Naomi Shihab Nye - note PDF

Title Naomi Shihab Nye - note
Course Advanced Pharmacology for Nurse Practitioners
Institution The University of Texas at Arlington
Pages 1
File Size 19.6 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 105
Total Views 134




NaomiShi habNye “Museum”

Whydi dNy ec hoos e“ Mus eum”t obet hest or y ’ st i t l e ?

Becauses hewast al ki ngaboutar t ,ol dbui l di ng,andhowt heyc ommuni c at ed.

Whati st hes t or y ’ spoi ntofv i ew?Whydoy out hi nkNy echoos est hi spoi ntofv i ew? HowMuseum i sopent ot hepubl i cMus eum conser v esol dbui l di ngs ,ar t s ,f orex hi bi t i onsandr esear c h Whatmoment si nt hest or ydi spl ay st el l i ngas t or yt hr oughs ummar y ? Thes t or yt ol dwhent hi r t yy ear sl at erawomanappr oac hedNy eandas k edheraboutherr esi denc e,butr ef er r edt oi t asMus eum Whati st hepur pose( t heme)oft hes t or y ?Whatdoesi ts ayaboutar t ? Thepur pos eoft hest or yi sbr eak outdi ffer encei ncommuni cat i onbet weenamongpeopl e.Tobr i ngout c ommuni cat i ongapbet weenpeopl ear tbr i ngsout ,meani ngandi deasofpai nt i nganddr awi ng.

Howdoest hi st hemer el at et ot het hemei n“ Fi s hCheek s ?” Bot ht al kaboutcommuni c at i ongapbet weendi ffer entpeopl e....

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