MY Antonia PDF

Title MY Antonia
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My Antonia


MYANTONI A BookSummar y Thenov el begi nsonat r ai nt r i pi nwhi cht henar r at orandachi l dhoodf r i end,Ji m Bur den,shar ewor dsaboutt hepast .Thei rconv er sat i oni sar emi ni scenceaboutt hei r smal l homet ownofBl ackHawk,Nebr aska,andaBohemi angi r l t heybot hr emember namedÁnt oni aShi mer da.J i m haswr i t t enamemoi raboutherandt henar r at or ex pr essesi nt er es ti nr eadi ngt hemanuscr i pt .Ji m del i v er si tt oher ,changi ngt het i t l e t oMyÁnt oni a,andt husi ndi cat i ngt hatt hescr i ptwi l l beaper s onal st or y .Wi t ht hi s i nt r oduct i on,Ánt oni aShi mer da' sst or ybegi nsandi smar k edbyt hechangesi nt he seasonsofbot hl i f eandt hepr ai r i e. Ther eadert r av el sbacki nt i met owhenJi m Bur den' spar ent sdi eandhi sVi r gi ni a r el at i v essendt he10y ear ol dJi mt ohi sgr andpar ent s,whol i v eonaNebr askaf ar m. Dur i nghi st r ai nt r i p,Ji ml ear nsofani mmi gr antf ami l yt hati sal sot r av el i ngt oBl ack Hawk.Whent heyr eacht hei rdes t i nat i on,Ot t oFuchs,acowboy ,pi ck supJi m and Jak eMar pol e,ahi r edhandwhohasaccompani edJi m;l eavi ngt hest at i on,Ji m sees t hei mmi gr antf ami l y ,l ooki nghuddl edandl ost . J i m meet shi ski ndl ygr andpar ent sandbyt henextdayhei sal r eadyappr eci at i nga whol enewwor l dofear t h,sun,andunendi ngpr ai r i e.Thef ol l owi ngSunday , Gr andmot her ,Ot t o,andJi mt ak epr ovi si onst ot hei rnewnei ghbor s,t hei mmi gr ant Shi mer daf ami l y ,andfindt hatt heyar el i v i ngi nal eant ot hatf r ont sacav e.Ji m pl ays wi t hYul kaandÁnt oni aandagr eest ohel pÁnt oni al ear nEngl i sh.Heal sot ak eshi s fir stl ongponyr i dei nt heaut umncol or sofNebr aska.But ,unl i k eJi m,t heShi mer das s t ayc l oset ot hei rf ar m,bel i evi ngt hatt het ownspeopl ecannotbet r ust ed,and al l owi ngÁnt oni at of ai t hf ul l yseeJi mf orherEngl i shl essons. Att hi spoi ntt her ei sasi dest or yaboutPav el andPet er ,t woRussi answhom Ánt oni a' sf at herhasbef r i ended.Ont hewayhomeJi m gi v esÁnt oni aar eadi ng l essononabanknearabadgerhol e.Ánt oni aex pl ai nst hati nBohemi at hebadgeri s r ev er ed;t heyal sor escueaf r ai l gr eeni nsect ,r emi ndi ngÁnt oni aofst or i esf r om " home. "TheymeetMr .Shi mer dawhohaski l l edt hr eer abbi t s,andhesay shewi l l mak eÁnt oni aahatandsomedaygi v eJi m hi sgun,apr i zedpossessi onf r om Bohemi a.Hi ssadsmi l ei sapoi gnantf or eshadowi ngoft hef ut ur e.Ánt oni ai sf eel i ng super i ort oJi m becauseshei sf oury ear sol der ,butonedaywhenheki l l sahuge r at t l esnak eÁnt oni at el l sev er y oneoft hei radv ent ur eandbr agsaboutJi m' sr ol e.Now t heyseem t obemor eequal .Thi si sonl yt hebegi nni ngoft hei rshar edmemor i es.

I nt hef al l ,t heRussi ansgeti nt ot r oubl ewi t hWi ckCut t er ,Bl ackHawk' smoneyl ender , andmus tpayahugebonusonanov er duel oan.WhenPav el i nj ur eshi msel fwhi l e bui l di ngabar n,Mr .Shi mer da,Ánt oni a,andJi m vi si thi m andhearagr i zzl yst or y aboutwhyt heyl ef tRussi a.Af ewdaysl at erPav el di esandPet ersel l sev er yt hi ngand goesawayt ocookataconst r uct i oncamp.Thei rsadst or yr eflect st hehar shnessof t hei mmi gr antexper i enceont hepr ai r i e. Wi nt ercomesonandt hefir s tf ewweeksar ebi t t er .Ji mt ak esÁnt oni aandYul kai na s l edt ot heRussi an' sol dhouse.Ont hewayhome,t heel ement sar esosev er et hat J i m get ss i ckandhast ost ayi nwi t hwhatt odayi scal l edt onsi l l i t i s.Theseweek sar e fi l l edwi t hf ami l yt oget her ness,popcor n,t affy ,ands t or yt el l i ng.Jak et el l sGr andmot her t hatt heShi mer dasar ehungr yandl i vi ngi nwr et chedcondi t i ons,sot heyt ak e Ánt oni a' sf ami l yabi ghamperoff ood.Af ewday sl at ert her ei sat r emendous snowst or m andt heBur densar ef or cedt ohav e" acount r yChr i st mas"ands t ayi nwi t h gi nger br eadc ooki esandhomemadepr esent s.Theyal sosendgi f t st ot he Shi mer das.Ther ear epr ay er sandt her eadi ngoft heChr i st masSt or yf r om t he gospel s,cul mi nat i ngwi t hanaf t er noonvi s i tf r om Mr .Shi mer da.Het hankst he Bur densf ort hei rki ndnessandr el ax esi nt hewar m,f ami l yat mospher e.Hecr osses hi msel ft opr ayand,t houghJi mi saf r ai dhi sgr andf at hermi ghtbeangr ybecausehe i sconser v at i v ei nr el i gi ousmat t er s,Gr andf at hersay st hatt hepr ay er sofal lgood peopl ear egood. Fol l owi ngChr i st mast heweat heri sbet t erandMr s .Shi mer daandÁnt oni avi si tt he Bur dens.Unl i k eherhumbl eandgr at ef ul husband,Mr s.Shi mer dacompl ai nst hat whi l eherf ami l yst r uggl es,t heBur densl i v ei nl uxur y ,causi ngGr andmot herBur dent o gi v eheracooki ngpot .Meanwhi l e,Ánt oni at el l sJ i mt hatherf at heronl ycamet o Amer i cabecausehermot herwant edAmbr oscht obecomer i ch. I nJanuar y ,onJi m' sel ev ent hbi r t hday ,abl i zzar dbur i est hepr ai r i e.I ti sdur i ngt hi s t i met hatt hedes pondentMr .Shi mer dacommi t ssui ci de,put t i ngt hebar r elofagunt o hi smout handpul l i ngt het r i gger .Whi l ear r angement sar emadeaboutt hebody ,Ji m f eel ssadf ort hesensi t i v emanandi shopi ngt hatMr .Shi mer da' ssoul i sr est i ng bef or ei t sl ongj our neybackt oBohemi a. ThenextdayOt t or et ur nsf r om Bl ackHawkwi t hAnt onJel i nek,ay oungBohemi an f ar mer ,whohascomet ohel phi sf el l owi mmi gr ant s.Thecor onerandpr i es tar r i v e andacoffini sf ashi onedbutMr .Shi mer dai sdeni edbur i al i nt heCat hol i cor Nor wegi ancemet er y .Mr s.Shi mer dai nsi st st hathebebur i edatt hecor neroft hei r l andwher ef ut ur er oadswi l l ev ent ual l ycr oss.Theyi nt erMr .Shi mer daandy ear sl at er hi sgr av ei sal i t t l ei sl andwi t hr oadscur vi ngar oundi t .Ji ml ov est hequi etgr av e,and i nt hedi st antf ut ur ei ti sher ewher ehemeet sandt al k swi t hÁnt oni a.

I nt hes pr i ng,t heShi mer dasar el i vi ngi nanewhouset hei rnei ghbor shel pbui l dand Ánt oni ai swor ki ngi nt hefiel dsl i k eaf ar m hand.Ji m not i cest hatshehasbecome manl yandcoar se,Mr s.Shi mer dar emai nssus pi ci ousandungr at ef ul ,andAmbr osch i sdecei t f ul andsl y .Ther ei sar i f tbet weent het wof ami l i esov erahor secol l arbuti ti s l at erheal edbyGr andf at her . WhenJi m hasbeenwi t hhi sgr andpar ent st hr eey ear s,t heydeci det omov ei nt o Bl ackHawk.Her eJi ml ongsf ort hepr ai r i eandmi ss eshi sf r i endshi pwi t hÁnt oni aand t hef ar mhands.Hi sgr andmot herar r angesf oranei ghbor ,Mr s.Har l i ng,t oengage Ánt oni aasherhi r edgi r l .Thi smar k st hebegi nni ngofÁnt oni a' sexper i encesi nt own. Shewor k swel l f ort heHar l i ngs,butshei sal sodr awnt oadancepavi l i onwi t ha gr oupofot herhi r edgi r l s.Amongt hem ar eLenaLi ngar d,adr essmak er ,andTi ny Soder bal l ,whowor k satt heBoy s' HomeHot el .Lenahasadubi ousr eput at i onandi s fl i r t at i ousandbeaut i f ul .AsJi m cont i nuest ospendt i mewi t hÁnt oni a,bysummerher soc i al l i f ei si nt er f er i ngwi t hherj obandshei sfir ed.Soshegoest owor kf orWi ck Cut t er ,t henot or i ousmoney l enderandwomani zer . Bynowabor edJi mi ssneaki ngoutatni ghtt odancesandseei ngLenawhohasl et hi m ki ssher .Hebegi nst odr eam sensuousdr eamsofherbutwi sheshi sdr eam gi r l wer eÁnt oni a.Whenhi sgr andmot herdi scov er shei ssneaki ngout ,Ji mi scont r i t e andpr omi sesnott odoi tanymor e.Asummerpi cni ci sanoppor t uni t yf oronel ast i dyl l i cdayspentwi t hÁnt oni aandLenawher eÁnt oni ascol dshi mf orfli r t i ngwi t h Lena,t el l i nghi m hehasagr eat erf ut ur et hanl i f ei nBl ackHawk.Thedayendswi t ha symbol i ci mageofapl ow,bol dandbl ackagai ns tt heset t i ngsun. Meanwhi l e,Ánt oni ai ss uspi ci ousofat r i ppl annedbyWi ckCut t erandhermi sgi vi ngs pr ov et obecor r ect .Sheconv i ncesJi mt ospendt heni ghtatt heCut t er s' hous eand Wi ckr et ur nsi nanat t emptt oseduc eÁnt oni a.Shel eav est heCut t erempl oyand onceagai ni sengagedbyt heHar l i ngs. J i m spendst hes ummerst udyi ngf orex amst ogeti nt ot hest at euni v er si t y .I nt hef al l , hel eav esf orLi ncol nandt heuni v er si t y ,butnomat t erhowmuchhest udi eshefinds hi sl i f eont hepr ai r i eandhi sf r i endshi psi nt er f er i ngwi t hhi sconcent r at i on.Lena mov est oLi ncol n,andsheandJi m begi nasoci al l i f et hati ncl udesat t endi ngpl ay s t oget her ,mostnot abl yDumas' Cami l l e.Thi sl eadsJi mt onegl ecthi sst udi esandhi s Lat i nt eacher ,Gast onCl er i c,suggest st hatJi mt r ansf ert oHar v ar dUni v er si t ywher e Cl er i ci st aki ngaposi t i on.Ji mi snowni net eenandhi sgr andf at herper mi t shi mt ogo t ot heEast .Bef or ehel eav es,Lenat el l shi mt hatÁnt oni ai sengagedt oar ai l r oad man,Lar r yDonav an.

Thef r i endsgot hei rs epar at eways.Ji ml eav esf orHar v ar dandÁnt oni agoest o Denv ert omar r yLar r yDonov an.Lenaopensadr essmaki ngshopi nSanFr anci sco andTi nySoder bal l ev ent ual l yendsupi nAl askawher eshebecomesweal t hy .Ji m ass umest hatÁnt oni ai sfine,buthel at erfindsoutDonov andecei v edher ,l eavi ngher pr egnantandunmar r i ed.Ánt oni ar et ur nst oBl ackHawk,hasherbaby ,andwor k si n t hefiel dsonceagai n.Onar et ur nvi si tJi m spendsadaywi t hÁnt oni aandsheshows hi m herbaby .Sheseemssomberbutset t l edandJi mt el l sherhowmuchshehas becomeapar tofhi m.Hehol dsal sot hememor i esofherf at herwhol i v esoni nbot h t hei rhear t s.Ji m bel i ev est hi swi l lbet hel astt i met heywi l ls eeeachot herandhet r i es t omemor i zet hepr ai r i e,t hefiel ds,andt het al l gr ass,wi shi nghewer eaboyagai n wi t hal aughi ngÁnt oni ar unni ngbesi dehi m. Twent yy ear sl at er ,Ji m Bur denseesÁnt oni aonat r i pt oBl ackHawk.Shehas mar r i edwel l t oAnt onCuzak,acousi nofAnt onJel i nek.Theyhav emanychi l dr enand J i m spendsanev eni ngl ook i ngatol dphot ogr aphswi t ht hem andhear i ngt hest or i es oft hepastf r om Ánt oni a' schi l dr en.Meet i ngherhusband,J i m findst hatCuzak al r eadys eemst oknowhi m becauseÁnt oni ahasdescr i bedhi m sowel l t oherwhol e f ami l y .Happyandc ont ent ed,Ánt oni ai sr oot edi nt hepr ai r i eandt heNebr aska f ar ml and.WhenJi ml eav es,hepr omi sest or et ur nandt ak et heCuzakboy shunt i ng t henextsummer . Reflect i ngont hepast ,Ji mr eal i zest hatmanyofhi sol df r i endshav edi edormov ed away ,buthest i l l hasmemor i esandl ongi ngsf ort hepr ai r i e.Her emember st het r ai n t r i psol ongagowher ehefir s tsawt hef r i ght enedandsmal l i mmi gr antgi r l ,Ánt oni a. Nowsheseemsl ar gert hanl i f e,l i k et hepl owagai nstt hesunset ,accl i mat edt ot he pr ai r i el and.I ncont r ast ,Ji m seemsr oot l ess,t r av el i ngandadr i f ti nl i f e.Hevowst o r et ur nt ot hepr ai r i ewher ehef el tapeaceandc ont ent mentt hatel udeshi mi nt he Eas t ,andwher eÁnt oni aandherf ami l yshar ehi spast .

Char act erLi s t TheNar r at orJi m Bur dengi v est hemanuscr i ptf orMyÁnt oni at ot heunnamed nar r at ori nt hei nt r oduct i ont ot henov el .BecauseCat herdr ewmanyi nci dent sand peopl ei nt hi snov el f r om herownl i f e,heri nt enti ncr eat i ngt hi sanonymousnar r at or mayhav ebeen,i npar t ,t odi ssuader eader sf r om i dent i f yi ngCat herwi t hfir s t per son nar r at orJ i m. Ji m Bur denHer el at esal ongser i esofmemor i esaboutgr owi ngupont heNebr aska pr ai r i ewi t hÁnt oni a,aBohemi angi r l whoseemst oembodyf orhi m" t hecount r y ,t he condi t i ons,t hewhol eadv ent ur eofourchi l dhood. "Ji m hashadmany

di sappoi nt ment sasanadul t ,andhegl or i fieshi schi l dhoodast hehappi estt i mei nhi s l i f e. Ánt oni a( ANNt oekneeuh)( " Tony" )Shi mer daShear r i v esatt heNebr askapr ai r i e t hesameni ghtt hatJi m does,andt heygr owupt oget herasnei ghbor s .Despi t emany har dshi psi nherl i f e,Ánt oni ar emai nsvi t al l yal i v eandnev erl oseshopef ort hef ut ur e. Josi ahBur denJi m' sgr andf at her— r eser v ed,di gni fied,andt aci t ur n.Gr andf at her Bur deni s" r at hernar r owi nr el i gi ousmat t er s , "buti sal sogener ousandf ai r .He bel i ev est hat" t hepr ay er sofal l goodpeopl ear egood. "Heusual l yr emai nsneut r al i n di sput eswi t ht henei ghbor sandof t enser v esasapeacek eeper . Emmal i neBur denJi m' sgr andmot her .Fr i endl yev ent ot hebadger swhosomet i mes s t eal herchi ck ens,s hewor r i esaboutÁnt oni a' sf ami l y ,t heShi mer das,al t houghshe doesn' twhol l yappr ov eoft hem.Shei nspi r esconfidenc e;Mr .Shi mer daent r us t s Ánt oni a' sf ut ur et oher .Whengar deni ng,shei snev erwi t houthersnak ec anesot hat shec anki l l anyst r ayr at t l er s. JakeMar pol eAt eenagef ar mhandont heVi r gi ni af ar m ofJi m' sf at her ,Jak e acc ompani esJi m westt owor kf orGr andf at herBur den.Ac cor di ngt oJi m," Jak e' s ex per i enceoft hewor l dwasnotmuchwi dert hanmi ne. " Ot t oFuchsAnAust r i ani mmi gr antwhowor ksf orGr andf at herBur den.Pr evi ousl y ,he l i v edi nmi ni ngcampsandl os taneari naWy omi ngbl i zzar dwhenhewasast age dr i v er .Hedr essesi nchaps,spur s,andcowboyboot s,andl ooksl i k eaman" outof t hepagesofJesseJames. "ForJi m,Ot t oepi t omi zest her omant i cconceptoft heOl d Westcowboy . Mr .Shi mer daAcul t ur edman,at ai l ori nBohemi a,andavi ol i npl ay er ,hei shomesi ck f ort heOl dCount r yandcan' tadj ustt ohar shpr ai r i el i f e.Hei scl os et oÁnt oni a,and sheunder s t andshi m bet t ert hanany oneel sei nt hef ami l y . Mr s.Shi mer daSel f c ent er ed,gr aspi ng,andshr ewi sh,shepr essur edherhusband i nt omovi ngt hef ami l yt oAmer i cabecauseofherambi t i onsf orhers on,Ambr osch. Nev ersat i sfiedwi t ht heki ndnesst hathernei ghbor soffer ,sheal way sexpect st hem t o domor e. Ambr oschShi mer daÁnt oni a' sol derbr ot her— acoar s e,vul gar ,gr aspi ng,sel f cent er ed,andi r r esponsi bl emanwi t hnor espectf orhi snei ghbor sort hei rpr oper t y . Wher easÁnt oni a' sv al uesar esi mi l art oMr .Shi mer da' s ,Ambr oschi smor el i k eMr s . Shi mer da.

PavelandPet erTwoRussi answhol i v ei nal ogcabi nnearabi gpr ai r i edogt own, Pet eri sf atandf r i endl y ,butPav el has" awas t edl ook. "He' sr umor edt obean anar c hi stbecauseofhi s" wi l dges t i cul at i onsandhi sgener al l yex c i t edandr ebel l i ous manner . " Wi dow St eavensAnei ghboroft heBur dens,shebuy st heBur denf ar m whent hey mov et ot own.Shet el l sJi m whathappenedt oÁnt oni awhi l ehewasawayatHar v ar d. Pet erKr aj i ekThecr af t y ,di shonestBohemi ani mmi gr antwhosol dt heShi mer das t hei rf ar m andask edmuchmor ef ori tt hani twaswor t h. Wi ck( Wycl i ffe)Cut t erandMr s.Cut t erBl ackHawk' smoneyl enderi smor al l yand soc i al l ybankr upt .Hehasgr ownr i chbycheat i ngt het ownspeopl e.Hi swi f e,anger ed byhi sst i ngi ness,pai nt sandsel l schi nat oembar r asshi m.I r oni cal l y ,het hi nksi t ' s amusi ng.TheCut t er s' chi efpl easur ei sfight i ngwi t heachot her .Wi ckfinal l yki l l shi s wi f eand,moment sl at er ,ki l l shi msel f— i nor dert ok eepherf ami l yf r om i nher i t i nghi s money . Ant onJel i nekAsympat het i cBohemi anf r om Bl ackHawk,hecomf or t st he Shi mer dasaf t erMr .Shi mer da' ssui ci de.I ndr amat i ccont r astt ot hei rot her count r yman,Kr aj i ek,Jel i neki sf r i endl yandsi ncer e.Hel at eroper at esasal ooni n Bl ackHawk. Mr s.Chr i st i anHar l i ngMr s.Har l i ngex er t sast r ongi nfluenceonbot hJi m and Ánt oni a:" Ev er yi nchofherwaschar gedwi t hanener gyt hatmadei t sel ff el tt he momentsheent er edar oom. "Shehi r esÁnt oni at owor kf orherandt eachesher manypr act i cal ski l l s.Mr s.Har l i ngmak esherhousehol di nt er est i ngf orherchi l dr en, butwhenherhusbandi shome,shedevot esher sel ft ohi m. Chr i st i anHar l i ngAgr ai nmer c hantandcat t l ebuy er ,Mr .Har l i ngi saut ocr at i cand i mper i al .Hewear sacapedov er coatandspor t sadi amondr i ngonhi sl i t t l efinger . Thehousehol dr ev ol v esar oundhi m;Ji m Bur denwi l l notgot her ewhenhei shome. Fr ancesHar l i ngTheol destHar l i ngdaught er ,Fr anceshel psherf at heri nhi s busi ness.I naddi t i ont oherex cept i onal busi nessj udgment ,Fr anceshasmusi cal t al entandi saf r i endl y ,out goi ngper son. LenaLi ngar dJi m Bur denr emar k s," Todance' Home,SweetHome' wi t hLenawas l i k ecomi ngi nwi t ht het i de. "Asensuous,Nor wegi ani mmi gr antgi r l ,Lenai sl i k eCi r c e i nHomer ' sOdy ssey,di st r act i ngmenf r om t hei rgoal s.Shel i k est ohav ef unandpl ans nev ert omar r y .Lat er ,shebecomesasuccessf ul dr essmak er .

Ti nySoder bal lAhi r edgi r l i nBl ackHawk,sheev ent ual l ymov est oSeat t l eand opensal odgi nghouse.Shebec omesr i chi nAl askawhenadyi ngpr ospect ordeeds herhi smi ne.Li k eLenaLi ngar d,shenev ermar r i es,butunl i k eLena,shebecomes cyni cal i nl at erl i f e. Johnni eGar denerHeownst heBoys' HomeHot el i nBl ackHawk,wher eTi nywor k s. Hel i k est odr i nkandhav eagoodt i me,buther eal i zeshe' dbeonl yacl er ki fi t wer en' tf orMr s.Gar dener ,whom hei sal i t t l eaf r ai dof . Mol l yGar denerThebest dr essedwomani nBl ackHawk ,shei si ndi ffer entt oher possessi ons.Taci t ur nandcol d,t her ei s" somet hi ngI ndi anl i k ei nt her i gi di mmobi l i t y ofherf ace. "Shei st heonewhok eepst hehot el goi ng.Thehot el busi snamed" Mol l y Bawn"f orher . Bl i ndd' Ar naul tAbl ackmusi ci anwhopl ay st hepi anooneni ghtatt hehot el i nBl ack Hawk.Hi smusi chel psmak et hedul l t ownl i f eendur abl ef orJi m. TheVanni sOnesummer ,t heyar r i v ei nBl ackHawkandopenadanci ngpavi l i on. Theyk eepgoodor derandcl oseont i me.Thei rt entgi v eschi l dr ensomet hi ngt odoon l ongsummerni ght s. Syl vest erLovet tSyl v est erl ov esLenaLi ngar dbutdoesn' thav esuffic i entcour aget o mar r ya" hi r edgi r l , "sohemar r i esawi dowwi t hpr oper t y .Ji m Bur denr egar dshi m wi t hcont empt . Har r yPai neHar r y ,whoi st obemar r i edsoon,t r i est oki ssÁnt oni a.Mr .Har l i nghear s t hef ussandgi v esÁnt oni aanul t i mat um:Ei t hershegi v eupgoi ngt ot hedancesor el seshemov eoutandfindwor kel sewher e. Lar r yDonovanAt r ai nconduct orandpr of essi onal l adi es' man,Lar r ycour t sÁnt oni a andper suadeshert ocomet oDenv eront hepr omi seofmar r i age.Hedoesn' tmar r y her ,spendsal l ofhermoney ,get sherpr egnant ,anddi sappear s. AnnaHansenAl way sdi gni fied,Nor wegi anAnnai sahi r edgi r l wor ki ngf ort he Mar s hal l s. Ol eBensonandCr azyMar yOl ei sasi mpl e,di scour agedf ar merwhohasacr ush onLenaLi ngar d.Hi swi f e,Cr azyMar y ,chasesLenawi t hacor nkni f e. Mar yDusakOneoft het hr eeBohemi anMar y s,shei sbol d,r esour cef ul ,and unscr upul ous.Herbr oadf ace,mar k edwi t hsmal l poxscar s,i sf r amedwi t hbeaut i f ul chest nuthai r .Thehousek eeperf orabachel or ,shebecomespr egnantwi t hhi sbaby .

Mar ySvobodaAnot heroft heBohemi anMar y s,shet oohasani l l egi t i mat ebaby . Thet hr eeMar ysar econsi der edhi ghl yexpl os i v e,but ,i nt i me,t heyal l set t l edownt o becomet hr i f t yhousewi v es. Gast onCl er i cJi m Bur den' sment orandt heheadoft heLat i nDepar t mentatt he uni v er si t yi nLi ncol n.Hav i ngsuffer edal ongi l l nesswhi l ehewasi nI t al y ,hecame westathi sdoct or ' ssuggest i on. Col onelRal ei ghLenaLi ngar d' sl andl or di nLi ncol nf al l si nl ov ewi t hherandgi v es herabl ackspani el namedPr i nce.Thesout her nc ol onel hasi nv est edhi smoneyi n r eal est at eati nflat edpr i cesandcannotunder st andwhyhi sest at ev al uei sdwi ndl i ng. Or di nskyAPol i shvi ol i nt eacher ,al soi nl ov ewi t hLena,het hi nk sCol onel Ral ei gh andJi m ar ecompr omi s i ngherr eput at i on.Fi nal l y ,hedeci dest hatJi mi sawor t hy f r i end.Hei sof t enwi l dt emper ed,r av i ngaboutt hepoorcul t ur al t ast esofLi ncol n' s c i t i zens. Ant onCuzakHecomest ovi si thi scous i nAnt onJel i nek,meet sandmar r i esÁnt oni a Shi mer da,andr el uct ant l ybecomesaf ar mer .Homes i ckatt i mes,hewor kshar dand cr edi t sÁnt oni af orhel pi ngmak et hef ar m pr osper ....

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