, ophthalm/o: eye, opt/o: eye vision, phac/o: lens, pupill/o: pupil, retin/o: retina, scler/o: sclera, ton/o: tension or pressure, vitre/o: glassy aden/o: gland, ambly/o: dull or dim, angi/o: vessel, chrom/o: color, cry/o: cold, cyst/o: sac or urinary bladder, dipl/o: double, myc/o: fungus, nas/o: nose, phot/o: light, xer/o: dry -al: pertaining to, -ar: pertaining to, -ary: pertaining to, -ectomy: surgical removal, -graphy: process of recording, -ia: state or condition, -ic: pertaining to, -ician: specialist, -itis: inflammation, -lith: stone, -logist: one who studies, -logy: study of, -lysis: to destroy, -malacia: abnormal softening, -meter: instrument to measure, -metry: process of measuring, -opia: vision, -osis: abnormal condition, -otomy: cutting into, -ous: pertaining to, -pathy: disease, -pexy: surgical fixation, -phobia; fear, -plasty: surgical repair, -plegia: paralysis, -ptosis: drooping, -rrhea: discharge or flow, sclerosis: hardening, -scope: instrument for viewing, -scopy: process of visually examining A-: without, an-: without, hemi-: half, hyper-: excessive, intra-: within, micro-: small

aque/o: combining form meaning water, open areas of eye anterior to the lens: filled with watery fluid, called aqueous humor blephar/o: combining form meaning eyelid, upper and lower eyelids: folds of skin or close to protect anterior surface of eyeball, Eyelashes are called cilia choroid/o: combining form meaning choroid layer, middle layer of wall of eyeball, contains many blood vessels conjunctiv/o: combining form meaning conjunctiva, mucous membrane, protects anterior surface of eyeball, turns underneath to line eyelids core/o: combining form meaning pupil, opening in center of iris, becomes larger or smaller to control amount of light entering inside of eyeball corne/o: combining form meaning cornea, anterior portion of sclera, transparent to allow light through, curved to bend light rays so that they focus on retina cycl/o: combining form meaning ciliary body, ring of muscle around outer edge of lens: attached to lens by suspensory ligaments and pulls on edges of lens to change its shape in order to focus image onto retina dacry/o: combining form meaning tear, watery fluid secreted by lacrimal glands: moistens and cleanses anterior surface of eyeball, lacrimal glands are located superior and lateral to eyeball and under orbital bone, tears collect in corner of eye and flow through lacrimal canals to lacrimal sac ir/o: combining form meaning iris, colored portion of eye, made of muscle and contracts or relaxes to change size of pupil



ocul/o: combining form meaning eye, complex sensory organ that allows us to see, hollow but not empty sphere, wall of eye composed of three layers: sclera, choroid, and retina phac/o: combining form meaning lens, transparent structure lying behind iris and pupil, bends light rays passing through it so that they are focused on retina retin/o: combining form meaning retina, inner layer of eyeball, contains light receptors called rods and cones: rods function in dim light and see in gray tones, cones see color in bright light - Macula lutea: area on posterior wall of eyeball, directly opposite lens - Fovea centralis: small pit in center of macula, contains only rods and is point of clearest vision scler/o: combining form meaning sclera, outermost layer of eye: commonly called white of eye and is very fibrous and tough vitre/o: combining form meaning glassy, refers to gel-like shiny substance, vitreous humor, that fills large open cavity between lens and retina

Accommodation (Acc)

Ability of eye to adjust to variations in distance


Profound inability to see in color from birth; also called color blindness


Loss of vision not due to any disease; not correctable with glasses; persons with amblyopia wear a patch over one eye to force aected eye to work; commonly called lazy eye

Astigmatism (astigm)

Uneven bending of light rays caused by irregular curvature of cornea; image is fuzzy; corrected with cylindrical lenses


Lens becomes cloudy or opaque; results in whole vision field becoming blurry; treatment is usually surgical removal of cataract and replacement of lens with artificial lens

Color vision tests

Use of multi-colored charts to determine ability of patient to recognize color

Corneal abrasion

Scraping away of outer layer of cornea


Procedure to remove lens with cataract using extremely cold probe

Diabetic retinopathy

Development of small hemorrhages and edema in retina as result of diabetes mellitus; dark spots appear in visual field; laser surgery may be necessary for treatment


Bright green fluorescent dye dropped onto surface of eyeball to highlight corneal abrasions

Fluorescein angiography

Procedure using intravenous bright green fluorescent dye, glaucoma fluorescein, to examine movement of blood through blood vessels of eye

Condition resulting from increase in intraocular pressure, which, if untreated, may result in atrophy of optic nerve and blindness; patient notices that vision becomes blurry around the edges; treated with medication and surgery


Visual condition in which person can see things in distance but has trouble reading material at close range; also known as farsightedness; corrected by convex lens

Intraocular lens (IOL) implant

Replacing defective natural lens with artificial lens following cataract extraction

Laser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis (LASIK)

Correction of myopia using laser surgery to remove minute slices of corneal tissue

Laser retinal photocoagulation

Using laser to make pinpoint scars to stabilize detached or torn retina

Macular degeneration

Deterioration of macula lutea of retina; patient notices loss of vision in center or visual field

Myopia (MY)

Visual condition in which person can see things close up but distance vision is blurred; also known as nearsightedness; corrected by concave lens


Poor vision at night or in dim light; commonly called night blindness


Jerky-appearing involuntary eye movement


Healthcare professional trained to make corrective lenses and fit eyeglasses and contact lenses

phaco-emulsificati on

Use of high-frequency sound waves to break up a cataract, which is then removed by suction with needle


Excessive sensitivity to light leading to avoidance; not actual fear of light

Photo-refractive keratectomy (PRK)

Use of laser to reshape cornea to improve visual acuity

Radial keratotomy (RK)

Surgery with spoke-like incisions in cornea to flatten it, done to correct nearsightedness

Refractive error

Defect in ability of eye to bend light rays to focus image properly on fovea centralis (refraction); occurs in myopia and hyperopia

Retinal detachment

Occurs when retina becomes separated from choroid layer; this separation seriously damages blood vessels and nerves, resulting in blindness

Slit lamp microscope

Instrument used in ophthalmology for examining posterior surface of cornea

Snellen chart

Chart used for testing visual acuity; contains letters of varying size and it is given from distance of 20 feet; person who can read at 20 feet; person who can read at 20 feet what average person can read at this distance is said to have 20/20 vision


Weakness of external eye muscle; results in eyes looking in dierent directions at same time; can be corrected with glasses, eye exercises, and/or surgery; commonly called cross eyed if eye is turned towards the nose


Incision into eye muscles in order to correct strabismus


Small purulent infection of sebaceous gland of eye, treated with hot compresses and surgical incision; also called hordeolum

Visual acuity test (VA)

Measurement of sharpness of patient’s vision; usually, snellen chart is used for this test and patient identifies letters from distance of 20 feet; term 20/20 vision means person is able to see at 20 feet what a person with normal vision would expect to see at 20 feet; term such as 20/200 would indicate person’s degree of myopia, that is he, or she must be 20 feet away from object to see it when a person with normal vision could see object from 200 feet away

Acc: accommodation, As or Ast: astigmatism, correction with glasses, cyl: cylindrical lens, D: diopter (lens strength), ECCE: extracapsular cataract extraction, ICCE: intracapsular cataract cryoextraction, IOL: intraocular lens, IOP: intraocular pressure, LASIK: laser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis, MD: doctor of medicine, MY: myopia, OD: doctor of optometry, Ophth.: ophthalmology, PERRLA: pupils equal round react to light and accommodation, PRK: photo-refractive keratectomy, REM: rapid eye movement, RK: radial keratotomy, without correction or glasses, VA: visual acuity, VF: visual field Pertaining to water: aqueous, Drooping eyelid: blepharoptosis, surgical repair of the eyelid: blepharoplasty, eyelid paralysis: blepharoplegia, Pertaining to the choroid layer: choroidal, choroid layer inflammation: choroiditis, Conjunctiva inflammation: conjunctivitis, pertaining to the conjunctiva: conjunctival, Instrument to measure the pupil: coreometer, process of measuring the pupil: coreometry, Pertaining to the cornea: corneal, Ciliary body paralysis: cycloplegia, Cutting into the ciliary body: cyclotomy, Tear stone: dacryolith, tear flow: dacryorrhea, tear gland inflammation: dacryoadenitis, tear sac inflammation: dacryocystitis, Iris inflammation: iritis, Iris paralysis: iridoplegia, cutting into the iris: iridotomy, Instrument to measure the cornea: keratometer, process of measuring cornea: keratometry, surgical removal of cornea: keratectomy, cornea inflammation: keratitis, cutting into cornea: keratotomy, surgical repair of the cornea: keratoplasty, pertaining to tears: lacrimal, Pertaining to the nose and tears: nasolacrimal, Pertaining to inside the eye: intraocular, abnormal condition of eye fungus: oculomycosis, pertaining to eye: ocular or ophthalmic, study of eye: ophthalmology, one who studies eye: ophthalmologist, Instrument for visually examining the eye: ophthalmoscope, process of visually examining eye: ophthalmoscopy, eye paralysis: ophthalmoplegia, dry eye state/condition: xerophthalmia, Without half of vision: hemianopia, double vision: diplopia, pertaining to vision: optic, instrument for measuring vision: optometer, Process of measuring vision: optometry, Abnormal softening of the lens: phacomalacia, to destroy lens:

phacolysis, hardening of the lens: phacosclerosis, Pertaining to the pupil: pupillary, instrument for measuring pupil: pupillometer, pertaining to retina: retinal, Retina disease: retinopathy, retina inflammation: retinitis, surgical fixation of retina using cold: cryoretinopexy, pertaining to sclera: scleral, cutting into sclera: sclerotomy, abnormal softening of the sclera: scleromalacia, sclera inflammation: scleritis, instrument for measuring pressure: tonometer, Process of measuring pressure: tonometry, Pertaining to glassy: vitreous...

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