Notes about \'Muscle, Origins and Insertions\'.pdf PDF

Title Notes about \'Muscle, Origins and Insertions\'.pdf
Course Anatomy
Institution Queensland University of Technology
Pages 6
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Notes about 'Muscle, Origins and Insertions'...






Abductor digiti minimi

proximal phalanx of 5th

abducts MP of 5th finger

proximal phalanx

abducts thumb

Abductor pollicus longus

pisiform and tendon of FCU scaphoid, trapezium, flexor retinaculum posterior radius, interosseous, middle ulna

abducts thumb

Adductor brevis Adductor longus

pubis pubis

Adductor Magnus

ischium and pubis

Anconeus Biceps brachii

lateral epicondyle of humerus long head - supraglenoid tubercle; short head - coracoid process

base of first metacarpal pectineal line and proximal linear aspera middle third of the linea aspera entire linea aspera and adductor tubercle lateral and inferior to olecrannon process of ulna radial tuberosity of radius

elbow flexion, forearm supination

Biceps femoris

long head - ischial tuberosity, short head - lateral hip of linea aspera

hip extension and knee flexion


distal half of anterior humerus

head of fibula coranoid process and ulnar tuberosity of ulna


lateral supercondylar ridge of humerus styloig process of radius

elbow flexion


coracoid process of scapula

medial surface of mid humeral shaft

Deltoid (anterior) Deltoid (middle)

Outer third of the clavicle Acromium process

deltoid tuberosity deltoid tuberosity

Deltoid (Posterior)

Spine of Scapula

deltoid tuberosity

flex/adduct shoulder joint shoulder flexion/medial rotation, shoulder adduction and can assist in shoulder abduction Shoulder Abduction shoulder extension, lateral rotation, horizontal abduction, can assist in abduction

Extensor carpi radialis brevis

lateral condyle of humerus

base of third metacarpal

wrist extension and radial deviation

Abductor pollicus brevis

hip adduction hip adduction hip adduction Elbow extension

elbow flexion

Extensor carpi radialis longus

lower third of supracondylar ridge of humerus

Extensor carpi ulnaris Extensor digit minimi

lateral condyle of humerus lateral epicondyle of humerus

Extensor digitorum

lateral epicondyle of humerus

Extensor digitorum longus

Fibula, interosseous membrance, tibia distal phalanx of four lesser toes

MP/IP extension extends four toes and assists in ankle dorsiflexion

Extensor hallicus longus Extensor indicis

Fibula and interosseous dorsal surface of ulna

distal phalanx of great toe index finger extensor expansion

extends first toe and assists in ankle dorsiflexion and foot inversion MP/IP extension

Extensor pollicus brevis

posterior distal radius

base of proximal phalanx of thumb

extends MP joint of thumb

Extensor pollicus longus

middle posterior ulna and interosseous base of distal phalanx of thumb

Fibularis (peroneus) brevis Fibularis (peroneus) longus

lateral distal fibula Lateral proximal fibula and interosseous membrane

base of 5th metatarsal plantar surface of first cuneiform and metatarsal

Fibularis tertius Flexor carpi radialis

distal medial fibula medial epicondyle of humerus

base of 5th metatarsal base of 2nd and 3rd metacarpals

etends IP join of thumb Foot eversion, assists in ankle plantar flexion Foot eversion, assists in ankle plantar flexion assists in foot eversion and ankle dorsiflexion wrist flexor, radial deviation

Flexor carpis ulnaris

medial epicondyle of humerus

pisiform and base of 5th metacarpal

wrist flexor, ulnar deviation

Flexor digiti minimi

hamate and flexor retinaculum

base of proximal phalanx of 5th finger

flexes MP of 5th finger

Flexor digitorum longus Flexor digitorum profundus

posterior tibia upper three-fourthds of ulna

distal phalanx of four lesser toes distal phalanx if four digits

flexes toes, assists in plantar flexion Flexes DIP joints

base of second metacarpal

wrist extension and radial deviation

base of 5th metacarpal base of distal phalanc of 5th digit four tendons, one to extensor expansion of each digit

wrist extension and ulnar deviation extends all joints of 5th digit

Flexor hallicus longus Flexor pollicus brevis Flexor pollicus longus

common flexor tendonr (medial epicondyle of humerus), coranoid process of ulna posterior fibular and interosseous membrane trapezium and flexor retinaculum anterior surface of radius


medial and lateral condyles of femur

Gluteus maximus

Flexor digitorum superficialis

either side of the middle phalanx of four digits distal phalanx of great toe proximal phalanx distal phalanx of thumb

Flexes PIP joints flexes great toes and assists in ankle plantar flexion flexes MP of thumb flexes IP of thumb knee flexion, ankle plantar flexion

posterior sacrum and illium

posterior calcaneus posterior femur distal to greater trochanter

Gluteus medius

lateral ilium

greater trochanter

hip abduction and internal rotation

Gluteus minimus

lateral ilium


greater trochanter hip abduction and internal rotation anterior medial surface of proximal end hip adduction of the tibia


pubis iliac fossa, anterior and lateral surfaces lesser trochanter of T12 through L5


Infraspinous fossa of scapula

greater tubercle of humerus

hip extension

hip flexion shoulder lateral rotation/horizontal abduction

Latissimus dorsi

medial surface of temporomandibular joint and neck of mandible lateral side of lateral pterygoid plate spnious processes of T7-L5, posterior surface of sacrum, iliac crest and lower 3 ribs Bicipital groove of humerus

Levator Scapula

Levator Scapula

transverse processes of C1 to C4

scapular elevation and medial rotation


Tendon of FDP

tendon of extensor digitorum


Zygomatic arch

Lateral Surface of Mandibular arms

flex MP joints while extending IP joints Elevation, Protrusion, lateral deviation of the mandible

Lateral Pterygoid

protrusion, lateral deviation shoulder extension, adduction, medial rotation

medial surface of mandibular angle 5th metacarpal first metacarpal

Elevation, Protrusion, lateral deviation of the mandible opposes 5th thumb opposition

Palmar intermediate group Palmaris Longus Pectineus

medial side of lateral pterygoid plate hamate and flexor retinaculum trapezium and flexor retinaculum capitate, base of 2nd metacarpal, palmar surface of 3rd metacarpal medial epicondyle of humerus superior ramus of pubis

base of proximal phalanx of thumb palmar aponeurosis pectineal line of femur

adducts thumb wrist flexion hip flexion and adduction

Pectoralis Major

medial third of the clavical; sternum, costal cartilages of ribs 1-6,

Bicipital groove of humerus

Pectoralis Minor

Anterior surface of ribs 3-5

Coracoid Process of scapula


posterior lateral condyle of femur

posterior calcaneus

Popliteus Pronator Quadratus

medial condyle of tibia Distal fourth of radius

Pronator Teres Rectus femoris

lateral condyle of femur Distal fourth of ulna medial epicondyle of humerus and coranoid process of ulna anterior inferior ilian spine (AIIS)

Rhomboids (Major and Minor)

Nuchal ligament and spinous processes Verterbal border of the scapula of C7 through T5 (between spine and inferior border)


anterior superios iliac spine (ASIS)


ischial tuberosity

proximal medial aspect of tibia posterior surface of medial condyle of tibia


ischial tuberosity

anteromedial surface of proximal tibia hip extension and knee flexion

Serratus Anterior

Laeral surface of the eight upper ribs

vertebral border of the scapula

Medial Pterygoid Opponens digits minimi Opponens pollicus

Shoulder flexion to roughly 60-90

lateral aspect of mid radius tibial tuberosity/patellar tendon

degrees scapula depression, can help with scapula rotation very weak assist in knee flexion and ankle plantar flexion unlocks knee extention to intiate knee flexion forearm pronation forearm pronation (can assist elbow flexion) hip flexion and knee extension

scapular retraction hip flexion, abduction, external rotation, knee medial rotation hip extension, knee flexion

scapular protraction, lower fibres can help laterally rotate the scapula

posterior calcaneus lesser tubercle of humerus

ankle plantar flexion shoulder medial rotation

Supinator Supraspinatus

posterior tibia and fibula subscapular fossa of scapula lateral epicondyle of humerus and adjacent ulna supraspinous fossa of scapula

Anterior surface of proximal radius greater tubercle of humerus


Temporal Lines

Tensor fascia latae

anterior superior iliac spine Axillary border of scapula near inferior angle

Coronoid Process of the mandible iliotibial band and lateral condyle of tibia

forearm supination Shoulder Abduction elevation, retraction, lateral deviation of the mandible

Soleus Subscapularis

Teres Major Teres Minor Tibialis anterior

Axillary Border of scapula lateral tibia and interosseous membrane

lesser tubercle of humerus greater tubercle of humerus first cuneiform and metatarasal navicular and most tarsals and metatarsals

hip abduction and internal rotation shoulder extension, adduction, medial rotation shoulder lateral rotation/horizontal abduction ankle dorsiflexion and foot inversion

Trapezius (Middle)

interosseous, adjacent tibia and fibula Spinous Processes of middle and lower base of spine of scapula thoracic Nuchal Ligament of lower cervical medial aspect of acromion process and vertebrae and spinous processes of spine of scapula upper thoracic

Trapezius (upper)

Occipital Protruderance and nuchal ligament of upper cervical vertebrae

Triceps Brachii

long head - infraglenoid tubercle of scapula; lateral head - inferir to greater tubercle on posterior humerus; medial olecrannon process of ulna head - posterior surface of humerus

elbow extension

Vastus intermedialis

anterior femur

knee extension

Tibialis posterior Trapezius (Lower)

Lateral end of clavicale and acromion process

tibial tuberosity via patellar tendon

ankle plantar flexion and foot inversion depression and lateral rotation of scapula

scapula retraction

Scapular elevation and lateral rotation

Vastus lateralis

linea aspera

tibial tuberosity via patellar tendon

knee extension

Vastus medialis

linea aspera

tibial tuberosity via patellar tendon

knee extension...

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