NFDN Teaching Plan Assignment 2 PDF

Title NFDN Teaching Plan Assignment 2
Author Tiffany Martells
Course Nursing Foundations II: Basic Nursing
Institution NorQuest College
Pages 9
File Size 115.2 KB
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NFDN 1002 Teaching Plan Assignment making a care plan...



Health Promotion with Educational Patient Teaching Tiffany Martells NorQuest College NFDN 1002 A01 Assignment #2: Teaching Plan June 11, 2021

2 Introduction The client, Mrs. Rosenshine, 64 years old, lives independently in a condo with her best friend and her dog who barks a lot. She has a history of diabetes, managed with Metformin 500mg twice daily, her diet has been up and had recent hgbA1C result of 10 last week, now has been prescribed long-lasting basal insulin pen. Mrs. Rosenshine is a 3 cigarette a day smoker and also has Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) for the last 10 years, she is on oxygen and uses Ventolin inhaler PRN. Mrs. Rosenshine also requires glasses to read but doesn’t have the finances to get the correct prescription. With an individual plan, helpful instructions, and health education regarding her diabetes, COPD, and visual impairments, Mrs. Rosenshine will be able to achieve an improved quality of life and health. Assessment Data and Learning Needs Learning Need 1: The client has been prescribed new insulin which is the basal long-acting. It is important to teach her about how the medication works, the importance of maintaining her blood glucose levels, and the importance of recording her blood glucose levels more often, ensuring that she knows the ins and outs of how to use the insulin pen and how essential this learning need is to manage her health. Learning Need 2: The client could use some educational information about cigarette and tobacco use. This education could help the client cut down on her smoking, or make her interested in healthier alternatives. With the client living with COPD and being on oxygen if she could make these healthy lifestyle changes, she could help reduce the damage to her body and health and start to improve her health and wellness.

3 Priority Learning Need and Diagnosis Nursing Diagnosis: Deficient knowledge related to poor health conditions as evidenced by the continuation of smoking cigarettes while having COPD and requiring additional medications to assist with clients’ diabetes. Goal: Provide Mrs. Rosenshine with clear, understandable instructions, reasonings, and demonstrations to assist the client with knowledge about the importance of medication use and alternative smoking habits to improve overall health. Expected Outcome (SMART Criteria): The client will be able to demonstrate and understand how to use the basal insulin pen, she will be able to record and recognize blood glucose readings. Within the next two weeks, A1C will be lowered from 10 to 6-7, blood glucose readings will be maintained within normal ranges for the client and the client will have started an alternative “smoking” habit such as a nicotine patch or gum within two weeks. Domains of Learning: Mrs. Rosenshine has some visual impairments especially since she hasn’t been able to renew her glass prescription, we would be focusing on her psychomotor and cognitive learning domains. These would be most practical because making sure that the client can practice and demonstrate using her new medication with a nurse would show cognitive learning domain (Potter & Perry, 2019).

4 Client Barriers: Having a visual impairment from not having an updated glasses prescription as well as an auditory distraction from her best friend and dog who barks a lot could have the client have difficulty focusing on the teaching. By ensuring that you talk to the client in simple laymen’s terms that engage the client it will allow the client to have more interest in learning to understand the teaching and be able to repeat the teaching back to you, this will help them achieve their goals. Teaching Plan Educational Content: Important concepts to be covered for Mrs. Rosenshine would be to review the importance of the basal insulin, how to use it, monitoring her blood glucose and how this all affects her diabetes. Also providing knowledge about the benefits of cutting down or the discontinuation of smoking cigarettes to help increase her quality of life as well as her COPD. Nurses have a responsibility to teach their patients and ensure that they have an understanding of the teaching to manage their health (Potter & Perry, 2019).

5 Teaching Methods: It is important that the client is “most attentive, receptive, and alert” (Potter & Perry, 2019, p. 333) to be focused and free of distractions when discussing educational information to have the client’s full attention. When interacting with the client having discussions and questions and answers can be a helpful method of teaching. Since Mrs. Rosenshine has visual impairments you can make sure when you teach her, you’re in a well-lit room, have a calendar with dates and times of important checks, have a larger print in black and white, have the medication instructions, and a reminder to check blood glucose. When demonstrating how to use the insulin, show a clear demonstration, go slow, talk to the client while doing it, ask them questions or you could even play a game to draw the client’s interest and hopefully the client will feel motivated to learn more. Always ask the client to demonstrate and verbally tell you back the teaching, so you know they have a good understanding. Using these methods will increase the possibility for the client to make improvements in her health. Teaching Resources: Visual impairment is serious and sometimes leaves the client uneasy about losing their vision (Abdullah et al., 2021) but by providing Mrs. Rosenshine with quality lighting, big print or magnifiers, posters, or audiovisual material containing important information about her diabetes, COPD, and healthier lifestyle choices that could possibly motivate the client to learn and change certain habits. As nurses, it is our responsibility to ensure the client has all the resources they need to help educate the client (Potter & Perry, 2019). With helpful resources, this can increase the client’s motivation and confidence to understand her diabetes, COPD, and visual impairments.

6 Evaluation of Learning Evaluation of Mrs. Rosenshine’s would be on a scale from 0-10 every 2 days to watch her progress over the next two weeks. For her cognitive and psychomotor domain with her diabetic health, she will be able to give herself the insulin, observe a decrease or maintenance in her blood glucose and she would be able to record this daily, she’ll have a complete understanding to demonstrate and be able to recite all of the information she learned. Also, we would evaluate her COPD and oxygen levels by checking shortness of breath, oxygen saturations, coughing, or how often she needs to use her inhaler. For her smoking habits, she could go to meetings or wear a nicotine patch or chew gum to help improve her COPD. Furthermore, by setting up a calendar she’ll be able to do daily check-ins for her blood glucose, counting how many times she smoked or didn’t smoke and when she’s supposed to take her medication, using this system will hopefully increase her affective learning by receiving the help and creating a positive attitude (Potter & Perry, 2019, p. 327) to motivate her daily and increase her quality of life. Analysis of the Teaching Process Why Teaching is Important: Teaching the client is important to ensure that the client knows all the information about their health and ways to improve their health. Providing teachings ensures that they learn all the new knowledge and have control over what they need to help with their health and wellness. As a nurse, we can teach the client all the information, but it is our duty to ensure that the client understands the information by evaluating them to see if they grasped the concept and they’ll either be competent, or they’ll give them more education. (Potter & Perry, 2019).

7 Strengths and Challenges: The client will always have their strengths and challenges when it comes to their health. Even though as the nurse we have the strength to educate our clients with the information they need to succeed, “active participation is key to learning.” (Potter & Perry, 2019, p. 333) by providing clear instructions and examples this will help the client achieve their learning goal. Sometimes the client might struggle with learning the new information, they might not be motivated to change, want to participate, or even care about what you’re teaching them, but it is their choice to decide if they are going to use the information given to them to help improve their life for the better. Benefits: Having a teaching plan and goal is very beneficial for the client, when you have a plan in place it helps you to stay on track and be organized to ensure you give the client the right information, using affective learning strategies can help increase the benefits for the client to get more involved in learning about their health (Habibzadeh et al., 2021). With a teaching plan, you can create activities and use resources to enhance the client’s learning process. Overall, when the client feels that they have someone on their side through their journey, they’ll feel more positive and confident to keep going to ensure they meet their health goals. Conclusion Overall, for Mrs. Rosenshine to achieve success in her health and wellness and to have an understanding of her conditions and the importance of taking care of herself can improve her quality of life. She will be able to use her knowledge from what she was taught to apply it to her everyday lifestyle. There are a few obstacles due to her visual impairments and maybe not so willing attitude at first, but it is very important that we ensure Mrs. Rosenshine that she is capable and can do anything she puts her mind too and with these tools and new education she’ll be able to restore and increase her quality of health. When educating the client, it is also

8 important to encourage, reassure and communicate with them so they know that you are there to help and assist them and that they are not alone through their health journey. As long as the nurse is doing the best of their ability to be there for the client and to ensure that they have everything they need to be successful the client will feel motivated and be able to succeed.

9 References Abdullah, W. H., Shehata, O. M. H., Azeem, A., & Ellakwa, A. (2021). Educational Nursing Intervention: Its Effect on the Nurses’ Performance, Patients’ Daily Living Activities, Needs and Selected Visual Problems of Cataract Surgery. Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 12, p. 280–280. Habibzadeh, H., Jasemi, M. & Hosseinzadegan, F. (2021) Social justice in health system; a neglected component of academic nursing education: a qualitative study. BMC Nursing 20, 16 (2021). Potter, P. A., Stockert, P. A., Griffin Perry, A., & Hall, A. M. (2019). In B. J. Astle & W. D. Duggleby (Eds.), Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing (6th ed.). Elsevier Canada....

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