NSG 530 Syllabus 2020-2021 PDF

Title NSG 530 Syllabus 2020-2021
Author Anonymous User
Course Pathophysiology For Adv. Prac.
Institution Wilkes University
Pages 9
File Size 279.6 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 25
Total Views 164




NSG 530 Advanced Pathophysiology Credits: 3 Prerequisites: Graduate Standing Description Description: This course provides an overview of the normal physiologic and pathologic mechanisms of disease and serves as one primary component of the foundation for clinical assessment, decision making, and management. The course will prepare the advanced practice nurse for interpreting changes in normal function that results in symptoms indicative of illness in patients across the lifespan. University Mission To continue the Wilkes tradition of liberally educating our students for lifelong learning and success in a constantly evolving and multicultural world through a commitment to individualized attention, exceptional teaching, scholarship and academic excellence, while continuing the university’s commitment to community engagement. Passan School of Nursing Mission The mission of the Passan School of Nursing is to promote interprofessional practitioners of nursing, who provide quality health care in a constantly evolving multicultural world, engage in lifelong learning, and expand nursing science through scholarship, technology, and academic excellence, while engaging in community service. Course Instructor See the Course Resources Module in D2L- Faculty Contact Information Course Outcomes (CO) Aligned with Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs): At the completion of this course the student will:

1. Compare and contrast physiologic changes across the life span SLOs 1, 2). 2. Analyze the relationship between normal and abnormal physiology across the life span (SLOs 1, 2 4, 5). 3. Synthesize and apply evidence-based research related to pathology of diseases across the life span (SLOs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). 4. Analyze physiologic responses to illness and treatment modalities (SLOs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5).



The course instructor reserves the right to make changes as necessary to this syllabus. If changes are necessitated during the term of the course, the course instructor will immediately notify students of such changes both by individual email communication and posting both notification and nature of change(s) in the course. Required Textbook(s) American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). https://doi.org.10.1037/0000165-000 t h Ha c k e r ,D. , &So mme r s ,N. A.( 20 17) .Awr i t e r ’ sr e f e r e n c e( 9 e d . )&CM Lau nc h Padf o rawr i t e r ' s r e f e r e nc e( Twe nt y Fo urMo nt hsAc c e s s ) .Be d f or d / St .Ma r t i n ’ s

Huether, S. E., McCance, K. L. & Brashers, V. L. (2020). Understanding Pathophysiology 7th ed. Elsevier Mosby. Assignment Descriptions Assignment

Percent of Grade

Module Due


Exam 1



1, 2, 3, 4

Exam 2



1, 2, 3, 4

Exam 3



1, 2, 3, 4

Exam 4



1, 2, 3, 4

PowerPoint Case Study



1, 2, 3, 4,




1, 2, 3, 4

**Assignments are due in the Assignment box by Sunday at 11:59 PM ET of the module listed. Assignments turned in late without previous approval will receive a five point deduction for every day late. COURSE ATTENDANCE DIDACTIC AND CLINICAL; LATE POLICY Students are expected to participate in online classes from the first day of each course, which includes students in clinical courses starting clinical hours at approved clinical sites. Each course assignment including discussion posts contributes towards meeting student learning and course outcomes. Students not participating weekly, as per course expectations, are subject to failing the course. This is inclusive of the following: 2020-2021

Students are only allowed to miss one week of required discussion posts. If more than one week is missed the student will receive a failure for the course, be removed from the course, and be required to retake the course.

Students missing one clinical webinar will fail the course, be removed from the clinical site, and be required to retake the clinical course.

A student unable to meet course requirements as outlined is expected to notify the instructor as soon as the student is aware of the potential conflict. Faculty are not obligated to give credit or make concessions for student missed time. Assignments/discussions turned in late without previous approval will receive a five point deduction for every day late. Proctor Now examination times are 7:00am ET Friday to 11:59 pm ET Monday during the module the examination is scheduled. Students should verify with faculty these test days and times in each classroom. All tests not taken during this period of time will receive a zero. Class Schedule






Course Introduction The Cell Inflammation Repair, regeneration, and fibrosis

Desire to Learn (D2L)



Immunopathology Genetic Disease


1, 2


Infection Autoimmune Disease Cancer



1, 2 Exam 1 (Cancer not included)


Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems


1, 2, 3, 4


1,2, 3, 4


1, 2, 3, 4,

Respirator System 5 Digestive System 6 Exam 2 (Excluding the GI System) Renal and Urologic Systems 7


1, 2, 3, 4


1, 2, 3, 4

Reproductive Systems 8


Hematologic System Alterations of Hematologic Hormonal Regulation

D2L 1, 2, 3, 4 Exam 3(Excluding the Hematologic)


Musculoskeletal System Integument Neurologic System

1, 2, 3, 4 D2L


1, 2, 3, 4 PowerPoint Case Study Due by Sunday 11:59 pm


Review all previous course work

D2L 1, 2, 3, 4 Exam 4



Students are expected to be fully familiar with the current academic regulations as published in the School of Nursing Graduate Program Student Handbook at http://www.wilkes.edu/academics/graduate-programs/mastersprograms/nursing/_assets/NursingGraduateStudentHandbook.pdf ACCREDITATION FOR PASSAN SCHOOL OF NURSING The baccalaureate degree in nursing/master's degree in nursing/ Doctor of Nursing Practice/, and post graduate /APRN certificate programs at Wilkes University are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (http://www.ccneaccreditation.org)." The graduate nursing program in the Passan School of Nursing builds upon The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice (AACN, 2008) http://www.aacnnursing.org/portals/42/publications/baccessentials08.pdf and incorporates the following professional nursing standards and guidelines, along with others identified, for meeting program outcomes:   

The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing (AACN, 2011); http://www.aacnnursing.org/portals/42/publications/mastersessentials11.pdf The Essentials of the Doctoral Education for Advanced Nursing Practice (AACN,2006); and https://www.aacnnursing.org/Portals/42/Publications/DNPEssentials.pdf The Criteria for Evaluation of Nurse Practitioner Programs (National Task Force in Quality Nurse Practitioner Education, 2015); https://cdn.ymaws.com/www.nonpf.org/resource/resmgr/Docs/EvalCriteria2016Fi nal.pdf

APA REQUIRED REFERENCE FORMAT Students are expected to follow the most current APA guidelines. The required manual is listed in the syllabus under Required Textbook(s)/Course References. Students not adhering to the APA guidelines, as outlined, are at risk for violating academic integrity. CLINICAL DRESS CODE (as applicable) Further details can be found in the School of Nursing Graduate Program Student Handbook at http://www.wilkes.edu/academics/graduateprograms/mastersprograms/nursing/_assets/NursingGraduateStudentHandbook.pdf

CLINICAL REQUIREMENTS (as applicable) Students are responsible for arranging clinical experiences and selecting preceptors and mentors. Please see Clinical Requirements in the School of Nursing Graduate Program Student Handbook at http://www.wilkes.edu/academics/graduateprograms/masters-programs/nursing/_assets/NursingGraduateStudentHandbook.pdf CONDUCT OF STUDENTS IN CLINICAL SETTINGS (as applicable) 2020-2021

Further details can be found in the School of Nursing Graduate Program Student Handbook at http://www.wilkes.edu/academics/graduate-programs/mastersprograms/nursing/_assets/NursingGraduateStudentHandbook.pdf COURSE ATTENDANCE CLINICAL AND DIDACTIC Further details can be found in the School of Nursing Graduate Program Student Handbook at http://www.wilkes.edu/academics/graduate-programs/mastersprograms/nursing/_assets/NursingGraduateStudentHandbook.pdf COURSE TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION Students are responsible for the compatibility of the hardware of their computer systems with Wilkes University technology requirements. Please see the following link for further information: http://wilkes.edu/academics/graduate-programs/grad-campuslife/technology-resources.aspx EXPECTATIONS FOR DISTANCE EDUCATION Details are outlined in the School of Nursing Graduate Program Student Handbook at http://www.wilkes.edu/academics/graduateprograms/mastersprograms/nursing/_assets/NursingGraduateStudentHandbook.pdf FEES Additional fees are required for select courses in the Graduate Nursing Program. The fee schedule for the academic year is outlined in the School of Nursing Graduate Program Student Handbook at http://www.wilkes.edu/academics/graduate-programs/mastersprograms/nursing/_assets/NursingGraduateStudentHandbook.pdf GRADING POLICY Structure The following grading structure is applied to grading for graduate nursing work within the School of Nursing: 4.0/94-100=A Academic achievement of superior quality 3.5/87-93= B+Academic achievement of good quality 3.0/83-86= B Academic achievement of acceptable quality in meeting graduation requirements 2.5/78-82= C+Academic achievement of adequate quality but below the average required for graduation 2.0/73-77 =C Academic achievement below the average required for graduation 0.0/72 below=F Failure. No graduate course credit. A grade of "X" indicates assigned work yet to be completed in a given course. Except in scholarly project work, grades of "X" will be given only in


exceptional circumstances. Grades of "X" must be removed through satisfactory completion of all course work no later than four weeks for 12 week courses and 2 weeks for 8 week courses, after the end of the final examination period of the semester in which the "X" grade was recorded. Failure to complete required work within this time period will result in the conversion of the grade to 0. An extension of the time allowed for the completion of work should be endorsed by the instructor in the form of a written statement and submitted to the Registrar. Further details on grade appeals can be found in the School of Nursing Graduate Program Student Handbook at http://www.wilkes.edu/academics/graduate-programs/mastersprograms/nursing/_assets/NursingGraduateStudentHandbook.pdf PROCTOR NOW Students enrolled in courses with examinations are required by policy to complete these by taking proctored exams online from anywhere using a webcam and a high speed internet connection. Information is provided in the first section of the course. Course faculty will provide further direction on these requirements. STUDENT CONDUCT Graduate students are obligated to observe the regulations governing all Wilkes University students relative to: • Academic honesty and integrity; • Respect for the rights of others relative to their safety, welfare and educational commitments; • The safety and security of the entire community. Any disciplinary cases arising from a lack of observance of these regulations will be adjudicated by the Dean of the appropriate college or school and the Office of Student Affairs. Appeals from the decisions of this Committee may be made in written form to the Provost. Students are required to follow the Expectations for Distance Education and Professionalism policy as outlined in the School of Nursing Graduate Program Student Handbook at http://www.wilkes.edu/academics/graduateprograms/mastersprograms/nursing/_assets/NursingGraduateStudentHandbook.pdf TURN IT IN Turnitin® software is applied as a formative process to help students develop and improve scholarly writing skills, while promoting academic honesty. Students are required to check the Assignment boxes of each course to see if Turnitin® is integrated into the LIVE Assignment box tool and required in that class. An icon will appear in the Assignment box area next to each assignment as appropriate. Once the student submits the assignment and Turnitin® is integrated into the LIVE Assignment box tool similarity reports 2020-2021

are automatically produced for any submissions. Further information is available in each course of the learning management system and in the School of Nursing Graduate Program Student Handbook at http://www.wilkes.edu/academics/graduate-programs/mastersprograms/nursing/_assets/NursingGraduateStudentHandbook.pdf TYPHON (NP Clinical Courses) Typhon is one system used in the program to document and track the required NP clinical hours and patient encounter details for each clinical course. This information will be used by students and faculty to document that the required clinical hours for each course are met, that students are seeing an appropriate patient mix related to age and NP specialty, and that the total clinical hour requirements to sit for national board certification and state certification or licensure are met. Additionally, students can use all of the detailed information contained in the clinical encounter log to document and print a portfolio that can be used to find your first clinical position after graduation. Further information is available in each clinical course of the learning management system. STUDENT SERVICES Disability/Disability Support Services: For more information on Disability Support Services, see the following link: http://wilkes.edu/academics/colleges/university-college/disability-supportservices-dss IT Help Desk: Wilkes University IT offers 24/7 computer support to students on- and offcampus through the Help Desk. For more information on the Help Desk, see the following link: http://www.wilkes.edu/about-wilkes/offices-andadministration/information-technology-services/faculty-staff/help-desk.aspx Library: For more information on the Library, see the following link: http://www.wilkes.edu/library Graduate Nursing Academic Resource Center: For more information on the Writing Resource Center, see the following link: http://wilkes.libguides.com/gradnursing



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