Network 1sm PDF

Title Network 1sm
Author priti yadav
Course Networking Principles
Institution Leeds Beckett University
Pages 28
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Task 1 P1: Discuss the benefits and constraints of different network types and standards.

Introduction: It is all about the explanation of the various types and standards of the network as well as their advantages and limitations in this task. A network is a collection of connected computers, servers, mainframes, network devices, peripherals, or other devices to allow data sharing. On the network there are different types of systems: peer-to-peer, client-server, cloud, cluster, centralized, virtualization, etc., and OSI model, TCP/IP model, standards such as IEEE, 802.x are different types of network standards.[CITATION Com \l 1033 ] Peer Based: A peer-to-peer network is the assembly of computers, each of which acts as nodes for file sharing in a group. In this, each computer acts as a server for storing files in it. He does not have a central computer or a dedicated server. Benefits of the peer based network: There is no need to buy an expensive server. A network manager is not required, since each user controls their own computers. No technical knowledge is required. In the client-server there is less chance of network traffic. Constraints of peer based network: Each computer must run more than one role, so you can print or share files that increase the load. The organization of data storage does not exist, since the data can be stored on any computer connected to the same network. Each computer needs its own backup. Client server: Each computer must have more than one role, so you can print or share files that increase the load. The organization of data storage does not exist, since the data can be stored on any computer connected to the same network. Each computer needs its own backup.

Benefits of the client server: Data and other resources can be updated. New clients or server can be added at any time. He can easily service. Constraints of the client server: A huge number of clients send requests to the same server at the same time, which can cause problems. It does not have the reliability of the network. The client may not have the resources that existed on the server Cloud: A cloud is an unpredictable part of a network through which one or more network resources are searched or implemented. This requires the exchange of some or all of the network operations to the cloud computing network. (, 2019) Benefits of the cloud networking: The most significant advantage is reducing IT costs. It is much more reliable and consistent on the service management platform. It provides maintenance capabilities through centralized administration of resources Constraints of the cloud networking: There are many times when this system can have some sincere malfunction at a time when data can be picked up anywhere at any time. It can transfer confidential company information to a third party (a cloud service provider). Cluster: A server group that behaves as one system and has a high enable ability that is connected through a LAN is called a cluster. This is the logical unit for storing files and data on the hard disk, which is organized by the operating system of the computer (operating system). Benefits of the cluster networking: This reduced the single point of failure due to the functionality of switching the virtual Exchange server. With limited downtime, it has a high ability to perform maintenance and upgrades.

Constraints of the cluster networking: It shares storage errors. It also does not serve network services. It shows the error in working order. Otherwise, an unnecessary geographically distributed solution for clustering was implemented as a result of disaster sites. Centralization: This is the type of computational architecture on the central server on which all or most of the calculations are performed, which is the acting agent for all communications.

Benefits of the centralization: This helps reduce costs, because more equipment and machines are not supported. Improved data security. It consists of processing in centralized processing systems. Constraints of the centralization: The data are independent of each other for other information systems. Huge data storage is necessary in the central information system, which will help to reduce local accountability. Transactions are very expensive to transfer. Virtualization: It describes the formation of a virtual resource, such as a computer / desktop, operating system (OS), server, network or file. This is a storage device or network resources. Its main goal is to make it more scalable by managing workloads by converting traditional computing. Benefits of the virtualization: This makes the reformation very fast and accurate, with limited frames and equipment share - all this is virtually. He performed more efficient IT operations. Constraints of the virtualization: Since it does not require the installation of hardware components, it is a cheaper system for implementation. This reduces the load. This allows you to quickly deploy resources. It offers the best uptime. OSI model: This is a related model for how the application connects over the network through systems that are open to connect and communicate with other systems. This is the conceptual basis for

understanding relationships, therefore it is divided into seven components or layers, each of which has different types of services that should be provided to the layers above and below. Layers and components: 

Physical layer

Data link layer

Network layer

Transport layer

Session layer

Presentation layer

Application layer

Benefits of the OSI model: It is considered a standard model in computer networks. It provides a wide range selection. It does not lie on a particular computer system that must be executed. For security reasons, the data is encrypted. In this OSI model, just add a few network models. Constraints of the OSI model: Data integrity is not required in many applications that are supported by the OSI model. OSI needs to be understood between the three parties that are users and the service provider, for a quicker setup. It is difficult to understand, because it is a complex model. TCP/IP model: This means the transmission control protocol / internet protocol. This is the language in which Computer \ PC users come to the Internet, which can be worn as a communication protocol on a private network. It works under four layers. They are: 

Application layer

Transport layer

Internet layer

Network Access layer

Benefits of the TCP/IP: This means the transmission control protocol / internet protocol. This is the language in which Computer \ PC users come to the Internet, which can be worn as a communication protocol on a private network. It works under four layers. Constraints of the TCP/IP: It is difficult to organize and maintain. IPX is much faster than the TCP / IP model. Small TCP / IP is higher than IPX. Conclusions: Consequently, I have discussed different types of systems such as peer - to - peer, client - server, cloud, cluster, etc., as well as network standards such as OSI model, TCP / IP model, etc., and their benefits and constraints.

T2/P2 Explain the impact of network topology, Communication and bandwidth requirements.

Introduction: The impact of network topology, Communication and bandwidth requirements have been described here.

A network topology is a schematic definition in which the network location along the connection lines, including and attached to different nodes (the sender and the receiver). Network topology is the interconnected example of system components (Revolvy, 2019). The volume of data that can be transferred across a network at a given time is called its bandwidth. An expensive, high bandwidth network is able to transfer data much quicker than a low bandwidth one. The bandwidth is effected by the types of network cards and modems used as well as the amount and type of cable used.

A Network topology might be physical, mapping equipment setup, or coherent, mapping the way that the information must take so as to go around the system. Physical topology refers to the physical design of the network, while logical topology refers to how data is handled within the network regardless of its physical topology.

There are six topologies of the Physical Topology : bus topology, star topology, ring topology, topology of the grid, topology of the tree, and topology of the hybrid. In the context of a computer network these are different topologies. There are many distinguished topologies yet they are not exacting, which implies that any of them can be joined. Be that as it may, every topology has an alternate standard and may utilize distinctive equipment techniques so they are not exchangeable.

BUS Topology: A bus topology is a topology for a Local Area Network (LAN) in which every one of the hubs are associated with a solitary link. The link to which the hubs interface is known as a "spine". On the off chance that the spine is broken, the whole section falls flat. Bus topologies are generally simple to introduce and don't require much cabling contrasted with the options. In this topology organize messages are sent to every terminal on the system - so on the off chance that one of the terminals breaks, at that point the others are not influenced. In the event that you need to communicate something specific from PC A to PC B then every one of the PCs will get the message, anyway in light of the fact that you have included PC B's location, just PC B will lift it up and show it. Like the ring topology there is no extraordinary PC on this system. It is famous in light of the fact that it is a straightforward just as a generally shabby and dependable topology.

Fig: Bus Topology The advantages and disadvantages of bus topology is described here. Advantages


It is cheap and easy to implement.

when computers are added or removed networks

Less cable is required.

get disrupted. A break in the cable will prevent all systems from

It does not use any specialized network

accessing the network. It is difficult to troubleshoot.


RING Topology Every PC is associated with another PC that shapes a ring structure, with the last PC associated with the principal PC. For every gadget there are actually two neighbors. In view of the Token

Ring Mechanics, every PC is associated with a ring structure that exchanges what originates from the past PC in the line. While interfacing PCs on one hover of the link, the stream of messages in a single bearing. In the ring topology, information streams go clockwise and structure











Fig: Ring Topology Advantages


In this topology, each node has the opportunity to transmit data. Thus, it is a very organized network topology.

The failure of a single node in the network can cause the entire network to fail.

The configuration makes it easy to identify faults in network nodes.

The movement or changes made to network nodes affect the entire network's performance.

There is heavy dependency on the The adding or removing of network nodes is easy, as the process requires wire connecting the network nodes in the changing only two connections. ring.

Star Topology: A star topology is a topology for a Local Area Network (LAN) in which all hubs are separately associated with a focal association point, similar to a center point or a switch. A star takes more link than for example a transport, yet the advantage is that if a link flops, just a single hub will be cut down. All traffic exudes from the center of the star. (Anon, 2019) .The focal site is responsible for every one of the hubs appended to it. The focal center point is typically a quick, independent PC and is in charge of directing all traffic to different hubs. The principle focal points of a star organize is that one breaking down hub does not influence the remainder of the system. Anyway, this sort of system can be inclined to bottleneck and disappointment issues at the focal site. A star arrange is regularly joined with a transport topology. The focal center is then associated with






Fig: Star Topology










It can be easily expanded without disruption. Cable failure affects only a single user

It requires more cable to the network. A central connecting device allows for a single

Easy to troubleshoot and isolate problems

point of failure More difficult to implement

Mesh Topology: This is the point-to-direct relationship toward different hubs or gadgets on the system. The whole system is associated with one another through hubs. Work has (n-1)/2 physical channels for n gadgets. In the network topology, there are two different ways to exchange information, for example directing and flooding. In this topology, the systems are associated legitimately to one another segment, to send messages, checking the link, they are truly associated with two gadgets. Every one of them has an individual and separate association in this topology to communicate something specific.

Fig: Mesh Topology



Provides redundant paths between devices

Requires more cable than the other LAN

The network can be expanded without disruption

topologies Complicated implementation

to current uses

Tree Topology: A topology that has a root hub and every other hub that are associated with it, assembles a chain of importance, is known as the topology of the tree. It is otherwise called a various leveled topology. It contains three dimensions of the pecking order. This is an association of topologies, for example, a straight transport and a star, incorporating frameworks with a topology of stars associated with the principle line transport link. This topology is otherwise called the allencompassing star topology. Fig: Tree Topology

However it has its advantages and disadvantages as weel which is described below. Advantages Fault identification is easy.

Disadvantages Owing to its size and complexity, maintenance is not easy and costs are high. Also, configuration is difficult in comparison to that in other topologies.

The tree topology is useful in cases where a star or bus cannot be implemented individually.

Though it is scalable, the number of nodes that can be added depends on the capacity of the central bus and on the cable


Hybrid Topology: "The combination of two or more different topologies makes a hybrid topology. When different topologies are related to each other, they do not reflect the characteristics of any particular topology. “For example, if one department of the ring topology is worn out, and in another category the stellar topology is worn in the office, a combination of these two departments will lead to a hybrid topology (ring topology and stellar topology). This is a scheme that combines a set of topologies into a large topology.

Fig: Hybrid Topology Advantages Disadvantages Hybrid Network can be planned by the One of the greatest disadvantage of half and prerequisites of the association and by

half topology is its structure. It is difficult to

upgrading the accessible assets. Unique

plan this kind of engineering and its an

consideration can be given to hubs where

intense activity for fashioners. Setup and

traffic is high just as where odds of blame are

establishment process should be extremely

high. Its simple to expand the measure of system by

proficient The center points used to associate two


unmistakable systems, are over the top


existing design.




expensive. These centers are not the same as regular centers as they should be savvy

enough to work with various designs and ought to be work regardless of whether a piece of system is down.

Conclusion: With all these specifications and verifications, I have explained all the topologies with its advantages, disadvantages including the data rate and their connection.

T4/P3 Discuss the operating principles of networking devices and server types.

Introduction: In the above task, I have to explain the different operating principles used by network devices and server types. The network requires certain equipment. Networking devices: A computer network is a collection of collective network devices that are well organized to share data. Network devices are devices necessary for network management, network binding, packet routing. Communicate with others, share files on the network and much more. The various network devices and server types are described below: Server: This is a computer program that serves the program for another computer program and its user. It provides data systems on a local area network (LAN) or a wide area network (WAN) filled with the Internet. For example: a web server, a mail server, a file server, etc. A simple server property is to visit the port for incoming network requests and a good presentation. Different types of servers contain their own functions.

Hub: This is the common point of connection of computer devices on a network that transmits communication data. It operates in a one-way communication mode and, therefore, has a chance of collision of data. The hub receives data in the form of an electrical signal in one part, makes different copies and transfers to all other connected computers. When it receives confirmation packets, it copies the data, which by its nature, and broadcasts the same data to every other node on the network. Therefore, the principle of operation is inherently unsafe. Router: A router is a tiny electronic device that connects collective computer networks to each other through wired or wireless connections that examine the contents of data packets being transmitted on the network or in other networks. It works by downloading the configuration file, and then configures the network interface. It adds network addresses for each to its routing table. It has a simple static lack of route to transfer all non-local data to the destination by checking the required IP address. If he received the correct information, he passes the packets to the correct route. Switch: A device that routes incoming data packets from different ports and forwards them to the desired location on a local area network (LAN) is called a switch. A switch in the local Ethernet network addressed from the physical device determines in each frame of the incoming message an output port for forwarding it to and from. The switches are smarter, but they are similar to concentrators. A hub is a simple connector that connects all nodes in the network, while the switch develops an electronic tunnel between the source and the desired port location for communication without collision.

Multi-Layer Switch: A network device that can implement the functions of a switch, as well as a router with outstanding speed that can perform at higher levels of...

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