Notes of documentary Freakonomics PDF

Title Notes of documentary Freakonomics
Author Sarah Leah
Course American Heritage
Institution Utah Valley University
Pages 2
File Size 48.5 KB
File Type PDF
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Notes of documentary Freakonomics...


Names     

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Difference between black names and white names. Most popular white name is jake, most popular black in Deshawn. Black child is more likely to grow up in a poor neighborhood. Someone destiny isn’t determined by their name, it is determined by where they grow up and how they are brought up Blacks earn less a study was done and 5,000 resume that were exactly the same were sent out and half have a black name on and the other half had a white name. The resumes with a black name on them were 33% less likely to get a call It would take a black person with the same abilities as a white person, 5 weeks longer to get the job Name can be largely determined by culture

Cheating Pure Corruption Sumo Wrestling  

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Corruption can be masked by rituals that state purity and history. There was no belief that cheating was in the sport sumo wrestling because it seems impossible to cheat because it’s just two big men trying to get the other out of the ring, they have no help, and no weapons. The stakes are very high so there is an incentive to cheat If you are on top, you can live like a king but if not than you’re just like everybody else. It’s like a pointed step hill, if you’re the best, you live like a king, if you’re not on the very pointed top, than you live a much lower life of luxury They believe that someone who is winning 8 games to 6 will let his opponent win if they are at 7 games to 7 because their opponent needs to win this round in order to progress, but in the turn the opponent that just won the round must allow the person who is winning 8 games to 6 and that let him win, win the next time they are to wrestle. That way they both get more money. It is believed that sumo wrestlers make an agreement before hand of who will win and who won’t and money is exchanged in those deals. One sumo retire came out about the corruption in sumo wrestling naming names and going into explicit detail and another man did too. The sumo association simply said that they were lying. A press conference was set up about the issue but 2 weeks before the press conference the two men died in the same hospital, on the same day and mysteriously from the same respiratory ailment. There was no investigation into these sudden mysterious deaths, no questioned the coincidence of it. Does the sumo wrestling world think they are above the law? A boy in sumo was killed, it was said that he died from natural causes but the body was brutally damaged. The stable master asked for the body to be cremated immediately, but the young boys father demanded and autopsy and they found that the boy had been burned with cigarettes, and beaten to death with beer bottles and baseball bats. He died from the hands of fellow wrestlers

who were ordered by their stable master to punish the boy for trying to run away from the world of sumo. The people were shocked and the public opinion was turned against sumo.

Corruption is in the police force, they tell the public that they solve 96% of crimes but that’s because if they have a murder case that they know who didn’t and can solve it, they says it’s a murder case and they solved it. If there is a murder case and they don’t know who it is and they can’t solve it, they close it as an abandoned body case. There is no law in japan that says that public records must be released after a certain amount of time. Here in American, after 30 years, public records must be released, but in japan, they never have to be released and can be buried forever. It’s not always a wonderful life  

Why has there been a drop in crime when the crime rate was predicted to increase more and more? Levitt believe that the reason why crime rate had dropped was because abortion was made legal in every state, therefore unwanted babies weren’t born and brought up in poverty which usually leads to crime.

Can a 9th grade be bribed to succeed?   

A 9th grade was offered $50 a month if his grades increased? 500 students with bad grads where in the experiment. Would this make students cheat, I think it would. Are these incentives going to last?...

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