Naeyc Ethical code and Commitment Statement Poster PDF

Title Naeyc Ethical code and Commitment Statement Poster
Author Yvonne Idris
Course Masters of business
Institution Kaplan Business School Australia
Pages 2
File Size 141.8 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 61
Total Views 138


Download Naeyc Ethical code and Commitment Statement Poster PDF


Preamble NAEYC recognizes that those who work with young children face many daily decisions that have moral and ethical implications. The NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct offers guidelines for responsible behavior and sets forth a common basis for resolving the principal ethical dilemmas encountered in early childhood care and education. The Statement of Commitment is not part of the Code but is a personal acknowledgement of an individual’s willingness to embrace the distinctive values and moral obligations of the field of early childhood care and education. Core values Our commitment is to  Appreciate childhood  Focus on children development  Appreciate and support family bond.  Recognize family, culture, community, and society needs of a child  Respect the dignity, worth, and uniqueness of the child, family member, and colleague.  Respect diversity in children, families, and colleagues.  Recognize trust and respect in achieving a child’s potential Conceptual Framework  Children  Families  Colleagues  Community Ethical Responsibilities to Families  We acknowledge the responsibility to communicate, collaborate, and corporate with families to enhance the child’s development Ideals  To familiarize with family knowledge and remained informed through continued education and training  To develop relationship, partnership, and mutual trust with families Principles  Allow family members access to their children  Involve families in policy and decision-making  Inform families of program philosophy, policies, curriculum, assessment system, cultural practices, and personnel qualifications. Ethical Responsibilities to Colleagues  To establish and maintain settings and relationships that support productive work and meet professional needs Responsibilities to co-workers Ideals: Recognize, share resources, and give support to co-worker Trust, respect, and cooperate with co-workers. Principles: Recognize the contribution f colleagues at work through professional behavior and conduct (Gadzikowski, 2018).

Ethical Responsibility to Children  To provide care and education in a safe, healthy, responsive, and nurturing ECD setting. Ideals  Familiarity with ECD knowledge based and informed continuing education program  Apply current research and knowledge in program practice  Recognize and respect potentials, abilities, and unique qualities of children Principles Not harm the children, by avoid activities that are;  Economically damaging,  Disrespectful,  Degrading,  Exploitative  Intimidating, and  Dangerous 

NAEYC:Codeof Et hi calConduct andSt at ementof Commi t ment

` Responsibilities to Employers Ideals: to provide high quality service and avoid diminishing the program reputation. Principles: follow program policies, speak and act on behalf of the organization, and avoid violating laws Ethical Responsibilities to Community and Society

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to provide programs that meet the diverse needs of families through cooperation with agencies and professions to develop community programs Ideal :  To individually provide the community with high quality ECD services and programs  To collectively promote cooperation between agencies and professional through interdisciplinary collaboration. Principles  To individually communicate openly and truthful about the training  To individually apply and accept work positions we are suited for.  To collectively take responsibility of policies that are ineffective  To acknowledge collective ethical responsibility and report ineffective programs and challenge faced

“An Early Childhood Educator faces many daily decisions that have moral and ethical implications” NAEYC, 2015

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References Gadzi ko ws ki ,A.( 2018) .Admi ni s t r at i onof ear l yc hi l dhoodeduc at i on pr ogr ams .Re t r i e ved t ps : / / c ont ent . as hf or d. e du/ f r om ht...

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