Nike Perfect Game Focus Groups baseballamerica 8 PDF

Title Nike Perfect Game Focus Groups baseballamerica 8
Author David Bastien
Course Seminar In Marketing Research
Institution Brooklyn College
Pages 2
File Size 102.5 KB
File Type PDF
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Download Nike Perfect Game Focus Groups baseballamerica 8 PDF


Ni ke’ sPer f ectGameFocusGr oupsHel pDefine Fut ur eofBasebal lGear Baseball America, August 11, 2017 By Tim Newcomb

SANDI EGO — Fort he50pl usPer f ectGameAl l Amer i canCl assi cat hl et es,si t t i ngi na r oom wi t hNi k ebas ebal lgeart hatt hepubl i chasn' tevenseeny etpr ovi desanel ement ofi nt r i gue.ForNi k epr oductmanager s ,i tr epr esent soppor t uni t y . " I ti si nv al uabl ef orust oheart heki ds' di r ectf eedbackonpr oductt haty ouar ehopi ng t heywi l lbuy , "say sKevi nFr anks ,Ni k e' spr oductl i nemanagerf orbasebal l acces sor i es . " Toheart hem t el l y out hi si sgoi ngt owor kandt hi si snotgoi ngt owor k ,i thel psusbui l d abet t erpr oduc t . " Spl i ti nt osmal l ergr oupsofabouthal fadoz en,t heat hl et esr ot at edt hr oughami xofNi k e f ocusgr oupsont hei rfir stev eni ngoft hePer f ectGameev enti nSanDi ego,t aki ngt ur ns di scussi ngequi pment ,appar el andf oot wear . Ast heat hl et eswal k edi nt ot heequi pmentr oom,Fr anksencour agedt hem t opi ckup oneofaboutsi xbr andnewbat t i nggl ov es.Theat hl et est r i edt hem on,s wi t ched bet weent hepai r s ,pr ovi dedf eedbackongl ov est hathav en' ty etbeenr el eas edand,i n s omecases ,noty etev enfinal i z ed. Fr anksusedhi st i met ogeti ni t i al r eact i onsonfit ,mat er i al s,dur abi l i t yandwhatt he at hl et esf el twasmosti mpor t anti nequi pment .Di sc us si onsst r ay edi nt omi t t s ,pr ot ect i v e gearandev ens t i r r upst heat hl et eswer ej az z edf ort hef r eebi est i r r upt heyr ecei v edwi t haf r eef or m bac kandf or t hdi scuss i ngt hepr osandconsoft hebr andst hepl ay er s wear .

Kr i sLeeper ,appar elpr oductmanager ,say st hatwor ki ngwi t hhi ghs chool at hl et esof t en al l owshi mt ogetper spect i v ef r om ki dswhouseav ar i et yofbr andsandpr oduct s,af ar di ffer entr eal i t yt hanmostoft hepr of essi onalpl ay er s." I ti sf unt ot al kt ot hes eguys becauset heydohav edi ffer entexper i ences, "hesay s." Iusedt ohav et or eal l ymak ea poi ntf ort hem t obehonestwi t hme,butt heys eem t ober eal l yhonestandt hathel psa l ot . " I nt heappar el r oom,Leeperexpl ai nedt hedi ffer entf abr i csi nusef orNi k e' sper f or mance basebal l gearandshowedoffsomeofwhatwasst i l lt ocomei n2018." Asapr oduct manager ,meet i ngwi t hat hl et esi st hemosti mpor t antt hi ngwedo, "Leepers ay s. Hesay st hatNi k eai mst odes i gnpr oductbasedont heneedsofat hl et esandhavi ng at hl et eopi ni ont of al l backonst eer spr oducti nt her i ghtdi r ect i on. Al ongwi t hequi pmentandappar el ,t hePer f ectGameat hl et esal somadeast opi nt he f oot wearr oom.Theyr ec ei vedaf ul l i mmer si oni nt heOct ober2017r el easeoft henew Huar achecl eatanddi scuss edev er yt hi ngf r om wear i ngt ur fshoest opr act i cet ot he mosti mpor t antaspectofacl eat whet herc omf or t ,aest het i cs,wei ghtordur abi l i t y and f r om col or st ocol l arhei ght s. Al l al ongt hewayNi k et ooki nt hef eedbackast heat hl et esgotafir stl ookatent i r el ynew l i nesf or2018,hi ghl i ght edbynewVaporandMi k eTr outc l eat s. Whi l et hepl ay er sf awnedov erf ut ur egear ,t heypr ovi dedf eedbackNi k eneedst ocr eat e t henextwaveofbasebal lgear . Ti m Newc ombcov er sgearandbusi nessf orBas ebal lAmer i ca.Fol l owhi m onTwi t t erat @t dnewc omb....

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