Multiple choice module 7-12 PDF

Title Multiple choice module 7-12
Course Psychology of Education
Institution Concordia University
Pages 13
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the multiple choice questions and answers for module 7-12...


Module 7 1. Compares to the behaviouristic orientation, the cognitive perspective recognizes people as __________ type pf learners. a. Active b. Egocentric c. Passive d. Social The correct response is A: Active. The cognitive perspective views people as active processors of information, who interpret stimulus material based on prior knowledge and interest, rather than passively receiving it. 2. Maria has excellent study habits. She seems to know just what to review and how long to spend on each part of every course. Maria is applying ___________ knowledge. a. Self- regulatory b. Declarative c. Domain-Specific d. Procedural The correct response is A: Self- regulatory Self- Regulatory knowledge provides the “when and why” for applying other types of knowledge. In this example, it helps Maria identify and use good strategies. 3. Alec still remembers how to touch-type, even though it has been three years since he has practiced. The memory system most directly involved here is ______________ memory. a. Episodic b. Procedural c. Semantic d. Short-term The correct response is B: Procedural Procedural memory is memory for how to do things, such as how-to roller skate, translate a paragraph into a second language, or ride a bicycle. In this example, Alec remembers touchtyping. Episodic memory concerns events in our lives, not procedures. 4. What you’re thinking about right now is being held in ___________. a. Long-term memory b. Schematic memory c. Sensory Memory d. Working memory The Correct response is D: Working Memory Your working memory contains the information that you are thinking about at the resent moment. Due to this function, it is frequently called “working memory”. 5. Mr. Kawicki is teaching his sixth-grade science students about the scientific method. Students are instructed about each component of the method first, in order to

understand the whole process. This instructional strategy is based on the concept of ______________. a. Bottom-up processing b. Memory strength c. Propositional network d. Top-down processing The correct response is A: Bottom-up processing Bottom- up processing, called “feature analysis”, involves analyzing a stimulus into components and assembling the components into a whole pattern. This process is exemplified by Mr. Kawicki’s expecting his science students to achiever understanding of the scientific method by first learning each component. 6. Items can typically be stored in working memory for approximately __________. a. About 20 seconds b. A day c. One minute d. One week The correct response is A: About 20 seconds Working memory, with its limited duration, can hold information for about 20 to 30 seconds. By comparison, long term memory is assumed to be permanent, the problem in the later case is retrieving the information. 7. You are given a math problem to solve. As you try to remember the formula involved, what memory system is being searched? a. Long-term semantic memory system b. Schematic memory system c. Sensory register memory system d. Working procedural memory system The correct answer is A: Long- term semantic memory system Schemas, or schemes, are structures or patterns that people must develop in order to understand large amounts of information inherent in complex concepts and problems. Therefore, schematic memory is a feature of long-term memory. 8. Mark can answer the physics problem because of patterns of knowledge stored in his long-term memory, which he did not intentionally try to learn. This situation involves Mark using his: a. Explicit memory b. Implicit memory c. Short-term memory d. Episodic Memory The correct response is B: Implicit Memory Implicit memory is knowledge that is not readily available to conscious recall. However, it does influence one’s behaviour or thoughts without the subject’s awareness. 9. Because memories are organized is propositional networks, recall of one bit of information often: a. Blocks the recall of other information b. Leads to recall of another bit of information

c. Leads to the integration of organized patterns d. Requires specific, external memory cues The correct response is B: Leads to recall of another bit of information A propositional network is an interconnected set of bits of information. Because the bits are meaningfully related to on another in the network, recall of one bit (ex: thinking of a spoon) may trigger the recall of another bit of information (ex: fork). 10. A script is viewed by cognitive theories as useful: a. As a note-taking strategy in lecture classes b. In directing everyday activities in different situations c. In formalizing interactions between students d. In outlining the main ideas of a story The correct response is B: In directing everyday activities in different situations Scripts are schemas representing the typical sequence of events in everyday situations. For example, most adults have different scripts for weekdays than for Saturdays and Sundays.

Module 8 1. The correct response is C: Students are under-selective and highlight or underline too much. A common problem is that students underline or highlight too much. Studies have demonstrated that when students are limited in the amount that they are allowed to highlight, learning improves. Therefore, it is important for teachers to caution their students to be selective when using underlining or highlighting strategies. 2. Current beliefs about problem-solving techniques suggest that domain-specific strategies are: a. More useful than general problem-solving strategies b. Likely to be used increasingly as experience with a particular subject increase c. Highly transferable to other domains d. Unlikely to be used in well-defined subject areas such as mathematics The correct response is B: Likely to be used increasingly as experience with particular subject increases Most psychologists believe that people switch between general and domain-specific approaches to problem solving. When we become involved in a new area, we primarily rely on general strategies. As we gain more experience, we increasingly use domain-specific strategies as experience with a particular subject increase, because these strategies apply directly to typical problems in the area concerned. 3. Which one of the following concepts is consistent with the notion of a heuristic? a. Analogical thinking b. Domain-Specific thinking c. Exhaustive thinking d. Guaranteed solution thinking The correct response is A: analogical thinking 4. The correct response is A: Flexibility. The strategy of asking herself what it is that she needs in order to solve the problem is an example of Gloria’s using flexibility, while

solving he problem. She is using flexibility to help her think about the problem in different and perhaps creative ways. This permits her to clarify the problems and propose a potentially useful solution. 5. Creativity is thought to be associated directly with: a. Convergent thinking b. Deductive reasoning c. Divergent Thinking d. Intuitive thinking The correct response is C: Divergent thinking Creativity is sometimes associated with divergent thinking, which involves coming up with many different ideas or answers. In contrast, convergent thinking involves generating a particular answer. 6. Vygotsky’s notion that learning is inherently social and embedded in a particular cultural setting is consistent with: a. Guided learning b. Relativistic learning c. Situated learning d. Sociological learning The correct response is C: Situated learning 7. Which one of the following ways of learning an applied skill is ort consistent with a constructivist approach? a. Have the teacher walk the students step-by-step through the process b. Provide well-constructed worksheets with which students can practice individually c. Use simplified, artificial materials in order to make the task easier for students d. Use realistic materials and a group format to provide support for individuals The correct response is D: Use realistic materials and a group format to provide support for individuals 8. The correct response is B: Inquiry 9. The correct response is D: Help students to reflect on their investigations. In problembased learning, the teacher will assist group and independent investigations, encourage students to conduct experiments, and help students to reflect on their own investigations- as well as provide other student- centered assistance. The teacher does not demonstrate the steps involved in scientific investigations while engaging in problem-based learning. 10. In using cooperative learning, it is recommended that teachers: a. Do not assign any roles in advance b. Assign roles only to one or two students c. Use the assignment of roles as a way to encourage participation d. Grade students based on how well they performed their role The correct response is C: Use the assignment of roles as a way to encourage participation

Module 9

1. The triarchic reciprocal causality emphasizes the dynamic interplay of: a. Personal, environmental, and behavioural influences b. Students, teachers, and community as social influences c. Planning, monitoring, and control in self-regulation d. Goal progress, motivation, and learning as achievement outcomes The correct response is A: Personal, environmental, and behavioural influences 2. Which of the following statements concerning the relation between self-efficacy and self- esteem is true? a. There appears to be no direct relationship between self-efficacy and self- esteem. b. There is a strong negative correlation between self- efficacy and self- esteem. As self- efficacy increases, self- esteem decreases. c. There is a strong positive correlation between self-efficacy and self-esteem. As. Self- esteem increases. d. There is a strong relationship between self-efficacy and self- esteem only for nonacademic tasks. There is no relationship between self-efficacy and self-esteem for academic tasks. The correct response is A: There appears to be no direct relationship between self-efficacy and self- esteem. Self-efficacy is a person’s sense of their ability to competently perform a specific task, whereas self- esteem is concerned with judgments of self- worth. Researchers have found the two selfconstructs are unrelated. 3. Which one of the following teaching approaches does Lynn Fuch (2003) recommend for incorporating self- regulated learning strategies into math- problem solving? a. Self-regulated learning strategies should not be taught in math classes until high school, because younger students do not have the cognitive maturity to emply the appropriate learning strategies b. Teachers should asses students’ level of volition c. Students should not discuss their problem-solving strategies with other students because this can lead to cheating, and students not solving the problem on their own. d. At the beginning of each session, students should set new goals based on their previous math performance. The correct response is D: At the beginning of each session, students should set new goals based on their previous math performance. 4. Research on self-efficacy and achievement suggests that school achievement is approved, and self-efficacy is increased when students: a. Accredit their successes to luck or to the intervention of others b. Advocate controllable activities rather than tasks that are beyond their abilities c. Develop high expectations even in the face of difficulties d. Receive rewards or other reinforcements based on the quality of their performances

The correct response is D: Receive rewards or other reinforcements based on the quality of their performances 5. A “self-regulation coach” is: a. The person who explains to a student why his or her solution to the problem is incorrect b. The instructional aid responsible for designing cooperative learning groups c. The individuals who grades the student’s work d. Someone who helps students plan their learning and monitor their understanding. The correct response is D: Someone who helps students plan their learning and monitor their understanding. 6. It is the last week of school in June. The teacher is going over a lesson on mass in Science class. Emily wants to go outside to enjoy the sunny day, but reminds herself to focus on this important topic that will be covered in the final exam. As a self-regulated learner, she is demonstrating: a. Knowledge b. Motivation c. Volition d. Agency The correct response is C: Volition 7. Jeremy’s interest in history has been decreasing lately. According to Maslow’s Theory, what should the teacher do? a. Determine whether his needs are being met or not b. Give him more challenging assignments c. Give him less challenging assignments d. Determine whether his deficiency needs are being met The correct response is D: Determine whether his deficiency needs are being met 8. Maria spent many hours trying to complete her geometry proofs. A cognitive interpretation of Maria’s motivation is that Maria: a. Knows a good grade will result in a reward from her parents b. Is attempting to acquire understanding of how the different theorems work c. Is trying to feel fulfilled in her accomplishment in order to raise her self- esteem d. Wants her friends to be more likely to accept her than they have so far. The correct response is B: Is attempting to acquire understanding of how the different theorems work 9. Pat believed that the reason for her success in reading is the effort she puts into it. Pat is reflecting __________ locus of control. a. External b. Internal c. Stable

d. Transitional The correct response is B: Internal 10. Participation in communities of practice is emphasized by _______________ of motivation. a. Cognitive theory b. Humanistic theory c. Constructivist theory d. Sociocultural theory The correct response is D: Sociocultural theory 11. The type of learning goal that a person will be most motivated to reach is one that is: a. General in nature and moderately difficult b. General in nature and very difficult c. Specific and moderately difficult d. Specific and very difficult The correct response is C: Specific and moderately difficult. 12. Students who demonstrate “learned helplessness” are likely to: a. Believe that trying harder will improve their results b. Final ways to attribute their failures to others c. Focus on their failures and not seek assistance d. Set easier goals next time in order to increase their chances of success The correct response is C: Focus on their failures and not seek assistance

Module 10 1. At what educational level is the direct teaching of classroom rules and procedures most critical for effective classroom management? a. Early elementary school b. High school c. Middle elementary school d. Late elementary to middle school The correct response is A: Early elementary school 2. Which one of the following times measures would generally have the highest correlation with school achievement? a. Academic learning time b. Allocated time c. Class time d. Engaged time The correct response is A: academic learning time 3. Mr. Marshall’s first two science classes were devoted to demonstrating and explaining rules and procedures in the laboratory. Based on research involving effective management, this procedure will probably result in: a. Loss of student’s interest and involvement in the subject b. Poor understanding of the course material

c. Rushing through much material to make up the lost time d. Time gained over the course of the school year for learning activities The correct response is D: Time gained over the course of the school year for learning activities 4. Penny is an eighth-grade student in Mr. James’ German class. Whenever Mr. James turns to the chalkboard, Penny pokes the student in front of her. The other students laugh, and it takes time to calm the class down. Which one of the following strategies would be the most appropriate for changing Penny’s behaviour? a. After-school detention b. Contact with parents c. Exclusion from group activities d. Expressions of disappointment The correct response is C: Exclusion from group activities 5. Kathy’s student teacher works well with small groups, but she finds it difficult to keep track of the rest of the class during small group sessions. Kathy should work with her student teacher to develop: a. Group focus b. Movement management c. Overlapping d. With-it-ness The correct response is C: Overlapping 6. In movement management, a major problem is to: a. Avoid abrupt and slowdown transitions b. Keep group focus c. Demonstrate with-it-ness d. Watch for overlapping activities The correct response is A: Avoid abrupt and slowdown transitions 7. What is the best first way to deal with a defiant, hostile student? a. Be consistent in applying established consequences b. Give the student a chance to cool down and save face c. Have a conference with the counsellor and parents d. Make sure that the school office is aware of the incident. The correct response is B: Give the student a chance to cool down and save face 8. A key element in empathetic listening is: a. Giving students clear prescriptions about what actions to take b. Ignore the student’s emotions and attending only to verbal behaviours c. Reflecting back to the student what you think that student is saying d. Sending students “I” messages in order to change the student’s behaviour The correct response is C: Reflecting back to the student what you think that student is saying 9. Gordon’s “no-lose” method of dealing with conflicts involves: a. Having both the teacher and the students participate in the solution b. Having students vote on the best solution to the problem

c. Imposing a solution for the problem on the students d. Using the empathetic listening to help the students discover the solution on their own The correct response is A: Having both the teacher and the students participate in the solution 10. Effective teachers who practice culturally responsive classroom management usually have high expectations of their students and demonstrate great care for their students. These effective teachers are often referred to as: a. Compromising b. Multidimensional c. Warm demanders d. Accommodating The correct response is C: Warm demanders

Module 11 1. Your textbook suggests that advance planning is important primarily because such planning: a. Allows the teacher more time to correct daily work b. Dictate course readings and requirements c. Eliminates uncertainty in teaching d. Influences what students will learn The correct response is D: Influences what students will learn 2. The primary value of Bloom’s Taxonomy of cognitive objectives is that it can: a. Lead educators to think carefully about the objectives they construct b. Provide a valid hierarchy of learning from simple to complex c. Provide administrators with an objective means of evaluating the effects of courses d. Rank different types of learning according to their relative importance The correct response is A: Lead educators to think carefully about the objectives they construct 3. In the highest level of the affective domain, students are expected to: a. Adopt and act consistently with a new value b. Be aware of how other people feel c. Demonstrate an overt response to an idea or thing d. Show a new behaviour as a result of experience The correct response is A: Adopt and act consistently with a new value 4. The constructivist approach to planning learning experiences emphasizes the roles that: a. Both students and teachers determine the content and activities, but teachers select the learning strategy to be used.

b. Students and teachers together determine the content, activities, and learning strategies to be used. c. Students determine the broad learning goals, while teachers determine the specific learning objectives and activities. d. Teachers determine the learning goals, activities, and strategies for optimal learning The correct response is B: Students and teachers together determine the content, activities, and learning strategies to be used. 5. Lecturing is most appropriate for situations: a. Where application and analysis levels are key cognitive objectives for the material b. Where remembering, understanding, and receiving information are important cognitive and aff...

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