Neck and Cervical Viscera PDF

Title Neck and Cervical Viscera
Author Dylan Buglewicz
Course  Human Gross Anatomy
Institution Colorado State University
Pages 2
File Size 210.8 KB
File Type PDF
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Nec Neck k & Cer Cervical vical Viscer Viscera a I. Ove Overr view  Neck = Transition Zone (B/w Head, Upper Limb & Trunk)  Cer Cervical vical Viscera:

1. Endocrine System (Traveling in Blood)  Thyroid Gland  Produces T3, T4 & Calcitonin

 Parathyroid Gland  Produces Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) to  [Ca2+] in Blood

2. Respiration  Nasal  Pharynx  Larynx  Trachea

3. GI System  Oral Cavity Pharynx  Esophagus

4. Nerves  Accessory CN IX; Vagus CN X & Hypoglossal CN XII  Phrenic Nerve (C 3,4 & 5)  Brachial Plexus (Upper Limb)  Sympathetic Trunk  Cervical Plexus ( C 1,2 & 3)

5. Vessels  Common Carotid Arteries  Subclavian Arteries  Internal Jugular Vein  Subclavian Vein Neurovascular Bundle = “Carotid Sheath”  Common Carotid Artery  Internal Jugular Vein  Vagus CN X

6. Immune System  Thymus Gland & Lymph Nodes

7. Muscles of Neck  Infrahyoids  Suprahyoids

II. Triangles of Neck A) General Remarks  Δ Posterior Triangle:  Borders: Sternocleidomastoid Muscle, Trapezius Muscle & Clavicle Bone  Sternocleidomastoid Muscle  INN by Accessory CN XI  Trapezius Muscle  INN by Accessory CN XI

 Δ Anterior Triangle:  Borders: Sternocleidomastoid Muscle, Sternum Bone, & Midline (b/c = 2 Anterior Triangles)

B) Posterio Posteriorr T Triangle riangle  Phrenic Nerve = Anterior to Scalene Muscles  Scalene Musc les: Muscles:

INN = Cervical Spinal Nerves  Transverse Processes of Cervical Vertebrae  Ribs  Anterior Scalene Musc le Muscle

 Roots of Brachial Plexus & Subclavian Artery = In-between Anterior & Middle Scalene Muscles  Middle Scalene Muscle Posterior Muscle  Poster ior Scalene Musc le

 Subclavian Vein is in Posterior Triangle C) Anterior T Triangle riangle

 Thyroid Gland  Vagus CN X  Sympathetic Trunk  Carotid Arteries  Internal/ External Jugular Veins  Suprahyoids/ Infrahyoids Muscles  Hyoid Bone

Muscles III. Hyoid Musc les A) General Remarks Action of All Hyoid Musc Muscles: les: Mov Moving ing Cer Cervical vical V Viscera iscera  Aid in Swallo Swallowing, wing, Speec Speech h & Chewing

B) Hyoid Bone “u”  No Articulations w/ Other Bones  Superior = Tongue  Inferior = Suspend Larynx  Muscle Attachments Muscles C) Infrahyoid Musc les  Sternum/Larynx  Hyoid Bone Action = Depression of Hyoid bone INN = V entral Rami C1-C3 Spinal Ner ves (Cervica Ventral Nerves (Cervicall Plexus)

1. Ster nohyoid Musc le (2x) Sternohyoid Muscle

 Sternum  Hyoid bone 2. Ster nothyroid Muscle (2x) (Deep to Sternohyoid Muscle) Sternothyroid

 Sternum  Thyroid Cartilage 3. Thyr ohyoid Musc Thyrohyoid Muscll e (2x) (Deep to Sternohyoid Muscle)

 Thyroid Cartilage  Hyoid Bone 4. Omohy oid Muscle (“Omo” = Shoulder) Omohyoid

 Superior Border of Scapula  Hyoid Bone  4a. Superior Belly of Omohyoid Muscle o 4b. Posterior Belly of Omohyoid Muscle D) Suprahyoid Musc Muscles les (Pg 73)  Mandible/Skull  Hyoid Bone Action = Elevation of Hyoid bone 5. Geniohyo Geniohyoid id Muscles (2x (2x))

 Genial Tubercles  Genu (Bend) of Mandible INN = C1-C2 of Anterior Ventral Rami of Spinal Nerves Action = Draws Hyoid Bone Anteriorly & Depress (open) Jaw 6. Mylohoid Musc Muscle le (1x)  “Sling Muscle”

 Hyoid Bone  Mandible INN = Mandibular Nerve V3 Action = Elevate (raise) Tongue Fxn = Push Food to BACK of Mouth 7. Digastrics Musc Muscle le (2x)

 Mastoid Notch (medial mastoid process)  Mandible near Symphysis  Anterior Belly of Digastrics Musc Muscle le

INN: Anterior Mandibular Nerve V3 Action = Depress Jaw  Poster Posterior ior Belly of Digastrics Musc Muscle le

INN: Posterior Facial CN VII Action = Elevating Hyoid Bone 8. Stylohyloid Musc Muscle le (2x)

 Styloid Process of Skull  Hyoid Bone INN: Facial CN VII Action = Elevate Hyoid Bone Stylohyloid Muscles Splits Digastrics Muscle & Hypoglossal Nerve Runs w/ Stylohyloid Muscle...

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