9552-S2DA-9561 SU2 2018 MW 530-723 Syllabus Dukette PDF

Title 9552-S2DA-9561 SU2 2018 MW 530-723 Syllabus Dukette
Author Sean Boland
Course Business Communication II: Communicating Quantitative And Te
Institution Baruch College CUNY
Pages 7
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Business Communications Program

Business Communications II BUS9552-S2DA (9561) Summer 2 2018

Instructor Name: Prof. Linda Dukette M.S. Instructor Contact Information: [email protected] (I will respond to emails within 24 hours) Office Hours: By appointment Class name: Business Communications II: Communicating Quantitative and Technical Information Credits: 1.5 Meeting dates and times: July 16-August 16, Mon/Wed, 5:30-7:23pm About the Instructor: Linda Dukette M.S. TESOL has more than 30 years of experience as a senior marketing and advertising executive with AT&T, Ford Motor, M&M Mars, NY Air, Pan Am, TWA, WPP, and other companies. She is a board emerita of Advertising Women of New York.

Business Communications II BUS9552 Course Description As opportunities in the financial and IT services sectors evolve, professionals face increasing specialization complicated by the need to convey complex, quantitative information to diverse audiences in both formal and informal settings. This course is designed to help analysts, traders, brokers, risk managers, auditors, researchers, and consultants speak and write clearly and persuasively to a wide variety of stakeholders.

Learning Outcomes Students will be able to:  Craft and adapt effective messages for multiple audiences  Deliver actionable financial and technical information to internal and external stakeholders  Understand how information intermediaries help and hinder effective communication  Select appropriate communication channels based on unique corporate environments, cultures and objectives  Present ideas confidently and persuasively in writing and in person  Explain concepts, products, and multi-tiered services precisely without condescension or obfuscation  Develop a compelling communication style while being constantly aware of, and responsive to industrial change

Course Organization This case-based course will demand extensive reading and analysis as well as oral and written presentations. Participation in discussions, role play, and attendance at lectures is essential to successful performance.

BUS9552-S2DA (9561) SU2 2018 MW 5:30-7:23pm Syllabus Dukette


Course Expectations Students are expected to have sincere interest in earning positions that demand polished, persuasive, and strategic communication capabilities. This is an intense workshop-based, handson course. This means that it is essential for students to attend every session, on time and in full, participate in all discussions, activities and exercises and complete and submit all assignments as scheduled.

Prerequisites Business Communication I (BUS9551)

Required Materials Book (Available at the Baruch Bookstore, www.barnesandnoble.com or www.amazon.com) Munter, M. (2014). Guide to managerial communication: Effective business writing and speaking (10th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. Articles and Case Studies Use this link to purchase the Harvard course pack.

https://hbsp.harvard.edu/import/550678 Note: When purchasing these articles and case studies from Harvard Business Publishing, be sure to use your Baruch College email address to receive student discount AND the link that your professor posts on the Blackboard site. Baldoni, J. (2002). Effective leadership communications: It’s more than talk. Harvard Management Communication Letter, pp. 3-5. Ballaro, B. & Bielaszaka-DuVernay, C. (2005). Building a bridge over the river boredom. Harvard Management Communication Letter, pp. 3-5. Battilana, J., Delong, T., & Weber, J. (2009, December 7). Echoing green. Harvard Business School Cases, pp. 1-15. Clayton, J. (2003). Writing an executive summary that means business. Harvard Management Communication Letter, pp. 3-4. Eccles, R.G., & Sherman, E. (2009). KPMG (b): Risk and reform. Harvard Business School Cases, pp. 1-4. Kuperman, J.C. (2002). Communicating strategy to financial analysts. Business Horizons, pp. 11-18. Miller, G.S., Dessain, V. & Sjöman, A. (2005). Investor relations at TOTAL. Harvard Business School Cases, pp. 1-30. Obuchowski, J. 2005). A winning proposition. Harvard Management Communication Letter, pp. 3-4. Wreden, N. (2002). Making your proposal come out on top. Harvard Management Communication Letter, pp. 3-5. Websites Beginner’s guide to financial statements. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. http://www.sec.gov/investor/pubs/begfinstmtguide.htm

BUS9552-S2DA (9561) SU2 2018 MW 5:30-7:23pm Syllabus Dukette


VOCAT This is a VOCAT-enabled class. Therefore, you will be required to video each other using your smartphone and post the videos to Baruch’s VOCAT system. The web address is baruch.vocat.io You log in with your Baruch ID. Instructions for uploading videos and using VOCAT are available on the VOCAT site and on Blackboard. Turnitin.com All written assignments must be submitted electronically through http://www.turnitin.com. Course name: 9552S2DASu2018 Class ID: 18452425 Enrollment password: 9552_MW It is your responsibility to submit written assignments to turnitin.com by the due date; any assignments missing from turnitin.com will NOT be graded. Cell Phone Policy Many of you feel the need to respond immediately to friends and family during class. Be advised that if you were in a meeting at work, it would not be tolerated. If your boss caught you texting, this behavior would create a negative impression. Going to school is a job as well. In class, your disregard for the subject matter at hand makes you less desirable as a group member, less effective as a class member, and only serves to lower your grade. Please refrain from texting until breaks. Constant and chronic texting throughout the term will be noted and can result in lowering your grade up to one full mark. If you are asked to not text during class and persist, you will be asked to leave and will be marked absent. Course Communication

A Blackboard site will be used to post course notes, details about class assignments and additional resources. Grading Policies Please note that students are required to turn in all assignments. Failure to submit any assignment may result in a student failing the entire course 1. Email on Banking, Finance, Accounting or IT Company Based on News Article—5% 2. KPMG Email—5% 3. Financial Consultant Group Presentation—15% 4. Written Responses to Investment Relations at TOTAL Questions—5% 5. TOTAL Road Show Group Role-Play—15% 6. Proposal Research and Annotated Bibliography—10% 7. Group Proposal PowerPoint Slides or Deck—10% 8. Group Proposal Presentation—20% (Individual 10%; Group 10%) 9. Participation 15%

Required Formatting Students are expected to use APA (American Psychological Association) format for all written assignments. For more information on APA formatting, please visit the Baruch College Library resource:http://guides.newman.baruch.cuny.edu/content.php? pid=128332&sid=1101326&search_terms=APA+forma

BUS9552-S2DA (9561) SU2 2018 MW 5:30-7:23pm Syllabus Dukette


Academic Integrity Academic dishonesty is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Cheating, forgery, plagiarism and collusion in dishonest acts undermine the college’s educational mission and the students’ personal and intellectual growth. Baruch students are expected to bear individual responsibility for their work and to uphold the ideal of academic integrity. Any student who attempts to compromise or devalue the academic process will be sanctioned. Additional information can be found at: http://www.baruch.cuny.edu/academic/academic_honesty.html. Please understand that a report of suspected academic dishonesty will be sent to the Dean of Students office. Instructors are required to report suspected academic dishonesty. Course Schedule Note: Instructor reserves the right to adjust the schedule based on the need of the class.



Reading Assignment Due

Graded Assignments Due

1 Mon 7/16

 Introduction  Course Outline  Needs Assessment Form

2 Wed 7/18

 Overview of Leadership Communication  KPMG Case Study  Review Email Assignment

 J. Baldoni’s, Effective Leadership. Communication: It’s More Than Talk, pp. 3-5.  KPMG (B) Risk and Reform Case Study, pp.1-4 .  Review Munter, pp. 5370

 Email on Banking, Finance, Accounting or IT Company based on Newa Article

3 Mon 7/23

 KPMG Discussion  Financial Consultant Group Presentation Preparation

 SEC’s How to Read Financial Statements.  Review Munter, pp. 85104

 KPMG Email

4 Wed 7/25

 Financial Consultant Group Presentations

 J.C. Kuperman’s Communicating Strategy to Financial Analysts.

 Financial Consultant Group Presentation

5 Mon 7/30

 Investor Relations at TOTAL Case Study  TOTAL Road Show Role-Play Preparation

 Investor Relations at TOTAL Case Study, pp. 1-30.  Review Munter, pp. 10540

6 Wed

 TOTAL Road Show-Role Play

BUS9552-S2DA (9561) SU2 2018 MW 5:30-7:23pm Syllabus Dukette

 Written Responses to Investor Relations at TOTAL Questions


8/1 7 Mon 8/6

8 Wed 8/8

 Echoing Green Case Study  Small and Whole Group Discussions  Group Planning for final presentation

 Soliciting Investors  Small and Whole Group Discussions  Prep Final Presentation

9 Mon 8/13

 Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship  Review EG Project

10 Wed 8/15

 Final Presentations

 Echoing Green Case Study, pp. 1-15.

 Begin Research  Outline roles

 Solicitation Email (to be  J. Obuchowski’s A written in-class) Winning Proposition  Ballaro & et.alBuilding a Bridge over the River Boredom, pp. 3-5  Wreden’s Making Your Proposal Come Out on Top, pp. 3-5

 J. Clayton’s, Writing an Executive Summary That Means Business, pp. 3-4

Annotated Bibliography

Group Proposal Slides Student Group Presentations

Assignments Email on Banking, Finance, Accounting or IT Company Based on News Article Choose a current newspaper article (e.g. Wall Street Journal, New York Times) on a banking, finance, accounting or IT company. Write an email (limit 300 words) to your instructor in which you:  Summarize the article in your own words (Include a link to the article.)  Identify key stakeholders  Explain what communication issues the company is facing  Make sure to include a subject line, salutation, body, next steps, and closing. KPMG Email You are Tim Flynn, Chairman of KPMG. Write an email (no more than 500 words) to employees in which you describe how they may raise concerns inside the company, without fear of retaliation. Explain how this will benefit KPMG. You may want to refer to Munter’s Guide to Management Communication: Effective Writing and Speaking in order to organize your email. Your email should be clear, concise, accurate, persuasive, and effective. Financial Consultant Group Presentation You will work in a group. Your team is trying to win a new client. This client is intelligent and welleducated but a novice when it comes to financial matters. He/she has asked your team to explain financial statements. Using the Beginner’s Guide to Financial Statements, from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, each team member must:

BUS9552-S2DA (9561) SU2 2018 MW 5:30-7:23pm Syllabus Dukette


  

Present at least 1 type of financial statement Use PowerPoint slides to illustrate your presentation Incorporate 1-2 real-world examples to support explanation

(Hint: How will you persuade prospective clients to use your firm? Why does your firm stand out? You may want to refer to Munter’s Guide to Management Communication: Effective Writing and Speaking in order to organize and deliver your presentation.) Your presentation should be clear, concise, and accurate. Transitions between speakers should be smooth. Body language and visuals need to be effective. The entire presentation should be no more than 10 minutes. Written Responses to Investment Relations at TOTAL Questions Write answers to each of the following questions (max 100 words per question): 1. What are the key aspects of TOTAL’s financial communication strategy? What are the goals, what type of information do they provide, and how is this information communicated? 2. How has TOTAL’s history impacted the development of its communication strategy? 3. Do you believe TOTAL’s approach to financial communication will need to be adjusted given the currently strong and volatile performance in the oil and gas industry? 4. What do TOTAL executives mean when they say they have, “one message with different emphasis for different groups”? Given the broad range of stakeholders, do you agree with TOTAL’s decision to integrate all communications within the single message? Could TOTAL be more effective if it created individualized communications for each group? TOTAL Road Show Role-Plays As a precursor to one of the twice-a-year road shows to industry analysts and institutional investors, the TOTAL market research team is preparing TOTAL’s senior leadership. In an internal meeting, the market research team must present the rationale for the direction the company is taking. Using data to tell the story, they will present the strategy and data-driven information to insure that the executives are well-prepared to support and answer the questions from industry analysts and institutional investors. Each team member must have a speaking role. The role-play should be 7-9 minutes. Be sure to include:  Clear, concise, and accurate statistical information  Compelling strategy  Persuasive rationale  Effective body language Solicitation Email Create a short email in which you solicit money from a potential investor in Echoing Green. (How will you persuade your investor? What would you focus on? Be sure to include:  Strategy, rationale, data  Subject line, salutation, body, and next steps

Group Research Project-References, Summaries, Analysis and Pyramid (Annotated Bibliography) for Presentation to Echoing Green. Refer to the detailed Annotated Bibliography Assignment on Blackboard You will work in a group. Each team member will research 3-5 sources to be included in a single document for the entire team’ chosen topic. You must identify each team member’s section and one team member will post the entire document on turnitin.com. Be sure to give the bibliography a (working) title with your presentation’s topic and point-of-view. Part of good writing and presenting is gathering information and that it supports the argument (or counter-argument) that you are putting forth. Whether writing a white paper, report,

BUS9552-S2DA (9561) SU2 2018 MW 5:30-7:23pm Syllabus Dukette


presentation deck, recommendation or proposal, good information is the foundation upon which to build your argument/counter-argument. Just as important, it demonstrates your ability to reason, i.e. your logic. This assignment asks you to research your topic and find information that validates and supports your argument. Also, you are required to rank the information according to various dimensions that help you think about the information and its value to your overall argument. Understand that not all information is perfect. Therefore, finding various sources to support your argument allows you to see different points of view and understand how sources fit together to make an argument solid. In addition to finding and ranking the information, you must cite, summarize and justify how you will use the information in your document or presentation. These steps help you further consider what the information is and where it will be most helpful in building and validating your argument. Group Proposal PowerPoint Slides or Deck Create a set of PowerPoint slides or deck for the Echoing Green Group Proposal presentation. For a 15 minute presentation, you should incorporate no more than 12-13 slides. You will be evaluated on:  Effectiveness of agenda and closing slides  Use of white space  Appropriateness of font  Appropriateness of color  Effectiveness of charts, graphs, and pictures  Use of parallel structure  Effectiveness of cohesion (logical connections and transitions between slides)  Use of slides to support ideas Group Proposal Presentation Your group will have 15 minutes to present its proposal to Echoing Green. You must use PowerPoint or a deck and each group member must speak. At the end of the presentations, the class will vote on which proposal should receive funding. (Hint: Think about how you will capture your audience’s attention, explain your proposal and persuade your audience.

BUS9552-S2DA (9561) SU2 2018 MW 5:30-7:23pm Syllabus Dukette


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