NR222 EXAM 1 Review PDF

Title NR222 EXAM 1 Review
Course Health and Wellness
Institution Chamberlain University
Pages 8
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NR222 Exam 1 Review Kahoots Which choice best describes the current definition of Health? A: A state of well-being involving the whole person. Which one of the following is one of the main, overreaching goals for Healthy People? A: Elimination of Health disparities Which response indicators a holistic approach that considers factors that influence the PT? A: Adapting your diet and activity will lower your sugar levels. The client states “Heart disease runs in our family. My blood pressure has been high.” Ex of: A: Client’s risk factor Client is a paraplegic & is in the hospital for electrolyte imbalance. He is receiving the care at A: Secondary Prevention Level Which one of the following indicates a lifestyle risk factor? A: Sunbathing In the Health Belief Model, the nurse recognizes that the focus is placed on the: A: Relation of perceptions and compliance with therapy The Nurse Practice Acts found in all 50 states is an example of what type of law? A: State Statue When is a signed consent form required? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.  For research involving patient  Routine treatment  Hazardous procedures such as surgery  Some treatment programs such as chemotherapy Who would ultimately be responsible for the error? A registered nurse interprets a scribbled medication order by the attending physician as 25mg. The nurse administers 25mg. of the medication to a client, then discovers that the dose was incorrectly interpreted and should have been 15 mg. A: Nurse

Which of the following is true concerning the legalities of death and dying issues? A: Artificial feedings may be refused by clients. The nurse has a responsibility to file an incident report when a client: A: Climbs over the side rails and falls

Which one is an internal variable influencing health and health beliefs and practices? A: Intellectual background True prevention is considered… A: Primary Prevention Chronic Illness is persistent, self-limiting, and usually last longer than 6 months. A: False A patient’s illness behavior is…  How they monitor their bodies  Define and interpret their symptoms  Use the resources in the health care system Correct the order of the “Stages of Change” A: Precontemplation, Contemplation, Preparation, Action, and Maintenance Contemplation does not intend on making changes in the next 3 months A: False The interrelationships of basic human needs is referred to as A: Maslow Hierarchy of Needs A nurse asks about herbal medication, encourages music therapy, and cultural considerations A: Holistic Model If a patient purchase running shoes and joins a gym, this is considered A: Preparation Family Practices are considered an external variable A: True Stress threatens only mental health, not physical well being A: False You notice an open patient file, and close the program, what is the nursing code of ethics? A: Confidentiality

Ethics of care… A: Pay attention to the relationship within the ethical dilemma and Considers stories of individuals involved in ethical issues

Refusing care to a homeless patient would violate which act? A: Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) A nurse notices bruises on the abdomen, knees, and arms of a toddler, which action is correct A: Contact a child abuse hotline Who is responsible for informing patient of risks, complications, and benefits of a procedure? A: Nurse Never events include pressure ulcers and death A: False Risk management includes:  Identifying possible risks  Acting to prevent risks  Turning every patient every 2 hours Failure to notify health care provider of significant changes in the patient’s health status is A: Negligence Restraints are only used to provide safety for the nurse NOT the patient A: False What is Ethics? A: The study of conduct and character Taking a positive action to help other defines which key term? A: Beneficence Answering any questions a patient has about a procedure and protecting their independence A: Autonomy One needs to distinguish between values, facts, and opinions when dealing with the ethical dilemmas A: True

Nonmaleficence refers to A: Avoidance of harm or hurt Steps in processing an Ethical Dilemma. SELECT ALL THAT APPLY  Ask if this is an ethical dilemma  Gather info relevant to the case  Clarify values  Negotiate a plan

Withholding meds because it might further lower a patients B/P is practicing the principle of A: Accountability Which principle is used to encourage the nurse to monitor the patient’s response to pain A: Fidelity Telling your patient you will return in 30 min to give their next pain med defines which COE A: Responsibility Patient Centered Care A: Recognizes the patient as the source of control Nurse gives ordered medicated nebulizer treatment now in 4 hours, which SOP is performed A: Implementation QSEN competencies. SELECT ALL THAT APPLY A: Teamwork and Collaboration, Informatics, and Safety Nursing Practice Act A: Defines the practice of pro nursing, and Sets educational qualifications and requirement for nursing

PowerPoint Slides What are the two overarching goals of Healthy People 2020? A: Increase quality and years of life and Eliminate health disparities. Which of the following agencies or initiatives have been driving forces in health care reform and the prevention of disease in society? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY  Healthy People  U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare  US. Department of Health and Human Services Which of the following indicators is one of the most important determinants of the health of a nation? A: Infant Mortality Rates. What are some of the definitions that support using the term profession to denote the status of nursing? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY  Nursing is considered a profession because it provides a service to society  Nursing is self-governing  Members of the nursing profession are accountable for their actions  Members of a profession abide by the code of ethics. When a nurse utilizes aggressive action on behalf of a care recipient, he or she is considered to be practicing what professional ethical expectation? A: Advocacy Four distinct models have been used to describe concepts of health. Which of the following statements accurately describes the four models? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY  The role performance model of health defines the health in terms of individuals ability to perform social roles  In the adaptive model of health, people’s ability to adjust positively to social, mental, and physiological change is the measure of their health  In the eudaimonistic model, exuberant well-being indicates optimal health Which statement supports the principle of beneficence that overrides a person’s autonomy? A: The Nurse instructs parents that their newborn must be places in a car seat that faces the back of the seat of the car.

Nurse in the school setting can participate in health promotion activities through creating nutfree schools. This would protect hypersensitive children from life-threatening allergic reactions

to peanuts and other nut products. This type of program is an example of which of the following interventions? A: Primary A patient registered at the local fitness center and purchased a pair of exercise shoes. The patient is in what state of behavioral change? A: Preparation When taking care of patients, a nurse routinely asks if they take any vitamins or herbal meds, encourages family members to bring in music that the patient likes to help the patient relax, and frequently prays with her patients if that is important to them. The nurse is practicing which model? A: Holistic A nurse is conducting a home visit with an older-adult couple. Which in the home the nurse weighs each individual and reviews the 3-day food diary with them. She also checks their blood pressure and encourages them to increase their fluids and activity levels to help with their voiced concern about constipation. The nurse is addressing which level of need according to Maslow? A: Physiological Based on the transtheoretical model of change, what is the most appropriate response to a patient who states: “Me, stop smoking? I’ve been smoking since I was 16!” A: “I understand. Can you think of the greatest reason why stopping smoking would be a challenge for you?” A patient had a surgery for a total knee replacement a week ago and is currently participating in daily physical rehab sessions at the surgeon’s office. In what level of prevention is the patient participating? A: Tertiary Prevention The American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics identifies expectations of ethical behavior through which of the following statements? A: The primary goals, values, and obligations of the profession The nurse is teaching about primary prevention and includes which educational statement in the instructions? A: Health teaching about the risk factors of heart disease should be performed

Health is considered to be a metaparadigm (basic components) for nursing and includes which of the following components  Person

  

Health Environment Nursing

Sources of data in the nursing process include: SELECT ALL THAT APPLY  Patient  Family and significant other  Health care Team  Medical Records According to the Nursing Process the mnemonic ADPIE stands for: A: Assessment, Diagnosis, Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation Certain populations considered less than fully autonomous and may require a proxy: SELECT ALL THAT APPLY  Children  People with Alzheimer’s disease  Patient with a recent head injury requiring surgery Informed consents are required for the following situations: SELECT ALL THAT APPLY  Research  Treatments  Surgery  Blood Transfusion The nurse assesses the following risk factors for coronary artery disease (CAD) in a female patient. Which factors are classified as genetic and physiological: SELECT ALL THAT APPLY  Mother died from CAD at 48  History of hypertension  Elevated cholesterol level The nurse assesses a community for evidence of health-promotion strategies: SELECT ALL THAT APPLY  Self- care for minor illness  Environmental changes to enhance clean air  Supporting habitat for humanity house construction

Subjective data includes: SELECT ALL THAT APPLY  Headache  Nausea  Feeling cold

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Abdominal pain Blurred vision

According to the Institute of Medicine, nurses can play a key role in helping realize the objective set forth in the 2020 Affordable Care Act. What are the key roles? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY  Nurses should practice to the full extent of their education and training  Effective workforce planning and policy making require better data collection and an improved info infrastructure  Improve education systems should promote seamless academic progression

MATCHING  Autonomy: Freedom of Action; Self Determination  Veracity: Devotion to the Truth  Nonmaleficence: Not harming others  Beneficence: To do good, Can conflict with autonomy  Justice: Fairness...

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