NRSG198 Prednisone drug card PDF

Title NRSG198 Prednisone drug card
Course PN Clinical
Institution Fleming College
Pages 2
File Size 75.2 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 56
Total Views 128


Drug card for Clinical...



Classification: Corticosteroid


Prevents the release of substances in the body that cause inflammation and suppresses the immune system.


Expected Outcomes

Side Effects

Health Teaching

Prednisone suppresses the immune system and decrease inflammation in conditions such as asthma, COPD, and rheumatologic diseases. It is also used to treat high blood calcium due to cancer and along with other steroids for adrenal insufficiency.  Hyperglycemia  Insomnia  Increased appetite  Hypertension  Osteoporosis  Edema  Delayed wound healing  blurred vision, eye pain, or seeing halos around lights  swelling, rapid weight gain, feeling short of breath  severe depression, feelings of extreme happiness or sadness, changes in personality or behavior, seizure (convulsions)  bloody or tarry stools, coughing up blood Contact your physician if you have any of the following:  any illness that causes diarrhea  liver disease (such as cirrhosis)  kidney disease

Nursing Interventions     

Thorough health history including allergies, medication use, alcohol and substance use Baseline vitals, intake and output Assess for potential contraindications and drug interactions Thorough pain assessment, including PRQRST components Check dosages carefully

Notify physician if any of the side effects occur

heart disease, high blood pressure, low levels of potassium in your blood  a thyroid disorder  diabetes  a history of malaria  tuberculosis  osteoporosis Rayos, Sterapred, Deltasone 

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