NAI Signs for Radiographer PDF

Title NAI Signs for Radiographer
Course Diagnostic Radiography Methods Iib
Institution University of Newcastle (Australia)
Pages 2
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NAI necessary to identify...


NAI: Signs for the Radiographer Friday, 18 December 2020

2:15 PM

Neglect • Signs in the child - Low weight for age and/or failure to thrive and develop - Untreated physical problems e.g. sores, serious nappy rash and urine scalds, significant dental decay - Poor standards of hygiene i.e. child consistently unwashed - Poor complexion and hair texture - Child not adequately supervised for their age - Scavenging or stealing food and focus on basic survival - Extended stays at school, public places, other homes - Longs for or indiscriminately seeks adult affection - Rocking, sucking, head -banging - Poor school attendance • Signs in the perpetrator - Unable or unwilling to provide adequate food, shelter, clothing, medical attention, safe home conditions - Leaving the child without appropriate supervision - Abandons the child - Withholding physical contact or stimulation for prolonged periods - Unable or unwilling to provide psychological nurturing - Has limited understanding of the child's needs - Has unrealistic expectations of the child Physical Abuse • Signs in the child - Bruising to face, head or neck other bruising and marks which may show the shape of the object that caused it e.g. belt buckle, hand print - Lacerations and welts - Drowsiness, vomiting, fits or pooling of blood in the eyes, which may suggest head injury - Adult bite marks and scratches - Fractures of bones, especially in children under three years old - Dislocations, sprains, twisting - Burns and scalds (including cigarette burns) - Multiple injuries or bruises - Explanation of injury offered by the child is not consistent with the injury - Abdominal pain caused by ruptured internal organs, without a history of major trauma - Swallowing of poisonous substances, alcohol or other harmful drugs - General indications of female genital mutilation e.g. having a 'special operation' • Signs in the perpetrator - Frequent visits with their child or children to health or other services with unexplained or suspicious injuries, swallowing of nonfood substances or with internal complaints - Explanation of injury offered by the parent is not consistent with the injury - Family history of violence - History of their own maltreatment as a child - Fears injuring their child - Uses excessive discipline Sexual Abuse • Signs in the child - Bruising or bleeding in the genital area - Sexually transmitted disease - Bruising to breasts, buttocks, lower abdomen or thighs - Child or child's friend telling you about it, directly or indirectly - Describing sexual acts - Sexual knowledge or behaviour inappropriate for the child's age - Going to bed fully clothed - Regressive behaviour e.g. sudden return to bed-wetting or soiling - Self-destructive behaviour e.g. drug dependency, suicide attempts, self -mutilation - Child being in contact with a known or suspected paedophile - Anorexia or over-eating - Adolescent pregnancy - Unexplained accumulation of money and gifts - Persistent running away from home - Risk taking behaviours (self harm, suicide attempts) • Signs in the perpetrator - Exposing a child to prostitution or pornography or using a child for pornographic purposes - Intentional exposure of a child to sexual behaviour of others

- Previous conviction or suspicion of child sexual abuse - Coercing a child to engage in sexual behaviour with other children - Verbal threats of sexual abuse - Denial of adolescent's pregnancy by family Psychological Abuse • Signs in the child - Constant feelings of worthlessness about life and themselves - Unable to value others - Lack of trust in people - Lack of people skills necessary for daily functioning - Extreme attention-seeking behaviour - Is obsessively eager to please or obey adults - Takes extreme risks, is markedly disruptive, bullying or aggressive - Is highly self critical, depressed or anxious - Suicide threats or attempts - Persistent running away from home • Signs in the perpetrator - Constant criticism, belittling, teasing of a child, or ignoring or withholding praise and attention - Excessive or unreasonable demands - Persistent hostility and severe verbal abuse, rejection and scapegoating - Belief that a particular child is bad or 'evil' - Using inappropriate physical or social isolation as punishment - Domestic violence...

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