Needs analysis - This report is a part of a final assignment PDF

Title Needs analysis - This report is a part of a final assignment
Course Training and Development
Institution Algonquin College
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This report is a part of a final assignment...


Needs analysis In an organization, the need to care about the quality of the workforce is dictated by market conditions and competition. The quality of products and services rendered depends on the level of qualification of workers, their competence. The quality level is formalized in the form of a vocational qualification structure, reflecting the ratios of the characteristics of different groups of workers in an organization. The qualification of an employee is determined by his general and specialized professional education, knowledge, skills, professional skills and production experience, sufficient to perform certain organizational and technical work conditions. Ensuring the production of compliance with the qualification tariff category and the category of work allow you to formalize this important part of the labor relationship, giving certain guarantees that the employee’s rights to work are respected according to his qualifications. Along with this, an equally important component of the qualitative characteristics of the labor force are the personal qualities of the worker: physical and mental data, inclinations, creativity, motivational ability, ability to adapt to work, etc. When determining the need for training of workers, it is also necessary to keep in mind the organizational and technological requirements of workplaces and the corresponding job descriptions, standards, etc.[ CITATION Nee18 \l 1033 ]. The dynamic, innovative development of modern production, especially in high-tech sectors of the economy, necessitates continuous staff self-education, advanced training, the ability to act in crisis situations, etc.[ CITATION Nee18 \l 1033 ] Personnel training is a systematic educational and methodical process, carried out with the aim of improving the skills or retraining of personnel directly in the organization or under an agreement with the training organization.[ CITATION Nee18 \l 1033 ]

Most organizations spend significant resources on training and consider it as the most important condition for achieving corporate goals. In the future, these costs will only increase[ CITATION Nee18 \l 1033 ]. Analysis of training needs includes: -

study of the organization's strategy, external influences, competitiveness, requirements dictated by the market, etc.;


assessment of new tasks and the state of existing jobs in the organization, the use of know-how, the level of labor productivity, conditions for solving new tasks, etc.;


study of professional qualification and personal qualities of employees, level of creativity, cross-cultural management, motivation, etc.

One Job Selected In our report a sales manager position from Siemens Mobility has been selected. The job of a sales manager due to the job description requires following duties and responsibilities: -

To be engaged in finding potential customers.


To conduct commercial negotiations with customers.


To accept and process customer orders, prepares the necessary documents.


To find out the needs of customers in the products sold by the company, and coordinates orders with the customer in accordance with its needs and the availability of the range.


To motivate clients to work with the company in accordance with approved sales promotion programs.


To keep records of sales and shipments to customers.


To participate in the development and implementation of projects related to the activities of the sales department.


To lead customer base. (For more detailed information, please, review Appendix )

Task analysis Task analysis is carried out at the level of a certain activity. By analyzing the task, the training content is established. Similar to the analysis of labor used for staff selection, task analysis includes determining work outcomes and labor standards, tasks to be performed by an individual to achieve these results, and finally knowledge, skills, behaviors and attitudes required for successful problem solving. It begins with job requirements and compares employee knowledge and skills to determine training needs. Examining job descriptions and specifications provides necessary information on expected performance and the skills employees need to accomplish their work[ CITATION Jud02 \l 1033 ]. Any gaps between performance and job requirements indicate a need for task training[ CITATION Jud02 \l 1033 ]. A good task analysis identifies: 

Tasks that have to be performed[ CITATION Jud02 \l 1033 ]

Conditions under which tasks are to be performed[ CITATION Jud02 \l 1033 ]

How often and when tasks are performed[ CITATION Jud02 \l 1033 ]

Quantity and quality of performance required[ CITATION Jud02 \l 1033 ]

Skills and knowledge required to perform tasks[ CITATION Jud02 \l 1033 ]

Where and how these skills are best acquired[ CITATION Jud02 \l 1033 ]

For task analysis questionnaries and interview were selected as the most appropriate methods for the research. Interview An interview is one of the most effective ways to identify the needs of task analysis. As, this method is time consuming, it is almost impossible to use it to identify the needs of the entire staff of the organization (provided it is large), it is recommended to interview key employees in order to identify the most vivid needs of departments, and groups. To avoid collection of misinformation, a set of well-designed questions were produced for this purpose. Interviewiing will also help to capture emotions and behaviours of incumbents about a work they do as well as to discourse subjects that are difficult and sensitive to converse in a group. It will also help to interpret and understand the findings which will emerge from the analysis of the questionnaires. Through interviews, the researcher has the ability to give more detailed explanations with regards to the subject under investigation [CITATION ABr07 \l 1033 ]. In this case, a semistructured interview was used as a technique (Appendix 5). Questionnaries: This method is advisable to apply for the rapid identification of training needs of large groups of specialists in professional subjects as Siemens is. Bryman and Bell (2007) point some vital points the scholar should consider when setting questions: -

Questions should be clear and unambiguous, providing an adequate frame of reference[ CITATION ABr07 \l 1033 ].


They should use simple language wherever possible and avoid jargon[ CITATION ABr07 \l 1033 ].


Generally, questions should be kept short, but they do need to be able to prompt responses, particularly in relation to behaviour[ CITATION ABr07 \l 1033 ].


Double-barreled questions, in which the respondent is asked about two things in one question, should be avoided[ CITATION ABr07 \l 1033 ].


Questions should not contain negatives, as they are subject to misinterpretation[ CITATION ABr07 \l 1033 ].


Leading and presumptive questions should also be avoided[ CITATION ABr07 \l 1033 ].

Thus, the results of the survey are to be be the basis for determining what should be trained. The content of the questionnaire formulates the basic elements of a possible gap between the necessary and actually existing knowledge. This will help Siemens to understand a lot of problems conneced with performance of sales managers in a very effecient way. As a quantitative method, the total score will be provided and thus will the most obvious gaps will be identified eventually.

References Brown, J. (2002). Training Needs Assessment: A Must for Developing an Effective Training Program. Public Personnel Management., 569. Bryman, Bell. (2007). Business Research Methods. New York: Oxford University Press. Needs Analysis: How to determine training needs. (2018). Retrieved from HR-guide:

Sales Manager, Central Region (Ontario), Mobility (2019) LikedIn utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic

Job description

(LinkedIn, 2019)...

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