Med Term Ch 14 - Chapter 14!! - MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY PDF

Title Med Term Ch 14 - Chapter 14!! - MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY
Course Medical Terminology
Institution The University of Tampa
Pages 5
File Size 249.3 KB
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Chapter 14!!...


Neurology Introduction to neurology -

Nervous system consists of: brain, spinal cord, nerves Coordinates all activity of body - Receives information from sensory receptors - Uses information to adjust activity of muscles and glands - Nervous system divided into - Central nervous system (CNS): brain, spinal cord - Peripheral nervous system (PNS): nerves carrying impulses between CNS and all organs of body - Neuron: cells that conduct electrical impulses - Synapse - point at which two neurons meet - Synaptic cleft: gap between two cells in a synapse, neurotransmitter is chemical messenger necessary to cross synaptic cleft - Myelin: insulation substance around many neurons, helps neuron conduct its electrical signal faster Neurologist - Diagnoses and treats conditions of the nervous system - Neurosurgeon uses surgical procedures to treat nervous system conditions Neurology combining forms cerebell/o







Medulla oblongata




Spinal cord
















Low back








To cut


Blood vessels


Pertaining to




Pertaining to


Pertaining to






Pertaining to


Surgical removal


Feeling, sensation




Process of


Pertaining to


Pertaining to




One who studies


Study of


Abnormal softening


Tumor, mass


Abnormal condition


Cutting into






Surgical repair


















Painful, dicult








Two like parts of a pair, beside






Beneath, under

Building neurology terms - cerebell/o - Combining form meaning cerebellum, second largest part of the brain: coordinates body movement. Maintains balance - Cerebellum inflammation: cerebellitis - -cele - Sux meaning hernia or protrusion, in neurology refers to birth defect: portion of nervous system protrudes through opening in vertebral column, protrusion of the meninges: meningocele - cerebr/o - Combining form meaning cerebrum, largest part of brain: divided into frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital lobes, receives sensory information and sends motor commands, responsible for memory problem solving and language - Pertaining to the cerebrum: cerebral, softening of the cerebrum: cerebromalacia, hardening of the cerebrum: cerebrosclerosis - encephal/o - Combining form meaning brain, one of largest organs in body, coordinates most body activities, four sections of brain are cerebrum, cerebellum, thalamus, and brain stems: Each section performs specific duties, Right side of brain controls left side of body and left side of brain controls right side of body - Record of electricity of the brain: electroencephalogram, brain pain: encephalalgia, brain tumor: encephaloma - -esthesia - Sux meaning feeling, sensation, without sensation: anesthesia, excessive sensations: hyperesthesia - medull/o - Combining form meaning medulla oblongata, part of brain stem: connects rest of brain to spinal, contains control centers for respiration, heart rate, temperature, and blood pressure - Pertaining to the medulla oblongata: medullary - mening/o - Combining form meaning meninges, three layered protective sac around brain and spinal cord: outer layer is dura mater, middle layer is arachnoid layer, inner layer is pia mater - Meninges and spinal cord inflammation: meningomyelitis - myel/o - Combining form meaning spinal cord, column of nervous tissue providing path for messages traveling to and from brain - Process of recording the spinal cord: myelography, cutting into the spinal cord: myelotomy - neur/o - Combining form meaning nerve, cord-like bundle of neurons: carries messages between CNS and muscles and organs of body, sensory nerves carry information to CNS, motor nerves carry messages from CNS to muscle and organs - Study of the nerves: neurology, inflammation of many nerves: polyneuritis, suture of a nerve: neurorrhaphy - -phasia - Sux meaning speech, without speech: aphasia, dicult speech: dysphasia - -plegia - Sux meaning paralysis, paralysis of one limb: monoplegia, half paralysis: hemiplegia - pont/o - Combining form meaning pons, another part of brain stem: connects cerebellum to rest of brain - Pertaining to the pons: pontine, pertaining to the pons and cerebellum: pontocerebellar - thalam/o - Combining form meaning thalamus, part of brain that relays incoming sensory information to correct part of cerebrum - Pertaining to the thalamus: thalamic, cutting into the thalamus: thalamotomy Neurology vocabulary

Alzheimer disease

Chronic brain condition involving progressive disorientation, speech and gait disturbances, and loss of memory

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

Diseases with muscular weakness and atrophy due to degeneration of motor neurons of spinal cord; commonly called Lou Gehrig disease


Medication to reduce excitability of neurons and to prevent uncontrolled neuron activity associated with seizures

Brain tumor

Intracranial mass, either benign or malignant; benign tumor of brain can still be fatal because it will grow and cause pressure on normal brain tissue

Cerebral contusion

Bruising of brain from impact; symptoms last longer than 24 hours and include unconsciousness, dizziness, vomiting, unequal pupil size, and shock

Cerebral palsy (CP)

Nonprogressive brain damage resulting from defect in fetal development or trauma or oxygen deprivation during or shortly after birth

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis

Laboratory examination of clear, watery, colorless fluid from within brain and spinal cord; detects infections or bleeding of brain

Cerebrovascular accident (CVA)

Development of brain infarct due to loss in blood supply to brain; can be caused by ruptured blood vessel (hemorrhage), floating clot (embolus), stationary clot (thrombosis), or compression; extent of damage depends on size and location of infarct and can include dysphasia and hemiplegia; commonly called stroke


Profound unconsciousness or stupor resulting from illness or injury

Computed tomography

Diagnostic imaging technique that produces a cross=sectional view of body; x-rays taken from multiple angles are compiled by a computer to construct a composite cross-sectional view of the body


Injury to brain resulting when brain is shaken inside skull due to impact; symptoms last 24 hours or less and may include dizziness, vomiting, unequal pupil size, and shock


Progressive impairment of intellectual function that interferes with performing activities of daily living


Recurrent disorder of brain; seizures and loss of consciousness occur as result of uncontrolled neuron electrical activity


Buildup of cerebrospinal fluid within brain; if congenital, causes head to enlarge; treated by creating shunt from brain to abdomen to drain excess fluid

Lumbar puncture (LP) Puncture with needle into lumbar vertebral area (usually space between fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae) to withdraw fluid for examination or for injection of medication; also called spinal puncture or spinal tap


Specific type of headache characterized by severe head pain, sensitivity to light, dizziness, and nausea

Multiple sclerosis (MS)

Inflammatory autoimmune disease of central nervous system; immune system damages myelin around neurons and results in extreme weakness and numbness

Myasthenia gravis

Autoimmune disease with severe muscular weakness and fatigue due to diculty of electrical impulse passing across synapse from one nerve to the next


Temporary or permanent loss of muscle function and movement

Parkinson disease

Chronic disorder of the nervous system with fine tremors, muscular weakness, rigidity, and shuing gait

Positron emission tomography (PET)

Diagnostic imaging technique that uses positive Seizure radionuclides to reconstruct brain sections; measurement of oxygen and glucose uptake, cerebral blood flow, and blood volume can be taken; amount of glucose brain uses indicates its metabolic activity

Sudden, uncontrollable onset of symptoms; such as in epileptic seizure; absence seizure (petit mal seizure) appears as loss of awareness and absence of activity; tonic=clonic seizure (grand mal seizure) is characterized by muscle convulsions


Eruption of painful blisters on the body along nerve path; caused by a varicella zoster viral infection of nerve root;

Congenital defect in walls of spinal canal; two sides of vertebra do not meet or close; may result in meningocele

Spina bifida

also called herpes zoster

or myelomeningocele

Spinal cord injury (SCI)

Damage to spinal cord from trauma; spinal cord may be bruised or completely severed

Subdural hematoma

Mass of blood forming underneath dura mater when meninges are torn by trauma; may exert fatal pressure on brain if hematoma is not drained by surgery



Transient ischemic attack (TIA)

Temporary reduction of blood supply to brain; causes symptoms such as syncope, numbness, and temporary hemiplegia; can eventually lead to cerebrovascular accident

Exam review ALS: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, ANS: autonomic nervous system, CNS: central nervous system, CP: cerebral palsy, CSF: cerebrospinal fluid, CT scan: computed tomography scan, CVA: cerebrovascular accident, CVD: cerebrovascular disease, EEG: electroencephalogram, electroencephalography, HA: headache, ICP: intracranial pressure, LP: lumbar puncture, MS: multiple sclerosis, PET: positron emission tomography, PNS: peripheral nervous system, SCI: spinal cord injury, TIA: transient ischemic attack Pertaining to cerebellum: cerebellar, cerebellum inflammation: cerebellitis, protrusion of meninges: meningocele, protrusion of meninges and spinal cord: meningomyelocele, pertaining to cerebrum: cerebral, pertaining to cerebrum and spine: cerebrospinal, cerebrum inflammation: cerebritis, abnormal softening of cerebrum: cerebromalacia, hardening of cerebrum: cerebrosclerosis, pertaining to cerebral blood vessels: cerebrovascular, cutting into cerebrum: cerebrotomy, pertaining to brain: encephalic, record of electricity of brain: electroencephalogram, process of recording electricity of brain: electroencephalography, brain pain: encephalalgia, brain inflammation: encephalitis, brain disease: encephalopathy, brain tumor: encephaloma, abnormal softening of brain: encephalomalacia, hardening of brain: encephalosclerosis, without sensation: anesthesia, excessive sensations: hyperesthesia, pertaining to medulla oblongata: medullary, pertaining to meninges: meningeal, meninges inflammation: meningitis, meninges and spinal cord inflammation: meningomyelitis, record of spinal cord: myelogram, process of recording spinal cord: myelography, spinal cord inflammation: myelitis, abnormal softening of spinal cord: myelomalacia, spinal cord and nerve inflammation: myeloneuritis, spinal cord disease: myelopathy, hardening of spinal cord: myelosclerosis, cutting into spinal cord: myelotomy, pertaining to nerves: neural, nerve pain: neuralgia, surgical removal of a nerve: neurectomy, study of nerves: neurology, one who studies nerves: neurologist, nerve tumor: neuroma, nerve disease: neuropathy, surgical repair of nerve: neuroplasty, inflammation of many nerves: polyneuritis, suture a nerve: neurorrhaphy, without speech: aphasia, dicult abnormal speech: dysphasia, paralysis of one limb: monoplegia, paralysis of two limbs: diplegia, paralysis of four limbs: quadriplegia, half paralysis: hemiplegia, nerve paralysis: neuroplagia, paralysis of two like parts of a pair (lower limbs): paraplegia, pertaining to pons: pontine, pertaining to pons and cerebellum: pontocerebellar, pertaining to pons and medulla oblongata: pontomedullary, pertaining to thalamus: thalamic, cutting into thalamus: thalamotomy...

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