NAEYC DAP Position Statement Regarding Diversity PDF

Title NAEYC DAP Position Statement Regarding Diversity
Author Kiersten Waller
Course Early Childhood Education: Diversity and Social Justice
Institution Rasmussen University
Pages 2
File Size 99.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 53
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What is the position of National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) regarding diversity and culture and developmentally appropriate practice in early childhood programs? In this assignment you will create a visual document which clearly explains main points of the NAEYC position...


Recognize that all children are cognitively, linguistically, and emotionally connected to the language and culture of their home. Whenpr o gr am s e t t i ngsac kno wl e dgeand s uppo r tc hi l dr en’ sho mel anguageand c ul t ur e ,t i e sbe t we e nt hef ami l yand s c ho o lar es t r e ngt he ne d. Acknowledge that children can demonstrate their knowledge and capabilities in many ways. What e ve rl anguagec hi l dr e ns peak,t he y s ho ul dbeabl et odemo ns t r at et he i r c apabi l i t i e sandal s of e e lt hes uc c e s sof be i ngappr ec i at e dandval ue d.Te ac her s mus tbui l dupo nc hi l dr en’ sdi v e r s i t yo f gi f t sands ki l l sandpr o vi dey oung c hi l dr e no ppo r t uni t i e st oexhi bi tt hes e s ki l l si ne ar l yc hi l dho o dpr o gr ams .

“Responding to linguistic and cultural diversity can be challenging. At times, the challenges can be complicated further by the specific needs or issues of the child, the family, or the educational program. Solutions may not be evident. Individual circumstances can affect each situation differently. There are no easy answers, and often myths and misinformation may flourish. The challenges may even seem to be too numerous for any one teacher or provider to manage. Nonetheless, despite the complexity, it is the responsibility of all educators to assume the tasks and meet the challenges” (NAEYC, 3).

Actively involve parents and families in the early learning program and setting. Par e nt sandf ami l i ess ho ul dbeac t i v e l y i nv ol v e di nt hel e ar ni ngandde ve l o pme nt o ft he i rc hi l dr e n.Te ac he r ss ho ul dac t i v e l y s e e kpar e nt ali nv ol v e me ntandpur s ue e s t abl i s hi ngapar t ne r s hi pwi t hc hi l dr e n’ s f ami l i es . Provide early childhood educators with professional preparation and development in the areas of culture, language, and diversity.

Importance of Creating a Warm

` Effor t st ounder s t andt hel anguage sand c ul t ur albac kgr oundso fy oungc hi l dr e n ar ee s s e nt i ali nhe l pi ngc hi l dr e nt ol e ar n.

and Culturally Responsive Environment

REFERENCES Nat i o nalAs s oc i at i o nf ort heEduc at i o no f YoungChi l dr en.( 1995, No ve mber ) .Re s pondi ngt oLi ngui s t i c andCul t ur alDi v e r s i t y Re c omme ndat i onsf orEffe c t i veEar l y Chi l dhoodEduc at i o n[ Re vi e w o fRe s pondi ngt oLi ngui s t i cand Cul t ur alDi v e r s i t yRe c omme ndat i ons f orEffe c t i veEar l yChi l dho od Educ at i on] .APo s i t i o nSt at e mento f t heNat i o nalAs s o c i at i o nf ort he Educ at i o nofYo ungChi l dr en;Nat i o nal As s o c i at i o nf o rt heEduc at i o no fYo ung Chi l dr en....

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