Med Term Ch 15 - Chapter 15!! - MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY PDF

Title Med Term Ch 15 - Chapter 15!! - MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY
Course Medical Terminology
Institution The University of Tampa
Pages 5
File Size 167.1 KB
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Chapter 15!!...


Chapter 15: endocrinology Introduction to endocrinology - Endocrine system consists of group of glands: two adrenal glands, two ovaries (or two testes), four parathyroid glands, the pancreas, the pineal gland, the pituitary gland, thymus gland, and thyroid gland - Plays vital role in homeostasis: maintaining a stable internal environment, glands secrete hormones: internal chemical messengers, travel through bloodstream to target organs, and regulate activity level of target organ - Subspecialty of internal medicine, endocrinology diagnose and treat conditions that develop as a result of hormone imbalance, hypersecretion: too much hormone, hyposecretion: too little hormone Endocrinology combining forms aden/o



Adrenal glands


Adrenal glands


To secrete














Parathyroid gland


Pineal gland


Pituitary gland




Thymus gland


Thyroid gland


Thyroid gland












Pertaining to


Pertaining to


Pertaining to


Puncture to withdraw fluid






Surgical removal




Blood condition


Pertaining to


State of, condition




One who studies


Study of


Abnormal softening






Tumor, mass


Abnormal condition


Cutting into




Surgical fixation


Surgical repair




Urine condition


Within, inner






Below, insucient



Building endocrinology terms - aden/o - Combining form meaning gland, group of cells that work together: produce and secrete substances like hormones - Cancerous tumor in a gland: adenocarcinoma, gland cell: adenocyte, resembling a gland: adenoid - adren/o - Combining form meaning adrenal gland, two adrenal glands: each sits on top of a kidney, divided into outer adrenal cortex and inner adrenal medulla - Adrenal cortex secretes: aldosterone to regulate sodium levels in the body, cortisol to regulate carbohydrate metabolism, sex hormones like estrogen and testosterone, Adrenal medulla secretes epinephrine: also called adrenaline, helps body to respond in emergency situations - Pertaining to the adrenal gland: adrenal, enlarged adrenal gland: adrenomegaly - adrenal/o - Another combining form meaning adrenal gland, surgical removal of an adrenal gland: adrenalectomy, adrenal gland disease: adrenalopathy - crin/o - Combining form meaning to secrete, refers to glands releasing substances such as hormones, study of the glands that secrete within: endocrinology, a tumor that secretes within: endocrinoma - glyc/o - Combining form meaning sugar, usually refers to glucose: primary sugar used by body for energy production, blood condition of excessive sugar: hyperglycemia, blood condition of insucient sugar: hypoglycemia - glycos/o - Another combining form meaning sugar, condition of sugar in the urine: glycosuria











oophor/o - Combining form meaning ovary, pair of almond-shaped organs in female pelvic cavity, release: ova for reproduction and female sex hormones such as estrogen to regulate menstrual cycle, ovary inflammation: oophoritis, surgical repair of the ovary: oophoroplasty orchi/o - Combining form meaning testes, pair of oval-shaped glands located in scrotum of males, release: sperm for reprodcution and male sex hormone testosterone - Surgical fixation of the testes: orchiopexy, cutting into the testes: orchiotomy ovari/o - Another combining form meaning ovary, pertaining to the ovary: ovarian, puncture of an ovary to remove fluid: ovariocentesis pancreat/o - Combining form meaning pancreas, located in abdominal cavity along lower curvature of stomach, secretes insulin and glucagon: insulin lower blood sugar levels by allowing sugar to enter individual cells and glucagon raises blood sugar by stimulating the liver to release stored sugar back into the bloodstream pancreat/o - Surgical removal of the pancreas: pancreatectomy, cutting into the pancreas: pancreatectomy parathyroid/o - Combining form meaning parathyroid gland, four small glands located on the posterior surface of the thyroid gland, secretes: parathyroid hormone, raises blood levels of calcium - Surgical removal of the parathyroid gland: parathyroidectomy, condition of insucient parathyroid gland (secretion): hypoparathyroidism pineal/o - Combining form meaning pineal gland, small pine cone-shaped gland in thalamus region of brain, secretes melatonin, plays a role in regulating body’s circadian rhythm (24 hour clock), Surgical removal of the pineal gland: pinealectomy pituitar/o - Combining form meaning pituitary gland, small marble-shaped gland that hangs down from underside of brain, often referred to as master gland because some of its hormones regulate other endocrine glands, divided into anterior lobe and posterior lobe - Anterior lobe secretes: growth hormone (stimulates body to grow larger), thyroid-stimulating hormone (regulates activity of thyroid gland), adrenocorticotropic hormone (regulates activity of adrenal cortex), prolactin (stimulates milk production by breast), melanocyte-stimulating hormone (stimulates melanocytes to produce more melanin in skin), and follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone (work together to regulate activity of ovaries or testes) - Posterior lobe secretes: antidiuretic hormone (regulates volume of water in body) and oxytocin (stimulates uterine contractions during labor and delivery) - Condition of excessive pituitary gland secretion: hyperpituitarism Poly- Prefix meaning many, often used to indicate “too much” of a substance - Too much thirst: polydipsia, condition of production too much urine: polyuria testicul/o - Another combining form meaning testes, pertaining to the testes: testicular thym/o - Combining form meaning thymus gland, located in mediastinum of chest behind sternum and above heart, secretes thymosin, important for development of immune system, thymus gland inflammation; thymitis, thymus gland tumor: thymoma thyr/o - Combining form meaning thyroid gland, located in neck: has two lobes on either side of trachea, secretes: thyroxine and triiodothyronine which regulate body’s metabolic rate and calcitonin to lower blood calcium levels - Enlarged thyroid gland: thyromegaly, cutting into the thyroid gland: thyrotomy thyroid/o

- Another combining form meaning thyroid gland, condition of insucient thyroid gland secretion: hypothyroidism Endocrinology vocabulary acromegaly

Chronic condition developing in adults with excessive growth hormone; results in elongation and enlargement of bones of head and extremities

Adrenal feminization

Development of female secondary secual characteristics (such as breasts) in male as result of increased estrogen secretion by adrenal cortex

Adrenal virilism

Development of male secondary sexual characteristics (such as deeper voice and facial hair) in female as result of increased androgen secretion by adrenal cortex

Blood serum test

Blood test to measure level of substances such as hormones in blood stream; used to study function of endocrine glands

Congenital hypothyroidism

Condition present at birth that results in lack of thyroid hormones; results in poor physical and mental development; formerly called cretinism


In addition to normal function, these hormones from adrenal cortex also have strong anti-inflammatory action; can be used to treat severe chronic inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis

Cushing syndrome

Condition resulting from hypersecretion of adrenal cortex; can be product of adrenal gland tumor; symptoms include weakness, edema, excess hair growth, skin discoloration, and osteoporosis

Diabetes insipidus (DI)

Condition caused by insucient antidiuretic hormone secreted by posterior lobe of pituitary gland; symptoms include polyuria and polydipsia

Diabetes mellitus (DM)

Chronic disorder of sugar metabolism; symptoms include hyperglycemia and glycosuria; two dierent forms of diabetes mellitus; insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) or type 1, and non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) or type 2


Being excessively short in height; may be result of lack of growth hormone


Condition in which eyeballs protrude, such as in Graves disease; commonly caused by hypersecretion of thyroid hormones

Fasting blood sugar (FBS)

Blood test to measure amount of sugar in blood stream after a 12-hour fast


Excessive growth of body due to hypersecretion of growth hormone in a child or teenager

Glucose tolerance test (GTT)

Test for initial diagnosis of diabetes mellitus; patient is given dose of glucose; then blood samples are taken at regular intervals to determine patient’s ability to use glucose properly


Enlargement of the thyroid gland

Graves disease

Condition resulting from hypersecretion of thyroid hormones; symptoms include exophthalmos and goiter

Hashimoto disease

Chronic autoimmune form of thyroiditis, results in hyposecretion of thyroid hormones

Hormone replacement therapy

Artificial replacement of hormones in patients with hyposecretion disorders; available in pill, injection, or adhesive skin patch forms

Insulin-dependent Also called type 1 diabetes mellitus; tends to develop early diabetes mellitus in life; pancreas stops producing insulin; can be autoimmune disease; patient must take insulin injections (IDDM)


Condition resulting from hyposecretion of thyroid hormones in an adult; symptoms include anemia, slow speech, swollen facial features; puy and dry skin, drowsiness, and mental sluggishness

Non-insulin-depe ndent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM)


Usually benign tumor of adrenal medulla; secretes excessive amounts of epinephrine; symptoms include anxiety, heart palpitations. Dyspnea, profuse sweating, headache, and nausea

Also called type 2 diabetes mellitus; typically develops later in life; pancreas produces normal to high levels of insulin but cells fail to respond; patients may take medication to improve insulin functions

Radioactive iodine uptake (RAIU)

Test of thyroid function that measures how much radioactively tagged iodine is removed from the bloodstream by the thyroid gland

Radioimmunoassay (RIA)

Test used to measure levels of hormones in the plasma of the blood


Nerve irritability and painful muscle cramps resulting from hypocalcemia; hypoparathyroidism is one cause

Thyroid function test

Blood test to measure levels of thyroxine, triiodothyronine, and thyroid=stimulating hormone in the bloodstream to evaluate thyroid function

Thyroid scan

Test in which radioactive iodine is administered that localizes in the thyroid gland; gland is visualized with a scanning device; able to detect thyroid gland tumors


Condition resulting from extreme hypersecretion of thyroid hormones; symptoms include rapid heart action, tremors, enlarged thyroid gland, exophthalmos, and weight loss

Exam review ACTH: adrenocorticotropic, ADH: antidiuretic hormone, DI: diabetes insipidus, DM: diabetes mellitus, FBS: fasting blood sugar, FSH: follicle-stimulating hormone, GH: growth hormone, GTT: glucose tolerance test, IDDM: insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, K+: potassium, LH: luteinizing hormone, MSH: melanocyte-stimulating hormone, Na+: sodium, NIDDM: non insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, NPH: neutral protamine, PRL: prolactin, PTH: parathyroid hormone, RAIU: radioactive iodine uptake, T3: triiodothyronine, T4: thyroxine, TFT: thyroid function test, TSH: thyroid-stimulating hormone Cancerous tumor in gland: adenocarcinoma, gland cell: adenocyte, resembling gland: adenoid, abnormal softening of gland: adenomalacia, pertaining to the adrenal gland: adrenal, enlarged adrenal gland: adrenomegaly, surgical removal of adrenal gland: adrenalectomy, adrenal gland inflammation: adrenalitis, adrenal gland disease: adrenalopathy, study of the glands that secrete within: endocrinology, one who studies the glands that secrete within: endocrinologist, tumor that secretes within: endocrinoma, disease that secretes within: endocrinopathy, excessive sugar blood condition: hyperglycemia, insucient sugar blood condition: hypoglycemia, condition of sugar in urine: glycosuria, ovary inflammation: oophoritis, surgical repair of ovary: oophoroplasty, cutting into ovary: oophorotomy, surgical removal of ovary: oophorectomy, surgical removal of testes: orchiectomy, surgical fixation of testes: orchiopexy, cutting into testes: orchiotomy, pertaining to ovary: ovarian, puncture of ovary to remove fluid: ovariocentesis, ruptured ovary: ovariorrhexis, pertaining to pancreas: pancreatic, surgical removal of pancreas: pancreatectomy, pancreas inflammation: pancreatitis, cutting into pancreas: pancreatotomy, pertaining to parathyroid gland: parathyroidal, surgical removal of parathyroid gland: parathyroidectomy, condition of excessive parathyroid gland secretion: hyperparathyroidism, condition of insucient parathyroid gland secretion: hypoparathyroidism, a surgical removal of pineal gland: pinealectomy, condition of insucient pituitary gland secretion: hypopituitarism, condition of excessive pituitary gland (secretion): hyperpituitarism, many (too much) thirst: polydipsia, many (too much) urine condition: polyuria, pertaining to testes: testicular, pertaining to thymus gland: thmic, surgical removal of thymus gland: thymectomy, thymus gland inflammation: thymitis, thymus gland tumor: thymoma, enlarged thyroid gland: thyromegaly, cutting into thyroid gland: thyrotomy, pertaining to thyroid gland: thyroidal, thyroid gland inflammation: thyroiditis, surgical removal of thyroid gland: thyroidectomy, condition of excessive thyroid gland secretion: hyperthyroidism, condition of insucient thyroid gland secretion: hypothyroidism, endocrine glands: secrete hormones into the bloodstream, exocrine: secrete through bile ducts...

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